Communication with Capt. Helena of the Capricorn. 21 September 2005
Lavar: Welcoming Helena.
Helena: Good morning. If my sources of telepathic reports are correct, then this should be the day when the final deliveries of the bank documents are completed. Then there will be the big announcement. We truly hope that this time there will be no further delays. It has been a frustrating experience for us, and I am sure for many of you, that those who oppose the great change in your government would be so dedicated and successful in preventing the final distribution of what you call the prosperity funds. At any rate, the culmination of that effort will soon occur. Your nation will again be restored to proper government. The Air Force will soon be given, at least that is what we are being told, the recision of the order to try to shoot down any of our shuttles. For us that will be the day that we have waited for, and planned for, these many of your years. We shall be able to demonstrate to you that we come in peace. That is the great effort that we must successfully demonstrate. We are here to help Mother Earth and its people. That is our assignment, our goal, and we shall succeed. We do not give up and leave. We are here to fulfill a great mission that will help further glorify this earth and provide much good for its inhabitants. However, you must remember that our starshp is only assigned to North America. There are other starships assigned to other parts of Mother Earth. We are to be the first to land and begin our efforts because your nation is the greatest polluter of the world and that is where the tasks are scheduled to begin. It will not be long now and we shall be landing and showing ourselves, that we come in peace, and that we are, indeed, alien to your world. That is my message for you. Nothing new except that we are determined to help get "the show on the road" as you would say.
Lavar: Dear Helena, your ability to extract some of the phrases from my mind amuses me. Yes, I would say, "let's get the show on the road!" We shall be most delighted to see you at your coming. I have been asked to ask you if there are other aliens who are trying to stop your efforts or is the problem strictly among some of us earthlings?
Helena: There have been some other aliens who do not have the love or respect for you that we have. However, they have not been around since our coming over a decade ago. We encouraged them to leave you alone. They had been known to sample some of your earth animals including a few humans. However, they will not be allowed to be here and they know it. Your biggest problem is of your own doing, and you are solving that problem.
Lavar: Thank you dear Helena, I shall be delighted to learn of the hour and day of your coming and will do my best to have others there to witness your arrival and take pictures and videos. My blessings on you and your crew. ternet linkage?