Through Mike Quinsey 09.30.05
I am Ker-On from Venus, and I come again to tell you about my home planet. I refer to a higher dimension where Venus exists in the glory of its crystal cities and beauty that projects harmony and balance. You could say that we are already that which you will be experiencing in your Golden Age. Venus for all of its beauty is not comparable to Earth, as Earth was originally envisaged. When you descended upon it, it was of unparalleled beauty. In those early days of this cycle you were already coming from higher levels where there was beauty and harmony and it was accepted as quite normal. However, as your vibrations decreased and freewill was used in a negative way, disharmony crept in and you experienced the first indications of a breaking up.
As you progress spiritually ever upwards, you will find that there is always a higher group ahead of you. Unlike your experiences upon Earth, you would find that you hold council with the higher Beings who oversee your progress. These Beings of Light come amongst you and converse with you, and all proceeds in much harmony under their direction. You will choose the path you wish to take, and at various times you may join the consciousness of a different group for the experiences they can offer you. All of the time your consciousness grows until the ultimate, when you return to the One.
On Earth you have largely forgotten who you are, and many feel detached from the main consciousness of Humanity. Nevertheless, you are connected and your thoughts and actions affect the collective consciousness. At present there is a great lifting up taking place, and the vibration is increasing as the love energies grow exponentially. Everything feels the benefit, and whilst some wrestle with it most anchor it within, and are finding that elusive peace that they seek. More of you are becoming Lightworkers, and much is taking place that is dispelling the dark. A great transformation is taking place and your planet is becoming a more beautiful orb, more so than it has been for eons of time.
Venus has always played a major part in your development and your evolution. It carries the Mother Goddess Ray of Love and has very much influenced you, and the dominance of the Male Ray has now become more balanced. This has brought to you more Love and Compassion and these are qualities that are very much needed as you approach a period of major changes. We see you All as One, and when we look at you we see beyond the outer physical vehicle and the Light shining within.
Those who have represented the dark in this final playing out of the cycle of duality, are simply bound by their own dark energies and even their souls look for a way to come back to the Light. Once they have acknowledged the karmic roles they elected to play, as with everyone who usurps the Law of the One, they will of their own volition seek to make amends. Their experience has also been yours, and together a great period of learning has taken place. Some will be called upon Earth to answer for their actions, and people will see that Man’s Laws cannot be broken with impunity. This realization must come to all as there are lessons to be learnt before this cycle closes.
You have a saying about not hitting a man when he is down, and events will be a harsh examination of your personal abilities to exercise compassion. You can recognize the deeds that have taken place outside of the Light, but understand that at different times you have all experienced the dark side first hand. There are none who are without such experience, and as you now stand in your own Light be gracious and share it with those who have yet to climb back. It will happen, and no one is deserted or destined to remain in the dark forever. No one is destined to remain in the Hell of their own making, and great Beings have emerged following their own purification.
My Dear Friends, you are magnificent Beings in your own right. Some are beginning to realize it and they will rise up as your leaders and take you into the final period of change. Be assured that all is perfectly planned, and all will go into completion so that you can go forward with a full understanding of who they really are. You are beginning to see your powers return, and are also becoming aware that the changes are in your own hands. You have the power to manifest the energies that will set off a chain reaction that will bring the walls of the dark tumbling down. Then you will see how quickly wonderful changes will take place.
We the Venusians are not major players in the events about to unfold. However, we have close links with you and have played our part to bring you Light and understanding. We are very much a part of your early UFO history, and our famous scout ships have often sparked your curiosity. Remember that you too are what you call Space Beings, and your links are also off Earth. Soon you will accept your heritage quite easily and our presence upon Earth will seem quite natural. Put aside fear, the Federations approach you in peace and their purpose in coming will be made quite clear. You need us to complete your present cycle, and restore your Earth from the ravages of time and Man’s interference with nature.
I am Ker-On and thank you for allowing me to present another view of your pending changes. You are doing so marvelously well, and there is absolutely no doubt as to the outcome which shall see you celebrating permanent peace very soon. From there onwards, a wonderful coming together of all races and creeds will take place, and it shall be a time for great advancement. May the love carry you forward on a wave of exultation and fulfill your dreams.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey