Through Mike Quinsey 09.29.05
You must feel that the end of your present era is very near. We see the energies of earth are in turmoil, yet for all that the Light strongly shines out. It has grown so much in recent times and more people are drawing their strength from it, and are becoming very calm and positive in their work. The unease which was once felt by the Lightworkers has now transferred itself to those of the dark. They are becoming very unsettled and are in turmoil as their leaders are in retreat. As a result, their focus is wavering and they are creating their own pitfalls.
What is happening is the final collapse of an administration that has reached beyond its means. It is now in decline and sinking fast, and they are at their wits end as to how to save their secret agenda. The Illuminati realize the appointment of their man as President has failed miserably and they now consider how to be rid of him. I tell you that it is too late, and the momentum of what has been set in place cannot now be stopped. Even those who have loyalties to your President are in doubt, and presently no one has any idea how to save the situation. The writing is on the wall, and unavoidable changes will take place within a comparatively short time.
There are many dedicated people within the halls of power, and they simple wait for the right opportunity to take over the mantle of leadership. Life is always about seizing an opportunity when it comes your way, and recognizing it for what it is. This applies through almost everyone’s lives, and many look back and rue missed opportunities. Everyone can contribute to manifesting the changes that have been expected for quite some time. When you think and feel how things will be, give those thoughts the energy of certainty. Live them as though they are with you now, and you will be doing as much as is possible.
So far you have done remarkably well in keeping your focus steady and on your goal. Each day you sense you are a little nearer to success and so you find an extra impetus that lifts everything another notch. We have a certain leeway where events upon Earth are concerned, and we respond to your urging for help. Sometimes there are factors involved that prevent our intervention, but given the authority we can often bring about the desired result. Much of our time is spent in the roles of preventing certain actions from being carried out, and an escalation of the plans to cause further chaos.
Dear Ones, we are in control and there is no conceivable way that we can lose our grip on earthly events. All of the time we continually re-assess our plans, and there will be absolutely no delay once we are allowed to announce to you our coming to Earth. We will ensure that we acknowledge your protocol and although there will naturally be some apprehension; we believe we can quickly give the assurances that are needed.
Many will be surprised that we arrive at the command of the Creator, as their understanding does not allow for such considerations. We carry out the Creator’s bidding as His/Her Plan is not even fully known to us. This will help you understand how the Hierarchy, the Galactic Federation and other councils work in allegiance to those of the Light. We have reached that point already where we carry out the Will of God. You too will also have reached that level before you finally Ascend. Spiritual progress and understanding will always lead you along this particular path, and you take it into the higher realms when you know you are ready. At all times you exercise a certain freedom of choice, but once you fully enter the realms of Light only the Truth can exist.
You will know us as ET’s but not all as such are members of the Federation. You have had visitations from others such as the Greys who are not yet ready to move into the Light. Although technologically they are far in advance of you, in many ways they are not as spiritually aware. These particular ET’s will not participate in the changes, and once peace has been declared they will leave your Earth at our request. The reason you have not been visited by other than a small number of unevolved ET’s, is that we have always protected you and the Earth from their attention. There are many who would see Earth as a prize worth having as it is rich in minerals.
Even now we have a protective shield around Earth, and together with our presence and the technology we use you are safe. We currently have a series of rings around your Earth that comprise of our various ships prepared and ready to supply your needs. The task we have would be formidable by your standards, but not by ours. In the scheme of things, Earth is a relatively small planet and one we are fully prepared to restore. In short time you will not recognize it, as all of that which is not natural will be removed.
Your grasslands and forests will be restored quicker than you would believe possible. We have technologies that allow for transplanting of trees and the introduction of new ones, that will take care of areas that have been devastated by Man’s work. This of course will be stopped and there will be absolutely no necessity to continue in this way. All of your needs will be provided in such a way that the Earth will no longer need to provide for you. The greatest changes will be in your use of natural free energies that abound in Space, and fossil fuels and the like will disappear as things of the past. You will no longer labor long hours to provide for each other, and the essentials you need will be freely available. It is quite possible to eventually exist without your monetary systems, and still enjoy a fulfilling life.
I am SaLuSa and a member of the Sirian Fleet and I am pleased to have been able to come again. I say look ahead and let the old Earth and its ways slide into your history books. Live the new now, it is very near to manifestation and be ready for the greatest step in evolution that you have ever taken. Very special events are about to open up for you, and lift you from out of the lower vibrations. You are in exciting times and we of the Federation are proud to be associated with you. You and Mother Earth are extremely special to us, and we Love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey