Saturday, September 03, 2005

Violino St. Germain -" events on Earth are climaxing, I ask you to be centered within yourself.."

Through Mike Quinsey 08.30.05

" events on Earth are climaxing, I ask you to be centered within yourself and through this you will be able to help keep them under control"

What is it that everyone seeks in life, it is happiness and one person’s idea of it is not necessarily the same as another’s. It is fulfillment and enjoyment, a thought of something done well, an achievement or the love of another person. Can you really put your finger on what it is, and can it be your version of what it means in your life. Is happiness perhaps the satisfaction of doing something nice for someone else?

For many wealth is seen as the means to obtain happiness, but even so it cannot be bought. It can be a fleeting experience, and is it not true that it takes little to make you unhappy. Happiness on an individual basis is doing that which you knew you came to Earth to do, being on your path that was chosen by you. Deep down you already know what it is you came to achieve, and strangely enough your experiences will be such that those that are the more challenging the greater will be your degree of satisfaction.

You are beginning to understand that both the Light and dark are part of your experiences. One enables you to appreciate and understand the other. Even those who have elected to play the part of the dark are happy when they achieve their goals. Much of this is however momentary, and sensual pleasures are fleeting and soon forgotten. In the seeking of happiness for self many avenues are explored, and sometimes in being successful it is to the detriment of another. These are the lessons of life, and you can measure how acceptable they are according to whether they are harmful to others.

Some people can be terribly unhappy because they cannot see any purpose to their life. They search for the reason they are on Earth and wonder what it is they are meant to do. So what is it that is missing, could it be an understanding of their Godself? I would say yes, as once you realize that you already have what you need, things in your life will take on a new meaning. You have an expression of “Let Go – Let God” and this is such good advice.

When you know that you are part of the whole and all relate in a meaningful way, it tells you that you also have an important part to play. Everyone is unique and the size of the contribution you make is not of importance. Happiness is about your confidence that everything in your life is pre-ordained, that it has a purpose and that you can leave it in the hands of God. It is about your faith and acceptance that your path will have been created with exactly the opportunities that you need to further your experience.

Happiness is seeing all through the eyes of love, and loving every one and everything around you. Knowing that everything carries the spark of God, and that all is connected through this all pervading energy. God in his/her wisdom has created everything, and the dark has its place as well as the Light. When you came down from the higher levels and took on the challenge of duality, you were aware that you would be called upon to experience all facets of it. This you happily accepted as part of your Love of God. Now we find the true key to happiness, the one that opens all other doors. The knowing that God walks with everyone on their journey, even if they deny it. Knowing that you are never forsaken regardless of how far you merge with the dark.

Dear Ones, many times I call for compassion for those of the dark. I remain steadfast in this call as passions are in fact running high, as the truth of the activities of the dark is becoming more widely known. Never lose sight of the fact that the dark is a reflection of the energies that Humanity has grounded upon Earth over millennia of time. It is your energy, and it has to surface to enable it to be cleared. It matters not that you no longer contribute to such energies, as you have to confront them as they are here for transmutation. Someone has to carry them so that they can be seen for what they are, and they also knew it was part of their life plan. They may have strayed far from the Light, but one day they will return much greater for their experiences.

When you live your life in love, everything you do brings you happiness. You see love in every person, and you see love in the Creator’s work that is all around you. You see the love as people make sacrifices for others, the love that asks for nothing in return. When everything else is stripped away, Love Is All there Is.

I am St. Germain and as events on Earth are climaxing, I ask you to be centered within yourself and through this you will be able to help keep them under control. Where you see discord and imbalance surround such people or areas in a great energy of love. There is nothing more that you need to do, and you will know that your contribution will help to diffuse matters. The Earth is shaking, and cleansing is well under way, and you may be assured that much work is done at our level to alleviate the affects upon you. Be sensible about the threats that are posed and take care, but do not give further energy to the situation by exhibiting fear. You will find yourself in the right place as the events unfold. Rely on your intuition and your Guides will direct you to that place. Call on us if you are uncertain, and we will be at your side and enfold you in our love.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey