Through Mike Quinsey 08.29.05
"We are ready now to come to you, and our assessment of your situation indicates that we could see that happening before the end of the year"
When you look up that the stars on a clear evening, you see hundreds of them, twinkling at various levels of intensity. Each on is a Sun carrying with it many planets and various life forms. If your atmosphere was clearer, you could well see thousands of Suns seemingly as far as the eye could take you. You would also see part of the spiral arm of your Milky Way Galaxy and able to clearly make out this detail. We of the Galactic Federation travel amongst the stars using the free energy that exists everywhere. You too have become aware of it and see its potential for all your needs.
Man has so far been brilliant at adapting other forms of material for his use, and has the ideas but often not the means of manifesting them. This is part of your development that will bring you nicely into the New Age. When we arrive on your planet we will be able to advance your knowledge into new areas, and show you how to use what is freely around you. Ways that will end the removal of the Earth’s natural resources, and will give you pollution free methods. Except that changes took place, your Earth would not have been able to sustain your needs much longer.
This awareness is becoming general knowledge, but what you need is an instant change to new ways that keep the continuity of life flowing. Without help we see that you would run into trouble very quickly. If you already had the answers to overcome the final dependence on oil, we know that you would have to start introducing new methods, and start changing over now. Your oil reserves will have run out well before the half century was reached. Without it the whole fabric of your society would collapse, and Industry come to a halt.
We ready ourselves to come out into the open, and at such times will introduce you to totally new methods that will cover your needs. We offer these to everyone, as the idea is to advance you all as a whole. There is no place for commercial exploitation or profit and we shall show you how a free society is for the benefit of all. When we first told of the changes that were envisaged, we did so knowing that the old ways had no place in the coming period. When a cycle reaches the end, it is quite definite and a quantum leap forward takes you into a new era. You will be moving rapidly from a material Age to one of Light, where co-creation becomes common place and the power of thought becomes emphatic.
Our coming will lift you up and out of the domination of just the few, and a great spiritual hierarchy will descend upon Earth. Many of you will join it, and be chosen because of your level of spirituality and understanding. Once you see how this totally changes the way you work, you will have no difficulty in accepting it. Those leading you forward will have the goal of what is best for All, and not as hitherto for self. Your “ability to pay” will not be a factor much longer as the services of others will be provided freely, and this is particularly important in areas of health. As you progress into the final years of this cycle, the incoming vibrations are increasing the changes within your body. The more light that you take in, the more you will be moving away from the old risks of experiencing illness, as you will grow beyond it.
With your rejuvenated bodies and the removal of life threatening pollution, eventually everyone will enjoy complete health. Your food and drug industries will also be re-assessed, and the poisoning of your bodies through chemical ingestion will be ended. Drug addiction as such is a problem that can also be easily addressed, and we can safely end a person’s dependency upon them. When we say that we come to make all new again, we really mean it and you will soon realize where your errors were made. This too, is part of your learning process tied in with the total freewill you were granted to experiment and work in Man’s way.
Like a child growing up, you were allowed to make mistakes as part of your learning process. There were many cycles within the major one about to close, and each time a civilization would emerge and reach certain heights of achievement, only to drop back and disappear into your history books. There have been civilizations in the distant past of which you have no knowledge at all. You will learn about these and understand that these were also your experiences as part of your continual lives upon Earth. In the course of time you have edged closer to your own realization of the Truth about yourself and your origin.
Behind everything is the one constant energy that holds it all together, the one energy that is indestructible and the source of all life. We recognize and acknowledge the God force and the Supreme Creator. You too will come to this realization and rather than see a personal God, you will accept a Universal God. It is the one energy and force that all come to recognize. In your material existence, there would have been no point in trying to convey the greater truths to you, it would have been beyond your comprehension. However, as you throw off the chains of the past and move into the future, you will be better able to understand the love and power of the Creator.
Our Oneness with you will soon be recognized, and you will see that we are all on a great journey together. You have never really been separate from us, although we have had to allow you freedom from our interference. Your path of evolution is largely determined by you and your choices, and we would not want to unduly influence you away from it. Now it is a different set of circumstances, and we have a duty to see that you fulfill your desires and receive the promise of changes that will signal the start of your final path out of the cycle of duality.
I am Atmos, one of many Sirians in contact with your Earth. We are ready now to come to you, and our assessment of your situation indicates that we could see that happening before the end of the year. Much is certainly in abeyance, but cannot be held back much longer. We excitedly look forward to our coming meeting, and sense your joy at those thoughts.
Thank you Atmos
Mike Quinsey