Communication with Capt. Helena of the Capricorn. 06 September 2005
Lavar: Welcoming Helena.
Helena: Good morning. Right on schedule. This is a big day for you and many others, if my reception of information is correct and if those sending me information about your changing government is correct. The long awaited documents for the transfer of funds are to be distributed today. That will be good news for many. More important for us, it lays the proper groundwork for the change in government that will precede our landings among you. The Air Force standing order to shoot us down must be changed and we believe that it soon will be.There is much to be done in your world to prepare for the great institution of peace throughout the world. In addition, there is the devastation in New Orleans to be corrected. You have the technology to maintain a cite below the ocean level, however, it may not be as popoular a place to live as it has been. There are other places where devestation has occurred and man's kindness toward the unfortunate, at least among many of you humans, will help to make the earth a peacful place. There is much to be done to renew the earth and prepare it for the more glorious times yet to come. However, our main assignment is for North America. There are many others who are assigned to help in other parts of the world. Here, aboard the Capricorn, there are many of us who desire to be among you and working with you for the great improvements in communications, technology, and beutification of the world in which we shall live (when not aboard our starship). You, Lavar, have been patient and responding to our daily messages. For that we are greatful, because you have garnered many who will be helpful in getting the earth ready for the great changeover from burning fossil fuels to better and cleaner ways of transportation and heating your homes. There is much to be done. We shall soon be there to help. Your company has mde some significant strides in understanding the nature of some new energy devices. However, there must be more accomplished and getting the energy from the vast energy of space is a paramount issue. Tell your friends again how much energy there is in space if it can be properly accessed.
Lavar: There is enough space energy in a one-liter volume, if turned into thermal energy, to boil the Atlantic Ocean.
Helena: Thank you. That is why there is such a large endeavor among us to help you humans to tap into such a vast store of energy. Energy that hsa been poured out from trillions of suns for billions of years. Space is the energy reservoir that must be used, so that you do not further pollute your beautiful earth that we shall soon be visiting in person. That is my message for you this morning. Do you have any questions?
Lavar: I have been asked to ask you if there are members of the Ten Tribes with the Capricorn.
Helena: They are available to again visit the earth and ensure that their history is made available. However, there are only a few representatives of that group that are among the resurrected humans aboard the Capricorn.
Lavar: Thank you dear Helena. We are most grateful for your presence and for your messages to us. We shall soon be seeing the landing of some of your shuttles. We rejoice that the time is near.