Communication with Capt. Helena of the Capricorn. 27 September 2005
Lavar: Welcoming Helena.
Helena: Good morning. What a beautiful day in your neck of the woods (as you would say). We are pleased that today there are no major storms or destruction that is hindering your area of North America. We are well focused now on the coming announcement and, as soon as possible, our first landings among you. I have received information that there will be deliveries of the bank documents today. Does that compare with your information.
Lavar: Yes. However, I have received information that with the bank documents delivered to and in the hands of the couriers, that the top-level banks consider this as an "assumed delivery." Therefore, that [action] meets the criteria for the release of the humanitarian funds.
Helena: Thank you. That is consistent with other information we have received. Therefore, it appears that there can soon be the culmination of the deliveries and the announcement of the NESARA program. We have observed (as you have) that there have been previous midweek culminations but that things were arranged to have the culmination on Friday so that any grand announcement could be made on Friday evening or Saturday and have the weekend to consider the announcement. What is your input on this type of arrangement?
Lavar: What you state is true, and there have always been delays of some kind so that the announcement was never made. It is my opinion, no data to go on, that it is likely that there will be arrangements made so that the announcement of the NESARA program will occur on a week end.
Helena: Thank you. It is our understanding that with the release of the humanitarian funds, your lab will soon be funded. Is that Correct?
Lavar: Yes Dear Helena. We rejoice that it appears (data from two sources) that our funds will be released today or tomorrow and that we shall have funds wired to us this following week (the first week in October).
Helena: Thank you. If our information is correct, the announcement of the return to constitutional government will soon be followed by a withdrawal of the standing Air Force order to try and shoot down any of our shuttles. Assuming that is the case, then we shall soon be able to show that we come in peace, without being cloaked or without being chased by U.S. Air Force jet fighters. We have the capability of destroying the pursuing jets, however, that is not our intention. We come in peace. We have an important peaceful mission to perform (as given to us by the Galactic Federation) and we shall accomplish our mission in a peaceful manner. Thank you for your development of high-level information sources. Your communication has been valuable to us. We shall soon be with you in your valley. We shall have the day of our arrival selected soon. You have received the information that we will land at 10 a.m. your time. Is that correct?
Lavar: Yes. You will land at 10 a.m. Mountain Standard Time for your first landing from the starship Capricorn. And thank you for all you have done to provide information to us.
Helena: You are most welcome. Any questions for me today?
Lavar: Yes, Dear Helena, Do you have full manufacturing capability on board the Capricorn?
Helena: We have told you before that we can do a great deal of manufacturing, however, there would have to be shuttle trips to bring us suitable materials where we do not have large stocks of all kinds of materials that can be used in our manufacturing processes.
Lavar: Thank you dear Helena. We shall soon have some of your crew among us. Our blessings on you and your crew.