Saturday, September 03, 2005

Violino St Germain - "Never fear that you cannot make it, time is short yet adequate for the wonderful time of enlightenment that is taking place"

Through Mike Quinsey 08.27.05

Without your media or Internet as a source of news you would have little knowledge of what was taking place in the world. It would be a bit like living on a desert island and losing touch with the outside events. Yet, within yourself you have a sense of knowing, an intuitive sense that registers the feel of what is taking place. This ability to discern something you are unaware of and cannot see, is what you sometimes refer to as your sixth sense. Call it your intuition or your Higher Self, the name is not important but know that you are continually in touch with this source. When you meditate you move closer to it, and in those rested quiet moments you will undoubtedly become aware.

In the hustle and bustle of life the average person sets aside very little time for introspection, yet it is essential for your peace of mind. Your waking consciousness carries a whole mishmash of thoughts that are continually coming to the surface. At times some of you have so much on your mind, you find it difficult to cope and often confusion reigns. A lot of this is due to your hectic life styles, but also a habit of not addressing your problems before they get out of control. Some actually dominate your life and can be carried for long periods of time. Problems such as unresolved guilt can remain for years at the time, and they eat away until in its extreme a nervous breakdown is experienced.

You hardly need me to again remind you of how complex you are, and your mindset can be positively difficult to unravel. Sometimes you carry issues from one life to another, and these are often responsible for molding your personality. Where you have an adversity to something in particular for no apparent reason, you can be sure that it has been carried over. Traits of character are there for this reason, and even likes and dislikes are likely to have the same root cause. Fear is one of the most obvious examples, fear that is deep rooted in the psyche for which you have no apparent explanation. The test for you is to determine what it is that you have brought with you that needs clearing, and the reason.

Let me give you an example of one that is fairly common, and that is the fear of water, an apparent irrational fear that affects your whole life, very much like the fear of heights. Now these can be overcome with careful help and an enormous amount of willpower. However, the addition of hypnotic regression can take you back to the event that has caused your blockage. It can go as far as previous lives, and once you have pinpointed the reason it will be much easier to deal with. Could you have drowned, or nearly drowned – that would not be so unusual. Did you fall from a great height, or were you deliberately thrown off as such an experience leaves a heavy mark on your memory. The fear of blood is one I am sure you can understand, and can you imagine what it must have been like to be in bloody battles, and you have all had your share of those.

I have touched upon one area that has much bearing on how you are, and of course there is another where you carry your “likes” with you. Sounds much more acceptable until you realize that these can be both positive and negative. Some people are actually excited at the thought of killing; it gives them a thrill as the adrenaline runs through their body. I could go on, but I think your imagination will have already jumped ahead. If you then consider that some of these links are for the purpose of clearing karma, and learning life’s lessons here is yet another ingredient. I said you were complex, sometimes you do not understand yourselves let alone other people. However, if you can settle yourself and turn off outside influences and find that quiet moment to go inside yourself, you may begin to perceive the answers. You have to be honest with yourself, as some realizations may not always be palatable.

Life is all about learning lessons, and if you do not understand yourself it is vastly more difficult. Some people will claim to have no control over themselves, but I would say that is giving up your own responsibility for your actions. Now, as we approach the end-times there is much to be sorted out and you cannot take the baggage with you that has accumulated from all of your lives. It is largely down to you, but the new energies playing upon Earth will greatly assist you. They help with the cleansing affect and it would be even better if you consciously carry it out. You can visualize energies running within your aura, and surround yourself with them. If you are familiar with your chakric system bring the energies down through them and help bring them into balance. As you gradually achieve success so you will feel the benefits in many different ways, and most beneficially with your health.

Understand yourself and what motivates you and your feelings. You will know where there are problems, and get to work to try and sort them out. You will not achieve a God status overnight, but you will start to clear out the dross and feel much better for it. Put that ego aside that will get in the way, as I tell you that you can achieve far more than you imagine. Also, once you have made that declaration to take things in hand, there will be many helpers come to your aid. Spirit wishes to see you all lift yourselves up and start to become the Beings of Light that you really are. You are worthy regardless of what indiscretions you may have committed. There is no punishment, and you should forgive yourself of any guilt that you feel. Remember you are here for the experience and you will learn much from it.

I am St. Germain and hope I have thrown some light on to what makes you tick, and how you can achieve a greater understanding of Self. Know yourself, and you will also understand each other and help them through this period. Never fear that you cannot make it, time is short yet adequate for the wonderful time of enlightenment that is taking place. You dedicate yourselves to taking this path, and your Angels and Guides will be with you every step of the way. Then you shall understand their joy and love in giving service to others. Do unto others as you would do for yourself and you will be love incarnate. Thank you Dear Ones for your time, you will draw the Love that is embodied in these words, and that is my Love for you all.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey