Friday, March 30, 2012

" this is the process as we continue to expand "

Dear All,
this was an interesting point of view of the spring Equinox, or so I thought :)
so, if interested, you might wish to read below,
have a lovely week end,
all Love,

from Angela Peregoff
26 - March - 2012

Until recent times you have driven and pushed yourself to keep up with an accelerating world. Energetic events and unfoldments have been occurring with significant velocity as you set to launch your consciousness into a new system of dimensional awareness. Now comes the time when the process gets to morph into an easier, more natural state of existing. After this latest cycle, which wrapped up in earnest on the Spring Equinox, connecting to, downloading and transitioning into higher levels of your multidimensional self can simply be the norm without much concentrated thought or effort toward it.

This is good news because the events ahead for planet earth are going to be so dramatic, so all-encompassing that, if the 3D reference is all you know, you will really be terrified. However if you have been one of the souls who can see the "bigger picture" view and understand that an invisible transformation is taking place within and upon our home environment then you will be anchored and able to go about your day-to-day tasks calmly. Sure, sometimes you'll doubt, and sometimes you'll see as clear as day but what's different is that you'll always trust that this is the process as we continue to expand.

For a few thousand years humanity has lived in a dualistic reality, which allowed for the experience of third dimensional life. Now as we travel through the galactic center of the universe and reality shifts to a more omniversal experience, we enter into an existence that will not identify separation. As we claim our fifth dimensional abilities we all become more intuitive, telepathic, unconditioned, and in touch with our true inherent essence. For most of you reading these words, this is very good news! For many others, it is a very fearful and chaotic time because it means that they will be exposed if they are attempting to control, deceive, conquer, or manipulate.

As mentioned earlier, the Spring Equinox opened a portal through which you may step to freedom. Let me give caution though concerning the manner in which you have designed this most important stage of your awakening. On the surface, it will seem that what I tell you is both obvious and inconsequential, especially when measured next to the many trials and problems that bombard a person everyday on planet earth.

Part of the mechanism that binds together the 3D world is a "blocking" from your consciousness the full representation of all you are and all you (Self) are doing. Since 3D is a "defined territory" - there is just not room for the entire Self here. Until now your focus of Self has been a very limited view. As the solar system rotates the grand procession of planets into a livelier stellar village we are granted a potent crystalline infusion of energy that allows you to feel more of that Self.

As that result is produced for you in full manifestation, "issues" will surface. Hint: Surprises and unsettled conditions are the usual Earth itinerary for spiritual evolution. As the incoming energies become quicker for the next vibrational shift allow yourself to have the "me time" you desire. Be patient and listen to your Inner Brilliance and problem solving genius as mass consciousness processes the karmic debt patterns tied to being enslaved from self realization. Most of all listen to the directives from your body and do what it tells you it needs.

If you are feeling any kind of energy drain or physical exhaustion from the earlier aspects of the month I would advise meditating for guidance as you journey into anchoring the high, high crystalline freedom energy into the bones, blood and nervous system of your physical vessel. As your Soul soars to luxuriate in higher fifth dimensional atmospheres of unconditional love, gratitude, peace and calm your earth vessel has to jettison what would hold you back. Take care of it.

On those days when you feel you are spinning out of control or a bit spacey simply use a "cube" as an energetic stabilizer. Use your imagination to place a cube under your feet or take a couple of moments and breath into your vertical tube (prana tube of energy that runs the length of your spine) passing a cube up and down within it. My guides are also saying that we can use the essential oil of rose geranium for it is a sacred balancer.

The illusion between physical and consciousness is closing. You are physical/matter intermingling with Spirit/Light. You are an interaction where the observer influences the outcome so welcome the change, or shift. Be open to meeting active energies this week. As the week progresses create an intention of consciousness to be an interactive force field of Soul awareness that activates an alignment with the etheric freedom rays that are beaming into your multidimensional first and seventh chakras.

The last week of the month is a period of dedicated, calculated movement. The guides say we must follow nature and make certain that the expanded energies we now generate are grounded, anchored and fertile before we move onward or forward with any creation. A good practice would be to create ritual with all new endeavors. Consciously creating and choosing with a renewed reverence will put you in alignment with the Infinite. In doing so you will be tapping into and using skills from within your Ancient Self.

Keep your eyes focused on the mountain top, as you stay centered within the God power of the moment and you will not be set apart from your Light. You have the potential to become physically vibrant, emotionally fulfilled, mentally aware, financially abundant and spiritually en-Lighten-ed. It is your Divine Birthright to experience your life's journey in the physical realm to the fullest. You were designed to savor and enjoy life each day with passion, to experience physicality with full awareness and conscious intensity.

Surrender to your needs at hand and nurture yourself through the process my friends,
Angela Peregoff

Source :

' must mention yet again how time is speeding up "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

It cannot be but a short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but those who cast doubt or reject us will soon be overshadowed through acceptance by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their control over you.

You will know by now that we are fully engaged in keeping peace on the planet, although we cannot stop every confrontation. Peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs. For too long they have plotted and manipulated circumstances that have forced countries to sell out their commodities. The result has been that much of the wealth generated that should have helped its inhabitants, has been taken out of the country. These problems will all be put right, with the raising up of people's living standards and introduction to new technologies. In the poorer countries a big problem has been the lack of medical attention and adequate facilities, but that will be quickly overcome. The use of drugs will become unnecessary, as we will use natural methods through technologies that will be new to you. No challenge will be too much for us to deal with, and the changes will be seen very quickly.

We know that people are already anxious to find out what will happen, but we ask that you wait until we can fully present ourselves. We wish to reach out to everyone and ensure you quickly understand what is required of you. Have no fear, as all will given in good time, and also opportunities to meet with us to sort out any queries. For a time there will be continuous broadcasts to update you on progress being made. There are exciting times coming up and it will spread around the world once the future is understood. Freedom is something few have really experienced yet it shall engulf you all before Ascension takes place.

The future is golden and is in fact a Golden Age, and that fact alone should give you an indication of what to look forward to. Living in perfection and having the ability to create at will, will be a new experience and by then you should have acquired a higher level of consciousness and understanding that will prevent misuse of your powers. As you can see, a great leap forward is to occur and to say the least you will be absolutely different to what you are now. An extended life period of your choosing will be something new, and gives you more than ample time to fully experience it. In fact you will be able to literally "swap" bodies if it is necessary to ensure completion. These are all areas that you will eventually understand, and remember that you will have a greatly enhanced degree of consciousness.

Duality has given you immense strength to handle the most arduous and difficult challenges. So Dear Ones, we believe that you can sail through the remaining months to Ascension. You have been prepared to know what to expect, and whatever inconvenience you experience it will be followed by an on going period of peace and tranquility. Naturally we are forging ahead with our roles in the present exchanges with us and our allies, against the dark Ones as they retreat and find us ready to foil any attempt to cause trouble. We are very much in the role of Galactic Policemen but we abide by the Universal Laws, and our ways are peaceful but forceful if we have to exert our authority. Even those who oppose us are still part of the whole, and treated with respect for the Light they carry. No soul is beyond redemption, and in the ultimate it is love that brings about changes that awaken them once again.

Clearly you must look beyond the outer body as you view your fellow man, and keep in mind that all souls originate from the Source. All of you have experienced the extremes of duality, and it is as well that you bear in mind a very apt saying "but for the Grace of God go I". It is why you are encouraged to put aside judgment, and try to see the beauty and love in all souls. All will eventually become enlightened once again no matter how long it takes, but then time is of no consequence outside of your dimension as it does not exist. Whilst on Earth in duality "no time" is an unimaginable idea, but perhaps you can grasp that all is in the Now. That makes your travels extremely interesting, as you can go back into the past, and for those of you who have a decisive pull towards particular historical times, what better than to be able visit them. It is also possible to travel different time lines into the future, which your Time Travelers have experienced.

Bit by bit you are adjusting to the new life ahead, and you choose where it leads you to continue you evolution. Be assured that you do have spiritual helpers to give you advice as to what is best for your progress. You have never been without such help, and if you struggle now do not hesitate to put out your thoughts to them, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. However, you cannot dictate exactly how it is to work out, as it must be for your best good and you may not know exactly what that is. After Ascension you get to know those souls who have traveled with you through duality. They may not all stay with you as your needs will undoubtedly change, as your future life will possibly be more defined as to the direction you want to go in.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must mention yet again how time is speeding up, a sure sign that you are uplifting much more quickly into the Light. Many can already relate to a new feeling of being relaxed and unaffected by what is going on around them. That feeling of calmness will spread, and the much dreaded fear factor will cease to have the same affect. Well done to those who have achieved such levels, and my love to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

" news about the changes is travelling more quickly around the world "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

The news about the changes is travelling more quickly around the world, and that pleases us as those with enquiring minds are seeking the answers as to what is happening. Some fear the meaning behind them, but others sense that something major and exciting is happening to the world. Fortunately the truth is being spread far and wide, and we are in gratitude to those of you who are at the forefront endeavoring to reach as many people as possible. When disclosure takes place, it will make our task so much easier if they have already been primed as to what to expect. Time is speeding by at such a fast rate everything is being hurried along, and very soon you can expect the some major announcements.

Mankind has had adequate time to start paying attention to the many messages given, that are intended to pave the way for the greater revelations. The ones in the slow lane will have to witness much that will be a great shock to their mindset, but we must get moving. There is no more time to wait until a greater percentage of you are understanding of what is about to happen. That will of course change dramatically, when the media are released from the constraints placed upon them by the dark Ones. Truth has been a rare commodity in the past, but as the controls are removed it will come back in full force. Even those who profess to be aware are even so going to be surprised at the full extent of lies and disinformation, that has been dished up as the truth in the past. It goes well beyond what you would imagine, and will reveal the extent to which you have been controlled.

Returning your freedom is paramount in our minds, and we will remove all those controls that have been used to keep you in your place. Those responsible will at some stage answer for their crimes against Humanity, so we ask you not to concern yourselves too much with what will happen to them. It is more important to concentrate on your own needs and preparation for Ascension. Live to your highest concept of one who is able to give Unconditional Love, spare judgment and instead generously show compassion. Do your best and you will master the ways of being the Master that you really are.

By anyone's measure you do not now have long to go before you experience the benefits of the changes that are about to materialize. We of the Galactic Federation shall oversee them, and ensure that their implementation shall take place smoothly and efficiently to the benefit of everyone. Release from financial constraints and illegal taxes, will free you from the burden they place upon every person. Yes, you still have to pay your way for the services of others, but with the coming of abundance that will not be a problem. In short time you will advance to a level that you should have already reached, but for the deliberate interference of the Illuminati and their minions. From thereon Ascension will take you even further until money itself will no longer be necessary.

Let go of any ties you have to the present period so that you can make allowances for the new way of life that is taking over. Be prepared and know that it will not be fully experienced until you rise up, and then another phase will commence as you take your place as a Galactic Being. Your evolution is going to take some massive steps forward, and return you to where you came from as a fully conscious Being. By then you will have merged with your Higher Self and be of the Christ Consciousness. At present that must seem a long way off, but be assured that it is your destiny as you travel through the higher realms. Thereafter you will be able to travel anywhere in the Creator's Kingdoms.

Meanwhile we are most active at this time as you might expect, and are keen for some positive signs to be passed onto you with regards to the removal of those who have formed the top echelon of the Illuminati. They have felt untouchable in the past but now feel so vulnerable as their castle walls have been destroyed, and they have nowhere to hide that we are not aware of. We will also take away their assets almost certainly gained by illegal dealing or outright criminal activity. They will be given back to those who rightfully own them, and go a long way to overcoming the many needs of the people.

President Obama is still a key figure in the coming changes, and shall lead the mission to bring peace to the world. Those who play at wars will have to find another way of amusing themselves, and we will put their military to good use by instead serving the people. As you know there is plenty to do in making good the damage to Mother Earth, and ensuring that the most needy quickly have a proper standard of living. That is the least that people can expect, and it will be added to as soon as new technologies are used to make life easier. War has been written into the history books as it truly took place, and the truth of who was behind them. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in the Hall of Records, and will if necessary be used to illustrate the truth for you.

One important feature of incarnation is that when you review your lives, they are seen and experienced exactly as they happened. There is no place for distortion of the facts or denial of the truth, it is there for all to see. Those who felt that they "got away with it" on Earth will get a shock to know that it is not the case, so no lies or laying the blame elsewhere will be accepted. If this was not so, some souls would escape their responsibility as they have done on Earth. The truth allows a careful consideration of your actions and importantly your intentions. That way the need for certain lessons to prevent a recurrence can be arranged, that should give the soul an opportunity to prove that they can live from a higher level of understanding. Dear Ones, no one wants to see you fail, and that is why you are given every chance to succeed where you previously done so.

Feel the changes being brought about by the higher energies that are being grounded upon Earth, and add you own by spreading your Light as far as possible. As the days are passing, you are becoming more powerful and have much stronger powers of creation, use them wisely for the good of All.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Monday, March 26, 2012

" the way for the commencement of a new cycle "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

In some ways we would say that our mission nears completion, as we approach a time when all of the work put in to release you from the control of the Illuminati is showing results. It is for you the end of the cycle of duality, and for us simply the means of clearing the way for the commencement of a new cycle. It will be a new beginning and follow a continuation of the raising up of your consciousness levels, to allow you to ascend to even higher levels. We too will be sharing those times with you and are very much a part of your future. We are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by you rightfully reclaiming your place with us.

What you have now is not your true reality, but one you have created over millennia of time since you dropped down from the higher dimensions. Not a single soul was forced to do so, and each and every one of you freely volunteered for the experience. You did so with complete faith knowing that however much you strayed from the Light, there would be a time when you would be called back and helped to do so. That time is of course now, and in a short time you will know for certainty that you are firmly on the path to Ascension, and that nothing can stand in its way or delay it. Can you not sense the difference already in the energies around you, as they have become more of the Light and so uplifting. Those of fear have been subdued, and when you obtain confirmation of the extent of the arrests and resignations of the dark Ones, that will also help you to live more peacefully.

The freedom that has been denied you for so long is returning, and you will be in no doubt that the old paradigm has been destroyed. The new one is already taking its place and bringing you a new hope and belief in a wonderful future. Some of you have glimpsed it and it has inspired you and changed your outlook on life. It is so different to what you have now that words seem inadequate to describe it, and one notable aspect is the feeling of love that comes at you from all directions. If you have ever experienced such an energy it is likely to have only been a momentary experience, whereas in the higher dimensions it is continually present. You have an expression that "it is love that makes the world go around" and you do not realize how true it is. Indeed it is the lack of love that has torn your Earth apart and made you feel detached from your godself. Love energy is the most powerful one of all, and could change your circumstances in a flash if you were all able to come together in this way. Many of you have experienced what love can do, particularly where it is used to heal. It can transmute the lower vibrations, and that is why you are often asked to send love to those who are of the dark Cabal.

Think upon these things and when you feel that you want to help Mankind, send out love to those who are clearly in need. The results may not be instantaneous but be assured that it helps even if they take time to be seen. The Light can be built upon such as when you use it to protect yourself. If you are not already a beacon of Light, practice seeing yourself as one and you will surely create it around you. You will also find that you will attract other souls of a like kind, as they will sense your higher vibrations. Imagine if everyone around you was of the Light, and you will begin to get a feel of what it is like to be in the higher dimensions. Do not limit your expectations as to what Ascension means to you, as it will set you free from all of the conflicts and problems that beset you now on Earth. In the future you will want for absolutely nothing, and you will find that the Creator has provided for you in every conceivable way.

So Dear Ones, be determined to ride out whatever comes your way between now and Ascension. Do not let anything get you down as whatever happens it will be short lived. If you suffer losses they will be more than made up to you, and remember that you cannot take anything with you into the higher vibrations unless it is compatible with them. That is why no soul can force its way into them, and will automatically find itself at its correct and corresponding level. Understand that you all progress at your own speed, and have had equal opportunities to choose the path to Ascension. So please do not upset yourself should a near loved one choose differently to you, and honor their freewill choice. Loved ones are never far away, and you will always be able to meet again.

Get ready to enjoy yourselves and feel free to express your feelings, as once the changes come out and you see the benefits you will be ecstatic. Celebrations will be the order of the day, and believe us when we say that we shall organize some memorable events and take part in them. Joy and happiness are getting nearer and will carry you all of the way to Ascension. There are difficult periods still to go through, but nothing will last very long and if it creates new needs we will be on hand to help you. We already work behind the scenes and will be pleased when our activities can be more open. Our priority at present is stopping the warring factions from coming to blows, and we have no doubt that we can prevent any attempts at starting another war. You will be appalled and no doubt angry, when you learn of how many times the dark Ones have tried to start another one in the Middle East. We will not dwell upon such unpleasant things, but you need to know who has worked against you over many, many years, often in the guise of working for you.

We continue to closely monitor Mother Earth as there are physical changes happening, and some areas are more prone to them than others. We are not allowed to stop those that are necessary, but will do all we can to alleviate any harm to you and keep extensive damage to a minimum. Conditions could well have been horrendous if the dark Ones had their way, but we have stopped their plans to induce catastrophes to reduce the population of Earth. We know many of you cannot comprehend that anyone could fall to that extent, but with the almost total loss of Light such souls have lost any feelings of compassion.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who have given a hand in spreading not just these, but many messages from sources of Light. They have uplifted so many people, and prepared them for Ascension. God bless you all.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Friday, March 23, 2012

" allow your consciousness free range "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
March 23, 2012

In some respects the world is passing through a quieter period than normal, and that is partly due to our activities and those of our allies. A point has been reached where we are able to exert more authority over the dark Ones, who are rapidly losing their power. More people are standing up against them, having acquired a great deal of confidence from seeing others successfully doing the same. It shall continue and help us to achieve our aims to go ahead with our plans, for your total release from the shackles of the past.

Many aspects of them are well advanced, and you are entering a rather odd time. You will clearly see the old values and things that you relied upon falling out of sight, but not the new that will replace it. A thorough sweeping away is needed before matters are sufficiently ready for us to take charge. Even so we desire that the reigns of power are passed over to you, and our role is to help you achieve those ends.

A most pleasing development in very recent times is that your consciousness levels continue to grow, and the awakening amongst you is going to make the coming period a lot easier to handle. It is important that we soon commence direct contact with you, as their are so many important issues that we must address. The scene must be set for the major changes waiting to come out, particularly where the financial position is concerned. It is imperative that it is established correctly, and coordinated throughout the many countries involved. Our allies are aware of these needs, and together we are confident of success. Once finance and governance are established in accordance with your destined future, then we know that the basis will exist for the remaining changes to go ahead.

Achieving peace after thousands of years of continual wars will cause a dramatic change in people’s lives, and their outlook will suddenly brighten up. The realization will set in, that life was meant to be happy, joyful and rewarding, and a unity will take place that would not have been possible previously. Slowly, the people will come to understand the Oneness of everything and how it is all part of the whole. The falseness of beliefs in separatism and the deliberate distortion of the truth about the purpose of life, will be seen as no more than the attempts of the dark Ones to maintain a division amongst the people. The coming of peace will change all of that, and a wave of relief and joy will sweep across the Earth. Old differences will be set aside and it will be seen that a wonderful future lies ahead. By then people will have become more informed of what the changes were leading to, and helped to understand the process of Ascension.

Clearly there is a lot of work to do but as we have often informed you, we have no problems in being equal to the task. Be assured that whatever needs to be done to ensure completion as planned, will be carried out with full efficiency. The size of some tasks are enormous, but we have all the necessary equipment and personnel to do it. The Galactic Federation is of an immense size and quite used to handling complex and gigantic tasks. It is growing all the time, as more civilizations reach the required level of consciousness that enables them to become members. You, Dear Ones of Earth, who are ascending will have reached that level, and can also take your place with us.

What a fitting end you are about to experience, after having battled your way through some of the darkest periods in your lives. Now you are playing out the last acts and clearing any remaining karma, and moving into the higher vibrations and releasing yourself from the lower ones. It is still up to you how you experience the final period, but one thing that will remain unchanged will be Ascension. You can all take much credit for the fact that you have brought so much Light to Earth, that up to now there has been little signs of the apocalyptic end times expected in some quarters. Of course physical changes must occur, but they do not need to be catastrophic and we will lessen their affects.

Sometimes we feel that many of you do not fully understand the implications of what is happening. Make no mistake, all that you thought was permanently on Earth as a natural consequence of your creations, is largely the work of those who enslaved you. You have had little say if any at all, in what has passed as your life experiences. It is however true, that you have made the most of them by accepting the challenge to overcome them. The dark Ones have unwittingly helped you evolve, and you have not only survived, but brought the Light to Earth so that it has stopped their plans from preventing Ascension. You have proved more than equal to the task, and have shown the extent of your good faith in the higher powers that have guided you. Furthermore, you have achieved it without knowing the full facts, and until fairly recently that your victory was to lead you directly to Ascension. You can rightly feel proud of yourselves, and we have endless admiration for you all. You are truly Warriors of the Light that have earnt all of the accolades that will come your way.

You no longer have anything to fear, although you will hear reports of confrontations where countries play the old game of pretence. They may harbor thoughts of war but it will go no further, and we will see to it that it comes to nothing. They will soon have to put away all weapons of war, and we will ensure that there is no skullduggery or deceit. We mean business when we talk of these things, and in no uncertain manner shall address all nations when our peace talks begin. We will not be asking them to accept peace, but demanding it on your behalf and at the request of higher powers than Man. It will come very soon and allow you the opportunity to live in safety, and without fear of the loss of life, your belongings or your home.

Dear Ones, all that has been promised will be fulfilled, and we are here to see that the changes are in accordance with the Divine Plan. Be cheerful and enjoy the thoughts that Ascension evokes, and allow your consciousness free range to do so. Think changes and how wonderful life is going to be, and if possible share your thoughts with those who also sense what is coming. Love every soul as yourself and that will be of great service to them.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

" The impossible will be proved possible "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

There is no doubt that of recent times, your consciousness levels have grown quite considerably where we are concerned. There is much more interest in us and our craft, in part due to the frequency in which we are now seen in your skies. Unless as an act of disinformation, there has never been a report associated with the Galactic Federation where we have been hostile without reason. Even so we do not cause death and where we are forced to take protective measures, occupants of your craft are first removed before they are destroyed. Often we are forced into such a position when our orders are ignored, and we only give them where we are authorized to intervene. On most occasions it is when nuclear weapons are about to be used, and all of your governments have been warned that we will not allow it to happen. Believe us Dear Ones, some of your military commanders are still intent on using them to start another war. The path to Ascension is protected by us and it is not our place to save you, but ensure the opportunity is there for you to take. In fact, neither you or Mother Earth would be here today but for our actions. God has spoken on this matter, and we are upholding the edict that this cycle will end with Ascension.

The Earth is the jewel in the crown, and long sought after by other civilizations. Attempts have been made to take you over and we have prevented them, but the biggest threat to your lives has come from within. Very soon you will get to learn all about your history, and in detail where recent times are concerned. You have fought a battle without actually realizing what you were up against, and much of it has taken place on the higher levels. All along the real one has been between the Light and the dark, and you have only won through in recent times. You have come so close to defeat, and it is a remarkable achievement to have overcome the dark Ones. It only remains to completely cut their links, and remove them to where they are no longer a danger to you.

Much at present depends on the governmental changes that are being arranged. Naturally there will be opposition, but for those whose fate is decided there is no argument that will save them. We know the truth, and more importantly the motive behind their intentions. Bribery and corruption are rampant in some areas but that will be changed, and once it is we can go ahead by establishing the new Governments. Then and only then will you see the days for celebration become your reality, and peace quickly declared all over the world. At a stroke that will put your feet firmly on the path to Ascension, and no longer will your future be under threat.

Bide your time while the cleansing goes on, and be assured there will be no delays or interference allowed in our dealings with you. Your needs will be provided for including healing with methods generally new to you, that require no use of drugs or the surgeons knife. It will be a time to move on and firmly step into the 21st. Century with all of its new technologies. The impossible will be proved possible and speed and efficiency our byword. Yes, time speeds on but we can adjust to any needs placed upon us, and it is the extent of our resources that will ensure completion as required by you.

We hear your cries and know of your despair as your patience wears thin, but as we often mention - the wait will have been worthwhile. There is so much to look forward to and more than most people appreciate or would imagine. Your comfort and happiness are high on our list, and that includes all that eradicates poverty and hunger. There is an answer waiting to sort out every problem that presently exists, and in comparatively short time all will be addressed. Your willing offers to help have been noted, and we know where you all are so many of you will be called upon to help out. Some training and preparations will be carried out on our craft beforehand, but you will not need much in that way, as we know you are very adaptable and keen to learn.

Just keep on with your daily routine, and keep your sight on the happenings around you from which you may learn the truth of what is happening. It will not be too long before some members of the media will have no option but to report on important events. The idea of deliberate concealment or a distortion of the facts will disappear, with a new resolution to allow proper journalism that has the freedom of truthful reporting. There are few if any big organizations that have not contrived to present only that which keeps you in their control, and regretfully religion is one of those culprits. Most religions have been based on a distortion of the facts, wrapped around outright falsities. As with everything else they will be purged until only the truth remains, and if one wishes to survive in any form whatsoever it will have to acknowledge the truth and abide by it.

As you now realize the changes will be far reaching, so that you no longer live the lie that has passed as the truth. Have you not often thought that there must be something better than what you have experienced. That there must some purpose in life rather than the aimless routine, that kept you tied to the dictates of the Illuminati. The mere fact that you are now being helped to lift the veil that has prevented you from seeing the truth, should encourage you to stand tall and claim the freedom that has been denied to you. Each individual soul is loved no matter what role they are currently playing, and you all have an equal opportunity to move towards Ascension. You can help each other in this respect by supporting those who are awakening, and sometimes confused by what they are understanding. It is indeed a shock to find that you have been deliberately misled about the true purpose of life.

We must not forget the creatures of the Earth, as with the physical changes many species are at risk. Man has not always been kind to them and yet they are here to evolve as you are. Domestic pets are generally well treated, but along with those you call wild, they all need kindness and love. Some souls dedicate themselves to such work, but in the near future much more help will be required.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we have creatures on our planet, and that our relationship is one of respect and love for each other.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Monday, March 19, 2012

our galactic family with Mike Quinsey

Dear All

On March 9th, our dear Mike Quinsey was interviewed by Graham Dewyaea, so here is below the transcript,

Our Galactic Family, with Mike Quinsey

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest today is Mike Quinsey.

Mike is perhaps best known to our listeners as the channel for SaLuSa. From Kent, England, he lives with his wife Cathy, he has two sons, Alan and Colin, and since retiring in 1999 as a sales rep in the electrical-mechanical field, he has enjoyed hobbies such as gardening, playing competitive table tennis—for 53 years now, very impressive—writing artaicles and giving talks on ETs, UFOs and healing and spiritual matters.

In the mid-1990s, Mike became editor of the magazine Quest, which is devoted to spiritual growth and enlightenment, and he has his own radio show on BBS radio, interviewing authors who have just recently been published.

Well, welcome, Mike. It’s great to have you on the show.

Mike Quinsey: Well, thank you very much. It’s strange for me to be on the other side of the fence, so to say.

GD: I’m sure. There’s so much I’d like to talk with you about on many subjects, one hour will allow us just to scratch the surface. As you know, this show is about raising awareness about our star brothers and sisters. Perhaps, if you’re willing, we could start with your relationship with SaLuSa, how you came to know each other, and a bit about him for our listeners?

MQ: Yes, by all means. I’ll have to go back to the time when I retired in December 1999. I had been quite active prior to that, with running my own group. After about seven years it seemed to have run its course, so it eventually closed down. So, with my retirement, like a lot of people, I found myself a bit at a loose end. And for a few years I was sort of dabbling around following my own interests on the internet, and I was mentally putting out the word to spirit that I felt I had a lot to offer and I wanted to be used; I wanted to do more, because I had more time at my disposal.

Anyway, hunting around the internet, I came across the website that I currently have my pages on, Tree of the Golden Light, and I noticed they had a page where they invited people to send in articles. Well, as I had over a long period of time given talks on spiritual matters and things related, it didn’t really take much of my time up or present any difficulty in starting to write articles, which they accepted and are on my web pages up to this time.

So, for a period of time I was submitting articles. Then, one day, Nancy Tate – who is also a channeler, who had established the website in the first place, along with Bob Towers – said to me, “I’ve got St. Germain here, and he wants to have a word with you.” That was a surprise! Anyway, so, she…St. Germain spoke through her, and the crux of the matter was, he said, “I would like you to sit by your computer every morning and start to receive messages from me,” meaning St. Germain, and eventually from extraterrestrial contact.

So, I’d never even envisaged or thought for one moment that I would do something like that, or even entertained the idea, so that was a bit frightening in some ways, to be suddenly asked to do that. Well, I’ve always felt that if people offer you a proposition like that, particularly if it’s for spiritual goals and enlightenment, that one should do it, or try. So I’ve always been willing to try things.

So, anyway, I spent some days thinking to myself, “Well, how on Earth do you start?” I’d get up in the morning, early, because I know the best time to do this is when you’ve just got up and your mind isn’t cluttered up with other things. And, to be honest, I didn’t quite know how to start it. And I thought, “Well, supposing I think I’m doing it, and I’m not?”

Anyway, I was sitting at the computer one morning, and I distinctly heard a voice say, “Do you remember me?” And I realized—and this is how it seems to work, when these contacts are made—that it was St. Germain reminding me that he expected me to do this work, and I had agreed to undertake it. So that sort of geed me up a bit. And eventually I got round to doing it.

And I felt then—and I suppose this comes to people who take up channeling—that I could then determine when the energy that was present was somebody else’s, like St. Germain’s, and not my own. Then, over the weeks, gradually other energies came in, and at one time I started to link with a number of different extraterrestrials. I think I had about three from Sirius, one from Arcturus…don’t remember who the others were, an added one at a quite later stage, from Venus.

And I was taking these messages five days a week initially. And then about, I think it was, three years ago, I was given the information that in future it would come through the one contact, which was SaLuSa, and that he would represent the energy for the group of beings that came through on those earlier occasions.

GD: I see.

MQ: I already knew this – because I was already channeling SaLuSa – that he was from Sirius. He’s with the Galactic Federation, I gather—along with my other contacts, with the exception of St. Germain of course, who started it—onboard one of these giant motherships from which they operate. So that’s it, right up, really, to the present time. And I’ve been channeling SaLuSa three times a week for a few years now.

GD: And do you have experience of him beyond the connection you just described? Have you seen him? Have you been on the ship astrally or physically?

MQ: I have no other knowledge at all, which is rather galling at times. I wish I did. I’d love SaLuSa to appear. The only link I’ve ever found that’s additional to my contact is a couple of years ago a person emailed me and said that, “I’m sending you a psychic drawing of SaLuSa.” He apparently appeared to her; she drew him and sent me a copy.

It was strange, really. She never made much contact with me. It was simply a matter of sending that psychic drawing to me. So I wasn’t sure whether I could validate the one that she sent me. I mean, I couldn’t really say, “Yes, that’s him,” because I’ve never seen him. But I have to say, I did feel that it seemed right. And I think that’s what we go by, is our sort of intuitive feeling at the time.

I have no direct contact with SaLuSa in the sense that I can call him up. But I suspect that when I do sit down to do my messages…I mean, I do mentally send out the message that I’m ready and I hope he’s there, and I put my protection in place, et cetera, et cetera. So, I do feel there is an energy there, and when he’s with me the message gets underway.

Sometimes it flows very, very quickly, and I can sort of feel a presence. Sometimes—maybe this is down to me and how I feel, whether I’m feeling well or whatever—it’s a bit difficult sometimes to get started. At least, that’s the way I feel. But usually, once it kicks off, then it flows right through to the end. So, that’s all I can really tell you on that side.

But I wouldn’t mind betting that, when people ask me questions and I sort of sit and to some extent meditate on it, that SaLuSa probably does contact me, and he’s prompting me to give the right answers. That’s what I feel.

GD: There’s a lot happening right now. Things are building. And if you were to distill his recent messages into one—and I appreciate that this might be a challenge—what would that message be? I mean, what is it that you feel is most important for people to hear right now?

MQ: Well, I have thought about that, since you tipped me off that you might ask me a question like that. And I think possibly something that appeared in the message today—and it’s not for the first time, it’s just really confirming and making sure people realize this.

And the part of the message I think that is very important is that, now [that] we are really in the time of the changes—and to a lot of people it may already appear quite chaotic, and it may reach that pitch before it settles down—to remember that, regardless of what happens now, whatever your experience is, there is nothing that can alter the final conclusions of this period, in December this year, when the alignment takes place, which will lead to Ascension. It’s to try to comfort people and say, “Don’t get discouraged, don’t worry, don’t get fearful. Whatever comes your way, just remember that you will go forward on the timeline to Ascension.”

GD: Beautiful. And…yeah, beautifully said. And, for our listeners, this interview is being recorded on Friday, March 9, even though it will air on the following Sunday, so the channeling that Mike is referring to is for Friday, March 9th.

I’d love to hear your perspective on, you know, given these exciting times and these very important historical times—which you refer to as Ascension, others refer to as unfoldment, the Shift—what’s your understanding in terms of how our star brothers and sisters are assisting us at this time?

MQ: Well, I’m absolutely certain—and they’ve confirmed this—that they’ve been with us for hundreds and thousands of years. Their presence is obviously more obvious at this particular time because of the end of this cycle of duality. Thinking back, it was in 1990, I think, that the Sirians decreed that they would start preparing us and themselves [ready? really?] for first contact.

So I think that the emphasis on contact with them has really started since 1990. And of course if you go back to the late 1940s, when the first UFO flap started, I guess that was an earlier stage in this emphasis on making themselves known to us—at that time, mainly through their craft appearing in the skies, and of course making some contact, like George Adamski, for example—and then [buffing? boffing?] it up again, making the sightings a bit more regular, sometimes a bit more amazing, until we’ve reached this stage where there are a lot of people like me doing channeling—and that’s really I think something that never existed if you go back even just 50 years.

And, of course, there’s been more contacts made, and I understand that they have regularly, for example, been in contact with each President of the US when they’ve come in. So. they’ve been making themselves known I think for quite a long time, but more emphatic since the beginning of the ‘90s.

GD: And the research that I’ve come across is that they come here as benevolent, loving beings, as our brothers and sisters, wanting to help us during this important time, during this Shift, in addition to helping Mother Earth heal, and providing technology toward that end, and to help assist our evolution as a society. You know, they have other gifts as well.

MQ: Oh, absolutely. I agree with what you said entirely. And of course their interest in us, that is the main extraterrestrial groups of the Sirians, the Pleiadeans, the Andromedans—probably the most significant ones—is that they are our actual family, and they relate to us over thousands and thousands of years, because they’ve followed our development, and of course they’ve had some hand in genetic development. We’re part ETs already.

GD: And you’ve had some direct experience, is that right? Contact with UFOs?

MQ: Yes, I have yes. Yes, I’ve been—well, if I can put it this way—fortunate, according to a lot of people who’ve never seen anything at all to have had what I would say is my personal experience, and it was arranged for me. I know that sounds a bit bragging, but if I explain the circumstances, you’ll probably accept my feelings about it.

In the ʼeighties, I used to go to a regular small group of people that met once a month to try and develop contact with the ETs. And the guy who ran the group was a fantastic psychic. Funnily enough—well, I say funnily enough!—he’s still alive now, and he was…he was 88 years old yesterday, so he’s still going strong. Anyway, he could contact ETs. He could call them up. And he used to write his messages out, even in those days, although he never distributed them in a sort of public way that people could get hold of. It was just sort of done in a small, private group.

Anyway, we used to meet every Saturday, once every Saturday evening in a month. And I left the group one evening, on my way home—it must have been getting on for 11 to 12:00. And it was quite a nice evening. It wasn’t raining or anything like that. And part of my journey home took me through an area in England called Sanderstead—some people listening might actually know the place; it’s sort of semi-country area—and at one stage I went down a hill with a few houses on my left and a big open area and a field on my right.

And as I was going down the hill, suddenly I saw, moving into my view through the windscreen, that was coming from the t0p, going ahead of me, was a silvery blue craft. And it was quite low, as well. I mean, to me it looked quite big. But you know you have a sense of height when you see anything, and I wouldn’t have thought it was any more than about 300 or 400 feet above my car.

And it was going very slowly, I think purposely so I could get a good look at it. So as I went down the hill towards the T-junction at the bottom, I could see this craft moving very slowly in front of me, and then it disappeared over the roofs of the houses ahead of me.

Now, what was odd about it—or it seemed odd to me at the time, although I’ve since found out this is not unusual at all—it looked as if it was pulsating, and left a slight image of the craft behind it. But that, I thought, since I was already meeting regularly to make contact with ETs, was one of them acknowledging the fact that we had made the contact and showing themselves. So, I thought that was really, really wonderful.

I had one other positive sighting. I’ve seen, seen, quite…on a number of occasions seen things that could have been UFOs, but I’m talking here of the two that I identify as proper sightings of flying craft.

I had a telescope also that I used to use during that period of time. And it didn’t have a fantastic magnification, it was 70 times. And what I used to do, because my interest was in looking at the moon, I used to wait for a nice clear evening, obviously, and focus on the moon. And one evening when I was looking at the moon through the telescope I could clearly see this flying saucer come from one side and move across my vision. And I suppose because it was a long way off it moved quite slowly, and I could distinctly see the typical flying saucer shape, with the cupola on the top, you know, with a cabin, and – couldn’t see the portholes, obviously. So I thought that was quite a chance sighting, that one should just pass by at that particular time.

So, yes, that’s the two that I feel quite confident were actual UFO sightings.

GD: There are millions of ships around the Earth right now. And they’re waiting for the right time to come to the Earth. And you were talking about how—you were talking about, earlier, about why they’re not quite…why they haven’t engaged fully yet.

MQ: Yes. Well, they’ve repeatedly said that they can’t make open contact until they’re satisfied that it’s safe to do so. Which of course makes some people raise their eyebrows, because they think, hey, with their technology why would they see any danger from any opposition on the Earth? Well, of course that is correct.

But they’re more concerned with the safety of the people on the Earth, in case the dark ones try and make some scenario out of it to fake an attack. Because I have been informed that the US Government already has a fleet of about 100 flying craft, so it would be very easy—say, for example, for them—to stage a fake attack.

GD: And they’re also mindful of not wanting to instill fear with humans on Earth. I’m thinking about the propaganda and the media that we’ve seen over the years, oftentimes in movies, where there are ships that are coming in large numbers, and it’s a fearful scenario that’s played out. And they certainly don’t want to encourage that kind of scenario, either.

MQ: No, absolutely. I suppose we’re fortunate that we’ve had good series like Star Trek which has been very important, I think, in conveying to people that you can get human-type extraterrestrials that don’t differ too much from ourselves. And they’ve shown them cooperating with Earth people and working together, so there is a balance of a kind. But I think—for so many years, particularly in films—I’m afraid ETs have been depicted as beings that want to try and take over the Earth and come here to destroy us.

GD: Now, you mention the dark cabal. It seems pretty clear that the dark cabal is rapidly losing strength. In what ways have you been seeing that happen?

MQ: Well, I think it’s the awakening amongst the people. I think it’s still got a way to go, but now people are becoming aware of the truth of what’s been going on behind the scenes, the way they’ve been manipulated and controlled, I think they are finally breaking away from that control. But on top of that, they are able to motivate themselves and get into groups, and give some opposition to what is happening, make their voices heard. So I think they’ve been turning the balance, maybe, a little bit into their own favor.

And of course with the extraterrestrials being behind us, that’s—at least since 1990, in a way that they weren’t prior to that date, which is when it was agreed by the Sirians to help the Earth—I think that’s helped us even in ways perhaps that we’re unaware. But even they, through their channeling to the Earth, are becoming more open in telling us the nature of what they’ve been doing. If we make the first moves and put the effort or the intent in, I think they are, as it were, allowed to give us help.

GD: And I appreciate what you’re speaking to in terms of people raising their awareness, raising their consciousness, coming together. I’m thinking about Arab Spring, I’m thinking about the Occupy Movement, and in terms of the dark cabal losing ground, I’m also thinking about the recent arrests that we’ve been hearing about.

And from what I’ve learned, there have been reports that there have been efforts that have been quelled or diminished or squashed, in terms of trying to start another war, engaging Iran, for example; new financial system coming on board. So there’s a lot of encouraging things to point to.

MQ: Oh, yes. And in the recent weeks you could almost say they have been very, very active. It was only recently that John Kettler revealed some of the incidents that have been taking place. And, as I recall, there have been two false flag efforts in the Persian Gulf to try and create an incident to bring about World War Three. And the Iranians, I suppose who feel rather victimized and picked upon in their own situation, and with their anger possibly, have actually mounted an attack back.

But all of these things have been stopped. And the ETs have said that they will not, under any circumstances, allow war, and in fact they’ve warned people not even to be aggressive to one another. So, I think before very long there will be some sort of happening, and it will force all these military set-ups to bring it to a halt. And if they don’t, I think they will just be disabled, as the extraterrestrials have done over a period of time to these underground nuclear bases.

GD: Right, right. Good point. Do you have any idea how many extraterrestrials are on our planet right now?

MQ: No, I don’t really, the point being, I suppose, that some are here by reason of reincarnating here. But I know you don’t mean that, you’re talking about actual ETs. I gather that they’ve had bases on the Earth for quite a long, long time, I mean, hundreds of years. They have some obviously within the Earth; some below the seabed—or on the seabed, rather. So, they’ve been operating from bases from the Earth for a long, long time.

GD: One thing that maybe you can help me understand more, I know that—getting back to your earlier point—that many of us, perhaps the majority of us, are connected to our star brothers and sisters genetically. I’m not clear how many Earth humans here are true Earth humans versus those that would be considered starseeds. Do you have a sense of that?

MQ: Well, I suppose we are all space beings on the Earth, because we do not have…I doubt the Earth is our origin.

GD: Right, yeah.

I doubt that any of us originate from the Earth in the first place, so we must all be space beings, by that interpretation. But I think we’ve come from various other civilizations. In fact, it was only recently that we were told that the human race are quite unique in their own way because of the genetic involvement of the various extraterrestrials. And we have no less than 12 different civilizations that have contributed to what we are now. So, it’s no wonder they actually say that we are unique, and we are a very special breed, if you like to call it that.

GD: Right. What do you envision the new Earth will look like, once first contact occurs, Ascension occurs?

MQ: Well, I suppose—apart from what they may have indicated to us—we can only compare that to the way they’ve described their own homes, because obviously what you actually do, I suppose, for yourself does depend on how far you have advanced and what sort of technology you have got. But my feeling is that it will be similar to those planets that have the crystal cities, that’s my feeling; where you do not have any separate source of energy within your homes. Which are usually circular; they don’t use the square design of things like we do.

GD: Is that for the energy flow?

MQ: Yes, it is. It’s the perfect shape for that. And they make them of materials that are unknown to us, which have their own, as you might call it, inbuilt source of light. And of course we’ve already been promised that we will have devices, which are energy devices, through which—although we can’t understand how yet—we can produce our own clothes, our food, and any other energy sources that we want. So….

GD: This is through the replicator technology?

MQ: Yes, that sort of thing, indeed, yes. And the planet would be absolutely, a hundred percent clear of any pollution, and there would not be anything on it that would cause pollution. And furthermore, you wouldn’t need anything to use that would cause it anyway. So, it would be far removed from what we know here, and, of course, the very energy itself around you is very uplifting. I suppose it’s a little bit like when people have had a near death experience and they nip up into the slightly higher levels, where the energy is really so beautiful that they rarely, if ever, want to come back…

GD: Yeah.

MQ: …it’s so nice. I suppose it’s indescribable, really. But I can only think that, having been out of the body into the higher realms, being met by my…an angelic type person, who surrounded me in a feeling as though I was in a sort of a syrup of love, if you like, that it must be something like that. It’s as though somebody’s beaming love at you the whole time, and it’s a great feeling.

GD: And it reminds me of this term, “unity consciousness,” which I’ve learned is really the model, really, what we’ll see and experience with the new Earth.

MQ: I think that’s definitely so. And we should really be, within our minds, trying to work to that type of understanding already. Of course it won’t be possible I don’t think until we’ve Ascended. But yes, unity consciousness is really the norm, I think, and I suppose another terminology would be group consciousness.

GD: Um-hmm. And I also think about what we do for work, how we associate with each other, how we share resources – I mean, all of that will completely change. And the struggle that so many on Earth are facing…I think about the current Earth. And certainly the future Earth will have so many resources, plentiful for all, so there’ll be no struggle. And all beings, and Mother Earth, will be given the opportunity to thrive and continue to thrive.

MQ: Yes, indeed. As I see it, we’re moving into an age where technology will take over all of the chores and labors that we do ourselves, at the moment. They’ve got highly sophisticated computers that are organic and have a very high level of their own consciousness. So, a lot of the work is done by these fantastic computers. And I think what we move into, really, is a time where it is leisurely. You do what you want. It’s all your time, I think, to play with.

GD: And to allow us to pursue our spiritual endeavors as well, as we are spiritual beings, and to give us the opportunity, the freedom to deepen our spirituality and continue to grow.

MQ: Yes, I believe that. And I’m sure when we take that step up with Ascension, obviously our own level of consciousness is going to expand quite dramatically, and I think our natural urge would want to be to serve other people. I think that is how it goes, which is of course what the Galactic Federation is comprised of, evolved civilizations that have reached that point where their members can work with unconditional love.

GD: With the theme being service to others as opposed to service to self?

MQ: Absolutely, yes.

GD: You mentioned the Galactic Federation. What is the Galactic Federation and what’s SaLuSa’s role in it?

MQ: Well, I think you can be invited to join the Galactic Federation. I’m never quite sure how many nations are in it, but at one time I was told it was about 36. But I don’t think it’s a natural progression. As I said, I think when you reach the level where civilization has Ascended, you have that opportunity to join the Galactic Federation.

There are other ones, apparently. It’s not the only one. So that would be a way of serving other people, for sure, I mean, if you join them. So yes, that’s a choice you make of your own volition.

GD: The Galactic Federation is a representation of planets, or representation of societies, or ships, or all of that?

MQ: I think it’s of civilizations, because you…they talk to themselves in the terms of being Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Pleiadeans, so to my mind they’re talking of a civilization in each case.

GD: And we, it sounds like, will have as Earth humans some options when Ascension comes around, which includes going back to our original home planet, staying here on Earth, and perhaps serving with the Galactic Federation. Is that right?

MQ: Yes, I think every one of those would be an option. I suppose some people would, on learning who they really are, and then remember their family perhaps, back on their home planet, would like to return to it. But even beyond that, I suppose you could pay a visit back and then decide that you perhaps wanted to join something like the Galactic Federation. This is the beauty of it, you’ve got total freedom to choose your next stage of evolution.

GD: And it sounds like many of us may already be members of the Galactic Federation. We are here in service on planet Earth, and we just don’t know that.

MQ: I think that’s true. Yes, yes. I’ve been told by a psychic that I’m from…a Sirian. So I can accept that.

GD: Yeah.

MQ: And I think there are a lot of other people like me that have specially incarnated perhaps in recent years, maybe not just this one life, but perhaps had a series of lives building up to this period of time, specifically to be of service when you’re needed.

GD: Um-hmm. And what’s SaLuSa’s role with the Galactic Federation?

MQ: Well, strangely enough, I’ve never actually been given any other detail.

I suspect perhaps, inasmuch that he took over the role of contact, that perhaps he is a leader, if you like, of some kind of that particular branch of their activities. That’s all I can think.

GD: And when we were talking earlier, you were sharing a bit about the ships. And I thought that was really interesting, particularly how ships can emulate what we might be experiencing here on Earth. So, for example, they might…they could replicate a forest, or they could replicate other surroundings to the extent that we might not even tell the difference.

MQ: Absolutely. Because you see some of the ships are so enormous, that they…they’re probably beyond our belief and almost comprehension. I mean, some of the mother ships apparently are a hundred miles or so in diameter, where you clearly could get easily lost inside one of those without realizing that you’re even on board a ship.

GD: So, when I think of a mother ship a hundred miles in diameter, how many stories are we talking about? Do you have a sense of that?

MQ: I have heard that some of the levels are sort of four or five. Usually the bottom one is where they—is like a hangar where they keep the scout ships.

So, where…they’re launched from the bottom level. One of the levels is also for the crew, as you might call it. And I guess the others are facilities, say, these replications of people’s own planet, where people choose to live because they’re familiar with it, it suits them.

GD: And I think…you mentioned Star Trek, and I think about, when I think about Star Trek, and perhaps more the more recent episodes, I think about ships that cater to a number of different societies, if you will, or different entities or beings representing different societies, working in harmony and being on ships for years. Is that accurate?

MQ: Yes. Well, one of the reasons for that is a lot of the extraterrestrials live for hundreds of years. And, in fact, I was reading about one particular group that live for around 2,000 years. So, of course, [the] reason being that in that higher energy the body doesn’t age at all. So, you could sort of, in a manner of speaking, live forever!

But I think that when you want to change, of course, you can. You just exit your body and take another one. And it was interesting, I read about the same people that if they, say, were involved in some sort of accident and lost their life, all they would do is immediately reincarnate as an adult. So, they cover it all. There’s a big continuation.

And it’s very interesting, I think, because you can understand how some of the extraterrestrials that give us messages talk about periods of time like Atlantis and Lemuria. It’s quite possible that they were in the same lifetime, and they recall these civilizations quite clearly.

GD: It’s interesting. You were talking about how beings can assume a younger form. And that’s, I think, one of the things that we can look forward to, especially when we think of our current planet Earth, where there’s so much disease and ill health. Our new Earth won’t have a place for that.

MQ: Absolutely. It’s the norm amongst—in the higher level, that you don’t age at all.

GD: So, one could assume a form that could look 20, 30 years old and maintain that for many, many years?

MQ: Absolutely, yes. You could walk up to one that looks about 30 years old and say, “How old are you?” And they’ll say…

GD: Hundreds of years. Or thousands? Yeah.

MQ: …“Oh, I’m only one thousand years old.” Yes, right.

And of course this applies to everything. That’s the point. Unlike here, where radiation can age and eventually destroy material things, at their level, and because of their own composition—you have to remember that we’re moving into a crystalline body rather than carbon-based—there is nothing outside of your body to cause the aging of your body. So this is the reason why you actually stay young.

GD: I see. I see. You mentioned the cities of light earlier, and you made a reference a little bit just now. What’s your understanding of how cities of light will come on line here on planet Earth?

MQ: Well, there is the one that is hardening out and probably will become visible in a matter of just a few months, the first one that’s going to appear, in Sedona. And there will be others throughout the Earth in the course of time. I get the impression—although it isn’t actually said—that perhaps this is, in fact, a mother ship. It isn’t a city in the way that we would have the concept of. And it is a healing city. They’ve got various buildings there and other facilities that seem to be entirely set up for healing.

GD: And we’re expecting a number of those cities all around the world?

MQ: Yes, there will be, yes. The figure they’ve mentioned so far is not very great. But yes, once Sedona appears, the rest will follow on.

I have to think to myself that a lot of what is going to happen does depend on getting rid of all these dark entities that are in places of power and authority, and ceasing the wars. And then with the governmental changes and provisional leaders of the governments, then I think the scenario would be ready to accept these sort of things.

If the city of light, say, suddenly appeared tomorrow, I think in five minutes it would be surrounded by about 5,000 troops and you wouldn’t be able to go within five miles of it. You would get all this sort of normal, Earthy-type cover-up and control straightaway.

GD: So there’s still a presence —with the Illuminati, the dark cabal—there’s still a presence. It may not be…it sounds like it’s been…their strength, their stronghold has been diluted considerably, but we still have some clearing left.

MQ: Well, there are still people that support them all down the line. I think some of the military might be divided on that, but certainly when you look at the top levels of control, some of them are totally with the ideas of what the Illuminati are doing. They are—I’ve only got one word for it—they’re out and out warmongers.

GD: Could you speak to your perspective on Bill Wood and the convergence of timelines?

MQ: Yes, well, I believe what is being given out at the moment because it makes good sense to me and it’s confirmed by more than one source. But the one I like, that seems to satisfy me, is the one that I think it was Bill Wood traveled down, because he was a time traveler, and found that when you get to the 21st of December this year they converge. Eventually, there is only the one timeline. Apparently at the moment there are basically the two, there’s the one of the light and the one of the dark. But the dark one has no chance against the timeline of the light.

So, that’s my reason for totally believing it. And when you think about it, it makes sense, really.

GD: Well, what I think about is—and we talked about this earlier—is we are so empowered to affect what things look like, how things roll out, how events take form, ultimately there is a timeline, or there is a Divine Plan, and yet we still have a lot of control over how things look as we get there. And one of the messages that I’ve been hearing clearly from our star brothers and sisters is they’re not coming here to do it for us. They’re coming here as co-creators, as equals, to assist us. And there are a number of reasons why they’re doing that.

I think it’s important for us to remember that they’re not coming to save us, and we do have—they’re coming to help, for sure, as our galactic family—and we do have a lot of influence as to how things play out.

MQ: Yes, I think all along—although we’re only just beginning to realize our own individual power of creation—we have been projecting our thoughts and ideas and creating our future. So whether we have a smooth ride to Ascension or a rough ride is, to a large extent, down to us. But in light of what is happening now, I think it’s beginning to prove that our consciousness levels have lifted quite considerably, and we’re more in line for, I think, a smoother ride.

It wasn’t long ago that people expected it to be quite catastrophic and get the Apocalypse and all this sort of business, and here we are in March, and it’s been in that sense relatively quiet. Because if people say, “Oh, what about the tsunamis?” well, you have to sit on the fence about those because there’s every indication that they’re actually man-made anyway.

GD: Over the years we’ve heard of dates, we’ve heard of predictions around Disclosure and other announcements. And you’ve been doing this a while, and I don’t want to put you in a position of speaking to dates or predictions, but what advice do you have for light-workers who are experiencing frustration around what seems to be frequent delays and postponements? We’ve been hearing things, to your point, since the ʼ90s, and a lot of people have been expressing, “Hey, you know, when is this going to happen? Why the delays?” What would you like to say around that?

MQ: Well, you just have to keep on being patient. I know it gets very trying. Even I have felt the frustration at times. It’s a matter of having faith and—I don’t know whether I mentioned this earlier, when I was speaking to you—but the message is that, don’t get worried, or don’t get fearful about anything that happens around you, or to the Earth, or whatever, because nothing can actually stop Ascension taking place.

Now, that is the important issue. Nothing else really matters very much. So why worry about whether Disclosure was promised last year and didn’t take place or pillars of light were promised and didn’t appear? It doesn’t matter one iota, to be honest.

GD: Are you feeling that this year is different to you, compared to other years?

MQ: Oh, yes, yes. I sense, again this year, that time is speeding up more than ever. I think it’s true to say, although it might be down to me to a certain extent, that I feel more uplifted. I mean, it is a state of being, and obviously each individual can affect that within themselves. But I feel like I could sail through anything and it wouldn’t matter. It’s like—it’s as though I’m in my world, and everything around me is in the other one.

GD: What are you personally most excited about, with the new Earth changes, and what Ascension will bring about? And, do you know what your role will be after Ascension?

MQ: No, I haven’t got a clue. And, although I have this contact with SaLuSa, and probably other ETs, I have never had any waking knowledge of meeting them when I’m out of the body, which I undoubtedly must have done. I’ve never seen one, so I’m really, in that sense, in the dark, to be honest.

GD: And is there anything in particular that really resonates with you when you think about Ascension and the new Earth?

MQ: Gosh, well, it’s so exciting and so great to look forward to it because of the total change it’s going to bring. I think just to be a higher type being is something in itself, and not to have all the ills and worries and problems that you get as an Earth human. I mean, to think that you can be free of disease and illness, it’s just such a remarkable change, I think I’m looking forward just to being a higher being, let alone anything else.

GD: Sure. It’s really exciting to think about and talk about, isn’t it?

MQ: Yes, absolutely.

GD: Now, when you’ve gone out and have spoken to groups about extraterrestrials and UFOs, what kinds of things do you tell people, particularly to the skeptics?

MQ: Well, skeptics of course are very difficult people to tell anything to, because skeptics tend to want absolute proof. And then when you can offer them some, often it’s not enough. It’s not the sort of proof they want. So, I don’t know. I tell people if they disagree with SaLuSa’s messages or anything, I say, fine, I respect your right to have your own opinion and to follow your own truth.

And that’s how I deal with anyone who’s got anything to say, because the whole point is eventually there will only be the one truth that will remain. So, we don’t have to sort of argue about it, we just say, “Okay, you think your way, I’ll think mine, and one day we’ll both know the truth!”

GD: Well, that’s a good point. And I think that’s one of the things that we can look forward to, or look to, when we think about unity consciousness, in recognizing the diversity and recognizing uniqueness and differing opinions and positions, and still embracing all of that.

MQ: Absolutely, yes. Well, I think they make the world go round in a manner of speaking. It would be maybe boring if you were in such an idyllic situation that nothing ever happened!

GD: Yeah. Right, right. What advice do you have for people who are just opening up and deepening their spirituality and are just learning about these significant times?

MQ: Well, obviously if they’ve started to do that, they have an open mind of a kind, but there will be so much happening and so much information given and so much revealed about the past, you’ve really got to have a very, very open mind, and don’t jump to conclusions. And of course it’s very important that you try and just put your earlier beliefs behind you. Don’t let them rule your life or be the level by which you judge anything new, because that won’t work. You’ve got to have an open mind and be prepared to accept a totally different, new view of life and its purpose and so forth.

GD: Beautifully said. And I did want to come back to the extraterrestrial history, and just acknowledge that, while we’re talking about, presently, benevolent beings that come in love, we haven’t always had that here on Earth. There have been beings from other planets that have wanted to take resources and assume control and partner with their Earth allies to carry out agendas that haven’t been so benevolent.

MQ: That’s right. Well, I think going back before the Earth was populated by humans of the type we are today, I think other extraterrestrials were probably quite free to visit the Earth, to take some of the resources, or even live here for a period of time. But for a long, long time we’ve been in quarantine, and the extraterrestrials that look after us and protect us have kept away unwanted visitors.

But, having said that, there is the law of attraction that they obey, and, for example, when the Illuminati were first contacted by the Grays, instead of saying, “No, buzz off. We’re not letting you stay on our Earth in exchange for these advanced technologies because we’re spiritual beings.” I mean, they took the opposite approach because they couldn’t wait to get hold of advanced technology to put themselves in a prime position to control the Earth and the people on it.

So, yes, there have been visitors that haven’t been of the type that have our best interests in mind, but they, unfortunately, although not invited by me or you, were invited by other people.

GD: And any of those beings that are still on Earth as Ascension comes won’t be able to stay here because the vibrational level will be such that they won’t be able to survive, is that right?

MQ: Quite correct, yes. That is the beauty and, I think, the justice and the fairness of what is going to take place with Ascension, is that it’s all down to whether you are of the right vibration to go forward with Ascension. If you’re not, then, you’re quite correct, you can’t go. So that is the great cleansing and sorting out, really, of the human race.

It’s not to say that the people that aren’t ready are in any way inferior. We all follow our own path at our own pace. And they will be given another chance somewhere else to continue their evolution, and one day in the future they’ll have another chance like this.

GD: What…and I’m recognizing we’re wrapping things up here, and I wish we had many more hours. This has just been such a lovely conversation and discussion, certainly for me and I know for our listeners as well. You mentioned that we’re in a period of flux and chaos and change, paraphrasing your words. As we come to the end of this calendar year there’ll be more changes. And you spoke to vibrational levels.

What recommendations do you have for people to hold on to a higher vibration, to stay centered in the peace during these times of change?

MQ: Well, I think one of the most important things is not to allow anything at all to make you feel fearful, because fear and any of the other negative emotions pull down your vibration. So, you’ve got to insulate yourself, in a manner of speaking, against any attempts or any events that take place that might drop your vibrations. And the main way, I think, to do that is to focus on the Ascension and try to live your life now as you believe you will be living it after Ascension.

GD: I like that. I like that very much. Well, Mike Quinsey, it’s been such a joy to have you on the show. And thank you for your time, and I hope that we can do it again someday.

MQ: Well, who knows? In a few months we might! Hopefully, we will have a lot more to talk about.

GD: I’m sure we will. Well, thank you, again.

MQ: You’re very welcome. I enjoyed it. Thanks a lot, Graham.



Source :

" a measure of weeks "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite. We are therefore hopeful of taking a great step forward very soon, and one that will be such that you will get to learn of it. We have some backing form the media, and believe it will not take much before reporting of what is happening will spread and be accurate. We are not out for sensationalism, but nevertheless the events will be quite extraordinary. We want it to be known that the old regime is no longer in charge, and that it will be replaced by one that truly represents the people. The Light is returning Dear Ones, and it will reach into everyone's lives for the better.

To reach this point in your evolution has taken a long time, and required a great deal of faith at times. You are now in the throes of being rewarded with a succession of changes that shall lift you out of poverty, and give you a taste of what is to come following Ascension. After thousands of years of subtle controls that have gradually taken away your rights, so much so that you have accepted them as being normal, you are at last to experience freedom at a level you are unfamiliar with. The dark Ones deliberately created the circumstances that led to your virtual imprisonment in your own homes. As Spiritual Beings you are the Children of God, and free to choose your own experiences. However, it must be added that you chose duality as a means of expanding and speeding up your evolution.

What is left of this present cycle no longer holds any fears for you, as the dark Ones have failed to achieve their objectives. You have learnt much from them, but were not intended to be totally at their mercy or desire to take complete control over you. Your big lesson has been to experience separation from the Source, to see what it is like to establish once again your connection to the Light. You were given every opportunity to create your own reality, and at times in earlier civilizations you did achieve a high level of peace and serenity. However, the dark Ones were never far away plotting your downfall, and there were equal periods of darkness that resulted in the total collapse of the last two civilizations.

It might strike you as odd that duality serves a dual purpose, and in the end benefits all souls that have taken part in it. Every experience has value to everyone involved, and bear in mind that although today you may be fully committed to the Light, there will undoubtedly have been periods when you also served the dark Ones. Because there is no judgment involved you have no reason to look back and carry guilt with you. What matters most is whether you have learnt the lessons it gave you, that you may have gone through more than once. Your ego will feed your waking mind, and has no hand in decisions based on your consciousness levels. That is where your Higher Self comes in and when often a battle of wills takes place. We would expect those of you who have established yourselves on the Ascension path, would lead their lives and make their decisions based on Love and Light and be guided by their Higher Self.

It should be reassuring for you to know that whatever hardships you are enduring at present, before the end of the year they will have been dealt with. Try to see what remaining karmic lessons are involved with your final experiences, particularly as often your hardest tests are left to the final stages of your life. We can tell you that you are never given more than you can cope with in spite of what you may feel. Whatever the situation it need only have a limited affect on you, and as your consciousness levels rise up you are more able to deal with them. Theses are times when it is important that if you have been wronged that you do not think in terms retribution, as that will only heap up the karma once again.

Forgiveness is a vital and essential requirement if you are to keep rising up, and the sooner you can put matters behind you the better. This is particularly important where family feuds or disagreement are concerned, as you want to leave duality having made your peace with everyone. Remember that at some stage you will review your life, and the differences you might have had may not always be as you understand them now. It can be quite revealing to hear the other side of disputes or arguments you have been involved in.

With such little time left in this cycle, concentrate on your immediate needs that will ensure you are ready to ascend. Be what you imagine you need to be to achieve it, and we can assure you that it is relatively easy to live your life that way when you are maintaining your Light at all times. See how people around you respond, and note that your presence often helps people feel good. It is because the energies you give out are harmonious and uplifting. In the greater picture when many souls are doing it, the upliftment occurs on an even higher level. If you consider the reverse situation you will also see how easy it must be for souls to be pulled down by the lower energies.

For quite some time your Earth has been bathed in ever higher energies, and the net result is that the lower ones are being transmuted. The cleansing continues and with the removal of the dark Ones, a quantum leap forward will take place. It will be overtaken by the final alignment when your Sun lines up with many other planets, and the Great Central Sun. Then you shall change in the twinkling of an eye, and find you have ascended into the beauty of a new Earth. One that bears little resemblance to what you know now, that is vibrant and of all Light and the most beautiful colors, shapes and sizes that harmonize with each other.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your support of the Galactic Federation that holds such love for you, and which you will soon learn to know much better.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Friday, March 16, 2012

" Torsion : the key to everything "

Dear All,

this is a really interesting article on torsion, a subject that also Deepak Chopra has approached a few times in his discourse on science and spirituality.
This one below, not by Deepak, is really interesting.

Torsion: The Key to the Theory of Everything

By Brendan D. Murphy
5 - March - 2012

Putting a Twist on Things

The first research generally credited with the discovery of this “fifth force”—torsion—was that done in the late 1800s by Russian professor N.P. Myshkin.1 Einstein’s colleague Dr. Eli Cartan first coined the term in 1913 after discovering this force’s twisting movement through the fabric of space-time is what gives rise to the helical structure of DNA. In the 1950s pioneering Russian scientist Dr. N.A. Kozyrev (1908–1983) conclusively proved the existence of this energy, demonstrating that, like time, it flows in a sacred geometric spiral, 2 as I detail in The Grand Illusion (TGI).

Russian scientists are reported to have written around 10,000 papers on the subject in the 1990s alone.

Torsion essentially means “twisting” or “spiralling.” Thus, this is the action of torsion waves as they propagate through space—and it is also the action of static torsion fields. Torsion fields are generated by spin and/or by angular momentum; any object or particle that spins produces torsion waves and possesses its own unique torsion field. According to some, torsion waves are the missing link in the search for a final “theory of everything (TOE),” a unified field theory, or GUT (grand unified theory). Currently they cannot be reconciled with the established concept of a quantum wave as it stands in physical theory.

Since torsion fields influence spin states, one object’s torsion field can be changed by the influence or application of an external torsion field. “As a result of such an influence, the new configuration of the torsion field will be fixed as a metastable state (as a polarized state) and will remain intact even after the source of the external torsion field is moved to another area of space. Thus torsion fields of certain spatial configuration can be ‘recorded’ on any physical or biological object.” 3 (emphasis added)

This realisation of the unique properties of torsion fields immediately suggests compelling links to various psi or parapsychological phenomena (such as the “charging” of an object with intent, or the informational recording of events in “inert matter” so that it can later be “read” by a psychometrist).

Kozyrev, Time and Torsion

Dr. Kozyrev discovered that human thoughts and feelings generate torsion waves.

Such a discovery opens the door for a “physical” understanding of consciousness, and a much more complete model of reality. Kozyrev was able to measure physical effects that were caused by sudden psychological changes (including his own), proving that consciousness is related to vibrations within a fluid-like “aetheric” medium.4 In his ingenious experiments he detected minute changes in systems, that mimicked psychokinesis using an unknown form of hard-to-detect energy—time itself, he believed—which he pointed out united all existence in a unified field, connecting all things in real-time (thus facilitating nonlocality or “action at a distance”).

Changes in mechanical systems produced subtle alterations in the density of time/the aetheric medium, as did gravity, thunderstorms, changes in season, and changes in matter density. Likewise, Kozyrev found that consciousness also affected time density. Emotional thoughts produced larger effects on his equipment than did intellectual thoughts. “The measurement systems are especially strongly affected by a person in emotional excitement,” Kozyrev’s colleague V.V. Nasonov told an audience at Moscow University in 1985. “For instance, [Kozyrev] was able to deflect a torsion balance pointer by 40° or more when reading his favourite ‘Faust.’ Meanwhile, as a rule, mathematical calculations did not cause pointer deflections.”5 Thus, Kozyrev believed that our thoughts could change the density of time. He believed that in mastering the ability to make time dense at will we would be able to make telepathy occur at will. Under his conception, all psi phenomena would be stripped of their paranormal trappings and accepted into the world of natural phenomena.6

Storing Intention and Information in Water

Virtually all anomalous warping effects or other “law-defying” effects caused in matter by various technologies can be replicated by the human mind, as I make a point of illustrating at some length in TGI. The imprint of human intention into the ice crystals of Dr. Masaru Emoto is just one example that might be explained by torsion waves radiated by human thoughts and emotions. Dankachov showed in 1984 that water is “a good medium for storing static torsion fields.“7 The torsion fields created by human intention are simply memorized in water, especially water containing ionized salts.8 At a sub-microscopic level the internal structure of water has changed causing the resultant differences in the ice crystals. At Sound Energy Research scientists created torsion field imprints in distilled water using scalar (torsion) wave technologies. The result is structured water called scalar wave–structured water™. They sent samples to Emoto who froze them and studied the crystals, which formed hexagonal structures like those created by human consciousness.9 The scalar/torsion technology creates the same effects as mental intent. The inference to be drawn is compelling: perhaps torsion waves—which are bereft of any electromagnetic (EM) properties or mass—are “carrier waves” of consciousness.

According to Dr. W.E. Davis, the psionic device patented and used for years now by the De La Warr laboratories in England is a variation of the Heironymus machine that is capable of registering photographs of the L(ife) field surrounding an object. In 1958 Dr. De La Warr took a picture of a drop of ordinary tap water. The results were “normal”: there was a central point with seven bright, thin lines radiating from it. Then he asked a priest to bless the water before he took another picture. This time, the “brilliant lines of force” formed the shape of a cross!10 This phenomenon is somewhat akin to the use of kind words to metamorphose the shape of water molecules as documented in Emoto’s research. The spin states of the water’s atoms were presumably altered by the priest’s own torsion field as he imprinted his intention by blessing the water.

Nonlocal Interactions and Torsion in Nature

The fact that plants are able to respond to human intention in measurable ways could perhaps be related to the torsion waves created by human consciousness and broadcast to the plant, which senses them and responds accordingly, on instinct. After all, if we can observe the Phi ratio (signifying the presence of this spiraling torsion energy) virtually everywhere we look in nature and realize that plants, humans, and animals are all created out of this mathematically embedded matrix or “implicate order,” it is not so surprising that plants can detect human thoughts (which generate torsion waves), as Cleve Backster has shown with his breakthrough studies (starting in the 1960s) on human-plant telepathic interactions. Backster documents, among other things, that when he was away from his office, the plants in his office space actually produced immediate measurable electrical reactions to his intent to return—even when he was nowhere near the building. By connecting a plant’s leaves to a polygraph machine, Backster found that his office plants not only responded stressfully to silent mental threats by a human to harm them, but also to the deaths of nearby organisms, such as brine shrimp and even bacterial colonies.11

Russian scientist Dr. Victor Grebennikov is an entomologist who discovered what he called the “cavity structural effect” (CSE) created by bee nests. The particular shape of the nests caused them to harness and throw off large amounts of torsion waves that were detectable to human hands even when the nest was shielded with thick metal. These torsion waves act as a guide to trees, who detect them and guide their roots around the bees’ structures rather than growing into them, as well as offering a form of nonlocal “communication” between the bees themselves.12 The torsion harnessed by the CSE can also alter the passing of time, as Grebennikov showed, replicating Kozyrev’s findings.13

Dr. Frank Brown, a pioneer in the study of interactions between magnetism and living organisms, found that when bean seeds were placed near one another there was an interaction between them that could not be explained in orthodox terms: it seemed to be due to the presence of a biofield or spin force.14 That the biofield was involved is supported by Brown’s observation of a connection between rotation and bean seed interaction. He found that the beans interacted more strongly when they were rotated counter-clockwise than when they were rotated clockwise. (The biofield is usually observed as a clockwise force as seen from above, though it reportedly flows in one direction for men and the opposite for women.) Brown also reported on the research of R.I. Jones, who reported in 1960 that plant growth could be altered by uniform daily rotation. Clockwise rotation depressed growth, suggesting the presence of a spin force around all plants might be a factor.15

Pyramids as Torsion Conductors and Generators

Russian and Ukranian research into pyramids has yielded some very interesting results regarding torsion waves.

The Russians found that the pyramid shape naturally harnesses torsion waves, as if amplifying them. It has been experimentally established that objects that feature the Golden Section (which expresses Phi) can be described as passive torsion generators.16 The team of Prof. A.G. Antonov from the Russian R&D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology tested the effects of a solution of 40% glucose in distilled water after it had been stored in the pyramid. By administering only 1 ml of the glucose to 20 different prematurely born infant patients with compromised immune systems, their levels of health were seen to increase rapidly up to practically normal values. The researchers furthermore discovered that the glucose was not necessary, as the same effect could be produced by simply using 1 ml of ordinary water that had been stored in the pyramid.17

Another study in Russia showed that mice drinking torsion-affected pyramid water had significantly fewer tumors develop than the mice drinking the ordinary water.18 (Elsewhere, Russian scientists have reported that mice subjected to static torsion fields showed significantly enhanced immune function.19) Blunted razor blades also sharpen again as the crystalline structure is regenerated by the harnessed energy.20 These are just a few of the many effects observed and verified by large numbers of qualified scientists. The best and most up-to-date review of the incredible effects produced by pyramids as they harness torsion fields is provided by Wilcock in The Source Field Investigations (Dutton, 2011).

Some time around 1980, out-of-body explorer Robert Monroe was driving past his old home in Westchester County, New York—the site of his first out-of-body experiences. As Monroe recalled, a psychologist friend who was with him in the car took one look at the house, turned, and smiled, as he noted that the roof of the house formed a “perfect pyramid.” “You were living in a pyramid. That did it!”21 The ancient pyramids, in particular the Great Pyramid at Giza, served multiple esoteric functions such as facilitating OBEs, as in a shamanic initiation-type ritual.22 Pyramid placement at certain node points on the planetary grid suggests that they act to harness the planet’s life-enhancing energies, and perhaps stabilize the grid itself. They are not gigantic tombs for dead pharaohs, that much is certain, but that is a topic beyond the scope of this article. Wilcock explains that any cone-shaped or cylindrical object will harness and focus the torsion fields spiraling out of the Earth; since this energy is fundamentally intelligent, harnessing it not only enhances one’s physical health, but one’s “spiritual consciousness” also.23

Torsion waves have the potential to initiate a fundamental paradigm shift. They are bridging the gap between mind and matter in a way that was never thought possible, and in the process they are validating the perspectives of mystics and occultists. Various researchers consider torsion as being synonymous or identical with consciousness itself. Since torsion waves are a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of the cosmos we can see how consciousness is also; consciousness has a real and detectable force which can act on the environment both locally and remotely. Suddenly the notion of something like psychokinesis is not so “paranormal.” Sol Luckman refers to torsion energy as “intelligent light or intention energy emanating from higher dimensions” and notes that it is distinguishable from both gravity and electromagnetic radiation.24 Torsion fields are spin fields within gravity, and as such, they can be used to mitigate and nullify gravity, an idea I explore in relation to bodily levitation in TGI.

Torsion, Psi, and the Brain

Every electromagnetic or electrostatic field is accompanied by or contains a torsion component,25 meaning that all organic and inorganic objects have their own signature torsion fields,26 though no organic substances can be used to shield torsion fields—unlike aluminum, for instance, which can. (Kozyrev stated that aluminum was an excellent reflector of time.27) If the principle of complementarity operates at all scales (as we have good reason to believe) then, as Yurth points out, that means that wherever we find local/linear effects, we must also find non-linear/nonlocal effects.28 Relatedly, Kozyrev discovered that torsion waves can move through space at tremendous speeds—billions of times the speed of light—meaning they propagate in the future and past as well,29 so tapping into them could facilitate retro- or precognition, psi experiences involving glimpses of the past or future in other words.

If you think of torsion waves as connections not through space, but in the realm of time (or time-space), then real-time (instantaneous) telepathic communication between people separated by thousands of miles may become slightly more comprehensible—and less “unusual.” Such phenomena ordinarily looks to us as “acausal” (since there is no discernible exchange of EM energy or force between the two parties in space-time), but torsion waves may facilitate nonlocal correlations through “causal nonlocality.”

According to A. Akimov, torsion fields coupled with the standard electric, magnetic, and gravity fields should offer a unified field theory that will extend the realm of science to include the effects of consciousness. It’s interesting to note that certain effects on the spin structure of matter caused by torsion waves could only be reproduced by psychics. Furthermore, according to Russian physicist G.I. Shipov, torsion fields transmit information without transmitting EM energy.30 “From the late 80s till the late 90s…It was established that torsion generators allow us not only to replicate all ‘phenomena’ [such as PK and ESP] demonstrated by so called ‘psychics,’ but they also are able to demonstrate effects that were never demonstrated by any ‘psychic.’”31

The Akimov group have represented the brain as a non-magnetic spin torsion system where it is simultaneously a torsion transmitter and receiver.32 Iona Miller wrote in an online article that “[s]tanding scalar [torsion] waves can be coupled at exactly 180° out of phase in a resonant cavity to create zero sums through scalar resonance. There is just such a resonant cavity in the brain, between the pituitary and pineal glands. These waves of potential co-modulate each other and ‘lock or zip together’ as a zero-vector system [scalar] wave. This allows for crosstalk or translation between dimensions.”33

Interestingly, the pineal gland is believed to produce the entheogen DMT, known informally as the “spirit molecule.” This molecule is known to facilitate intuitive functioning and mystical experiences. Perhaps it acts as an antenna for and amplifier of hyperdimensional scalar/torsion waves? If a resonance can be set up within the cavity between the pineal and pituitary glands, does this stimulate higher levels of DMT production, allowing us to access different levels of reality? Rick Strassman’s fascinating experiments with DMT on volunteers showed that intravenously administered DMT produces extremely real other-dimensional experiences, replete with interactions with non-human intelligences—some resembling “aliens” referenced in the UFO and abduction literature.34

According to veteran independent scientist Lt. Col. Tom Bearden, “all mind operations are time-like, i.e., they are comprised as scalar EM photon functions and scalar EM wave functions. Thus the mind is a very special kind of electromagnetic system, existing in the time domain.”35 In other words, the mind does not have its origins in the material world, but in the nonlocal “implicate” realm or torsion/scalar field. “A sizable list of attributes has been experimentally identified which demonstrates that the torsion field operates holographically, without regard to time and distance.”36 So too then does consciousness. Pertinently, in torsion fields, similar charges attract, and opposite charges repulse. It has long been a metaphysical tenet that in terms of human experience “like attracts like.” If torsion is a carrier wave for consciousness this is a profound point. As a nonlocally interconnective force unifying us all in real-time, torsion is likely to be the missing link that facilitates Jung’s “acausal” sychronistic phenomena (“meaningful coincidences”), and our ability to remotely draw certain people and events to us. This could prove to be the ultimate scientific support for the notion that “what you put out is what you get back,” (the “law of attraction”) though this axiom appears to be an oversimplification.

In terms of psi phenomena such as remote viewing and other functions of consciousness that allow us to access information from anywhere in the cosmos, the significance of torsion fields should now be obvious. Indirect support comes from the employment of gravimetric devices by various scientists who have used torsion fields to measure and record distant astrophysical events and processes in real time. Their results support the notion that information at any single place in the cosmos can be instantaneously obtained at any other location.37 Likewise, by generating a torsion field (which can be done by counter-rotating two magnets or even other objects in close proximity), information can be “pumped” into it to instantly manifest elsewhere in the universe—no matter how large the distance between the sender and receiver. “The information ‘packets’ we insert into the non-linear field [implicate order] at our local address becomes accessible anywhere in the hologram at any other address simply by matching the field effects that created the torsion field in the original locale.”38 In 2001, Dr. Hartmut Müller used the spin/torsion fields within gravity to make a real-time telephone call from the Toezler Medientage building in Germany to Saint Petersburg in Russia—no EM fields were used. The communication was therefore instantaneous, without the time lag normal EM communication systems present.39


Psi and consciousness researchers have typically discussed only electromagnetism in relation to the operations of the mind, when all along the much harder to detect “fifth force” (known as torsion since 1913) may have been the most important aspect of bio-energy in accounting for the anomalous functions of consciousness. Physicist Michael Talbot wrote in his early 1990s classic The Holographic Universe that legitimate psychics had sensed the presence of another non-EM force or energy that composed part of the human aura or bio-field, but could not quite pinpoint what it was. Thanks to pioneers like Myshkin, Cartan, Kozyrev, and many more, we may surmise that the other “mysterious” non-EM component of the human bio-field spoken of by those psychics was torsion.

Copyright © Brendan D. Murphy

About the author:

Brendan is an independent researcher and writer who has been studying metaphysics, physics, the occult, and related subjects since a profound awakening around the age of twenty, over eight years ago. He has spent approximately the past four years researching and assembling his forthcoming science-meets-metaphysics series The Grand Illusion on a full-time basis. This article is adapted from material in TGI 1.

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