Monday, September 05, 2005

Violino St Germain - "What has happened has highlighted attitudes from your leaders that are not acceptable in what is called a modern society"

Through Mike Quinsey 09.05.05

It is going to be a long time before the tragedy on your own doorstep goes away. Its imprint will be there for many years. Unlike the rubble of Twin Towers it cannot be swept away and out of sight. New Orleans is a memorial to Man’s inhumanity to Man, and is the focus of all that has been ignored and set aside in a country that has forgotten its greatness. Perhaps one day the memorial may read that it is in memory of those who through their sacrifice brought about the awakening of Humanity.

Katrina has touched a nerve in many people who have had their faith in their leaders severely dented. It was always considered that the natural disasters were prepared for yet events show otherwise. Some of you are concerned that there is no plan in place to answer for the next one, and are reminded of what has always been seen as the Mother of all earthquakes, when the San Andreas Fault breaks loose. Now I am not saying it will happen yet, but it is a time bomb ticking away with the possibility that it could do so virtually any day. It is expected that with adequate warning that people could be evacuated in good time, but nevertheless the concern is there.

What has happened has highlighted attitudes from your leaders that are not acceptable in what is called a modern society. In response you have boldly taken the lead in providing for the victims of Katrina, even so the task is so enormous that it requires world-wide help. The compassionate side of humanity shines out, and it is not just from the U.S. alone. As yet one more tragedy that has followed on so quickly after the others, it has galvanized many people together who take the lead in supplying help.

Without a doubt the turning point has been reached, and people are desiring a different type of leadership that truly reflects the recognition of the Oneness of Humanity. Even the most hardened people have a soft spot that can turn them into compassionate beings. It is that heart felt love of another who is in need and the desire to help them. It is brotherly love that surfaces in times like you are experiencing now. From my perspective it is a marvelous sight to see the Light growing so quickly. In short time so much has changed and it will never go back to what it was previously.

There is a powerful movement growing that carries such a force of light, nothing can stand in its way least it becomes absorbed. It is far reaching into the halls of power and will see the end of structures that no longer truly serve your purpose. Changes are already being called for and you shall see a sudden collapse of the last cabal. The power of the people has engulfed the dark and is breaking it down, allowing for the emergence and entry of those who are of the Light. So far you have achieved this without our intervention, but we will nevertheless be at your shoulder to ensure your continued success. There were times when we were concerned as matters were delicately balanced, but you have suddenly surged ahead and are now an unstoppable force.

Dear Ones, it is often in the times of great tragedy that the greatest deeds of love are carried out, but Katrina has done much more by awakening so many of you to your responsibilities to each other. Until recently your history shows that Man has been very insular and had little concern for his neighbors. However, with the increasing energies upon Earth and the rise in consciousness, the barriers that have existed between you all have been broken down. Regardless of your different cultures, there is the realization that at heart you are all very much alike and have similar aspirations, but above all desire a peaceful and affluent life.

The energies for change are gathering more power, and they are nearer to manifesting than ever before. Gradually the proposed changes are becoming more acceptable to people that previously were hesitant or fearful. The material Age is beginning to fade away, and give way to one of equality and a fair distribution of wealth. Freedom and sovereignty will return at a time when they will not be abused, and allow the free expression of creative abilities that are waiting to embrace a New Age.

I am St. Germain and I watch with great interest as you seize the opportunity to determine your own future. How you are launching yourselves wholeheartedly into new schemes and ideas. I see you beginning to take over the reins of leadership in a peaceful revolution. The Heavens are rejoicing at your emergence knowing that this was always possible. You have excelled at quietly moving into the forefront and making yourselves heard. It is a movement that has gained its own momentum and has great things in store. We are ready to back you all of the way, and shall accompany for the last lap of the ride. This year will go down as one of great change, and you will soon see the fruits of your efforts. I am protecting you all under a great umbrella of Love and so shall it remain.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey