Communication with Capt. Helena of the Capricorn. 08 September 2005
Lavar: Welcoming Helena.
Helena: Good morning. Right on schedule. You will be pleased with the developments that are going on in your complicated communication- linked world today. It appears that there are great changes that are in process, if our information is correct. We do get a combination of telepathic information and we have solved some of the problems of working through your massive outpouring of ether frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, as you call it, and we are deciphering some of the more important messages. Such a blather of information and misinformation and music (if it can be called that) that you pour out into God's great ether. However, we understand that with the lack of telepathic communication, this whirlwind of electromagnetic outpouring serves some purpose in your lives. We are aware that there is a great change in your government structure that will very soon be announced. That is the change that we have been seeking for over a decade. With the change back to constitutional government, we expect that peace will be declared and that the new rulers will not find it reasonable to have your aircraft under standing orders to shoot down any of our craft. As you know, from your military experience, we have been around for some time and your Air Force has orders to try to shoot us down. That day will soon pass, peace will be declared, and we shall be able to land and work together with you in a degree of mutual harmony and respect of each others ways of life. New topic: We shall bring with us some great assistance to enable you to properly and easily correspond [communicate] with us. We know that you who are telepathic, as you have developed for yourself, are very few and that it will be years while the new generation of man is no longer told "You can't know what I said because I didn't say anything to you." and gradually destroy the beginnings of telepathy in your children. You will be encouraged to develop telepathy among your children and have them contact and exchange information with us and our children (there are a few children on board our starship). That is our message for you today. Any questions for us?
Lavar: Dear Helena, Thank you for your great service to mankind and for your wonderful ability to wait for so long to help mankind clean up the atmosphere and embark on the road to galactic acceptance. Are you able to set your landing dates now?
Helena: It will be a few days, as you say, "while the dust settles." As soon as the peace is declared, then we shall be seeking or choosing the day and time of our arrival. You may want to suggest what could be the best time of day in your area for us to land.
Lavar: Thank you dear Helena. Our blessings on you and your crew and we shall rejoice to greet you within a short time now!