Communication with Capt. Helena of the Capricorn. 26 September 2005
Lavar: Welcoming Helena.
Helena: Good morning. Right on time. We have a great task to perform and it has been very frustrating to have to keep delaying our landing. What is your information for the delay, this time?
Lavar: I have been told that there were deliveries of some bank documents Friday but that the decision was made to wait until Tuesday because of the expected swamping of the media by news of the hurricane Rita. It appears that there has to be an announcement of the NESARA program immediately following the distribution of the funds and that will greatly involve the media.
Helena: Sounds sensible. I am sure that you, as well as all of us, will welcome the announcement. We are ready to make our landing arrangements as soon as we know that the order to shoot us down has been cancelled. Hopefully, that will be very soon now. We rejoice, with you, in the new era that is coming to your country and [later] to the world with the change in government and with the landings of our crew and that of several other starship shuttles. This is the beginning of a world where peace will finally prevail, where a dramatic and inexpensive source of energy will be taught and developed throughout much of the world. Your group are leaders in this arrangement and we will soon be there to help. Much of our waiting has been used to further understand the limitations of your manufacturing capability. You have done a great job in getting information from our downed shuttles and have developed the printed circuit [and transistor] technology to a fine degree. However, it will take some time before you can produce some of the space-energy equipment that we use. We shall, however, provide your group with information from some of our decades-earlier work with tapping space energy (as you call it). That is my message. Any questions?
Lavar: Dear Helena, will there be any big problem in teaching us how to make vehicles like the shuttle with a propulsion system based on anti-gravity rather than the [rocket] boosters we use now?
Helena: It will take some major developments in your manufacturing capabilty. However, we will help and, in the meanwhile, we can always take some of your key people into space, to the moon, or to other planets in your system. We were there when you landed on Mars and had a vehicle placed directuly in your camera view. However, that part was not shown by your government.
Lavar: Thank you dear Helena. I am pleased that you will soon be landing.