Through Mike Quinsey 09.07.05
The more you hear about the immediate years you will begin the grasp the importance of this period. There are two phases that represent distinct movement and changes upon Earth. The first is the ending of your present cycle, and an interim period where you will see the old disappear or be renewed. As you change with the higher vibrations, so Mother Earth also changes and you go forward together. In the same way that you are moving into a higher version of yourself, Mother Earth moves with you. The result will be the culmination of these preparations and you will be fully ready to ascend.
To achieve the state of readiness means to first stabilize the Earth and all life forms upon it. Since there will be no place for the dark energies and only that which aligns itself with truth, these will clearly have to be removed. At present you are amidst the break up of the old, and with a degree of unavoidable disruption as it fights to stay with you. However, you are drawing away from the lower vibrations and they have less affect upon you as you increase your own higher vibration. There will come a point where they will cease to have any affect on you whatsoever. You will walk in your own Light and rapidly become that Being of Light that you are.
As you integrate more of the higher vibrations, you will find that your ailing physical body will begin to change. That aging will cease, and indeed there will come a point where no afflictions or illnesses will affect you. You will understand how this is possible, as you are heading towards a period when for reasons of preparing you for Ascension, imperfections of the body as now experienced physically will disappear. All of the time from hereon in as you merge yourself into the new vibrations you will be releasing the old. Bear in mind, that in a comparatively short time, you will change from the old 3D version of yourself into one of 4D, and that will take place in this interim phase.
The only clear demarcation line is when you finally ascend. This is a wonderful lifting up of you and the Mother Earth into the 5D and for anyone who remained in the 3D, you will have disappeared. Your vibration will be too high for normal physical sight to register. Even now we who are already in those higher vibrations, along with the Masters and Angels are invisible to you. When we wish to show ourselves we are able to reduce our vibration and you will see us as Beings of Light or even quite physical. This is a different form of invisibility to that used to cloak our craft, which is a manipulation and bending of light.
Meantime, the two phases I refer to are coming together and the old vibrations are replaced by the higher ones. There is a flowing together, but always the higher vibrations will remain and gradually transmute the old. This is the period that you are in right now, and why you will experience some remarkable changes. The greater ones will be with Self, and the more you are aware and prepare yourselves for them the easier they will be to integrate. Any forceful rejection will only cause discomfort and even illness in extreme cases. No one will be left alone to deal with the changes which have yet to really get underway, and part of First Contact will cover the enlightenment of you all. We will advise you as to how you can go with the flow and it should be a totally enjoyable and invigorating time.
There are people who are unable to move forward, but this is their choice which will be respected. They will move on to their new Earth which will be much like this present one, and continue their experiences. Understand that no one is denied the opportunity to ascend, and that it is decided at a soul level for what would be in their best interests for their future. Everything is continually proceeding in a cyclic motion, and eventually all will be lifted up into the higher dimensions.
Can you see now, that you have absolutely nothing to worry about concerning the future of the Earth and its inhabitants. The changes are unstoppable and divinely decreed and it would do you well to keep your mind and focus on your future. See the bigger plan and know that whosoever leaves this Earth now, will be released from any trauma they have experienced and have exactly the same choices as you. Also know that the timing and circumstances in which anyone leaves is chosen by them. The transition from your physical Earth into the higher realms is carried out smoothly, and those involved are surrounded by loving Beings who restore and balance the emotions. Also bear in mind, that souls arriving in the higher dimensions often have more loved ones to greet them than they do on Earth.
Trust in your Creator as everything that is planned is done so in perfection. Do not equate your 3D experiences with what is coming, as you were given freewill and the present imbalances are of your making. This is why the emphasis is on your own ability to restore your Earth and the responsibility is placed at your feet. There is nothing in the way of punishment involved, but you have to clear up after you and through this you gain a greater understanding of your responsibility to Self and Mother Earth. In reality we will help speed up the cleansing, but you will be very much involved in its application.
I am Ker-On from Venus, and I know Michael and happily work with him. He was recently introduced to me by another psychic friend and today strongly feels my vibration. Venus of a higher dimension has had much involvement with Earth, and in recent times perhaps we are more readily known for our contact with George Adamski. We too, as part of the solar system are prepared for the great Ascension although we shall move into an even higher vibration than yourselves. Our vibration is one of Love and we are surrounding your Earth with it. We are just one of many who come to you for the end-time, and to help you on your journey. I Bless you All in the name of the Creator. We Are One, and so shall it always remain so.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey