Sunday, September 30, 2012

" Changes are of universal proportions "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

28 - September - 2012

 The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.

 There is always going to be much discussion about how the future events will take place, as there are many different views about it. What you have been promised will certainly come about and you have much to gain from it. In fact the timing has often had to be adjusted, and you are of course now aware that some events have had to be put back. However, you will not miss out and you will pass on to a higher vibration, and benefit from the many changes that will lift you up further into the Light. The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.

 We are still pushing for our allies to raise their actions, as we would like to see some major changes commence very shortly. That would ease your worries and assure you that the end of the cycle was going to end as predicted. However, that may depend on your expectations as only a minority have any idea of what lies ahead. We will address that in one way or another, so that all souls have a final choice as to whether they desire to leave the lower dimensions for the higher ones. What you can be certain of is that those of you that came into this life having already made their choice to ascend will do so. There will have been high points in their lives that have led them on to the right path, and brought enlightened souls to them. Each of you has had immense help, and you would have had to be quite defiant to go against your life plan that included Ascension.

 Ascension is not a 5 minute wonder, but is a path you have been travelling for a very long time and will continue to do so. There have been many highlights, particularly at the end of the last century and your present one. Each one has brought the energies to a higher level than previously. They have gently helped you along, unlike the 21st. December 2012 when all will be noticeably affected. Already many have noticed what have become to be known as Ascension symptoms, that can easily mistaken for the onset of illness. Clearly if they persist it is wise to check your condition with a doctor, as normally they will disappear in a matter of a few days.

 Whatever happens go along with it knowing that Ascension is ongoing, and you are not going to miss out because of any delays. It is all planned and soon you will be rid of the Dark Ones, because no matter how devious they are or whatever power they can exert, they have no place in your future. You tend to get depressed when events do not turn out as expected, but if you are of the Light the battle has already been won. There is lots to be done to move you quickly into the New Age but we are more than equal to the task. We are constantly amending our plans to suit whatever situation comes up, and that is no problem at all for us.

The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality, and that is because he has immense spiritual experience and understanding to meet the challenge. There are others around him also ready to join up in a new Government, that will be based on new principles and truly represent the people. There will be no failure or repeat of what you previously experienced, as the dark Ones have had their day and capitulated to the Light. So please do not be too concerned by the threats of those who still promote greed and self power. They will not figure in the new Government which is to be for the people.

Accept that what happens is part of the cleansing that must take place, before the changes can be introduced. Mother Earth will also need to take some actions, but they will not be as severe as some people forecast. We of the Galactic Federation are still overseeing all that happens on Earth, and take part in many things that you are not aware of. So please do not feel that we are non-active, when in fact we are probably more involved than ever before. You are certainly seeing more of us, and the best is yet to come when we can arrange our flyovers. We register that disclosure has is being powered by the people, and we applaud your initiative and persistence. Anything that awakens people to the truth is well worthwhile.

 Obviously the next few weeks are going to be very important, and you should be able to see where matters are heading. You can expect to see more charges come out against corrupt bankers as their activities are investigated. It takes time to gather the appropriate evidence, and it needs to be thorough. Some flee rather than face the music, and for the time being they will get away with their crimes but will eventually answer for them. Our main thrust is to see them removed, so that we are left with trustworthy and reliable people to handle the new financial arrangements. It is all part of moving you on and bridging the gap between the old and the new systems.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so happy to see how far you have advanced in such a short time. Nothing was taken for granted as you were facing a very stiff test, and you are winning all the way down the line. Keep on looking ahead and do not relax your determination to see this cycle through to the very end. You are indeed Warriors of the Light.

 Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

 Source :

" a fairly smooth finish to the cycle "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
26 - September - 2012

 As you are finding time is speeding by, and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable. By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.

 It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom. You are already seeing the last stand in many countries, and the military personnel are showing their belief that it is time to call an end to all war. They realize that apart from self defense war is a senseless act that rarely achieves any lasting effect. Instead it creates hatred, and those whose people and lands are destroyed will carry thoughts of revenge until they are fulfilled. Is it not true Dear Ones, that you have created the terrorists that plague the world with their insane acts of self destruction and murder.

 We would wish you to not dwell upon the negativity that is still present in your world, but you need to understand how it has come about. Naturally the dark Ones have had a hand in perpetuating it, and speaking historically have set up almost every modern war between nations. That will all finish with Ascension as you are moving into a level where such negativity cannot exist. The souls that think this way who will not give up their pursuits for wealth and power, will remain in the lower dimension with others who are unenlightened. However, the Light will not be denied them and every effort will be made to bring them back into it. One day they will return as eventually every soul will make it home. 

Meantime the path to Ascension is opening up, and the changes required to move on are nearing manifestation. In consequence matters will take off quite quickly as certain goals have to be reached before you get there. Our allies still put their heart and soul into their work, and will see the results very soon. As we have said many times, nothing can stop the final curtain coming down, and the Illuminati will be gone from your lives forever. Your consciousness levels continue to rise, and with one great leap forward you will realize that you have ascended. There will no uncertainty in your mind at all, you will know that you have immensely changed from what you were previously. So do not allow worries to creep into your mind, keep your vision in front of you and it will become your reality.

 Live in the Now and wait until it is necessary to change your daily pattern, to accommodate the New Age that is manifesting. You will know soon enough when it arrives, and it is the "knowing" that you can rely on to carry you forward. Your extrasensory perception will be sharper and enhanced by the new energies you are taking into yourself. You may well view the fact that your body will no longer be susceptible to illness, as the most welcome change of all. It will be just one of many that will immediately uplift your quality of life. We could say that you have not lived until you experience life in the higher dimensions. It would be true particularly where it relates to other souls. You will find that all are united in Love and Light, and will live together in bliss and total harmony.

 We of the Galactic Federation of Light speak to you as ones who are already at the levels you are moving into. We experience in a happy environment where all forms of life interact with each other. There is no fear whatsoever between the different life forms, and it is based on trust. Consequently no one feels inhibited or withdrawn, but can express themselves freely in great joy and happiness. Thoughts associated with the lower vibrations never enter our minds, and we focus on all that is pure and untainted by any negative aspect. Living your life in this way is so satisfying and we certainly do not have any time for boredom. There will be so much more open to you to explore and as you ascend even further, as you say "the skies the limit".

 So Dear Ones, make the most of your final days upon your present Earth. It still has so much beauty and places that are of the highest energies. Those of you who are sensitive's will know what I mean. Equally some areas still remain badly polluted, from centuries of being subjected to the lower energies through war and other conflicts. These will of course be finally cleared before Ascension, and indeed that work has already commenced. To help you we can work whilst off Earth, but when we can meet you it can be carried out as a joint venture. Mother Earth has been a most patient entity whilst seeing you through the last period of your lives. She receives and welcomes your contact with her, and your return to times when you both lived much closer together. It will come again in the near future when you shall understand your relationship with all other life forms.

 You were all created and placed upon Earth to enjoy all of the Creator's bounty and beauty, and learn how to support each other. Regretfully in the latter stages you grew away from Nature, and forgot how much you needed each other. That is changing and many are recognizing the place that Man has on Earth, and the importance of his guardianship where all life is concerned. The Buddhists are renowned for their understanding, and have shown what can be done when you are in harmony with nature. Some of you are equally aware, and are a good example to others who are seeking a true relationship with Nature.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to go forward with great confidence. There is nothing to be frightened about where the New Age is concerned, it is everything you could have wished for. We are preparing to introduce ourselves in whatever circumstances are permissible, and will do it a way that does not induce fear. Far from it, as we come to you in Love and Light.

 Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

 Source :

Monday, September 24, 2012

" connection to all souls "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
 24 - September - 2012

 The worldwide movement to bring about peace is gaining in support, and is helping awake others of the need to no longer tolerate the lack of compliance with your demands. Success will be yours but maybe not quite in the way you would have expected. We will certainly have a hand in it, and are allowed to assist where the Lightworkers are concerned. The main focus for the time being are the governmental changes that are needed to put the right people in charge of your future. Once one country has removed those who are not working for the people, the demand for changes elsewhere will escalate. There will be no stopping the energy from bringing down the dark Ones, and in general terms they know that their time is up.

 On the one hand the world would seem to be in a hopeless mess, but beneath it all you are birthing the New Age and it waits to replace the old one. The old status quo cannot be maintained anymore as its very structure is falling down. No amount of effort or money can keep it intact, and many reputations will go down with it. Already legal actions are poised to bring more well known names out for their criminal activities. Some of the biggest culprits are still able to hide behind others who have done their dirty work for them. However, in the final reckoning no one will be able to avoid justice, or having to answer to the higher authorities. They are all known to us and their every deeds are held in the akashic records.

 The every thought and deed of all souls is automatically known, but is not for viewing without permission. However, it is used when you pass over to the higher realms, when you review your life and decide what you need to carry forward for further experiences. To some life seems pointless, but in fact each one of you knew what was planned before you incarnated. So it follows that you are well advised to make the most of whatever challenges you get. Try not to be too hard on yourselves when you make mistakes, as you are not expected to be perfect. You are involved in trial and error to overcome your shortcomings, and move further along your journey of evolution. Every soul is involved, and many of you come together purposefully to help each other succeed.

 Naturally this lifetime is somewhat different to previous ones, as you are attempting to clear old issues that have been holding you back. It is clearly a very important time, and one in which you are being given every help to prepare for Ascension. We would like to see as many souls as possible ascend and move off the wheel of re-birth. Having done so your future will be totally in your own hands, and you will have the choice of what you would like to do next. It even extends to how long you stay in any one body, and remember that in the higher dimensions it does not age and die as you experience now. The thought of such freedom should be enough to spur you on to achieve whatever is necessary to rise up above the lower vibrations.

 Most souls are presently already at their lowest point where their vibrations are concerned, so progress is always upwards and returning you to where you really belong. You may be having a real experience in your dimension, but as far as being your real life it is an illusion. You are of the Light and normally a radiant soul of enormous powers to create. As you rise up again you will learn to control your powers and use them for the greater good of all. You really are Gods in the making, which is why even now you have to be sure that you focus on what you actually want in your life. You should know by now that where you place your energy, is where you are going to get results.

 There may seem to be random happenings in your life, but it is what you attract to yourself. There are Laws that cover all aspects of it, regardless of whether you are aware of them or not. You do not necessarily need to know what they are, and should concentrate on trying to be to others as you would wish them to be to you. Work towards treating them as One with you, indeed as all are connected as part of yourself. For too long people have not understood their connection to all souls, but if you accept that you are all Godsparks you will understand why it is so. We of the Galactic Federation of Light are in full realization of the truth, and that is why we serve all civilizations. It is the most natural desire to want to help those who are following on in your footsteps.

 It is inevitable and desirable that all souls will eventually reach a point of returning to the Source. It is within you whether you realize it or not, and is a driving force that is always urging you forwards and upwards. Your eyes are being opened to what it means, and your coming Ascension is just one milestone along a wonderful journey. It will seem to be endless and bear in mind you will soon be in dimensions where everything is in the Now. Time as you know it will have no bearing on whatever you do, as the past, present and future are All One. It is an amazing concept that allows you to follow your hearts desire to go wherever you want. Some souls have fond memories of previous lives in past history, and choose to go back and experience some more.

 Allow your self to begin to "feel" what it will be like after Ascension, and the changes will come so easily to you. They should anyway as you came from such levels previously before you ended up in the present dimension. Once we can visit you openly, and invite some on board our ships that will give you a preview of what type of life is waiting for you. The changes will be most welcome and eliminate many of the chores, and the need to spend most of your life working simply to exist. You will have so much time for yourself, and able to devote it to what you consider to be the most satisfying. Ugliness, distortions and imperfections just cannot exist in the higher vibrations, and all is in beauty, balance and harmony.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to contact in this way. I am obviously one of many trying to cover your needs at such an important time. We will meet one day in the not too distant future, and that will be a happy occasion for us all.

 Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

 Source :

Friday, September 21, 2012

" The sheer harmony in all life will be so apparent "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
21 - September - 2012

 Because everything is in the now we do not view things as you do, and we see the overall picture which shows that completion of this cycle will work out as intended. Once you have ascended then you will move into a new era and benefit from the upliftment in the energies, and your greater level of consciousness. All that is due to you by way of changes that will rapidly come into being, and at last you will be free from the attention of the dark Ones. There is no place in the new dimension for anything that is less, and you will be able to feel the heightened vibrations. It will be quite a new experience to know that every other person with you is of the same vibrations, and to be trusted and honest in all of their contact with you.

 The Golden Age will take you far, and if you have ever wondered what Heaven would be like it is the nearest you will get to it. The sheer harmony in all life will be so apparent, and it will be a joy to be alive and experience it. Since all your needs will be supplied, you will enjoy a level of happiness and satisfaction seldom felt at present. Duality by its very nature was always going to be a severe test of your ability to hold on to the truth, and yet in spite of the pressures you have emerged and moved into the Light. Keep your place in it secure and intact and do not allow doubt to creep in, but focus on all that is of the higher vibrations.

 Even by your reckoning there is so little time left before this cycle comes to an end, and as others continue to awaken give of your help and knowledge. However, please allow them to make up their own minds, as the truth can sometimes be overwhelming. Time has to be given to allow old beliefs to be examined in the light of new revelations. That applies of course to anyone, as in fact you will never stop seeking and learning. Evolving is slow progress but your Guides will gently lead you on to a greater understanding when you are ready. That is why it is accepted that not everyone will be ready to ascend, and that will be by their choice. You are not looked upon as being any the less successful than any other soul, and you will eventually reach the same level as any other one.

 Many souls have identified with the earthly vibrations and become separated from their real self. That was expected and is seen as an essential part of your experiences, and represented the real challenge that you elected to face. By acquiring a strong defense you have survived against the dark Ones, and their attempts to pull you down to their level. They have in fact sunk so low that they have all but cut themselves off from the Light. Yet the Love of God for his creations only sees the Light however diminished it has become. Hope for their growth back into the Light is such, that every help will be given to them to fully return to it.

 As we have intimated previously, we ask that as a Being of Light you feel compassion for those who have gone astray. There will be others who do not understand that the greatest service you can give to another soul, is to send them your love. See the Light however dim it may be as the Godspark is immutable and will always remain in some form or another. Show that you have evolved beyond judgment, and allow the course of natural justice of the higher laws to look after those who are yet to answer for their crimes against Humanity. You have enough to occupy your minds with as your wonderful future unfolds.

 Search around if you wish to find evidence of the banking situation moving on, as several are now being taken to task over their criminal dealings. What you the people have done is to highlight their shortcomings, by relentlessly harassing the authorities to take action against them. It is getting publicity and the net result is that even more of you are awakening, and it is causing much concern amongst the big corporations. They know that people power is capable of achieving results. So whilst these changes are not readily noted, you are obtaining partial success now. In many countries the demonstrations grow more intense and governments use force to put them down. However that will not lessen the amount of demonstrations that take place, and you have shown that you are very resilient when it comes to claiming your rights. We cannot openly support you, but where your actions are peaceful we will spur you on.

 Just now a number of actions that are destined to start the changes are proceeding well, and it is likely that all of a sudden some of them will announce themselves to the media. On the dark side the warmongers still try to start another World War, but do not be alarmed as they will not be allowed to do so. We can use whatever powers we have to prevent it, and some of our advanced technology is quite astonishing and absolutely perfect for these purposes. Indeed, we have often used it to keep a relatively peaceful situation on Earth, when certain elements would have launched all out war against another country.

 You are safe with us and we shall continue to fully monitor your Earth. When we need to we can zoom in on any person wherever they are, so there is no hiding place for the dark Ones. When it is time to bring them in we shall waste no time in placing them where they can no longer obstruct the process of Ascension. For the time being we look to you to do whatever is necessary to obtain the authority to take them out of circulation. We know you have experienced problems when you have previously tried to do so, but the situation is changing and your time has come to take action. You will have our protection and can go forward with confidence.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see how near you are to completion of this cycle. I also see that you have done an excellent job in grounding the Light, and it shines from Earth more powerfully than it has done for millennia of time. It is expanding exponentially and will see you safely through your Ascension. We do not forget those who are not ready or choose not to go, and they also shall receive our protection until they leave Mother Earth. We love you all, and see your Light beaming out even if in some it has not fully developed. To us you are all One and we make no exceptions whatsoever. 

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

" a peaceful transition "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
19 - September - 2012

 This year has sped by and so far there have been less incidents than you might have expected. It has neither been catastrophic as many prophesied, or fulfilled the promise of changes that are to lift you up. Yet, your consciousness levels have increased quite substantially and Ascension is still assured. Looking all around it is apparent that the Institutions that have held prominent places in your world, are in stages of collapse from which there is no escape. The truth is as expected revealing much about them that shows how they have manipulated events for their own advantage. You are even becoming aware that they have had an agenda for a very long time to enslave you and gain world control. You can see how near they were to achieving their aims, and also the great movement amongst the people that have awoken to their plan and defeated it.

 You are the ones who are taking over and deciding the destiny of your civilization. You have the power to determine how the end times work out, and you are visualizing a peaceful transition. That is creating the time line that will complete the cycle according to your intent. However, Mother Earth also has a say in it and desires to carry out a cleansing, as part of her preparations to ascend. The more you send out Love and Light to her, the more easily will the end times pass. Naturally the expected changes will commence very shortly, as the New Age must be launched so as to break up the old paradigm. The new one is waiting to be introduced, and its benefits are to shared by you all. Completion cannot however take place until you have ascended, as those who are the dark Ones are not to be the beneficiaries of that which is for those of the Light.

 The changes will come and new governments will take over from the old guard. Financial changes will go ahead to ensure that there is never a repeat of the corruption that is bringing them down. That will certainly happen soon, and our presence will be acknowledged, enabling us to draw closer to you. Regardless of what you may have thought, there is no rush to complete the changes before Ascension. Indeed the process was always going to run into the New Year, when we will have a greater opportunity to work together. We need those who are of the Light to be part of out teams, using your skills and knowledge for the betterment of all. Then we will all really be able to rapidly move ahead knowing that we would not be impeded, or deliberately delayed in our work.

 Everything you expected to take place will do so, and as progress is made you will find that it will take you further than you thought possible. It will be a wonderful time that will see you relieved of all of the old problems that have held you back. It is time to go speeding forward and move into a new world that reflects your upliftment into the higher dimensions. There will be ample facilities including the Cities of Light where you can be healed, as you are to be fully restored to a prime condition. Eventually you will also be able to reverse the aging process and return to a youthful appearance, and so it will go on until you become a Galactic Being. All of these changes await you and they are not too far in the future. Think positive about them and you will be helping manifest them much sooner than we have allowed for.

 While the cleansing takes place it may appear that all is in some state of disintegration, and that is true to the point that the old ways and systems have to go. Anything that cannot hold up in the higher vibrations clearly has no place in them. So do not despair or get depressed as all is ready now to replace the old systems. All will arrive in good time and you shall eventually need for nothing at all. We know from our own experience exactly what you will require to settle down in the higher dimensions. The Galactic Federation of Light has unlimited resources and personnel, that are fully versed in what is needed to be done. Unbeknown to most of you we are still very much engaged in keeping the Earth clear of pollution, and but for our efforts it would be far worse than you aware.

 In the future there will not be a repetition of the pollution you are used to experiencing. The use of polluting type machinery or installations will no longer be necessary or allowed. Instead you will have new methods of operation that will be "clean" to use. The biggest changes will be in your present forms of travel, and the combustion engine will eventually disappear from use. Not only that but the new vehicles will be much quicker and safer to use. They will be using free energy which is our source of power for our craft. Everyone will have use of them, and they will be absolutely pollution free. These changes have been planned for a long time, and are ready to go ahead as soon as it is safe to introduce them.

 Naturally we are very keen to meet you, and are doing all we can to move things forward. Disclosure is creeping in through our allies efforts, but we obviously would like it to be speeded up. However, the more people that become aware of us and our mission, and learn of the purpose which is to see you through Ascension, the nearer you will be to meeting us. Of course there are still those who for different reasons desire a different outcome to the changes. They attempt to confuse people with messages of disinformation, but if you are well informed they will not deceive you. Always use your intuition and be prepared to change your beliefs if you are sufficiently certain you have the truth.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring you our Love for your great efforts to bring this cycle to a speedy conclusion. There is not long to go before you will become more involved in the end time activities. There may be some disruption to your normal life, but it will soon settle down. We are bound by Universal Law to apply ourselves in a way that does not interfere with your freewill, so we cannot just speed up events by imposing ourselves upon you. The dark Ones know this and still interfere because they do not acknowledge the Laws as we do. However, if matters do not proceed within a certain time frame, we will be authorised to take more direct action.

 Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

 Source :

Friday, September 14, 2012

" do not allow negative thoughts to distract you "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
14 - September - 2012

 Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based, will return to explain what their true message was. Over time its interpretation has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured. Our presence and your understanding of our service to you, has helped you realise that a point can be reached in your evolution when you can go within to find the truth. It clearly does not mean that you should not converse with others, as it is always useful to consider other points of view.

 We have already set out our beliefs as a creed that we uphold, and expresses our place of service to others within the Universe. At our level of vibration only the truth can exist, and it is one that you are also moving into very soon. So we ask you to be open to new ideas which in general terms are based upon the Oneness of All That Is. The problem you have had is that your civilization has become fragmented and separated into so many schisms, you find it difficult to know what to believe. Furthermore, it has brought about so much conflict that you have fought amongst yourselves, to prove who is right and who is wrong.

 On Earth tolerance is not found in abundance, and is caused by those trying to hold onto their power whether that be in religion or politics. We encourage you to accept that other souls will not necessarily be at your stage of understanding, and realize that in time all will evolve at their own pace. No one should be persecuted because of their beliefs, but neither should they try to impose them upon others. The period you are going through shows how dependent you all are upon each other, and it sometimes takes adversity to bring you together.

 People are realizing that class distinction based upon wealth and education is keeping the divide in place, and that every person should have equal opportunities. Some come from deprived backgrounds and that is something that will be addressed with the changes. All will be considered as equal as they are in the eyes of God, no matter what karma they are serving out. Indeed, in these end times many of you are taking on whatever is needed to clear it. Much of it refers to relationships with each other and some hard lessons are being learnt. Where minor lessons are concerned these can in fact be marked out, when it is apparent that your consciousness levels have been lifted up.

 Once you ascend it will be very different to what you have experienced in your present dimension. The harshness and conflict you normally encounter will no longer come about, as there is total harmony and cooperation as all help each other for the greater good. You will meet your guardians and Angelic Beings that have stood by your side through life after life. You will have developed consciousness levels that will give you a greater understanding of all things, and you will truly have become a Galactic Being. Your civilization is already a member of our Federation of Light, and a place awaits all those who wish to join us.

 A fantastic life awaits you that releases you from the darkness that has accompanied you on your journey through your present dimension. You have done your bit and it is time to leave the cycle of rebirth that you have been experiencing. In the future you will simply change bodies when you feel it is necessary, as natural decay and death will no longer be part of your experience. As you are no doubt aware, you also live for hundreds of years as you would count it, but with no aging and instead maintain a body in its prime condition. You will have all the time you need to follow your hearts desire, and unlike on Earth you will not need money to do so as it will not be necessary.

 Much that you view as an essential part of your life now will no longer be required, and as you dispense with material objects so they will be returned to source without any waste. In time you will have your personal craft, but join others for inter-dimensional travel into the depths of space. You call these bigger craft Motherships and some are cities in their own rights. You could travel around in one for years at the time, and find all of your needs available at all times. They are totally self sufficient and take advantage of free energy that is all around them. In those circumstances life is far from dull, and always offers a sense of excitement as you travel into the unknown.

 You will have noticed that where we have met your people, they have commented on our apparent skin tight one piece outfits. That is because they are thought into being and are literally our second skin, and follow every movement of our body. Unlike you, when we travel we do not have to take a suitcase full of essential belongings. In that respect our needs are very limited as for example, we do not have daily chores such as shaving or other bodily requirements. You will have quite a lot to learn when you commence your new lives, yet they are nowhere as complicated as life on Earth. Life in the higher dimensions is a joy and so satisfying in all respects.

 When you feel downhearted just remember where your future lies, and the indescribable upliftment that will start a whole new chapter in your evolution. The pain and suffering you have experienced will pass, and such memories will eventually fade into the past to be finally forgotten. So keep your sights on what is to come and not what has been, and do not allow negative thoughts to distract you. No matter what fears are raised by the news or speculation about your future, it will all be short lived. Until the dark Ones are removed they will still try to interfere with your progress, believing that somehow they will still succeed. They will learn that they have little power left, and cannot return to their previous level of control.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring the best wishes of the Galactic Federation for you, and a successful conclusion to your lives. You have worked hard and long to achieve it, and deserve to experience a most satisfying fulfilment.

 Thank you SaLuSa.
 Mike Quinsey.

 Source :

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

" The end of duality as you experience it is due to end very soon "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
12 - September - 2012

The fact that much is happening in your world has not gone unnoticed, and for those who are just awakening to it, it seems that chaos reigns. Your traditional trusted institutions such as your banks are being seen for what they really are, but as yet the answers to their problems have not surfaced. However, the plans to cover such an eventuality as their collapse have been formulated. As with much of our allies work, it is ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. The old corrupt system will not be retained, and the new one is receiving support for the far reaching changes that it will bring.

 The need for governmental changes is being accepted, so that your new representatives put your needs first and foremost. Instead the serving of self has grown to endemic proportions, and financial control and accountability is practically non-existent. On a larger scale your money is siphoned off to fund black operations that have not been authorized by your government, and are often directed at you the people they should be serving. These situations have been going on unchecked for far too long, and with our allies who have our help we have made it clear we are going to put a stop to them. So you see Dear Ones that we are working towards bringing about the changes needed.

 What you are beginning to become aware of is the vast opportunities presented by the use of free energy. Naturally the Oil Industry fights against their introduction, but it is the way forward and progress cannot be stopped. In time none of the old polluting fuels will be used, and everyone will benefit from clean and efficient methods, that most importantly will include new means of transportation. For those presently employed in those industries we must tell you that your future will be secure. By that time everyone will have benefitted from the new financial systems, and the re-distribution of wealth will ensure that the loss of jobs will not affect your position

 Indeed, re-location and help for people out of work due to any circumstances at all, will mean an acceptable standard of life that will cover your needs. In any event, after Ascension your life style will change to one that no longer causes worries or stress. You will have all of your needs supplied including suitable accommodation and medical care. There is naturally a certain period of time required to carry out all of the changes, but they will happen quite quickly. We have fully prepared for all eventualities, and the basis for the changes has already commenced that is establishing the right structure that will allow us to go ahead.

 The level of your mass consciousness continues to rise, and more people are awakening as a result. However, many are still in limbo and do not even contemplate what the changes herald. We would rather they awakened gradually but there will come a point before Ascension when the truth must come out. Somehow the old beliefs must be shaken up and shown for what they are, but even so we do not want people to re-act the wrong way. In the final reckoning whatever is believed will be down to free choice, and such souls will continue their experiences in a vibration that is the same as theirs. There is no point in trying to force people to accept what they are unprepared for, and that is not our way.

 Bear in mind that we of the Galactic Federation of Light are here by divine request, and our whole objective is to prepare you for Ascension. With it comes other responsibilities, as it is desired to make the path as smooth as possible. The coming of the end times has been known for a very long time, but it is only in recent times that it has become fully understood. The end of duality as you experience it is due to end very soon, and our work and that of our allies is to ensure that you and Mother Earth will be ready to ascend. Much work has already been carried out and you will see the outcome resulting from it.

 You are at a stage when just anything could happen at short notice, and it will not be unexpected. We press on with our activities that include keeping watch on any country that has nuclear weapons, to ensure that they cannot be used. For us with our advanced technology that is quite a simple task, and we believe the military now realise it is futile to try otherwise. We have so to say, removed the teeth from the tiger, but it still has claws. We have at different times approached all leaders with a view to completely banning such weapons, but there is so much distrust between them it could not be achieved. However, it will not matter anymore as world peace will be established before very long, and wars and anything associated with them will disappear for good.

 Already the vibrations upon Earth have lifted up your consciousness levels, to a point where you can see the that wars are a crime against Humanity. As a result the movement towards establishing peace has never been as strong. It has given rise to many large demonstrations seeking freedom to determine your own future, and that call is being answered. The days of rule by dictatorships are numbered, and you shall be represented by souls who care and love their fellow travellers. Your journey from hereon is heading for Ascension that will bring all of those improvements and benefits that you have been promised.

 We know some of you are tired and fatigued by the pressures of life on Earth, but realize that you are soon to be the recipients of abundance and other very acceptable changes. You could view them as a reward for your dedication to the Path of Light, and your upliftment to the higher dimensions. It is so vastly different to what you have been used to, and only souls of Light will be able to take such a quantum leap forward. So please keep you focus on all things that are associated with the higher vibrations, because they are pure and wholesome.

 I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and looking at your Earth from afar and pleased to see so much Light coming from it. Keep it coming, as the end of your cycle is here now and you are victorious.

 Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

 Source :

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

" affecting the whole Universe "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
10 - September - 2012

 Bear in mind that the events that have been unwinding are directly for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of information, the truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do it such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the truth. However, whatever course events follow the main focus will remain upon you who are preparing to ascend. We are pleased to see that people are now speaking more freely amongst themselves about Ascension and what it means for your civilization. After all it will affect every single soul regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to ascend with Mother Earth. 

There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready you cannot do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold. Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We will by then have been able to openly work with you and we will progress together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.

 We share your frustration where delays are experienced, and are preventing you from being aware of what is happening behind the scenes. However, it is not always wise to reveal too much where our activities are concerned, but be assured we are constantly working to bring about completion. The projects involved are quite challenging and involve a tremendous amount of co-operation, and we must thank our allies for what they have achieved in extremely difficult circumstances. The objective has always been to involve you in the changes, as it was never intended that we should do it all for you. Together we will proceed to create the conditions that allow for Disclosure, but be prepared for it to come out in a series of revelations.

 A tremendous amount of work has been put in by our allies, and that includes all of you who are spreading the truth. Yet, because of the success of the dark Ones in spreading false information, there are still many souls who are finding it difficult to shift from their present beliefs. Whatever they are it is hard to believe that you have been fooled, particularly when you have leaders that have become respected for their knowledge. The answer is to think for yourselves and be prepared to change your views to those that you can comfortably live with. In time you will be confronted with irrefutable facts and information that will leave you in no doubt as to the truth about you and your civilization. 

Ascension is to be your total release from the lower vibrations, and lift you into a level that is your true state of being where your creative powers become more evident. Your power of thought is still creating in your present dimension but it rarely provides you with an instant result. However, as a civilization you have set each turn of events, and it is only in comparatively recent times that you have lifted yourselves out of the pit where the lower vibrations were pulling you down. It is true that you have always had help, but that has been in response to your pleas and never placed upon you without it. Our role is not one where we are forcing changes upon you, as they are taking place as a natural result of the upliftment of your vibrations.

 What is beyond all of our abilities to change, is the process of Ascension that has been divinely decreed. It is affecting the whole Universe and you are but a small but nevertheless important part of what is taking place. You could describe us as the servants of God as we carry out God's bidding, and that is indeed the function of the Galactic Federation of Light. Living in peace and harmony is a joy that you will yourselves soon experience, and your words do not really describe how it feels to be in the higher vibrations. There are no harsh or repulsive energies such as you experience on Earth, and all aspects of your life are satisfying and uplifting. If you could only sample what we describe you would never want to return to your old ways or experiences. Keep it in mind and let events on Earth find their own path to completion.

 Back on Earth you are getting nearer to the actual end time, and in the weeks that remain you will experience many surges of energy. Gradually you will recognise the changes that they are bringing about within you, and most likely it will be a calmness that you have created around you that is unaffected by outer happenings. Start to live your lives as though you have already ascended, and release any attachments that you know will not serve you when you have done so. It is not perfection that is expected whilst you are on Earth, as that is virtually impossible. However, by being such an example you are doing much that will help uplift other souls, and your Light will pass on your calmness to others.

 Dear Ones, we are close to bringing about some of the events that you have been waiting for and you must realise by now that we are reluctant to talk of actual dates. In fact it is not always possible to be so precise as events on Earth shift so quickly, and we move according to the most appropriate time. We can remove the Illuminati but that will not immediately bring a cessation of their activities. Their controls go deep into society and we have to cut it off bit by bit. They cannot resurrect their power bases which have been seriously weakened by our allies, and total collapse is not far away.

 I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and see the day we can get together looming large, and will so pleased when we can acknowledge each other in Love and Light.

 Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

 Source :

Sunday, September 09, 2012

" critical mass milestone of awakening "

Scott Mowry : Miracles and Inspiration

 7 - September - 2012

 Perhaps one of the most important Mayan calendars thus far found is what is known as the Tun calendar, which was less concerned with the flow of time and more focused on the march of human evolution. Where we stand now, in August 2012, we have already fulfilled all the conditions of this particular calendar.

 The Tun calendar, brilliantly deciphered by Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, a Swedish microbiologist and author of four books on the subject, identifies nine distinct levels of consciousness –– nine being the vitally significant number within numerology representing completion.

 The Tun calendar essentially begins at the moment God contemplated the experience of separation. Or in other words, when the universe exploded spreading matter far and wide, which within the scientific realm is know as the Big Bang Theory. According to the Mayans, that event occurred some 16.4 billion years ago –– a time much longer than mainstream scientists are willing to admit.

 Thus, the Tun calendar tells us after 16.4 billion years of evolution we completed all nine levels of consciousness on October 28, 2011, a date which was only recognized for its significance in remote areas of the world. Essentially, on October 28th (Stephen: last year, 2011) , humanity began its prescient transition from the age of ignorance into the Age of Enlightenment, or, at the very initial stages of the Golden Age, which will fully unfold over the next 100 years.

 In the modern era, the Oneness University in Southern India has picked up the mantle from the Mayans and has been carefully documenting the flow of consciousness on the planet, particularly through the years 2011 and into 2012. They have gone on record boldly predicting by the end of 2012, we would reach the critical mass number of 70,000 awakened people, a number that would assure a great shift of consciousness will occur for all the people of Earth into the Golden Age. However, it now appears humanity is moving much, much faster than had originally been anticipated.

 At the beginning of the year 2012, there were approximately 30,000 officially recognized awakened people to be found on planet Earth. By June 21st that figure had reached 40,000 and on July 21st, it stood at 54,000. Now, as of August 21, 2012, the Oneness University has officially reported there are 71,000 awakened beings on the planet –– an absolutely astonishing number to found at this point of the year! Below are the official figures from the Oneness University as of August 21, 2012: People Awakened are over 71,000 People living in the presence are over 130,000 People in Awakened states are over 45 million People experiencing the presences are over 86 million What all of these figures mean is we are more than four full months ahead of schedule indicating human evolution is moving so rapidly now, we can expect many, many more amazing developments to unfold at an ever increasing rates.

 The reason 70,000 is such an important number is that it represents .001 percent of the current world population. For every one person who becomes awakened, they in-turn affect 100,000 others around them. Current world population estimates are approximately 7,037,775,084 people residing on the planet and expanding very rapidly. Therefore, if we do the math: 71,000 x 100,000 = 7,100,000,000 (7.1 billion) which represents the series of magical numbers necessary to affect each and every person living on planet Earth at this time.

 Further, we can roughly estimate that by September 21, 2012, there may be well over 90,000 awakened people on the planet. And by December 21, 2012, there may likely be well over 170,000!! By examining the numbers over the last three months, then extrapolating those over the final four months of 2012 at the current rate of expansion, we may be able to anticipate the following (please note these numbers are speculative only and not official yet): by September 21, 2012 –– 91,000 Awakened people by October 21, 2012 –– 114,000 Awakened people by November 21, 2012 –– 140,000 Awakened people by December 21, 2012 –– 171,000 Awakened people In essence, by the end of 2012, we may have over twice as many awakened people on planet Earth as has been initially speculated by the Oneness University –– an absolutely amazing feat in and of itself!

 Many have wondered how the Oneness University arrives at these numbers each month? Apparently, there is a group of Oneness monks living at the University who are able to identify the awakened people around the planet because they are already in very high states of awakened consciousness themselves. By connecting to the Divine and tapping into the morphogenic or information field surrounding the Earth, they are able to precisely determine these numbers. “Just like you can go to Google and ask how many pages are on the internet, you can also go to the Divine and ask how many awakened beings are on our planet,” stated Doug Bentley, a Oneness monk from America and spokesman for the Oneness University. “We have our Oneness Beings go into a very deep state and ask the Divine these questions. This is how we attain a very accurate number, etc.,” he added.

 These awakened people can be found in all corners of the globe with a large percentage located within the indigenous or Third World countries. The majority can be found right in the country of India which number over 10,000 alone. China, Africa, Russia and South America are other parts of the globe which contain many more awakened beings. The United States, on the other hand, encompasses a relatively low number of these type of people at the present time although that too is rapidly changing.

 What is Awakening and What is Enlightenment?

 Those who have achieved an awakened state of consciousness experience a profound shift within their inner being, often accompanied by a physiological transformation within the brain. Basically, the awakened person begins to come to the profound understanding they are not separate from, but rather, intimately connected to everyone and everything around them. Thus, the change of consciousness within them transforms from one of duality (or separation) to one of unity (or unified) consciousness. In an awakened state of consciousness, the brain begins to meld together as one, unifying the two hemispheres together into a whole –– thereby attaining a state of oneness. In this heightened state of consciousness, one can almost instantaneously experience a feeling of deep bliss by merely closing the eyes and going within.

Many ascended masters such as Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus (or Yeshua) and others have explained and then taught this state of consciousness to their followers. In Buddhism, this state is known as “nirvana”. Nirvana is an ancient Sanskrit word used in Indian religions to describe the profound peace of mind acquired with what is known as “moksha” which means liberation. In the Shramana tradition it is the state of being free from suffering. In the Hindu philosophy, it is union with the what is called “Brahman” which means the Supreme Being. Even the Bible mentions the process of enlightenment with the quote, “the Kingdom of Heaven lies within” (Luke 17:20-21).

 It is important to note there is a somewhat of a distinction between a state of Awakening and a state of Enlightenment. “Awakening is the state Buddha is in, where you are declutched from the mind yet the mind is still active, and enlightenment is where the mind then fades off. It comes after awakening. This is the State Lord Christ is in,” Doug Bentley clarified. Enlightenment is a real and genuine human phenomenon that up until most recently had only manifested within a handful of people throughout the history of the Earth. We also now know consciousness itself has been proven to be transferrable process from one being to another in what is known as the “hundredth monkey effect”.

 The 70,000 figure is also significant because it represents a spectacular accomplishment by the current population residing on the planet at this time. Never before in the entire history of the Earth have so many awakened beings walked the planet at the same time. And those numbers are going to rapidly increase, each and every month, until nearly every single person residing upon the planet will enter into an awakened or enlightened state of consciousness. Even more significant, these numbers clearly indicate human evolution is quantitatively speeding up beyond any other point in our collective experience. In fact, we may now be moving nearly two and a half times more powerfully than previously expected.

This great momentum will be used to propel the entire planet into the long anticipated Golden Age, also known as the Satya Yuga or Sat Yuga in the Hindu traditions. A Reboot of the Economic System is Nigh What is most essential right now is to free the human race from centuries of economic slavery so each and every person on the planet can really begin to experience an environment where true spiritual evolution can fully flower.

Imagine how quickly the world will evolve if the basic necessities of life can be met for everyone instead of spending most of our time eking out a living or scratching and clawing for the next meal as much of the Third World must do. This goal is highly doable now. Only ignorance and the false illusion of scarcity has prevented us from realizing there is a plentiful amount of food, clothing, shelter, medicine and energy for all. We must realize the world we live in is truly abundant beyond our wildest imagination. There is no such thing as limited supplies. It is nothing more than a big, fat lie we have all bought into. With each passing day, we come closer to the realization at any time now there will be the introduction of a new higher evolved economic system designed to benefit the entire world. Rest assured there are many wondrous, brave people –– many of them likely awakened too –– working diligently behind the scenes to make this a reality.

 China nearly ready to unveil gold-backed financial system. Surprisingly, the country of China has been a major player in this plan. There is strong speculation the Chinese have been buying up all of the gold they can lay their hands on, then melting it down into one kilo bars, all in preparation for a new gold backed world-wide currency to be delivered sometime in the last quarter of 2012 which has the full support of many countries in the BRICS alliance. Once this new global, gold-backed financial system is ready to roll, the world will move even more quickly along the path of evolution as many, many deep-seated changes for the better within our societies, governments and corporations will begin to take root. It is possible, this new economic system could be quietly launched late on a Friday or a Saturday night when all the world’s banks are closed, allowing enough time to bring it on board the following Monday as everyone will start anew at nearly the same time.

Or perhaps there will be a world-wide banking a holiday before its implementation. Much is influx now and the elite powers who have owned the financial systems for eons are not giving in without a fight. The battles behind the scenes have been very fierce and many lives have been lost. Yet many within ranks of the elite are finally seeing the handwriting on the wall and are realizing their demise is sooner rather than later. The whole global financial crisis which began in 2007 has been completely engineered by the world’s elite in an insanely vain attempt to stall the inevitable –– the awakening of the human race. Thankfully, it has all blown up in their faces and has helped fuel the rise of the Arab Spring; Occupy Wall Street; Anonymous; the Audit the Fed movement; the End the Fed movement; the Tea Party; the Ron Paul Revolution; the LIBOR scandal and much, much more. Oops –– so much for that dirty little trick!

 Meanwhile, several major steps have been implemented to completely take down the Federal Reserve in preparation for the new financial system. After passing overwhelmingly through the House of Representatives, the first ever audit of the Fed has been initiated and revealed some startling results when published on July 21, 2012. During the worst financial period in US history from December 2007 to June 2010, $16,000,000,000,000 ($16 trillion) in secret loans had been given out to US banks, private corporations and foreign banks everywhere from South Korea to Scotland. To put that figure in perspective, the US GNP (Gross National Product) is only $14.12 trillion. On top of that, these loans which the Fed terms as “all-inclusive loan programs”, were issued at a 0% interest rate and virtually none have yet been paid back. In addition, the New York Fed is undergoing an audit itself to determine how much gold is actually stored in its vaults, however the results will not be revealed until the end of the year.

Persistent rumors have suggested most of the gold at the NY Fed has been stolen and may have been replaced with gold-plated tungsten. Finally, one other noteworthy development regarding gold which is extremely significant. A new change to the accounting rules has been quietly instituted which will allow banks to recognize gold as money. All of these recent developments are proof positive the international banksters have lost their death grip on the world financial system and much bigger changes are imminent. You can take it to the bank!

 Most Important of All – Your Personal Enlightenment Combined, all of these factors can unilaterally be termed as exceptionally exciting news for the whole of the human race. We all owe a deep debt of gratitude to the awakened and enlightened people who are leading the charge for the rest of us to follow. With each passing week, the momentum generated by expanding consciousness will benefit us one and all. We are now witnessing so many real, tangible results giving us the decided confirmation a great shift for humanity is very, very rapidly unfolding. Ultimately, the most important factor of all is to obtain your own personal state of awakened consciousness. Once you are able to escape the prison of the mind and open yourself up to the unlimited possibilities of Divine consciousness –– where you become acutely aware of a connection with everyone and everything around you –– all suffering, conflict and problems simply fade away. This is not to suggest that miraculously overnight all of life’s problems simply vanish once one becomes awakened or enlightened.

Rather, what changes is your reaction to the problems and conflicts. Once you quiet the incessant chatter and clamor of the restless, weak mind and realize it is your major obstacle to your own personal happiness and fulfillment, it is possible to move beyond the highs and lows, pain and suffering of life –– forever! You are no longer enslaved by these lower consciousness thoughts and you can finally experience what true, genuine and unlimited freedom really is.

 As much as the Golden Age is about a transformation of the entire planet Earth, it is more precisely about a personal transformation within. And once this transformation is achieved, there is no turning back. As these latest figures from the Oneness University indicate, there is no turning back in the collective evolution of humanity. It is a done deal. It is guaranteed. We have won! In fact, all have won as there are no losers, only winners. The Golden Age is well underway, the Heaven on Earth is here, the new Earth is unfolding–– only now, much, much faster than was once forecasted. How sweet it is. Long live the Golden Age and the Age of Enlightenment.

 Source :

Monday, September 03, 2012

" state of mind that is based on 'intuitive knowing' "

 Angela Peregoff

3 - September - 2012

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. " ~ Tao Te Ching

 August ends more with a whimper than a bang. Compare this fairly mellow week with the nerve shattering, cosmic blitzkrieg of late July and early August and you'll sense you're in "vacation" energy. It is almost shocking to realize how the celestial councils organized that virtual tension-plagued dynamic for so many weeks in a row - first the financial markets downturn, the US crop failures and devastating wild fires, and then the slew of horrible public mass killings beginning with the midnight movie-goers in Colorado.

 This week will be filled with a quiet aliveness that shifts you into revelatory vibrations. A very powerful and exciting month is at hand as September gets ready to unlock a doorway to Higher Light as we are pushed to make the fundamental changes that support the Age of Light that is upon us. Are you up for sneaking a peek at the "forgotten ancient secrets" of your own Soul? At last settling in the center of the Inner Self and living from a state of mind that is based on "intuitive knowing" rather than the 3-D model that is based on a "belief" state of mind. Now greater-than-normal clarity comes from relying on an inner knowing. Haven't you found that you can automatically know whether information is true or false based on how the information resonates?

 How about being able to increase your psychic abilities, your manifestation awareness, and inert wisdoms? Wouldn't it be great to more fully appreciate the kaleidoscope of 5-D uniqueness that you are? Well September is bringing in some on-the-edge energies that will make possible all of the above. This is one of those rare months when there are very few impediments to forward progress. Don't be surprised if brainstorms and rare insights inundate your consciousness. Keep your journal close at hand to transcribe the wisdom and key tasks that come in over the next few weeks. As a collective we are standing smack dab in the middle of a massive planetary overhaul and we've got to find out what we are truly capable of and then live from that space. September is going to gift all of us with what we need not to repeat our own disempowering history. You owe it to yourself and all of humanity to wake up every day and get close to your Soul.

 If the days begin to feel like a roller coaster ride, slow down and focus on the importance of self-centeredness this month. Become the picture of self-kindness; eat comfort foods, spend extra time meditating, and make sure to get exercise and sleep. This extreme adventure of planetary mass rearrangement has millions awakening to their soul heritage and this month can bring in another revelatory activation within your design of form and texture. That is as long as you can keep your mindset disconnected from fixed ideologies, media turmoil, and the collective disillusionment (hard for the US since we are programmed by corporate media to react to every whim of their creating). Just remember that when the breath of Ancient Mysteries is whooshed into our domain it is very often disguised by chaos so that only the True Master can claim their prize. Be ready friends and don't say I didn't tell you it was coming.

 September = Sacred Sanctuary. Some of the first potent vibrations are already pulsing the Light Body and awakening a wise part of you with a remembrance that saturates your entire being with all the roles ever played and all choices of light acted on that comprehend the bigger picture that is at work beyond the senses of your conventional daily living. You need to be willing to allow this aspect of the eternal Soul self to anchor into the physical body and stabilize your multidimensional presence here. September will have the ability to leave you dizzy from the quickness and vastness of what is occurring. Utilize conscious grounding in order that you have the instinctual wisdom to move forward as one who sees and knows their designed journey and lives life accordingly.

 You are literally entering a time when your internal eyes are opening up and you are now able to see the hidden entrances to the Ascended Self. And as one's eyes are drawn into this new world of vision nothing can keep you from being led, or rather irresistibly drawn, to your perfect place of Soul expression sitting at a higher apex of Light. So powerful is this new creational maturity that all shall Light bend to unleash a magnitude of abundance that fills every crack of your personal universe with what needs to be seen.

 Also getting out her message this month will be God's handmaiden, Virgo. Pay attention to the glow of her season for she opens the gates to celestial riches with the equinox on September 22nd . Equinoxes unlock the entrance to the ethers and multidimensional realms. Virgo encourages sincerity and attentive listening. Because of these two it's my guess that humanity will be liberating patterns, blocks, and beliefs from the collective deeper mind in order that we adopt some new empowering principles by the end of the month. Remember it is always a personal choice whether or not to wear this new energy so do not wait on those who still ponder and putter in their humanness. Not everyone will be ready for the rearrangement of brain waves, readjustment of thinking patterns, and disbursement of beliefs that have kept them hostage. Instead, as you move into enlightenment assist others to see the beauty of their own Light, of their life and of their choices.

 There is no race to heaven's gate, just an alignment -

Angela Peregoff

Source :

Sunday, September 02, 2012

" celestial window between third and fourth densities

Matthew through Suzanne Ward

1 - September -  2012

 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!

 Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe: ascension itself and disclosure. Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.

 By your late1930s, economic depression had taken a heavy toll on your society and the rise of Germany’s Third Reich was leading to invasions of nearby countries. Gaia, Earth’s soul, knew what was brewing in her energy field of potential. She knew that her planetary body, which was nearly bereft of light, was too weak to survive the inevitable World War II and other savagery that would ensue due to the hold of darkness on her humankind’s consciousness.

 That is why—and when—she cried out for help. The immediate response was the massive infusion of light from distant civilizations that enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and slowly start rising into a higher, yet still very dense, energy level. That was the beginning of her ascension.

 Now we shall fast-forward to this year at hand. During its last days and the early days of 2013, the planet will travel through the celestial window between third and fourth densities, where the energy wisps of both densities briefly comingle, and it will enter fourth density, where Earth’s Golden Age begins.

 But that glorious milestone is not the end of her journey. Ascension will continue until the planet is securely within fifth density, where Gaia originated in antiquity and so did her planetary body. After eons of being in the low densities that were commensurate with the collective consciousness of successive civilizations, Gaia’s body will have returned home.

 Indeed, Earth’s exiting third density will be heralded throughout the lighted universe! However, knowing that this brilliant process will continue for long years to come will prevent despondency from befalling those who are expecting a dramatic event to occur on December 21st. When nothing of dynamic proportions happens that day or any other in that same narrow timeframe, how sad it would be if those who are counting on something spectacular become so depressed that they decide at soul level to join the others who also choose not to remain on the planet for different reasons.

 Now then, let us speak about disclosure. Because this has been tied to an official announcement about your universal family’s presence, many lightworkers feel discouraged that this close to the end of your year 2012, still no such acknowledgement has come forth.

 Although the Illuminati’s former power base has been shattered, they still have strong influence in some areas, and one is the media. By suppressing information they do not want known, they have prevented the majority of your populace from learning that souls from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations are surrounding the planet in thousands of ships or working side by side with you or living in Inner Earth. Thus, most in your world have no expectations whatsoever about meeting members of our universal family. So, in the collective consciousness there is a dearth of truthful knowledge about them and very few thoughts about welcoming them.

 That, combined with the dark ones’ tenacious hold on some military sectors that can pose risk to you and landing parties, continues to delay an announcement and landings in numbers. But most assuredly, this has not diminished one iota the ongoing assistance of your brothers and sisters!

 Essential strides in progress are continuing covertly on the ground and ships’ crews are continuing to use the technology aboard to reduce toxic pollution and block the functioning of powerful weaponry. They’re leveling out the effects of earthquakes, decreasing wind velocity and steering major storms away from heavily populated areas while still permitting the same amount of negativity to be released. Constant coordination between land and sky intelligence units is thwarting Illuminati “black ops” attempts such as organized terrorism and lengthy power outages or interruptions in communications systems.

 So that you won’t dim your personal light by negative feelings because there has been no “disclosure” to date, we ask you to expand its definition, exposure or revelation, to include your expression “coming to light.” That is exactly what has been happening ever since Earth started her ascension course!

 In those earliest years there was no evidence that anything unusual was happening, but as Earth’s journey continued and the light intensity increased, it started revealing despicable activities that formerly were known only to the malevolent perpetrators and those who were directly affected. As the long-time entrenched darkness was coming to light, without realizing that they, too, were responding to light’s vibrations, the peoples started opening their hearts and minds.

Consider the worldwide change in attitudes about war. The allied forces’ unity of spirit during WWII—it is patriotic to kill and honorable to die—has evolved into global rallies and meditations for peace. Consider how much information has come to light about corruption in governments from community level to national, and in multinational corporations and financial institutions. Pedophiles have been identified in the priesthood and in organizations that at one time were considered havens for your children, and individuals once thought to be mentors or idols have fallen as their dark characteristics have been revealed.

 Now put those disclosures and all others into their proper context—an integral aspect of Earth’s ascension. As the planet traveled through successively higher energy planes, more and more areas of criminality and abhorrent conditions that once were hidden have come to light. This was imperative so the peoples could see how darkness was controlling their lives, and in light of that realization, they were motivated to bring about benevolent changes.

 The light energy of your civilization’s growing awareness, aspirations and actions has been lifting the collective consciousness all along Earth’s ascension journey. Only seventy-some years ago she was in death throes! Her transit out of deep third density to the point of imminent entry into fourth density is a universal achievement unprecedented in speed and scope!

 By seeing disclosure as the essential and inseparable part of the ascension process that it is, there need be no disappointment or discouragement because official recognition of our family’s presence has not yet happened. Be assured, it will! Their public reception by specific world leaders will be the crowning point of the entire disclosure process, and like you, we are eagerly anticipating that momentous day! 

We do understand that knowing When? is very important to you, and I have asked Hatonn if he can give us an update on that.

         Thank you for asking me, Matthew. First I want to say that I concur with everything you said about disclosure and why an official welcome is still on hold. And I thank you for explaining that our crews in ships are doing whatever they can to help you while they’re waiting to land and our ground crews are holding up their end too. We’ve been in readiness for a decade to get this show on the road! 

          But getting on to when we’ll be “announced,” safety still is an issue, of course, but the new key is the November presidential election in the United States. It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

          The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants. She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

           He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

            We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t. Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

             I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth. When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.

                According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone. It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age. The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.

                  Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members. Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

                  That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and what should be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.

                   Again, this is NOT political! Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.

                   Matthew, that’s as close as I can come to a date when we’ll be “out in the open.” Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak.

 Hatonn, we thank you for explaining the situation so clearly and for the assurance that whether shortly before or shortly after that election day, the official welcoming of our universal family is soon! That ends our concerns that souls might choose to leave when nothing dynamic happens December 21st—the spectacular drama will come with the introduction of our “space” family!

 Beloved lightworkers, we know that your sense of urgency for public acknowledgement of other civilizations goes far beyond curiosity. It is your heartfelt desire for war and widespread suffering and acts of random violence to end.

 As we have stated in prior messages, the continuance of those circumstances is due in large part to the prevailing vibrations that are magnifying duality’s characteristics and behavior—“good” gets better, “bad” gets worse. And in keeping with what Hatonn said about timing in the master plan, it called for only “good having become better” at this point.

 While the extra years of darkness caused horrendous adversity to many people, the greater importance is how their souls have been affected. When a short lifetime, trauma and severe hardships were not part of persons’ contracts, divine grace gave them evolved spiritual status, and when the perpetrators’ acts were outside of their contracts, their status devolved. That is, the cycle of the eternal life of the soul was not adversely affected during those extra years of darkness, and many, many millions of souls took leaps forward spiritually and intellectually.

 We feel that it is important to once again speak about the needlessness of feeling fearful about anything. You have seen that concerns about terrorism during the Olympic games were for naught. We urge you to put all other fear-filled claims and predictions and reports in the same category—they will not come to pass! This does not mean that the Illuminati have no intentions of trying to cause fear. It doesmean that just as their previous attempts have failed due to the intervention of our space family above and on the planet, so shall all of their other plans meet that fate until all darkness has been vanquished. And soon it shall be!

 This far along in Earth’s ascension, even the fears of many individuals cannot delay her steady pace or detour her course, but it can do that to the individuals’ growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. We are embracing all of you in unconditional love, that most powerful of all energies in this universe. If you will but accept this, you can be fearless about what is ahead and look forward with joyousness and excitement to the remaining days of this year and all years to come. Oh, let us “edit” ourselves here—there are no linear time designations in the continuum that you are fast approaching, so instead of years, we say all lifetimes to come.

 Throughout your long journey in this lifetime, we have been traveling with you in spirit, and we are rejoicing with you that each footstep brings closer your victorious entry into Earth’s Golden Age.

 Suzanne Ward

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 [Note from Suzy: Earth’s Golden Age—Life beyond 2012, the fifth in the Matthew Books series, will be available in a week or so in eBook for Kindle on The print edition will be out later this fall.]