Through Mike Quinsey 11.01.05
Your history is littered with attempts by powerful groups to take over and command the world. You will note that however much success they achieved, all ultimately failed. So it is with your present administration, and in reality there was never a chance that their agenda would lead to the domination they envisaged. It comes down to the re-action of people who ultimately stand up to the tyrants, and those souls who come into life to lead people into a new era. You look back to the Roman Empire that seemed invincible, and yet they too collapsed
Think back to your last world war, and realize that Adolf Hitler and his henchmen were born into that period of time to carry the unresolved energies from the First World War. Imagine the amount of negative energy that was being created by people on all sides. Whoever was right or wrong, attacker or defender the fact remains that enormous amounts of energy were created through negative emotions. Remember that nothing is by chance, and that includes the coming together of the dark souls.
An allowance has to be made for the outworking of energies created by Man. Of course there is a certain balancing between the negative and the positive, and much of this is left to create its own path. However, the Spiritual Hierarchy oversee the way this affects mankind and direct it so that it allows your freedom of expression. At the same time they bring other energies to bear upon you so that the result keeps you on the greater path decreed by the Creator.
What I am conveying here is that there are forces at play of which you understand very little about. They are not just directing the outcome for Earth, but its relationship with all other forces throughout the Universe. Your energies normally go out into the Cosmos and as with all others, it has an effect on the whole. This is why there are grids around Earth to contain your negative energies, as they cannot be allowed to pollute beyond the confines of your Earth.
The experiment in duality of which you are a part, was meant to be for your experience alone. It has attracted others who are curious about your evolution, but you should be aware by now that no visitations are allowed without our authority. Certainly we could not allow negative forces to interfere, that have for their part set up their own domain in other parts of the Galaxy. Sometimes we allow a visit that is under our jurisdiction and the extent of the amount of interaction with you is tightly controlled.
It is as though you are in a kindergarten, and you need protection all of the time. We are usually unseen and as far as possible give you that power of choice to decide how you will create your own pathway. If we come into your life, it will be for good purpose and dedicated to your well being. In the last century you have been contacted by various off world visitors, and this has been part of the plan to acquaint you with other life forms. It was not that long ago that you thought that you were the only ones in existence. It has been a slow process to open your eyes, whilst taking care not to be too imposing and to force ourselves upon you.
We had to gently change your perception of the world around you, and remove many false ideas that would have prevented you accepting us. Our approach has been very successful, and the majority of you have at the very least considered the possibility of our existence. With your Space Age developments and your travels to far worlds, you have expanded your minds to encompass the idea of other life forms having existed in your Solar System.
If the results of your probes had been released, you would by now know that evidence of life forms had been found on your Moon and Mars. It is regrettable that your authorities do not want to relinquish their own powers over you, for fear you would turn to other sources for your salvation. So every attempt is made to prevent you from learning the truth. Come nearer to home and understand that there is also evidence upon your Earth that clearly shows that ET’s visited you in the past. Because it did not fit in with your concepts and philosophies, these have been widely ignored or other reasons put forward for their existence.
Why do you think that we embarked on a plan to become more open, it was because the time had come for you to get to know us. There has not been a single incident that would show that we are other than peaceful. I refer to the activities of The Galactic Federation of which I am a member from the Constellation of Sirius. By now anyone who has followed reports of UFO sightings and contacts will be aware that the Grey’s are outside of our membership, and it is they who are responsible for abductions and cattle mutilation. They are free to carry these exercises with the co-operation of your Government, with whom they work. That will come as a shock for some of you, but in time the truth of these matters will be brought home to you.
I am SaLuSa and look forward to the coming time when we shall be able to freely walk amongst you. You will then learn the role we have played for thousands of years going back to your known civilizations and beyond. We are a part of you just as much as any of your ancestors, and in more ways than you presently understand. We come to enlighten you and the truth shall be our banner, and you will understand our relationship with you as we are not strangers to you at all. It is just that you have been cut-off from us for many different reasons, but that is now changing as First Contact rapidly approaches.
We are One in so many ways, not least of all our common source of origin as we are all a part of the Creators expression, and Sparks of Light. All life has originated in this way, and has a Divine purpose, and All are forever moving onwards on that great journey back to the Godhead. In this we are no different to you, and we shall all help each other to complete this cycle. The great leap forward is near, and shortly we shall be able to join you as conditions are rapidly changing upon Earth. We see the necessary changes beginning to manifest, and we are ready to come out as soon as conditions permit us to announce our presence. We really do hold you in our hearts, and admire your courage and determination to remove the last obstacles to peace.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey