Through Mike Quinsey 11.04.05
At present what is the difference between our understanding of the Creator and yours? We not only understand the Oneness of everything but also that it is contained within the energy of the Creator. You can envisage the Great Central Sun of your Universe, and its energy contains All That Is within the Universe, in other words All is within the consciousness of the Creator. It is the driving force that sustains everything, and is part of a system of Suns that power the energy onwards. If this energy was withdrawn you would have a void, otherwise known as the un-manifested.
You have often heard of the microcosm as being a version of the macrocosm, and this is also applicable to you. Your body is exactly like a miniature Universe with its God Spark representing your own Central Sun. Your body is contained within your consciousness, and each and every body cell comes under its influence. Indeed, each one is itself like a miniature solar system. Your whole body responds to your thoughts as the messages are passed from one cell to another.
Now you can understand how important it is to control your thoughts, as you can both carry out healing or induce illness into your body. It is all about the vibration of energy, and many of you know that the more negativity you bring to yourself, the more you lower your bodily vibration. Taken to extremes, you can destroy your physical self as the vibrations are no longer able to hold matter together. The chakras would no longer be able to function, and all of your glandular processes would cease to operate correctly.
You have not long come out of a period where people were mainly working from their lower chakras, and were shut off from their Higher Self. They were operating from their lower consciousness and were living in the dark. It is not without reason that such times were called the Dark Ages. This was changed by gradually introducing souls who could enter that period of time, and still hold their higher vibration and bring some Light into the dark. This was often a dangerous time for those who were able to express through their higher consciousness, as many false concepts were held and not open to challenge. However, you had to start breaking out of long held beliefs, and these were to be found in all walks of life.. The most influential were those within the different religions who very much controlled life in past times.
It has taken hundreds of years to move you forward in your thinking, but today you see the result in what can correctly be called a New Age. Slowly, the energies beamed to Earth have also been increased, and subtle changes have been introduced by lifting up your consciousness. Now of course, the energies are so much higher than ever before and you are beginning to activate all of your chakras. With this comes a strong link with your Higher Self, and in those moments of clear communication that you call intuition, you can receive clear and positive guidance.
The more you raise your vibrations the more you bring health to yourself, as all begins to function in harmony and balance. You also slow down the aging process, and it has not gone without note how young and radiant such people look. If you project this into your immediate future, as a result of the ever increasing vibrations coming to Earth you will find this happening much more. As you continue to absorb more and more Light, so you “Lighten” your body and it gradually becomes less physical and heavy.
By the time you have prepared yourself for Ascension, it will have totally changed into more of a Light body. Not only will your chakras have become fully open but you will have opened additional ones, restoring you to the magnificence you once held before you lowered your vibration to descend to Earth. When you have been informed that you are to ascend as physical Angels, this gives you a measure as to much you will grow in a short time.
Do not worry about growing wings, as in the higher dimensions you have the ability to present yourself as you desire. Angels like other highly spiritual Beings have enormous auras, and has given the appearance of wings. It means that as an Angel and to show yourself to Humans requires the appearance of wings, because that is what they expect to see. This is an aspect that you will find strange, but in the higher dimensions your power of thought can create instantly. You also learn how to control it and only do so where it is intended.
You should not find the idea of being able to think things into being too strange. It is just that on Earth it takes longer to manifest, and is often the result of your mass consciousness. You only have to consider the last few years to see how your power to change things has increased. We help you once you decide to work with the Light, but all credit to those of you who have steadfastly worked for peace and to bring changes to this planet. It is you the people who have turned things around from what was until recently a path to destruction. You have now chosen the path to the completion of this cycle through Ascension.
Earth is a bubbling cauldron of all different energies from the highest to the lowest. You have faced the challenge to lift yourselves up out of them, and you are learning how to hold your place within where you cannot be affected. We look at your achievements that are truly wonderful and a measure of how far you have come in such a short time. Now you are about to set out on the last lap that will be the most exciting and exhilarating of all. We shall join you, and you shall take your place once again amongst us.
I am Ker-On from Venus, quite familiar with Earth and its people. We too are ascending with you, as our Solar System rises up and we enter a new phase of our lives. The higher you go, the more wonderful you will find it and there shall be absolute peace and harmony, with beauty beyond description. All is held within the energy of the Creator to whom we give our Love and thanks.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey