You have toiled for so long in the lower vibrations, that you are used to having all manner of energies impinging upon you. What is normal for you would be absolutely strange and unsettling to us, although we do occasionally drop down into your level. By maintaining our own vibrations we can in fact lessen the affect upon us.
As you increase your own vibrations and rise up, you lift away from the very low vibrations. Some of you will already have experienced what is like to then suddenly find yourselves pulled back down into them, and it can be a shock to your system. The contrast is so noticeable, as the lower energies which are often more negative in their nature can actually cause physical pain.
There are times when you come together with other souls who hold similar high vibrations to yourselves. This is most likely to occur within your meditation groups, or meetings that tend to attract people of a higher vibration. You could not have failed to notice how a beautiful calm and peaceful atmosphere is built up. Eventually if the meeting place is regularly used for such purposes, the energies remain and become permanently grounded and you “Feel” them as soon as you enter.
This is why you have sanctuaries that are specifically maintained for healing, and you will know that they are something special. This can of course happen outside, and not necessarily only in enclosed areas. Some locations that are repeatedly used for higher purposes can also develop such an energy, and these become spots where a great peace and stillness are present. Consider why you often want to get away from the built up areas, and a favorite recreation is to jump in your car and go off into the countryside. The buildings that are often in these concreted areas and that includes your roads and walkways, are not conducive to creating the peaceful atmosphere you seek. The energies of people and all manner of activities and noise leave their marks for a long time, and are trapped there until they finally diminish.
Your psychics and other sensitive people will tell you how they “Feel” the energies around them. Even in areas that have long changed they can still pick them up. Ask them what they find when in an old building, perhaps several hundred years old. The old energies are still there, including those of the humans and animals. What your concrete jungles do is to stifle the natural energies from Mother Earth, and disturb what otherwise should be a pleasant and healthy environment. The energies become ugly and discordant and can reach the point of becoming unhealthy in the worst areas.
When you finally restore your Earth, it will be in the most natural environment possible. Nature’s energies will freely flow and indeed the layout and design will allow for the maximum benefit of these for all concerned. You can appreciate beauty, and how often do you find a favorite spot in the country that is both appealing to the eye, and carries a peaceful and uplifting energy. You are all very sensitive to the energies around you, but you have become used to them. Some people do not even notice how lacking the energies are in good uplifting vibrations.
Clearly many things on Earth have to change, and once the cleansing is completed the energies will have a chance to filter back into those once polluted areas. You will soon notice the benefits from the changes, and even the air will once again become exhilarating and health giving. Your waters will become alive and purified so that they are crystal clear. Just imagine how much these acts will lift up the vibration upon Earth.
I would now ask you to try and “Feel” what it is like to be in the higher dimensions, which is where most of you are destined to go. Harmony and balance and no clashing energies, all moving in perfect unison with each other. A peace that you can rarely experience upon Earth, except in those moments of exultation and joy. Everything you see is alive and full of energy, and you will be able to discern one from the other. You will have a greater sense of awareness, and have become sensitive to a much higher degree than you have ever experienced previously.
Can you let yourself go, envision and feel the energies of the higher dimensions. It is possible to draw an impression of them to yourself that releases you from the earthly pull and allows you to “Feel” those higher vibrations. Your power of visualization is stronger if you find a quiet place that has a good energy already, just relax and see how far you can go. On a larger scale you are already bringing the higher vibrations to Earth, and you are manifesting the very energies that are transmuting the old. The new is forming now and subtle changes are taking place.
Through your power of thought you who are the Lightworkers are re-shaping your world. In the midst of the cleansing that has already started a grid of energy is lowering itself into place. It is manifesting the new now and you will see it speeding up before very long. All is moving into place for the greater changes to commence, and these will be accelerated with the coming of First Contact. Energies are beaming to Earth that are signaling the end of the old, I would ask you to try and “Feel” what it is like to be in the higher dimensions, which is where most of you are destined to go that must make way for the new.
I am Ag-agria, one of many members of The Galactic Federation in contact with you at this important time. We prepare the way for the great coming, and already so many of you find our presence welcome. We come with great joy, and wish so much to lift you up out of the old Earth, so that you may see it in its pristine condition. This shall come to be in the very near future, and we shall approach this task together and in great love and Brotherhood.
Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey