Through Mike Quinsey 11.22.05
As your saying goes, the chips are down and all we wait for the last pieces to fall into place. The last few years have been full of promise and you have experienced many ups and downs, but behind everything that has been taking place there has been a steady progress. We have seen the likely outcome taking shape, and have always had more than one option to ensure success. Our organization and facilities are such that we can in an instant change our plans whilst still focusing on our goal.
Remember that we are here to ensure the manifestation of the Creator’s Plan for this segment of the Universe. You are only a small planet, yet you are held in great esteem throughout Creation. You are the last to be lifted up from the lower dimensions, and more importantly Ones who have to bring your experiences to a close as your cycle ends. We are here to guide you through the end time changes, in a way that will see you enjoy a smooth and successful transition. Anything less is not permissible, and this is why your last cabal are destined to fail in their attempts to disrupt the Light.
On a daily basis you find your hopes raised and then dashed, and you find yourselves on an emotional roller coaster. The truth and lies rub shoulders together, and it is so difficult for you to access what is really happening. However, if you sit back and avoid becoming emotionally involved you will find that you have a better overview. See the victory that we assure you is yours, and concentrate on the positive aspects and let all else fade into oblivion. Already you can take great credit for your achievements, and it has been your persistent determination that has succeeded in bringing you this far. We compliment your actions with ours, and our allies are given clarity of purpose and tasks that are destined to establish the Light upon Earth.
The Light is pouring into Earth, and it is causing a stirring amongst people who have been oblivious to what has been occurring. People are waking up and now seeing the truth of what is happening beneath their very noses. The clamor to remove Bush and his administration grows, not just outside but also from within. There really is no way out for them, but the dark are not inclined to do the honorable thing and resign. It will be left for events to drive them into a corner so that through lawful action they can be removed.
As ever we wait fully ready with plans to initially show ourselves over you capital cities. The official announcement of our presence will be followed by a gentle introduction to The Galactic Federation. We must allow some time for your population to accept us, without an overpowering show of our craft. There is so much to explain to those who have doubted our existence, and a careful plan to give the assurances that we come in peace. In this we will rely upon our allies who have been asserting the proof of our existence for many years. It will not take long as Humanity has always subconsciously believed in a higher intelligence that would make contact with them. This is much in the way of the expectations that have been built up leading you to expect the appearance of a Savior.
With our arrival, your religious and scientific understanding of life will be brought up to date, and the many anomalies removed. Eventually both will be able to express each other in ways that will show that they are complimentary. There is currently much that is in need of explanation and deadwood that needs removing. These matters will figure amongst those that we shall address in the early day, as you need a platform from which you can understand how we all fit into it together. We are not alien to you, we are all from a single source that is represented by the Godhead. We are all an expression of the Love of the Creator, and nothing exists that is not within that Love.
Once we have established some of the truths that have been missing from your teachings, and eradicated the false ones it will be so much easier for you to accept our presence. You will see from our appearance that some of us are almost identical to you, and speaking as a Sirian I will tell you that we are related. Your link to us will not only be explained, but we can illustrate our points by creating holographic pictures that will take you deep into your Human history. Because we come in truth, you will find our contact uplifting and so much that has been a mystery to you will be explained.
You will know that the cycle of duality is looked upon as a play in which you have all acted out the different roles, and we wait in the wings for our cue. There will be an increase in our prior contact with those who are essential to our first announcement, and the necessary arrangements already exist. It will go out world wide so that all hear of our coming and know of our reasons and intentions for you all. What you have envisaged is about to become a reality, and it will remove the one big UFO cover up that your Illuminati still maintain. It will not require us to give you the proof, as you have many dedicated groups that have it ready to expose the deceit and lies that have been taking place.
I am Atmos from The Galactic Federation and we know the time has arrived for us to show ourselves. Everything for your upliftment and advancement is in place, and in 12 months time you will be able to look back on an incredible year. There will be a new air of expectation, as you will already have seen our technology carry you forward into a new technological age. Your dependence on fossil or nuclear fuels will have been replaced by clean free energy. Pollution will have already been eradicated in many areas, and we will as a priority have removed and neutralized your harmful nuclear waste.
Your Earth will change dramatically, and the ravages of time and Man’s destruction of Earth will be reversed. This is all part of the restoration of Earth, that must precede the final steps that lead you to your glorious Ascension. Both you and Mother Earth must be fully restored ready for this most remarkable event. We shall still be with you and follow your journey, and enjoy coming together again afterwards. There is so much exciting information we can share. We are truly your Brothers and Sisters from the stars, and we offer you our love and help in everyway possible.
Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey