Through Mike Quinsey 11.19.05
Many wonder where their experiences are leading, and as to their purpose. From one life to another you may lose your personality, but as you enter a new one you carry all that you have learnt with you. You could call this a molding of your character, until you come to realize that you are more than just your body. You will begin to understand that the inner voice is your guiding light, and that it is a higher aspect of yourself.
Your experiences continue to be linked, and the thread that runs through each lifetime ensures that it is ongoing. The factor that controls your ambitions is the genetic imprint that you carry, that does change from life to life. When you and your guides have decided that it is time to incarnate, a life plan is drawn up. You are then placed exactly where you need to be to start that particular journey. The plan commences right from the beginning with the choice of parents. They will have been selected because they can offer you the childhood and guidance that you need. Sometimes, depending on your plan they may have been selected because they will not be good parents.
It is easy to give an example of the way in which the experiences you need are catered for. An example would be that if you had been a neglectful parent in an earlier life, you may have elected to have similar parents this time round. Consider for example the hard lessons to be learnt as an abandoned child, or to a lesser degree where parents have broken up. The examples are endless, but one thing you can be assured of is that you will always be in the right place.
The same reasoning and planning applies in all circumstances, as there is no such thing as luck or coincidence involved. Sometimes there is a straightforward plan that is clear and pre-determined. One where you enter life to participate in a particular profession, and it is known that your parents will be instrumental in guiding you to it. It is possible that even at an early age you will already have an absolutely certain objective in mind. You could find every conceivable combination of circumstances, and consider also the purpose of parents who are determined to impose their ideas upon you.
So much of your abilities or even lack of abilities, is down to the genetic imprint that you carry. Through it, certain aspects can be highlighted or otherwise locked up. This is to ensure you are drawn to the circumstances that will release your life plan. With it comes the assistance of your guides, and sometimes these change according to your needs. You may not for example see the value in coming into life with a weakness for alcohol, but what if you desire to be tested so as to overcome it. You could consider drugs in a similar way, and bear in mind that they are not peculiar to your present generations. They have been around in their different forms for hundreds of years.
As you approach this final stage of your experiences in the lower dimensions, you will have undertaken the clearance of all outstanding matters. Strictly speaking you cannot leave this cycle until that it has been completed. This is why some of you appear in a rush to fill your lives with so many different experiences. You could say that this is a time when anything goes, and there is every chance to fulfill your life plan. If you should create more Karma, it is cleared immediately as you will not have another opportunity to come back to it again.
Let us follow the idea through, and now jump forward to the Great Shift. You could not participate in this unless you had resolved all of your past Karma, because you cannot take it with you. Having ascended you will enter the higher dimensions where the lower vibrations cannot exist. You will have already restored your 12 strand DNA and have become a Light Being. You will truly have become a Co-Creator with God and will have left duality behind such as you now know it.
As Light Being your responsibilities are much greater, and you would not deliberately take any actions that could be considered as interference in another’s evolution. However, it is not always possible to see the long term affects and Karma can still be incurred. It is more in the sense of correcting an error of judgement, that may have resulted from the best of intentions. At whatever level you are at, there will always be Beings in even higher dimensions. There is still guidance from those who have gone before, and you will almost certainly find yourself within a group consciousness. The Oneness of All will never have been more apparent to you, and you will find it an absolute joy to be alive.
In the higher dimensions, the loving essence of every soul merges with all else, and there is a wonderful energy that pervades the atmosphere. Life bears little resemblance to that which you now experience, and one of your greatest ones will be the freedom of movement. At the higher levels, there are no restrictions placed upon you, although you can still only ascend as far as your vibrations will allow you. There is however a continuing plan for your evolution that enables you to move even higher. One aspect is connected with your ability to work on certain Rays that are held by Higher Beings. Take for example one who you are familiar with as St. Germain, who is working principally with the Violet Flame of Transmutation, and it may be your choice to work with him.
I am Ag-agria a Guide, and also a member of The Galactic Federation, and this is my chosen path. All work in some form of service to others, and it is not a chore or imposed upon anyone. Usually your preference will reflect your abilities in some way that uses them for the benefit of All. Life is enjoyable and very fulfilling, and no one is happier than when they are working together in a common cause. Our happiness and satisfaction comes from being able to share our Love with everyone else.
Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey.