Through Mike Quinsey 11.29.05
How we would welcome the chance to come to you right now, but as you might say the loose ends have to be tied up. You cannot have failed to notice, that each day now brings more news of the political events that are destined to bring the last cabal down. There will come an optimum time when our plans are best brought forward, but in the meantime we see how the dark are in array.
What we do not want is to distract people from their work which is vitally important to these end times. There is always a danger that when we start to make contact that the focus will change. It still important that you proceed with your work to remove Bush and his Administration, and it must be seen as justified and supported by sufficient evidence that will be acceptable in law. Suspicion alone is unacceptable, and firm evidence is required that is presentable.
Meanwhile, we are fine tuning our plans, as once we start we will be moving quite quickly to establish groups that can work with us. Some of you are already being prepared, but you do not yet know the true purpose. At this stage we have to guard our actions and a certain degree of secrecy is necessary. You must bear in mind that the last cabal has many supporters who would willingly expose what we are planning if they acquired such information.
As things stand at the moment, we are on the verge of starting our first stages that will bring our activities into the public eye. We no longer have to flood your skies with our craft, as even if our presence is not necessarily believed most people have now heard of us. There is little chance of fear being caused by us openly coming into your lives. Indeed, we feel it will be exactly the opposite as in your present turmoil we have so much to offer to enable Humanity to overcome it.
From one point of view there is so much happening on Earth that is causing upheaval in your lives, and we can understand some who see no way out. With our messages and those from other spiritual sources, it has been possible to balance this out. We must have people who understand what is happening behind the scenes, and who can put on a positive face. Your help is so important at this moment in time and you can do much to uplift others out of their gloom. There must be certain changes that clear the way for our arrival, and we are happy that these are progressing well.
Co-operation and Oneness is a feature of our Federation, and there is also a commitment to our duties to help others who are ready to become full members with us. You are one such group, and we have seen your progress over eons of time bring you to this point of acceptance. You are Star Beings and as such are no longer meant to be confined to Earth. It is time to spread your wings and fly, and the whole Universe will be open for you to explore. You are great Beings who will eventually be recognized for what you have achieved, as you have successfully come through the trials and tribulations of duality.
You have entered the lower vibrations and at times lost knowledge of your true identity. Now that situation is being reversed and already many of you are accepting that you are Beings of Light. Some are reluctant to believe in their potential to rise out of your present conditions and once more return to the Light, but that is your pathway. We are here to help you through the changes and then we shall guide you through the last ones, and these will enable you to raise your vibrations high enough for Ascension.
It is hard to imagine that anyone would wish to remain on Earth, given that you will always have to fight for your existence. We know for some it has become a way of life that is accepted, and they have no vision of how it could be better. This is why we have given you our close attention for the last century. As even acknowledging our presence in your skies, has caused you to imagine how we differ to you. It has made you speculate as to how different life might be elsewhere, and consider the prospect of space travel.
You are already in a Space Age and travel to the stars is no longer fiction. You probe your Moon and other planets in your solar system, and find positive evidence of intelligent life. Sadly, the evidence is concealed or deliberately refuted, but there will always be some of you who will make it public. Your whole solar system has at various times held intelligent life, and it has been much more advanced than you are at present. Some still exist but like most civilizations have moved underground. Sometimes it is by choice, but there have also been instances where the planets surface has been destroyed and uninhabitable.
Some still pose the question as to why if life exists outside of Earth you have not been openly contacted. The simple answer is that you have always been visited, but these have been deliberately selective and largely kept discreet so as not to take you from your path. It would be very easy even now as you would say, overstep the mark. There is a right time for open contact, and it has to tie in with your evolutionary plans. That time is here now, and soon we shall arrange it with your representatives and our allies.
Take heart from our presence amongst you now, and do not worry about the difficulties you face upon Earth. Soon we shall be able to reverse the situation and all will be restored. You as individuals are most important to us and we shall first ensure your happiness and safety. All of your needs will be addressed, and be assured that we can apply ourselves all over your world. We have more than enough resources and personnel to carry out our tasks, and they are excitedly awaiting their call to begin.
I am Ker-On of Venus, and together we shall enjoy a wonderful period of fulfillment, and your past troubles will soon be put behind you. We are aware of your thoughts that invite us to join you, and we are encouraged by your openess and sense of wonder. We know you well and have followed your progress for eons of time. There have been times when we have walked freely amongst you, and these will return once again. Until then I wish you all to know how close we are to you, and how much we send our love to you all. We will ever remind you that We Are All One, creations of the Supreme Creator to whom we all pay tribute.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey.