Through Mike Quinsey 11.07.05
Every so often you will hear the expression used that indicates that everything is in the Now. For you who operate in linear time, it is difficult to imagine because you have a distinct impression of what has just passed. Your life revolves around the cycles of time, and you have night and day, weeks, months and years as you record or map out your activities. Linear time is your understanding, but in reality the past, present and future are one.
Sometimes when you are relaxed and your mind is open, you can get a “feeling” of the Now and time seems to stand still. Until you progress upwards into the higher dimensions you will be unable to experience it fully. In linear time you are bound by it because of the physical nature of your dimension, but you would be released once you left your physical body. Quite a few of you have had out of the body experiences, and some have encountered circumstances where it would seem that they have been away hours, only to find it has been just a short time.
Also bear in mind that when you can travel by thought almost instantaneously, time no longer applies because everything Is. Travel back to the past, or even into the future and time as a measurement becomes irrelevant. Some of you have been aboard our ships and traveled out of your solar system and visited other planets, yet when you have been returned your idea of time has been turned upside down. You have equated your experience with your existing perception of time, and inevitably you find that it is totally different to how you “felt” it. The reason is that time is not constant, and it becomes an un-necessary term of reference when freely traveling in the higher dimensions.
Imagine that you visited a planet with binary suns, and they were placed in such a way that you never experienced night and day as on Earth. Living in constant light there would be no demarcation such as you now have with night and day. Night for you is also a distinctly separate part of your experience, as normally it is a time for sleep and re-charging of your physical body. In the higher dimensions that many of you will eventually enter, you will no longer have the need for sleep and will be able to re-charge from the energies that are perpetually around you. Consider that without night and day, and in constant light you would not have or need the familiar time reference you use.
On Earth you do take in energy from outside of you, but also because of your heavy physical body you also need solid food. Even on Earth as you refine your physical body, so it becomes lighter and you find less need for the foods of heavy vibrations such as meat. You also have less need to eat in copious amounts, and if you do it has a debilitating affect. Putting these facts together, you will begin to understand how your whole life style is changing, and it will prepare you for even more as you approach the final years to Ascension. All of the time the energies coming to Earth are being raised up as the refining goes on, which also helps raise your consciousness.
Think of the fact that as everything is in the Now, you can move anywhere into historical times. You can observe the Earth when it was being formed, and in speeded up time if you wish. Can you see that once your mind is unlocked and not reliant on time as you presently use it, you will soon learn to exist without it. I know that some of you already get moments where you lose touch with time, and it is not that there is anything wrong with you. You are losing your dependence upon time because you are not allowing it to fully rule your life.
A number of quite radical changes will occur as you prepare for Ascension. The main one will be the change to your body, from one of carbon based cells to crystalline which are suited to your existence in the higher dimensions. You will see changes that will return you to the state of perfection written in the coding of your DNA. No ill health or aging, no deformities or disabilities as these will no longer be able to exist. It may sound impossible, but I assure you that it is so in the higher vibrations.
Some visitors to Earth, have already carried out what are to you miraculous healing. Your methods are very antiquated in most respects, as you are more drug dependant for treatment that does not necessarily address the cause. You do however have many forward looking people who have worked in alternative medicine, but often in the interests of maintaining the grip of the Pharmaceutical companies, it is suppressed. This will all soon change, and as an interim measure new means of treatment will be introduced, until even they will become un-necessary.
At present your minds are occupied with all manner of problems, and many struggle to exist in a world where there is sufficient for everyone. Again, all of that will change when your off world family arrive openly on Earth. We know the will and co-operation is there with you, and we shall combine our efforts and quickly re-organize your society to one that more reflects what is for the good of all.
I am Ela of Arcturus and we dwell in much higher dimensions that are already absolute living pictures of beauty and color. These are our creation, and you too will also have such powers before very long. What we have created reflects the harmony and Love we have within us, and carries the consciousness of that Love. There is no negativity and everything exists in its perfection, and all interacts with its particular energies. The interchange of thought extends to all including the smallest blade of grass.
I leave you with these thoughts, as soon your minds will be presented with a whole multitude of new ideas and possibilities. Expand your minds now and begin to perceive what is possible, as anything you can think of can be created. You have a certain success using your power of thought, but know that there will come a time when you shall be able to create at will. The Great Light that permeates All That Is comes from the Creator, and we acknowledge that Great Love that abounds everywhere. We offer our thanks for the wonderful experiences that beckon, as we all climb the higher dimensions to create even higher expressions of the Creator’s Love.
Thank you Ela.
Mike Quinsey