Through Mike Quinsey 11.14.05
The old Earth is beginning to part company from you, as you both move towards the higher expression of yourselves. Those who remain and are still of the 3D mindset will continue to see it as it was, and their desire to retain it will carry them onwards to another Earth of a similar vibration. On the other hand, those who can understand the changes that are taking place and hold the vision of the new Earth will move into a new vibration with Mother Earth.
We can come close to you, and from our level we see each of surrounded by your aura and in many instances the most beautiful and pure colors. Equally we see where some Dear Ones have been pulled down by the lower energies, and become immersed in the negative vibrations. We see their dark and murky colors that lack the clarity and brightness of those who carry the higher vibrations. What a contrast you make, as the lower vibrations pale into insignificance against the higher ones that reach out from your bodies in a wonderful array of colors. It means that we can easily pick out those who are more of the Light, and we know from the precise colors in what way they are likely to express themselves.
The study of auras is not new to you, as many have auric sight and to different degrees they can read them. This ability is by no means strange to you, and it is possible to be trained to develop yourself for this purpose. It is normal for people to have a few principle colors that are more prominent than the others. It is from these that a good assessment can be made as to the characteristics of that person. The lesser colors complete the picture and each one has its own particular meaning. It does however depend on its clarity and shade of color, as to the interpretation given to it.
Auric colors are felt by some people who are sensitive, and the range from beautiful emanations of love to those that are discordant and negative. It is said that Jesus held the rosy pink of love, and this tells you that someone with it is serene and full of the love energy. The basic interpretations of the major colors are Red for physical energy, Yellow for Mental energy, Blue for Wisdom and Green for Service to others. There are however different interpretations according to where they come on the scale in clearness, brightness and depth.
Man has subconsciously chosen colors that reflect the nature of what they are used in connection with, and for example historically red has been used for military uniforms. Perhaps you can see how the energy giving red color is the most suitable for energetic activities. The very bright red shades are also of a very low vibration and suited for battle. In modern warfare the object is to avoid being seen and dull and abject colors are used, and again these are of a low vibration. If you look at the Church and its choice of colors, you will generally find all of those of the higher vibrations including gold and purple.
You are more involved with color than you would first imagine, and knowledge is gained through observation. Now we see there is a tendency in hospitals and other institutions to choose pastel shades of the brighter colors, which have been found to relax people. Color has been used in healing for eons of time, and your ancients understood far more about their use and application than you do today. However, this knowledge will be returned to you before very long and healing will be taken to a new level.
What can be more uplifting than being in a flower garden and seeing the way nature uses its paintbrush. The colors are alive, and how often do you admire not just the patterning and combination of colors but the beauty in the design. These are created in the minds of Higher Beings and they are not some freak accident of nature. Color is a dominant force in your lives, and fashion allows you to gratify your senses. Can you imagine a world devoid of color, yet some people have defective sight and only see in shades of black and white.
As you progress into the higher dimensions so the colors become much brighter and clearer. You will also find that you will identify with the different colors and they will have a broader range than you have seen before. You would also immediately pick out new colors that you have not seen previously. Every where is a play of colors that harmonize and move in and out of each other. They are all of a high vibration and this makes for the most pleasant feeling of love, joy and happiness.
You have so much to look forward to very soon, and knowing this should enable you to see out your last few years in the present earthly vibration without being concerned about the necessary changes. If you get a bit despondent, find your quiet place and project your thoughts into the higher dimensions and come with me to those beautiful gardens, where you will find the peace you seek. Relax in them and allow yourself to be re-charged with uplifting energies and bring them back to Earth.
I am Ela of Arcturus and I have reminded you of how important color is in your lives. Look sometimes at what you wear and ask yourself whether the colors are making you feel good. If you feel low, open your wardrobe and choose some cheerful bright colors and if lacking energy turn to the red. Find a place where you can relax with the natural colors of nature, and know that they carry a beautiful uplifting energy. There is much you can do to cheer yourself up, and it need not cost you anything at all.
If I could, I would love to transport you to Arcturus just for a glimpse of the beauty of our creation. In time, some of you will indeed make that journey, and we do have some of our own upon the Earth at this time who shall return. Find reports of people who have entered your higher astral regions, and brought their experience back to Earth. You will find that this is also beautiful and a measure of what you may expect in the higher dimensions.
Your vision should now be more on the wonderful Golden Age that you are about to enter, and it will surpass anything you have previously imagined possible. It is your reward for accepting the challenge of duality, and for having risen above the lower energies and having re-claimed your true place in the Cosmos as the Christed Ones. You are surrounded in Love, reach out and touch it and bring it into your own aura, we are All One.
Thank you Ela.
Mike Quinsey