Through Mike Quinsey 11.26.05
The dark clouds are rolling away, and soon the light will come shining through in a magnificence that will lift you up. You will find yourselves yet another step up the ladder, and nearer to time when your Ascension starts in earnest. At present it is all rather volatile but we have as you say, “our finger on the pulse” and are well in command of all situations upon Earth. As you know, we can monitor what is happening without the necessity of being upon Earth. We can zoom into any area above or below ground, into any building and pinpoint the activities of any person.
Our technology cannot in anyway be matched by yours when it comes to surveillance. This is our advantage, and assurance to you that we can keep our promises. When we say that we will prevent certain events occurring upon Earth, you will understand how we can exercise such control. At present, so much is happening and our presence is to ensure that the moves by our allies to rid you of the last cabal are successful. What you have seen just lately is the culmination of a lot of hard work by certain individuals who work for the Light. Doing things the right way cannot be rushed, and you will know that every time the dark get wind of measures being taken against them, they retaliate.
As you have seen, our combined efforts are bearing fruit and the result is that the dark are running in all directions. There is total disarray in their ranks, and do not be fooled by their outer calm and assurance, this is just a charade. The infighting is weakening them even further, and there have been occasional shows of uncontrolled anger amongst them. You will know that sooner or later something will have to break, and a collapse is imminent. Once the cracks really appear the final break-up will take place quite suddenly, and their defeat will be irreversible.
The gross arrogance and mismanagement of the present cabal has known no limits, and now they wallow in a state of confusion with no way to turn. They have made a mockery of the Constitution, and reduced a once great country to its knees through their disregard for law and order. A once highly respected country that lead by example, and whose ideals were based on leadership of a high quality. Your destiny is to become a great nation again, and with our backing and assurance the changes to enable this are near to manifesting. The dark cabal have taken you to the brink of destruction, and now you will restore sanity and life will turn to another path that leads to glory.
Dear Ones, see the opportunity for change as one to grasp and restore the values that were God given in your Constitution. Look at your place in the world, and know that others have always looked to you for guidance. Once again let freedom from oppression be your aim and reflected in your actions. For our part we will help you broker a new Constitution that is an inspiration to everyone, and restores your sovereignty. What we promise will come to be, and it has been backed by a decree from the Councils of high spirituality.
Your time line is not totally rigid, and flexibility exists that allows many activities to come together that will give no respite to the dark forces. We are bringing matters to a head and wait to see which way they will go. There is no escape for the dark, and they will at an appropriate time be apprehended and their influence removed for good. The people are now much wiser than just a year ago, and the rapid deterioration of your country and its reputation has awakened them to the truth. They are taking back responsibility for their own future, and now they lead where before they followed.
We respond in joy as we see the opportunity arising for the last cabal to be removed, and our hand shall guide you to success. Can you not feel the expectancy around you, and a new purpose in the air that is bracing and uplifting. Lift up out of your despondency, as you have every reason to celebrate the changes that are afoot, and see beyond the outer happenings. Without the collapse of society and all that made you feel comfortable, you would not have seen the true pathway that lead to the Light. You have been forced out of your beliefs in what was, to see what is instead possible and desirable.
You now demand what has been your right to a better quality of life, and one that reflects a spiritual understanding where all are treated as equal. There are none favored in Heaven over and above any others, and all work as one and for each other. You may choose your path but you will not be exalted or glorified as an individual. All work together for the common goal of returning to Source. It is ongoing, and there is great joy and happiness expressed and experienced in all activities. You will capture this feeling and sense of purpose as you put the old behind you, and duality will be left behind.
From your point of view these are still difficult times, and after all you are suffering the intentional result of actions taken by the dark. You must see that this will be brought to a halt very soon, and major changes will ensure you can change track. You will need little encouragement to do so, as subconsciously you have always been seeking the way out. You will have no problems accepting a new approach to life, and to each other.
You have been led to believe that divisions amongst you are normal, and the dark have perpetuated these ideas for eons of time. Position and wealth will have no bearing in a society based on fair sharing, and such differences will be removed. All have different qualities and skills to offer, and each contribution is as important as the other. These are not judged or seen in isolation, but a as one great whole where people are working for each other. You are a family just as we are, and when we come it will be as Brothers and Sisters.
I am Ag-agria and represent The Galactic Federation, who is one of many that oversee the planets that are members of it. You are set to re-join us in full knowledge of who you are, and we have much more in common than you may first suspect. You came from the stars and to them you shall return. First however, we await the time when we can safely approach you all and begin our first open contact. We are not as strange or as different as your fiction writers would have you believe. Soon you shall see us with your own eyes, and we shall come together in a great sense of co-operation and friendliness.
There is nothing to be afraid of as we come to lift you up, and enable the dark period of your lives to be put behind you forever. We bring hope, new ideas and spiritual understanding, that will help you take that quantum leap forward that we have mentioned so many times. That time rapidly approaches and the final preparations are in place. Join us in your thoughts, and allow us to share our love of mankind with you. You are special to us, you are our own and we shall become as one yet gain. The Heavens are in a state of excitement and anticipation as your long wait is almost over, and we are ready to celebrate that momentous occasion. Know that so much love is sent to you, and it shall continue to be so, indeed it has never been any different.
Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey.