Through Mike Quinsey 12.05.05
It is time to emphasize what it is you need to do, to prepare yourselves for the changes. These are intended to return to you your freedom, sovereignty and abundance. You are to enter this last period moving further into the Light and experience the coming of peace and harmony. All that has cluttered up your path to freedom will be removed, and eventually there will be the Law of the One. Each of you will find that respect for each other, that indicates that you have become aware of the Oneness of All That Is. Entering such a period will also bring you everything that you need, in a society that acknowledges the right of All to share in the fruits of your endeavors.
A new spirit of co-operation will grow exponentially, as the need for confrontation and disagreement will disappear. There will be equality and sharing that will be based on bringing all into the family of Man. There will be no discrimination based on color or creed, and the standard of living will be quickly raised so that none shall languish without their needs having been covered. This will be carried out with a new spirit of putting others first, and the necessity for greed and avarice will disappear. Much of your present society’s ills will be overcome by a new approach to life that ensures everyone is treated fairly and honestly.
There will be a re-assessment of your laws, and their legality and purpose will determine whether they remain. Those that involve physical punishment and deprivation will be removed. Rehabilitation into society will take into account a persons karma, and an understanding given that will make way for it to be finally cleared. If necessary, genetic changes can also be made that will remove the dependency on the lower forms of expression. All will be gradually lifted up to take their place in the higher vibrations, but as always freedom of choice will be observed and honored.
Those of you who have chosen a different path to Ascension, will be equally included in the “lifting up” but take a new direction when appropriate. All paths will run together until the time comes to separate. The great plan excludes no one, and even those who continue to deny their Oneness with All That Is, will also be removed to continue their journey to the Light. The Creator has promised that no one soul shall be deserted, and the Creators Love will enfold each and every one of you.
Your expectation at present is one of clearing your earthly problems, and to this end you can expect much action once we arrive. The Galactic Federation has every conceivable piece of equipment and ability to handle every problem that you are experiencing. No challenge is too great or intricate, and our teams are already totally prepared for a massive mission to Earth. We shall involve your help as we know many of you are eager to help, and we shall utilize whatever skills you can offer. You have much appreciation of the damage caused to your ecology/environment and we visualize this as the main area where you can assist.
We will ask that you identify the problems that directly affect the Earth. Acquaint yourselves with them and so be fully prepared to help the teams that have been monitoring Earth. Many of you have what you call “hands on experience” and this will be an invaluable asset to us. Where health is concerned, we shall introduce you to new methods that are totally efficient, but your own knowledge of new developments will help you better understand ours. We have in fact impressed you with new ideas that encompass our own for this very reason.
In fact, in all of your different industries we have tried to instill into you more efficient and appropriate ways to manage your problems. This has prepared the ground for a great leap forward, and the understanding our technologies will become that much easier to you. Sadly, we have to tell you that many ideas that we have given you, have not been allowed to benefit you. For reasons of greed and profit, you have not been allowed to know of advances that would have improved your quality of life. The most beneficial would have been clean energy that is freely available all around you. These would have totally transformed your society and taken you into a new era of pollution free operation.
Start to see the potential changes and be ready for a world that will rapidly change, in many ways beyond your present recognition. Gain strength from the knowledge, that none of the present problems that you experience are impossible to overcome. Whether they are personal or universal makes no difference, you can now let go your concern or worries. Our coming is no coincidence, and understand that you were never going to be left to the dictates of the Illuminati forever. Your karmic reasons for being here at this time are almost over, and it is time to start leaving that part of your lives behind. Look to a glorious future that is opening up now, and know that this cycle is destined to end very shortly. Unlike many earlier cycles, this one is not to result in the destruction Man or the Earth.
I am SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation and direct your thoughts away from the old Earth towards the new. Keep your ideals in mind and realize that the changes will far exceed your expectations. Continue to visualize your understanding of what it will be like to see the Earth and all around you fully restored, with no trace of the ravages of time. Sparkling as new, energetic and vibrant, lush and verdant such as you have not seen in your time. You will be helping to manifest this dream until it becomes your reality. We are here to ensure that the Great Plan of the Creator is carried out, and you are its beneficiaries. We bring with us the great Love and reverence that is due to you to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey