Through Mike Quinsey 12.17.05
The signs are everywhere around that the Light is gaining prominence. It may not be immediately apparent, as usually it is the actions of the dark that gain the publicity. The difference is that as the dark get more desperate, they attempt more than they are able to achieve. Also, their moves are more obvious and people are seeing the real motives behind them. The Light however, is gently gaining great strength, and a powerful force for good is awakening many to their tasks. Remember that you came here specifically to take part in these end-times, and you elected to do your part in grounding the Light.
The dark have been found out, and are in retreat and try to put on a brave face but that charade has been seen through. Now many people are joining the groups that are returning the Earth to its lawful guardians; the people of Earth. No more shall lies and deceit fool the people, and they now take steps to return the power to themselves. There will be no turning back, and from hereon the Light shall grow quicker than ever. Day by day you are envisaging your new reality, and your focus is strong enough to ensure its manifestation.
Love is in the hearts of so many, and compassion pours out to those who are in need. No more do you walk on the other side of the road, but stop and offer your help. Out of the seeming chaos and oppression, a new Human is emerging that shines out a brilliant Light that is transmuting the dark wherever it is found. A new Human who cannot be deterred in his march towards freedom, and the return of sovereignty and abundance. A new Human whose head and shoulders tower above all else, and sees all that is happening. Fearless and resolute, the new Human is ready to Light up the Earth with Love.
You may not yet recognize yourself as one who has progressed so far, yet you hold the key to the changes that are starting to take place. Leaders are emerging that can band people together, and in numbers there is a greater power. All over the world the cries are heard for release from the bondage of tyrants and despots. Even at personal risk, people are standing up to them and the momentum gathers pace. Now it is the turn of the dark to fear the changes, as they know there is no way back once they lose their position and power. It is happening now, and the energy for change continues to grow.
Even those diehards who see no evil are waking up, but find it hard to admit what they see before their very eyes. Amongst the turmoil are those who are calmly pointing the way forward. Now the future is no longer in the hands of the politicians and power brokers, but is being returned to the people. The old system of delegating power through politics will be changed, and those best suited for the tasks will be appointed. This time it will be through their spiritual credentials and suitability for the tasks in hand.
What is happening is a prelude to First Contact which will follow on the good work that is being done now. The ground is being prepared for the final days of the cycle of duality. One phase merges into another, and for the moment there is no clear cut line that separates the two. However, soon the Light will emerge as victorious, and the Ascension period will have truly started. This is the time to remain steadfast and determined, and you shall all see history being made.
Keep your sight on the goal, and know that this coming New Year will be full of events that will gradually gather speed until the outcome is obvious. The last cabal will have to withdraw, and they will be removed so that life can proceed as decreed by the Heavenly Brotherhood. You have waited patiently for change, and you have helped manifest the new reality that beckons. So much good work is taking place and it grows very rapidly. Let those who are wrapped up in the old wallow in the dimension of there choice, as freedom can have no limitations beyond doing that which is of no harm to others.
A great flow of Love and Light which carries your expectations is touching the hearts of many who are becoming aware. You want to claim the peace and goodwill that is being generated for all time, and not just for this special occasion that you are about to celebrate. It can be achieved, and it will help change the course of your evolution as you enter the last days of the old regime.
Dear Ones I am Ag-agria and I stand on your side of the veil, and see how you stand up and proudly go forward to re-claim that which has been taken away. Your rights and your freedom are your spiritual heritage, and no Man can deny you that which is already God given. We of The Galactic Federation desire to see you completely returned to the Light, and to that end we shall do all in our power to fulfill it. We ready ourselves for the final events on Earth that will allow us to openly contact you, and that day fast approaches. We leave you with our Love protecting you as you journey the last lap to victory.
Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey.