Through Mike Quinsey 12.13.05
As you are beginning to understand, there is not a single event that will bring the opportunity for changes to commence. It has been a long journey to reach this point, and I mean hundreds of years not just 10 or 20 years. What is happening now is a multitude of different actions that are destined to bring about the Great Shift. Every channel of truth that is opened is another beacon of light that attracts more and more people to its cause.
The positive changes have been taking place as the background to activities of the dark. Small beginnings with all the promise of an outstanding victory for the Light. NESARA and First Contact are simply more events along the way, and even without them you would eventually succeed in claiming back your freedom. Both are however necessary due to the time factor involved, as there are only a certain number of years left to complete the mission. It is for this very reason that The Galactic Federation has been given a decree that authorizes their intervention, if matters have not reached a certain point of completion very soon.
The Ascension that you are involved in is a major event in this Galaxy. Remember that it extends far beyond Earth, and the reason we are involved with your part in the process, is because you are not fully prepared to handle it yourself. Furthermore, as the latest member to join The Galactic Federation you are given the same protection as every other member. There is however more, as there is a Heavenly edict that requires this sector of the Galaxy to be fully ready for the next phase in events. You will understand that whatever happens there is absolutely no way that it will not be achieved.
First Contact is your introduction to your Space Family, and a coming together that has been envisaged for a very long time. It is not that we have ever left you entirely to your own devices. Over millennia of time we have monitored your progress, and worked with Mother Earth. We have even visited groups, and given teachings that have enabled them to progress. >From more recent times the evidence of these visits still remains, and your most convincing proof lies with the Dogon Tribe. In modern times, we have visited you quite openly, and there are few but the out and out skeptics who would not accept that claim. There has been a twofold approach, one to warn of the dangers of nuclear weapons and secondly to familiarize you with Beings from other worlds.
Looking back, I would say that an excellent job has been carried out, and for many nothing seems more natural than meeting your Brothers and Sisters from Space. As usual, and in accordance with the needs of duality where both the Light and dark are represented, there are those who visit Earth with other intentions. The Greys who have dominated the ET news through their “abductions” are not members of The Galactic Federation, but in their own way have opened your eyes to the existence of other entities. Their activities have engendered fear, and this is still an aspect that we are dealing with. Suffice to say, that there has never been an incident involving our craft or members, which would lead you to believe that we come in other than love and peace.
At present our fleets wait in anticipation of being ordered to Earth. They are already so close, but out of sight or shielded from your gaze by methods used to provide invisibility. We would like nothing better than to allow you to see us more often, but there is an ongoing threat against us from most countries. You chase our craft and try to bring them down, but in this you will be unsuccessful as our technology is so far advanced. In such instances we avoid confrontation as we do not resort to unnecessary retaliation.
I am Ker-On and our Venusian scout craft were amongst the first to be seen upon Earth in the current era of sightings. Our bell shaped craft are now well known to you, and your George Adamski was the first to be taken aboard. In those early days there was a lot of disbelief about the existence of extraterrestrial craft, and various explanations were put forward. Today, space travel and your growing understanding of inter-dimensional travel, are allowing more people to accept our presence.
Our tasks to move you on and introduce you to new technologies have been delegated, and teams have been formed that are fully briefed to put them in hand immediately. Speed is of the essence, and you can rest easily in this respect as our methods and equipment are “out of this world”. To put it bluntly, your Earth is dying and yet little is done to acknowledge this state of affairs, and much less to put it right. Without our help, you would continue to see the ongoing break up of your environment, and its affect on health and nature.
By the very nature of the cycle you are in, it must be said that the results were foreseen. Our role for millennia of time has been to ensure that circumstances do not get out of control, and we have done much to stabilize Earth. We could not otherwise interfere in your evolution, as you have been put here to fully experience and understand duality. It is more a matter of seeing and experiencing your own creations, and it is only in recent times that you are beginning to realize your responsibilities in this respect.
Now you have more awareness of your infinity, and your numerous lives and journeys upon Earth, you are beginning to understand your reason for being here. There is purpose and design in everything that takes place, and in this you can see God’s hand. There are Universal Laws that we as a Federation of Light adhere to, and even then we are guided by higher forces. We meet with the Universal Brotherhood and various councils that determine how God’s Will is carried out. At our level all of our actions are conceived with the greatest love for all life forms, and this is why we will be able to successfully restore Earth to its pristine condition.
One thing you can be sure of is that we will not let you down. Our promises are ones made eons of time ago, when you became cut off from your source and completely immersed in the lower vibrations. We ensured that you would always know subconsciously of your connection with the Light, and that you would one day return to it. That day has arrived, and we see that the Light is already gleaming out from Earth like a glorious sign of your achievements. Soon, we shall all celebrate your success with you in much joy and happiness.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey.