Friday, December 09, 2005

Ag-agria - "The final curtain is beginning to come down, and soon you shall all take a bow and we shall be there to applaud you"

Through Mike Quinsey 12.09.05

Time waits for no man, and certainly at present events are moving onwards at an ever increasing pace. Some that seem unconnected are increasingly leading towards completion of this cleansing period. The dark have been forced to reveal their motives and ideals, and what was once hidden from your eyes is coming into the open for all to see.

The Light is forever gaining strength, and has taken an invincible position that is supported by many unseen forces. Time is on the side of the Light, whilst the dark see that for them it is running out. Still they pretend to be in control, but in reality they are rapidly losing their way. Their plans have been foiled and as much as they try, they cannot get their agenda back on track. Thanks for this are down to our allies, whose ranks are being swelled as more decent and upright citizens join them. They are rooting out the dark forces and cutting off their tentacles that have long been strangling your freedom and democracy.

Of necessity on Earth matters of a legal nature move slowly. However, action is now taking place to speed up events now that the preliminary work has been done. Those who are at the front and are leaders for the dark, are in the process of being removed along with their minions. As a result, the Illuminati who work behind the scenes will lose their hold and influence. They are known, and will also be removed with the coming of First Contact. No more shall they wield their power to manipulate the people of Earth for their own ends.

All over your world, we see the movement for change growing, and the people are rising up against those who would oppose it. It is the time for people power to flex its muscles, and there is no government however strong that can ignore it. The result is many confrontations that regrettably often lead to violence, but there are always some brave souls who press on regardless of dangers to themselves. The dark do not want you to have your heroes, and their Draconian laws are designed to limit your chances of success against them.

We of The Galactic Federation patiently wait our call, but although you do not see it, we are very active behind the scenes. We are allowed to combat the dark on a level where we can prevent many of their schemes from coming into fruition. We work with the authority given to us by the higher spiritual forces, and foil any attempt to escalate the terrorism that is carried out in their name. There will come a time very soon when the full details of the covert actions of the dark will be revealed. This will serve to satisfy those who are in any doubt as to the threat you have been under. There are many people who have yet to understand how their lives are being ruled, and the extent to which their rights are being taken away.

It is as though you are all in a play, where everyone except the actors knows how the ending will turn out. We do know, and see you successfully coming through these present trials and tribulations with your heads held high. It is not for you to mimic the ways of the dark, and you have found the light within and through your willpower have used it to re-shape your future. You are on track to take that quantum leap forward that we often talk about. Through this period of testing, you are coming out much stronger than before. The elusive peace that you seek will soon settle upon Earth, and it does not just come from any declaration made by Man, but through the opening of your hearts.

We would say that your year 2006 will be the most momentous one so far, and bring in those changes that are essential to setting out the path to Ascension. Everything is already in place and we will all make great strides once the dark are removed. The final curtain is beginning to come down, and soon you shall all take a bow and we shall be there to applaud you. If you can accept life as one giving you all rich experiences that are all part of your ongoing evolution, perhaps you can see that your role is only a small part of your total experience. Stand aside when the dark come tumbling down, they are in their death throes and their empire is crumbling at a very fast rate.

Meantime, we ask you to see beyond the outer happenings around you, and know that the illusion that you have lived for so long is fading away. You are not simply your body, but grand Beings of immense love and dedication that exist on dimensions all the way to the Godhead. Your experiences in duality are drawing to a close, and you are returning to the Light as even greater than before. Use your energies to continue manifesting the Light, and leave the dark to play out their roles in their own way. Their influence and power is on the wane, and they can only affect you if you allow it to be so. Do not allow fear to pull you down or cast doubts where you instead need to be strong and resolute.

I am Ag-agria, and for the moment cannot reveal more of our plans, although over a period of time we have made our intentions clear. We are here to ensure that you are able to take that next step up in your evolution, and soon we shall stand alongside you and work together. We foresee great times of happiness and co-operation coming, and we know it will be wonderful to consign your cycle of duality to the history section of your lives upon Earth. Yes, everything is recorded for all to read and see, and your experiences will help many who will face a similar challenge in the future.

Know that you are Masters who have worn the cloak of physicality for eons of time. It is now that moment for the truth of your being to be revealed, and we shall come to you with that in mind. Until then, we guard and protect you and great Love accompanies you as you establish the Light upon Earth.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey.