Through Mike Quinsey 12.06.05
Dear Ones, you are in a period that calls for patience and a careful appraisal of any information that comes your way. There will always be some distortion of the facts, and some are presented with a bias that causes some detail to be overlooked. You need to be discerning, as there are also deliberate attempts made to confuse issues. Naturally you want to know more about the events that are beginning to manifest, but there has to be a degree of secrecy even where the Light is concerned.
However, you are quite good at picking up on the threads that run through most news items or messages. The general picture at present, shows a scenario where positive actions are breaking out quite regularly and will continue to do so. The hard work put in to move things forward is paying off, and what seem to be random happenings are often co-ordinated movements. Bear in mind that our allies have been working with us for many years, and are conversant with our aims. There are also many others working independently upon Earth, who have little knowledge of the structure and plan behind our activities. All such positive action is funneled into producing the results we seek.
As individuals, you help our cause by being aware, and the more people that you pass your knowledge onto so the energy for manifestation grows stronger by the day. If you look back just a few years you will find that the consciousness levels have risen, and there is now a greater awareness of what is happening upon Earth. Many see the physical traumas, yet do not fully realize that it is Man who has brought about the conditions that have lead to them. The negative energies have over eons of time taken over large areas of Earth, and unsettled the normal balance that is necessary to ensure that everything is runs smoothly.
Now you have the energies of Light taking back the Earth. However, that cannot take place without a degree of disruption as the cleansing achieves results. Mother Gaia’s movements are increasing, and it is inevitable that the repercussions will be felt. We work in co-operation with Her and try to keep the effects upon you to a minimum. In some areas there will inevitably be much upheaval, and our aim will to be to keep the loss of life as low as possible. The cleansing is the one aspect of the changes that must be completed before Ascension can take place, and we must fully support Mother Gaia in this work.
Do not be in fear of the changes, as in spite of how it may appear we are helping control its affects. All of you here at this time agreed to take part in the changes, and many are actively working to minimize the affects. Much of this is through your understanding of how to use the various energies, and you are smoothing out the rough edges. You are learning about your own abilities, and also how everything around you is linked in consciousness. You are able to use this knowledge to help the forces of Light, and you may not realize it but you are guided by them.
Many ask how they can help at this time, and do not feel that they have yet been called upon to help. I can assure you that if you have undertaken to carry out a certain service, the opportunity will arise. Some are already doing their work without realizing that they have started, and it is as well to bear in mind that not all of it is immediately obvious. Healing is a major requirement whether your thoughts or prayers are directed to Earth, or other people. A quiet contemplation of things around you, may reveal where even in your own locality your positive energies should be directed. You are not expected to take on any more than you can handle, and this is certainly a situation where every little helps.
We can tell you that the Lightworkers are raising the vibration upon Earth, and this is to the benefit of everyone. As you also raise yourself, you too can take in even more energy and so it keeps on increasing. Everyone affects each other, and the net effect is that the Human Consciousness as a whole is lifted up. You cannot se the greater picture as we can, but we assure you that you are doing a wonderful job. Of course we are behind you and where we can assist you in your work. We give you every encouragement, and can impress you with ideas when you are in a contemplative mood.
You must know by now, that what you do for one you do for all and you go forward as a complete unit. Humanity is One Soul and One Consciousness. Yet within this Oneness, you retain your individuality and so you shall ascend accordingly. Some hold on to their individuality to the point of remaining still separated from all else, and that is no longer the intention. It is a time for coming together once again, and you will find that as you enter the higher dimensions, Oneness is refined to the point where you are drawn to a level that matches your own vibration. This is quite natural and the ultimate is when All are again One with The Creator.
I am Ela of Arcturus, and I enjoy my existence in wonderful dimensions of immense beauty. It is your destiny to also rise up to the higher levels, and put behind you the separation you have experienced in duality. There are times when you capture the feeling of Oneness, and you will know that it is most uplifting and powerful. This will become your normal level of being in the not too distant future, and we shall help you prepare for that day. You will have much to learn about the other dimensions, and we shall come to you and prepare you in readiness for the Great Shift.
We shall be one of many members of the Galactic Federation that shall serve Humanity in this way, and that day swiftly approaches. We have many gifts to share with you, and we foresee a wonderful time of coming together. Until then we come close to you, and in your quiet moments will share your thoughts if you allow us to do so. We come with much Love and many blessings for you all. Keep up your good work, and see your victory rapidly approaching as the end times are a new glorious beginning.
Thank you Ela,
Mike Quinsey