Through Mike Quinsey 12.07.05
Every day is one of new opportunities, a chance to express that which you have defined as your spiritual self. Over a period of time you have grown in your spiritual understanding of how to use it for the benefit of others. As the uplifting energies come to you, so you feel your Oneness with all other Beings. Humans normally are rather guarded and reserved, and not prone to giving of their Love very easily or openly. However, as you embrace the higher energies nothing is more natural than an urge to share it with others.
Now is the time to break the mould of doubt and caution, and be natural in sharing your Love with others. A smile is the irresistible and you will find that very few will deliberately hold back one in return. Look into the eyes of those you meet, and see the smile light up their inner soul and beam love back to you. There are almost certainly people you see each day, who you could exchange brief words with yet never cross that barrier of division. Think about your own approach to others, perhaps you are one who also holds back. A smile is not simply a facial expression, it is your inner self speaking to another with all of the beautiful energy of Love.
Once you get on smiling terms you will find that people will look out for you, and you have the beginning of friendship. There are so many lonely people in the world, who do not speak with another human being for days on end. Can you imagine how their frustration and boredom is released by contact with living people? Your T.V. or Cinema may be a delightful distraction from the responsibility of normal life, but there is a need to have a live human contact. In giving you receive, and think of how many people who are otherwise strangers who you could uplift each day.
People who are lonely need to know that others care, and you can do so much good in just one day. Most of you recognize people in your own locality, that you may pass almost every day as you go about your business. Try a smile as very few can resist it, and most will smile back. Then try a word or two, and before you know it you will have established a friendly relationship. This is a two way thing, and you will benefit just as much as anyone else.
It helps to realize that as you are all One, you all have the same potential, and it is only false barriers that are put in place by society that cause division. It is perceived differences that label one person as different to another, yet within all is the same soul that connects with all else. See beyond the outer dressing and accept that neither you nor anyone else is their physical body. Oh yes, the way people wish you to see them is a measure of how they feel about themselves, but even that is a passing phase.
As you grasp the new energies flooding into Earth, so the coming together will expand and more people will open up their hearts. Everyone has the potential to be that which they really are, when the exterior covering is removed. Society imposes itself on others and determines what is acceptable or not. You are forever trying different ways of expression, and now you have the chance of free expression of all that can be brought into harmony and balance. It is being your natural self; your Higher Self that is your connection with the Godhead.
Dear Ones, release yourselves from the constraints that others have placed upon you. An expression of love has never offended anyone who has found that love within themselves. The giving of self is your Godself at work and as time progresses you will find it is the most natural way to be. As your love quotient grows you will experience a great upliftment, and eventually all will find it so much easier to be their real selves. The questions of color, politics and creed will have no bearing on your relationships, and they will not affect the recognition of the Universal Love that all carry.
In your present period of rapid changes, many feel unsafe and unsure of their future. Not everyone has found the same assurance that enables Lightworkers to carry on seemingly unaffected by what is around them. The changes present threats to life and property and few understand the necessity of them, and their eventual value in cleansing and reshaping the Earth. Those that do know have a wonderful opportunity to give of their knowledge to others, and their reassurance that all will be well. Sensitive people can both see and feel in others the affects of what is happening all over the world. Be the one who can give assurance that all changes are to be for the good of all.
I am Diane of the Galactic Federation, and I encourage you to come together as soon as possible. In your strength of love and purpose help others to rise up, and open the doors to the higher knowledge as in truth so many are trapped in the old illusions. The truth is no longer able to be held back, and the Light of Truth must clear out those cobwebs of times past. The new is already here and is gradually showing itself and taking a prominent place in your lives. Much more will be revealed to you when First Contact is accomplished, and any lingering doubts are dispelled. I leave you with a smile that is my love for you all, and perhaps you can see the light sparkling in my eyes as I look into yours.
Thank you Diane,
Mike Quinsey