Through Mike Quinsey 12.12.05
Let us look at a human Being, an extraordinary creation that is totally suited for the physical conditions of Earth. Versatile and adaptable as the demands change, and with an inbuilt urge to survive the most fiercest challenge. Yet, in other ways susceptible to the unseen that continually invades your body in many forms such as you call bacteria and viruses. The invisible enemy is around you the whole time, and you battle with it through your immunity system without thought of the function involved. Indeed, all of your bodily needs carry out their commitments quite naturally. Have you ever considered what a wonderful organ your heart is that pumps blood around your body thousands of time per hour, and you are hardly aware of it.
Just think of the extremes in temperature that your physical body can survive, and its power of recovery. There is a factor outside of all of this that has a great import on what happens, and that is you. Your will to live can overcome the hardest challenge, and the greatest depravity. How you think about yourself is so important, and if for some reason you hate yourself it is possible to cause your body to become out of balance. It could lead to your death, and I am sure you have heard of people with a death wish. This is not a pleasant subject, and I mention it only to illustrate how powerful your thoughts are where you yourself are concerned.
You will almost certainly understand how your power of thought can effect the healing of your body. You may perhaps be a healer, and have seen proof of this where others are concerned. Placebos are a perfect example as to what I refer, and it would seem reasonable to assume that belief in the power of healing applies alike to both the patient and the healer. There is of course another factor that sometimes makes a mockery of these beliefs, and that is karma. Occasionally, it is to be the experience of one who is a disbeliever to be healed when they have no confidence in spiritual healing. These are exceptions, and in no way can take away the power of thought behind successful healing.
Many times you are reminded of your power of thought, and encouraged to use it in many different ways. No task is too big, and if you are inclined to join groups for healing vast tracts of land or sea, know that it is possible. Even when you are unaware of the extent of your power, it is perpetually creating and reshaping things around you, and it has been so for millennia of time. Now that the cleansing of Earth has started your services take on a more important dimension, and are essential to Mother Earth. At present the imbalances are all around you, and it is asked of you that you respond in a positive and active way. You do not necessarily have to go chasing off to a foreign country, and most healing can be carried out from exactly where you are now.
Remember, I am referring to the power of thought, and when you quieten yourself and concentrate on the using of that power, it is most potent. Used in groups, it increases tenfold and in recent times you have the example of the power of the Harmonic Convergence that was established through millions of dedicated souls who grounded those energies. As you can see, your power of thought can be used in many different ways. In days to come you will begin to see the results much quicker, and you will be guided in ways to fully use your ability.
Now let me come back to my original points about your physical self. There has never been a time when you have been subjected to so many viruses, and as you know some are lethal and one such as AIDS has already killed millions of people. Eventually all of the different strains will be negated, and there is a cure for all of those who are already infected. Indeed, there are cures for every conceivable illness or disability, and the methods used go far beyond anything you can currently imagine. Illness is endemic of your world, that has suffered from hundreds of years of neglect which has arrived with your Industrial Age. Lack of understanding is one thing, but to be aware and ignore the damage you are doing to the Earth and its people, is a crime against all of humanity.
There will be a period before we arrive where you would be well advised to practice self healing, until we can fully introduce our own technology. You can place protection around yourself, which along with your natural immunity will help keep you free from illness. Firstly, you need to visualize either a ring or aura surrounding your body, and the gold or violet flame would be ideal. Practice doing this each day, and at any time you feel that your surroundings offer some threat. Mixing with many people all day at work or in your travels, means you are perpetually under attack by all manner of viruses. Secondly, give yourself every chance by keeping a healthy life style, and make sure your food intake contains as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can.
The Human physical body has come a long way since its original conception, and it has been genetically modified many times to arrive at what you see today. When you dropped down into this lower dimension, it was prepared especially for your environment. There is no connection between you and the animal kingdom, as you are separate and distinct species. Your links are with Beings such as myself from other parts of your Galaxy, and you are yourselves truly extraterrestrial. Over eons of time, different civilizations long gone have experienced in bodies somewhat different to yours. However, throughout time every soul has remained Universal, and each one has a common source in the Creator.
I am Atmos of The Galactic Federation, and we bide our time as events are coming together that will soon see us arrive on Earth. You know by now what is required for this event to take place, and I am sure those of you that follow politics are seeing the breakdown of your last cabal. One way or another they will be removed from office, and it will not take much more before you see that shift occur. The greatest celebrations of your lives are edging ever nearer, and so are we. Remember, that what we do is out of Love for you all, and your time for completion of this life cycle.
Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey.