Wednesday, October 19, 2005

St Germain - "The truth of many things is to surface, and your general history is littered with falsehoods and inaccuracies"

Through Mike Quinsey 10.19.05

Some of you hardly dare think of the wonderful changes that are coming. They seem impossible in a world that has for so long ignored the principles of living with each other in harmony and balance, and the true spiritual way of living. Many have known that the present path of Humanity has been destined to failure, yet for reasons of gratifying self and personal wealth have pursued unattainable goals. Consequently, a society has been born in which so much inequality exists, and so much is determined by monetary values.

Even those who wallow in their wealth are aware of the imbalances in life, but so often content themselves by believing that they deserve what they have. Unfortunately Man has been led to believe that you take all that you can out of life, although there must come a realization that in so doing you are denying another person. Those who look at the Third World countries see such wretched conditions where the fundamentals of life are lacking. Where often corruption and criminality are normal day to day occurrences, and poverty and need are normal and constant. No longer can the plight of such people be ignored or hidden away.

Many individuals and charitable groups work to raise standards in the poor countries, but the task is so massive it is beyond them. The irony is that many of such countries have natural wealth that should have ensured acceptable living standards. However, their treasures have been removed to line the pockets of those who have invested in these countries without giving much back in return. All major countries have been guilty of such exploitation, and many wars have had their basis in the acquisition of another’s wealth. For hundreds of years this has been going on, and even today it still continues.

It has taken a long time to get you to see that what you do to one, you do to yourself. You do reap what you sow, and you have had lives both in the lap of luxury and with the lowest of the low. Each time you spend between lives, you vow to change things on Earth in future incarnations. Unfortunately, not everyone remembers such promises and opportunities for improvement are missed. However, as time has progressed there has been an upward swing, and after centuries of experiences in different cultures and societies, progress has been made.

Behind all of this is the development of spiritual understanding, but many religions have not recognized the Oneness of All That Is. Indeed, they have often designated others as being inferior or enemies of their own beliefs. Strict orthodox religion no longer has the rigid hold on people that it has had for eons of time. More people are adept at finding their own pathway to truth, and they are the teachers of a new dispensation.

Now the stage is set for a great leap forward, and you will learn the truth which must be understood if you are to come together as One. There will no room for schisms anymore, although even the truth will not be forced upon people. We realize that what has been ingrained over millennia of time cannot be changed overnight. It only requires people to be open minded and accept that their cherished beliefs may not be correct. The truth will be backed up by the release of hidden scriptures, and the revelations of how off world visitors have mislead you.

Part of the function of First Contact is to bring to you proof of your checkered past. It is necessary to reveal to you the truth of how you have been manipulated for thousands of years, and how you have been at the mercy of those who elevated themselves into positions of control. The dark forces have had a free reign for so long, but always people have arisen with a message of hope. Your last great Teacher was Jesus and he came not to birth a new religion, but to show the way for everyone. The seeds of truth that were sown at that time have grown, and are aiding the understanding of many today.

There is no more time for confrontation and disputes about beliefs. There must be an acceptance of the Oneness of the Human Race, and a realization that there is but the one Creator of All. Once this essential but basic fact is accepted, the conversion to truth will quickly be established. The Master’s will return and they will show their solidarity by standing together as they address their supporters. They originally came to enlighten people, but their teachings were often deliberately altered to afford the priesthood control over the people.

The truth of many things is to surface, and your general history is littered with falsehoods and inaccuracies. This will be changed and you will be in no doubt as to the authenticity of what is presented to you. Truth will be presented along with irrefutable evidence, and if need be historical events will be replayed for your viewing. It may at first be hard to release your current understanding of life, but the truth will have a ring about it that will be acceptable to most of you. Professional people will possibly be the hardest to reason with, as often their status has been built on their professed knowledge.

Dear Ones, you have come so far to reach this point in your evolution, and you are certainly not going to lose out at the last hurdle. The scenario has been set for your path to turn completely to the Light, and nothing will stop it manifesting. You will have the time of your life at the relief of knowing that your journey is virtually over. All of your visions of a better existence will be fulfilled, and more as you claim back all that has been denied you. You will realize then that the Creator is all that we have claimed, and is your Father/Mother and has nothing but unlimited Love for his/her children.

The day of reckoning has almost arrived for those who deny their Light, and have imposed themselves upon you for millennia of time. It is time to bring this cycle to a close, but in that there shall be a wonderful new beginning. We know so many of you are ready, but be patient as there are others who as yet have not released their old vision of life. There are also many who are in denial and they will need your help and guidance.

I am St. Germain, and I shall also be one who will be with you soon. There is much to do and I thank all of those who are preparing the way. Every contribution is equally appreciated, and soon you shall learn of your place in the end-times. I cannot emphasize how much you are thought of and how dearly you are loved. I ask you to place your arm around your fellow beings, as some will be lost without help at this time as the changes impinge upon their consciousness. Great love accompanies you all in your work.

Than you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey