Through Mike Quinsey 10.25.05
Earth was once the showcase of the Universe, a planet seeded in the 3rd Dimension with a wide range of beautiful plants and foliage. Then came animal life and nature worked in perfect harmony everywhere and it became an idyllic place to be. This was in the early days of the history of Earth and it was unspoilt and in pristine condition. The rest of the story you know, because with the advent of Man changes began to take place. At first these were not to the detriment of the Earth, but successive civilizations came and made their mark only to disappear without trace.
You can place the beginnings of your present civilization some 12,000 years ago, when migrations started from the continent of Atlantis. With its break up and more migrations, small communities set themselves up at various places around the world. One that has impacted upon you is Egypt, although the details of its illustrious beginnings have been lost. The mystery of its overnight growth into a fully fledged civilization is the result of Atlanteans settling there, and bringing all of the attributes of a mature civilization into being immediately. The Sphinx and Pyramid complex were built as a result of this development, as were many similar sites around the world.
This period of time is little understood, as it is not associated with such races of intelligent and advanced people. There were already cave men existing that your history books record, and they were very much unchanged from thousands of years earlier. The sudden emergence of so many groups was the first steps to promote the growth of your present civilization. The plan for your evolution was developed knowing that you would need to reach your present position before this cycle ended. Man was given free reign to once more enter an age of rapid advancement.
It was seen, that just as occurred in Atlantis at the end of their time, that technological advancement would reach a similar high point. It was also predictable that you would have to deal with the challenge of using it for the betterment of the Human Race. In times largely devoid of any real spiritual understanding, you have been lead down the path to ruin and devastation. Many have unsuccessfully tried to steer Man towards a different path, but egotistical beings created their own empires. The idea that All Are One, made little headway against the numerous crusades that were launched for reasons of expansion.
However, some individuals that could see beyond the incessant wars and carnage, tried to plant the idea of co-operation and peaceful living. The seeds of it began to take root, and many brave souls have stood up to talk against the dark forces. Often this has been at the expense of losing their lives for their principles. Now you can see how a multitude of different people’s all over the world have created the energy for change, and today you are about to see it manifest.
It is time for duality to end; it no longer serves any purpose for it to continue. The lessons have been learnt, and there would be no gain if it was allowed to go on until the Earth and most of its people were destroyed. You have faced this possibility on more than one occasion even within your own lifetimes. It has been decreed that the Earth shall not be destroyed, and instead it shall be restored.
As a result, you are now at the crossroads of change that currently hinge on decisions that are shortly to be made. The allies of the Galactic Federation are presently preparing the way for the last cabal to be removed, and regardless of what actions are taken to prevent it, they will succeed. The karma of the Human Race is every bit as important as any individual, and just as you are guided to ensure your plan works out, so are events that affect the whole Earth. Only the Spiritual Hierarchy can affect changes that would alter the karmic pattern.
We look into your past and see the perfect Earth that once graced this Universe. We know that it will once again come to life and that Mother Earth will regain her resplendent and glorious perfection. Gone will be the man made structures that are not in harmony with all else. Countries will be restored so that there are no longer any signs of the ravages of war that have blighted the landscape. The destruction of your natural habitat will be reversed, and all forests and natural reserves brought back. The Seas and Oceans will be cleansed, and marine life will return and no longer be subjected to Man’s intrusion.
As we are all involved in making the Earth as new again, so will your need to exploit it for food and other needs disappear. You will move into a totally different but pleasing life style, and as your vibrations increase the old ways will no longer satisfy you. The new you will be emerging with an understanding of life that you did not have previously. The Oneness of everything and your responsibility as the guardians of it will become clear, and you will take great pride in caring for Earth and all life forms.
Many of you already understand what it means to leave duality behind. It is your freedom to now move on and back into the higher realms which is your rightful place. Your time on Earth has been a successful experiment that you have all but completed, and your consciousness is expanding allowing you to see your place in it. You will know that the lower vibrations were not your true ones, and that what has occurred is but a blink of the eye in the whole scheme of things. You are glorious Beings of Light and never feel that you are unworthy, as that idea will die with everything else that is of the old ways.
I am Ker-On, and view myself as one of your neighbors from Venus. We shall also show ourselves after First Contact and will be delighted to let you see our small craft that are well known inn your skies. It will be a time of exciting revelations, and you will soon take your rightful place back amongst us. Venus carries a great energy of peace and love, and we shall link you with it as we are you sister planet. Think of us and our energies shall be with you, and until we meet I send you greetings and Love from Venus.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey