Through Mike Quinsey 10.06.05
The future holds so many surprises for the majority of the people. Few are actually aware that sweeping changes that are soon to commence are only the first of a series that will take you into a new Age. Changes will be achieved that many would now believe were impossible, particularly as the time factor is not a problem. It is both the sheer size of our back up Forces and the advanced technology that will be used.
Many will be satisfied with the progress made in the early days, but the plan requires that it is a run in to the final stage that leads to Ascension. What is more important than the physical changes, are the ones that enable people to come together. The barriers that segregate them will come down, and once peace is declared the important aspect for human relations, that of trust will return. For too long the dark have maintained the differences that have kept you apart, often by deliberately creating enemies where previously none existed.
You have never been allowed to have but a fleeting glance at true peace. Even in these circumstances you become embroiled in Cold Wars. The “enemy” are never far away, and wars are caused in the name of Imperialism simply as a means to enter foreign lands. Your history is a continuous story of conquest and division, and rarely is it the people themselves who motivate such happenings. Wars over political or religious beliefs are commonplace.
The mood amongst people now is one of tiredness and frustration at the continual confrontations that are manufactured by your leaders. They no longer truly reflect the desire for absolute peace and continue with their war games. The wealth of countries is poured down the bottomless pit of armaments, with nothing to show for the energy and money used. The fact is that few countries can now afford to keep up with the Arms race, and it is bleeding other more worthy and urgent causes of funds that could be better used. It is becoming apparent to many people that the time has approached to put away weapons of war, and disband the war machine.
What you lack to make this happen, is a leadership that acknowledges the change in the desires of the people and reflect that in their policies. Leaders who are diplomats and can talk their peace and encourage others to follow suit. You cannot achieve these aims without our help, and this is why we will come to set you on the path to peace and total disarmament. Because of whom we are, and the authority we carry we can if necessary enforce peaceful conditions. This is in no way imposed in any military sense, but if attacked we will defend ourselves. In fact, we can put protection around ourselves that will offset any attempt to harm us.
It has been said before, and I will re-affirm that we come at the request of Councils that oversee what is happening on Earth. You are represented on these and your progress is continually monitored. We ensure that the plan for this sector of the Universe works out, and the great shift will not be allowed to be obstructed or delayed by Humankind. It is written that you shall finish this cycle very shortly and we will come to you in response to your ever increasing consciousness. The Light has increased remarkably in recent years and this was anticipated by us. It has brought us to a point where we can now openly come to you.
To be in peace and at one with everything is your normal expectancy, and it is a most natural desire to seek it. Deep down you still have memories of when you were in the higher dimensions and it is something you aspire to return to. The cycle of duality is an experience that you elected to undertake, and once completed you will not have need of it again. You may offer to work in it in a similar role as to the one that your Spiritual Masters undertake, but the actual need for further experience as such will have been completed. Knowing this, make these final years a tribute to your inner knowledge and create the way with beautiful energies and love.
Already you recognize your fellow travelers in everyone you see. Offer friendship and know that you are still enmeshed in the earthly life, and it will only change when you understand and acknowledge the Oneness of everything. See every soul as a reflection of yourself, as that is what you all are. The outer dressing hides the Light inside, but in time you will also see that at the heart center. As you increase your vibrations further and take on your Light body, you will be seen in your true spiritual colors and they will announce who you are. There will be no more hiding of the truth, and indeed when you reach this point, there is no reason to do so.
You are beginning to leave the duality behind and live in the highest expression of yourselves. Many of you are approaching the time when you are able to deflect the negative energies by standing firmly in your Light. The dark cannot touch you unless you allow it to be so, and much has to do with the Laws of Attraction. You are beginning to understand how this works and able to center and surround yourself with Light. Control of your emotions is the key, and all of the time you remain calm you are impregnable to negative energy. It requires practice, but with the positive energies pouring to Earth you can build up your strength so that you become a formidable beacon of Light.
I am Atmos a Sirian, and when we come to Earth many will see our Light, even though we decrease our vibrations to be with you. Those who cannot do so will nevertheless feel our Light connecting with them and it will be a pleasant experience, and one that will put you at ease in our presence. Eventually, you will be lifted up into our dimension and we shall enjoy that equality that brings us together. It will not in fact take you long to move into the next phase of your evolution. There is nothing more natural to you than your return to the Light. Our journeys are interlinked and you shall eventually come more into our vibration of Love and Light.
Thank you Atmos
Mike Quinsey