Saturday, October 22, 2005

St Germain - "There will also be attempts by the dark to cause confusion, and they could become aggressive as a last effort to avoid their fate"

Through Mike Quinsey 10.22.05

You have a saying good news travels fast, and in spite of it being ignored by the media it is spreading like wildfire. In a special message from Hatonn through Nancy Tate, it has again been confirmed that the indictments are going ahead. It should not be long before they are officially announced. The dark are overwhelmed by what is happening, and in their arrogance thought that they could still stop the process of justice. I tell you higher forces than those on Earth are interested and determined to see the correct outcome, and that the changes will come regardless of any action that takes place to try and stop them.

It is time at last to restore all that you have lost through the erosion of your freedom. Time to resurrect the Constitution which was conceived by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the model for the entire world. So it shall be again, and the representatives of Light are on Earth to ensure that it happens in accordance with the divine decree. The original Constitution was the embodiment of spiritual laws that are not to be ignored. You have seen what happens when Man strays from the path, and it is nothing but chaos and dismay.

Nevertheless, out of all of this is a lesson well learnt, that you cannot hand over your sovereignty to anyone else. Over centuries of oppression you have been led to believe that you were slaves to those in power. You have been used to establish empires that have abused the natural inhabitants of lands, and stolen their resources. You have marched into lands to convert people to another faith, and although this may have been seen as God’s work, it was more akin to the devil. The sovereignty of people must be respected as must their beliefs. All are searching for their own truth and there are many paths to it, and it is not for another to take it away.

The beauty of life on Earth is its multitudinous beliefs, the panoply of God’s that all give experience in the understanding of the One. Naturally those who feel they hold the greater truth wish to share it, but to enforce it is not acceptable. The lessons of life are learnt in people’s own good time, and there is all infinity in which to learn them. It is true that you are now in a period when all needs to brought to a conclusion, and this is in order and necessary at the end-times.

However, the truth is still not forced upon anyone but is offered for consideration. Should anyone refuse it that is their prerogative and they will remain on their present path. This is why another Earth is prepared for those who do not wish to move out of this 3rd dimension into the higher dimensions. Spirit does not force the issue but offers all alternatives for choice, and it has always been up to you as to how fast you evolve.

In the remaining time of this cycle which will now begin in earnest, everyone will still have the opportunity to change their path. Indeed, as the truth becomes known more people will be able to adjust their beliefs and make room for the greater truths. It is a matter of accepting what is, rather than what you have been led to believe. Hitherto, you have looked to others for your instruction and guidance and you have been molded into their beliefs and not your own. However, many have broken away from what is often rigid indoctrination, and in seeking for themselves have chanced upon the truth.

When the Master’s return along with many Higher Beings, you will have every opportunity to explore your history and the truth about yourselves. You will know by now that we tell you often that you are already great Beings. It is just that you have been in the lower vibrations for so long, that you have forgotten your true identities. In the years that are to follow, we will enlighten you again. As we have said before, those that aspire to ascend and are ready will have their full consciousness restored.

You shall see much coming and going for a while, and it will be difficult to assess what is happening as there will be attempts to suppress the truth and subvert justice. There will be some confusion against the backcloth of Mother Earth continuing to flex her muscles as cleansing takes place. There will also be attempts by the dark to cause confusion, and they could become aggressive as a last effort to avoid their fate. Be assured that at this stage, we have no intention of allowing any interference to prevent natural justice from taking place. The Galactic Federation are poised ready to act for your protection, and are closely monitoring every event. They see into every dark corner and into the shadow world of the negative forces.

I am St. Germain coming to you at an auspicious time that bodes well for your future. It is somewhat like clearing up after the storm, and soon the rubbish and debris of many centuries of negative thinking and actions will be cleared away. Then we can all get on with the restoration of Mother Earth and onto the path to Ascension. What wonderful and fulfilling times are ahead, and I already feel your joy and excitement at this prospect. We are closer to you than ever before, and as always are surrounding you all in love, and I mean everyone regardless of their chosen role at this time.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey