Friday, January 16, 2015
" who is Ra ? part 7 2/2 "
Wes Annac
who is Ra ? Part 7 2/2
16 - August - 2014
Concluded from Part 1
From the unitive center, Source tapped into the potential of infinite energy to create the lower dimensions.
“There is unity. This unity is all there is. This unity has a potential and a kinetic. The potential is
intelligent infinity, Tapping this potential will yield work [or the kinetic part.] This work [or
kinetic part] has been called by us, intelligent energy. [Yet] there is no difference, potential or
kinetic, in unity.
“The basic rhythms of intelligent infinity are totally without distortion of any kind. The
rhythms are clothed in mystery, for they are being itself. Its unity is undistorted. However, there
is a vast potential to be tapped into by focuses of energy, which we call intelligent energy.” (1)
From what’s said here, it seems that Source itself is unity, and from this unity, intelligent infinity’s potential was used to create various lower realms.
Unity (Source) used infinite energy (love/logos) to create the lower realms we now seek to grow away from by focusing our energy back on Source. If we ‘focus’ the infinite energy we naturally carry within on Source, we can perceive it in a clearer way than if we were to continue to be fascinated with materiality.
The rhythm or ‘heartbeat’ of intelligent infinity causes it to ripple out away from Source and then back toward Source.
“Intelligent infinity has a rhythm or flow as of a giant heart, beginning with the central sun as
you would conceive of this … the presence of the flow inevitable as a tide of beingness without
polarity, without finiteness, the vast and silent all beating outward, outward and inward until all
the focuses are complete.
“Then their spiritual nature or mass calls them inward, inward until all is coalesced. This is the
rhythm of reality.” (2)
No matter how far we venture out from Source, we’ll always return. No matter how enamored we are with the distorted realms we’ve descended into, the rhythm we possess at our core (because we are infinite energy in a human embodiment) will always lead us back into the sacred center.
We can save a lot of time, however, if we fade into this center as much and as often as we can from right here on earth. If we venture as deep into our centers as possible on a daily basis, we’ll find every bit of energy, clarity and inspiration we seek.
We’ll find that energy seems to flow through us in an unprecedented way, and it’s our right and our destiny to reclaim this energy and use it for a wealth of helpful and creative purposes. It’ll be hard to access if we don’t fade into our sacred center, but our creativity will flow easily if we’re constantly centered and connected with Source.
The first distortion Source embodied was/is the freewill to explore itself however it wanted.
Q: “The 1st distortion of intelligent infinity is free will. Can you give a definition of this
“In this distortion of the Law of One it is recognized that the Creator will know Itself (or
experience Itself). The primal distortion is free will.” (3)
We’re endowed with the freewill to do whatever we want here in the lower dimensions, but make no mistake – we experience the consequences of all of our actions, even it if seems to take longer for some people. If we hurt others, for example, we’ll eventually be hurt in a similar way.
We’re given exactly what we give out, and realizing this will help us clean our karmic slates and keep them clean so we don’t experience any further karmic negativity.
In our final quote, Ra tells us that our freedom of choice is infinite, and the actions that spring from it are eternally connected with it.
Q: “The Creator then grants total freedom of choice in the ways of knowing. Is this
“This is quite correct.
Q: “Then all other distortions spring from this first distortion, is this correct? “It is both
correct and incorrect.
“In your illusion of physical existence all experience springs from the Law of Free will or
the Way of Confusion.
“In another sense, which we are learning, the experiences are this distortion.” (4)
Everything we do, on earth and in the higher realms, is tied to our universally honored freewill. No matter what we do or experience, it sprang from this original distortion.
Even love itself sprang from Source’s freewill to create and explore these lower realms, and now, our freewill is leading us back into our center. We can leave this center any time we want, but we’ll eventually see that we cut ourselves off from the purest source of love by doing so.
We’ll pick this discussion back up in our next segment, and personally, I’m excited to see what else Ra has to say about the rippling-out of creation from our infinite Source. We’ve just started section two of the study guide, and there’s plenty more interesting information about our nature as infinite creators and the distortions we currently live under.
We’ll live under most of these distortions for a very long ‘time’ before we transcend them and commune with Source in a much, much purer way than we’re currently able to, but with dedication and a lot of inner work, we’ll venture further into our center than ever before. In this center, we’ll find a wealth of valuable love that we can put to good use. We can tap into our inner love and use it to empower various spiritually inspired creations that could go on to help others in their quest to know Source, and at the end of the day, we’ll be very glad we contributed to our collective evolution.
Wes Annac – Interested in learning more about our statuses as individual creators.
1. Ra, channeled through Carla Rueckert: “The Law of One” Book 1, All four of the Law of One books can be found at the LL Research website ( in full: Thanks to Bob Childers and David Wilcock at Divine Cosmos for their ‘Law of One Study Guide’ The quotes for this article were taken from Section 2:
2. Loc. cit.
3. Loc. cit.
4. Loc. cit.
(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)
I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
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