Saturday, December 28, 2013

" Light is now the dominant force upon Earth "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

 27 December 2013

 Here you are at the end of yet another year that has been momentous in many ways. Time has continued to speed up, and a clear division can be seen to be taking place between the old and new. The dark Ones are not progressing as they would have wished, after feeling that they were on the verge of taking control of the world. They reckoned without the increasing amount of Light that has been grounded upon Earth. So much so, that almost unnoticed it has become the most powerful force for good. No longer can its progress be delayed, and it is destined to be the means of removing the dark Ones.

 This cycle has completed its course and the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth. The apparent turmoil is but a sign of it restricting the ability of the dark Ones, to continue their onward march to world control. It was always planned this way so that no matter how much they extended their power over the people, they would never achieve complete control. The cycle has run its course and a new one has commenced that will bring complete peace and happiness to all souls. There is no longer a place for the dark Ones to wield their power over the Human Race.

 As you stand fast and are not affected by the outside occurrences, so you empower the Light that grows ever stronger. Live in the Light, and you can live your life in a way that helps lift others up with you. The coming New Year will herald many changes that will send out a strong signal that the Light is bringing the New Age into being. 2014 will be the crossroads that allows rapid progress to be made, and signal the true commencement of the Age of Light. Each of you have been selected to be here for such an occasion and for many of you life will suddenly offer you the changes that you have been seeking. As Lightworkers you each have something to offer that will be utilised at the right time. So do not worry or feel that your contribution is little compared to others, as all are important to the whole. 

You have all come a long way with your experiences and are greater for them than you were when you first started your journey. No experience is without value and there is no need to make comparisons with others, as you all have a unique individual life plan. No One is any greater or lesser than another soul. You are part of a great family that looks up to the Father/Mother God from whence you came. When you come together as One, there will no one soul considered better than another, as all tread the same path and are simply at different stages upon it.

 When you can see yourself in others you will know that you are inexplicably linked and in reality are One. Yet even as you progress to this understanding, you will still remain an individual Light amongst all others. When you are referred to as "Gods" it is a state of Oneness that you experience when you return to the Godhead. For the want of a better expression it is your Home from whence you came, and when God desires to experience some more, all souls will be sent out again for that reason.

 At this time you have difficulty in imagining or remembering your higher states of being, but soon you will be on the path to full recognition. It will happen by stages and first you will gain full consciousness. Of necessity you have lived out many lives in the lower vibrations with a limited consciousness. Your challenge has been to find your way back to God through your own experience, which is why each soul travels at its own speed and are on different paths. Remember also that for specific incarnations you are connected to certain energies that will enhance your opportunities to succeed.

 As you become more at One with the Light, so you will become more awakened to the truth of your real selves. You are not your body and it only serves your needs whilst on Earth. Yes, you also have an etheric body that is refined to allow existence in the higher vibrations, yet you have much further to go. Eventually you will become a true Being of Light, but you can still create a "body" for yourself when the necessity arises. It is worth noting that when you do so to allow movement through the lower dimensions, it will be limiting in other ways.

 Dear Ones throw off any feelings of tiredness or doubt, as the vibrations are increasing and you are being rejuvenated. Lift up out of doubt or disbelief and look straight ahead and walk in the Light. Leave your worries behind you and be assured that everything is in perfect order. It may be hard to do, but you must start unloading your "baggage" as you cannot take it with you into the higher realms. Think big and positive as you have done the hard work to have reached this point in your evolution. Also bear in mind that you have many souls with you on your journey, doing all they can to guide you onto a safe and rewarding path.

 I am SaLuSa come again to reassure you that all is well and we are with you all of the way.
Our Love and Blessings go with you.

 Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

Sourrce :

Thursday, December 26, 2013

" global currency reset "

Interesting little article here,
Pasadena attorney Al Hodges was hired by shareholders of CMKX Diamonds to represent them in what has been said to be “the largest fraud case in world history.” (1)

Known as the Bivens class action suit, Hodge claims that in 2004-5 legitimate shareholders saw their stock watered down by the sale of 2.25 trillion “phantom” shares in the company. The SEC and the Justice Department combined to trap those guilty of naked short selling of the stock and cellar boxing the company. (2)

Hodges and Associates

25 - December - 2013


 To dream, the impossible dream …  (…)

 That is the real reason I became counsel for seven brave travelers of similar mind and spirit some five plus years ago.

 I was frustrated by all the B.S. continually being fed to the CMKM Diamonds Inc. shareholders, I was confused by the fact that no one appeared to ‘be in charge,’ and I was perplexed by so many years having already passed since I had been told by the “founders” that “…. it will all be history within no more than a year.”

 I was simply overcome with a compulsion to get to the bottom of what was taking place with my not insubstantial investment in this public company, CMKX.

 Accordingly, because I then enjoyed the luxury of time and resources, I dove in head first and was soon consumed on a full time basis with pursuing the answer to my quest; I can assure you all that it seemed at that point to be an impossible dream.

 I did not begin this quest out of a sense of arrogance, power madness, or other such motive; I began this quest because of the vacuum that existed.

 After some reflection I began to appreciate that I might be the only substantial shareholder with the proper mix of professional skill, investigative skill, intellectual impetus and stimulus, and where-with-all to pursue it.

 I do not intend to recite here the efforts and travails of the intervening years; some have already been published – the rest will have to await another time.

 What I do wish to discuss in this message is some of the reasons for the extremely protracted delay in achieving resolution.

 In that regard, please understand that circumstance still constrains what I can relate and what must remain, at least for the moment, hidden.

 To repeat myself again, “…I have previously stated, we have confronted, with added pressure from the ‘lien-holders,’ the vilest, most contemptible, well financed forces for evil on the planet – and we have won!”

 As I have previously stated, some many months later, that must seem to have been an idle boast. However, it does reflect the mighty struggle that has been raging in the shadows.

 The essence of the delay relates directly to the relatively small role CMKX has played in this developing correction. I use those words specifically, and intentionally, to convey what this has been all about.

 It has not only been about Wall Street, or financial corruption, or fiat currency, or political corruption, or concentration of all the world’s resources in the hands of a few such that the rest of the population become slaves, or the allowance by the American public of having their Constitutional Republic craftily usurped and replaced with a Corporation, or any combination of such ‘horribles;’ it has rather been about all of these things and more.

 It has been about the US of A and every other civilization on this planet; it has been about returning the US of A to its rightful intended form of government; it has been about crafting a successful and transparent global financial system based on real values;

 it has been about agreeing with all of our neighbors to a system of trade balance such that the playing field is equally available to all and represents fairness to each; it has been about allowing the world’s resources, both natural and financial to be equitably allocated among all civilized nations; and, it has been about preparing the world for the future.

 You’ve heard me state repeatedly that we’ve won; in the face of that you wonder all these many months later why I would lie to you and/or misrepresent the state of affairs.

 Indeed, I would not do so under any circumstance of which I can conceive, so, let me be perfectly clear: we won the battle over CMKX and our right to be compensated for those wrongs perpetrated against us .

 I did not mean to suggest when making that statement that the battle was over – if some were left with that impression, I apologize for the inadequacy of my expression.

 I tried repeatedly to make clear that the battle raged on, and would so continue, until such time as we had received ER [Economic Receipt]. ER was then defined on multiple occasions as receipt by another of my clients of the BASEL approved funds due to be paid to him for the express purpose of conducting the US Dollar Refunding Project, a part of the World Global Settlements (WGS), as is the Global Currency Reset (GCR).

 As I have set forth in essentially every legal document and every CMKX Update, achieving ER was a sina qua non to the CMKX shareholders being paid; the reason is a simple one – THAT’S THE WAY THE ENTIRE GAME PLAN WAS STRUCTURED.

 The fact that the game plan was set up that way became a great stimulus to me to get involved with the WGS and GCR; it simply became the only means available to ‘hurry up’ the CMKX pay-out.

 No one insisted I become involved and no one has paid me to be involved; however, I have picked up several new clients along the road, and I hope to assist them in their socially responsible efforts after these WGS/GCR programs become realized.

 I tried originally to focus the attention of the shareholders on receipt of ER because I had received advice that such receipt would not only be public, but in fact would be the last item completed on the G-20 approved BASEL List of items to be accomplished necessary to support the World Global Settlements and the Global Currency Reset.

 Accordingly, I concluded, based upon all the information I had discovered, that the CMKX ‘packages’ would be delivered right after the receipt of ER, mostly as a result of the mandate that CMKX moneys be paid out in asset-backed currency.

 However, the miscreants came to the very same conclusion and have focused intensely on preventing Economic Receipt by any and all means possible.

 Their efforts have involved literally every means possible; if you can conceive of it, it is a method/approach the cabal has taken advantage of and utilized.

 To counteract such behavior, the “sting” approach has been utilized frequently and repeatedly by the ‘good guys.’ The most recent example of this concerns the expected RV of the Iraqi Dinar [IQD] currency, part of the Global Currency Reset.

 Because of their high exalted status, many Congressional seat holders and other D.C. ‘bigwigs’ were originally allowed to convert their IQD holdings to Bank SKR’s, or Safe Keeping Receipts; these were originally done at various rates of expected exchange value which was in most cases substantially below the rumored $32.00 rate.

 These same people were recently [w/i the last six weeks] given the opportunity to convert these SKR’s to GFR’s, or Guaranteed Fund Receipts; at that same time they were generally provided approximately 10% of the GFR value in cash equivalents with the express promise that said cash would not be utilized to purchase more IQD.

 We are currently advised that many thousands violated such proscription almost immediately.

 Some of these people will be resigning their offices and some others will undoubtedly be prosecuted. 

Use of these continuing “sting” operations has helped to weed out those who continue to support the cabal and accede to their instructions; most of the other ‘miscreants’ have been arrested one or more times [Timothy Geithner for example has been arrested more than four times] and currently face prosecution in the near future.

 The cabal is finished!

 Most of the high-level and medium-level people, both in and out of government, have by now either been “stung” or arrested, and now face some combination of disgrace, loss of financial advantage, loss of position of power, loss of official office, and/or near term prosecution.

 In my opinion, having closely monitored the events as they occurred, we have reached the position of imminent conclusion.

 Although it is very difficult to appreciate the length of time this has taken, I can now accept that the acts involved were necessary to accomplish the goals sought.

 As a result of this opinion and now having a fuller understanding of both the goals, and the accomplishments to date, I will once again stick my neck out to advise you all that your journey is all but over.

 It is my opinion, based not only on what I am told each day by those at the top of the new powers that be, but more importantly on the status of the imminent Global Currency Reset. Its status is important because it cannot become a public fait accompli without the US Treasury becoming a hard-metal asset backed issuer of US currency.

 Accordingly, when you publicly see the Global Currency Reset you will know that we have an asset backed currency, and you will know that we have received ER. Every indication from every credible source is that the Reset will become public today, tomorrow, the next day, or certainly by January 1, 2014.

 I cannot guarantee this of course, but it does represent my best opinion based on all available information. I can absolutely assure you that the wonder of what you are so soon to experience – REALITY – will mightily blow away any doubt, disbelief, bitter humor, or unhappy memories that recent experiences have encouraged and supported.

 As I have said in the past, “you will be paid a great deal more than any have the right to expect [based on the amount of [your] investment]. In addition, you will receive a payment for the unconscionable length of payment delay.”


 Al Hodges

 Ps. Let me take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Joyous Holiday Season.

 (1) “CMKM Diamonds and the $3.87 trillion lawsuit you didn’t hear about,” Examiner, March 30, 2010, at
 (2) “Cellar boxing” … has to do with the fact that the NASD and the SEC had to arbitrarily set a minimum level at which a stock can trade. This level was set at $.0001 or one-one hundredth of a penny. This level is appropriately referred to as “the cellar”. This $.0001 level can be used as a “backstop” for all kinds of market maker and naked short selling manipulations.

 “Cellar boxing” has been one of the security frauds du jour since 1999 when the market went to a “decimalization” basis. In the pre-decimalization days the minimum market spread for most stocks was set at 1/8th of a dollar and the market makers were guaranteed a healthy “spread”. Since decimalization came into effect, those one-eighth of a dollar spreads now are often only a penny as you can see in Microsoft’s quote throughout the day. Where did the unscrupulous MMs go to make up for all of this lost income? They headed “south” to the OTCBB and Pink Sheets where the protective effects from naked short selling like Rule 10-a, and NASD Rules 3350, 3360, and 3370 are nonexistent. (

 Source :

Sunday, December 22, 2013

" golden age returning to Earth and DNA "

Dear All, 
here is a message recommended 
by Mike Quinsey, 

 Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin

 15 - December - 2013

 Greetings Children of Ra.
This is Mother Sekhmet. We have been connected to One another since the beginning of Creation.
The Golden Age is returning to Earth and we begin to remember the call of Nature and the call of the Cosmos and how we fit in to it all. In this SOLar System, the Great Central Sun called Alcyone radiates Cosmic Energy to our Sun Sol which then radiates Light Energy to our Etheric Bodies and then our Physical Bodies. Inside our Physical Bodies is contained the Cosmos. The DNA contained in each one of the trillions of cells which make up our bodies are the APP which connect EVERYTHING back to Source Energy. (We got an App for that) meaning an application which connects the plasma silica computer which is our Body to the hard drive in the mind and the bytes of information stored in the heart. Without the DNA none of it will run. This is the sentient computer within each one of us (audio recorded at the ears and video recorded at they eyes) which connects to the larger computer system at Shambhala and the connected grid of sentient computers at the Lords Most High Council where the Watchers record the Akasha from each of the infinite Planets in the Cosmos.

 The DNA.
Until recently our DNA was limited because our ancestors did experiments to alter the DNA. We refer to the demons or the asuras also known as the dark cabal as ‘dark’ because they limited themselves to only two strands of DNA instead of the original twelve strands of DNA. The Chakras or the energy centers are the micro chips where energy moves through thirteen locations in the Body through our Mother Boards which are made up of the nadis, meridians and other Energy Centers connecting the Nerve Cells to the Mind and the Heart. These truths are explained in our written history in the Hindu Epic The Ramayana. The DNA has a dual nature. It is a computer code. It is not binary code of 1s and 0s, it is made up of four proteins represented by the letters: A, T, G and C. As the cells are produced a file is saved. To copy that file there is a Transcription Factor and this is different for each individual. The Transcription Factor for making duplicate cells is rooted at the Moment of Creation. It is known as TF and that correlates to our Twin Flame. We are in constant communication with our Twin Flame through the Transcription Factor in each one of the trillions of cells making up our bodies. You are never separate from your Twin Flame and you are never separate from Source Energy which created you.

 The DNA in our cells connects us from our physical form, to our light form contained around our physical form, to our Twin Flame, to our many Avatar forms all the way back to Source Energy. The human form contains the Divine Blueprint. We have, through nuclear destruction, in the past destroyed our DNA and it had to be reconstituted by Metatron more than once. The Divine Blueprint is the computer code for the Adam Kadmon Body in the dense physical realm. It is a humanoid form and there are many different kinds of humanoid forms. The lion people, the bird people and the reptilian people are examples as are what we call the Greys and also the Tall Whites, the Giants and the Dwarves. there are over 200,000 examples of different humanoid forms in our SOLar System. We will be lucky enough to meet some as visitors to Earth very soon. As we travel the Etheric Realms we carry our DNA code as Liquid Light and we travel in our Etheric Bodies freely around the Cosmos without the humanoid form, we leave it behind in our chair or bed, resting as it awaits our return. We animate our Bodies with the Liquid Light and refer to it as a Soul. SOuL. There is a You in Soul.

 The Twin Flame is the other part of ourselves. We are created first as a Plasma Ball of Light. As we incarnate into the Physical we divide as a cell divides into Twins, exactly the same, except One is Female and One is Male. We are separated by the Physical Body alone. There is no other form of separation. Our DNA is tied together and in constant communication. Twin Flames always have the ability to communicate unhindered through the Aeons of Time as well as the Dimensions in Space. When Twin Flames come back together they delight in joining the physical forms as close as is possible. When they leave the Physical Realm and Pass On then they return to the original Liquid Light Form in the Light Realms, indivisible as a pearlescent white Plasma Ball of Light. We are only referred to as Twin Flames in the Physical Realm and in the Light Realms we are Twin Rays of Light. Twin Flames refer to the Flame in the Heart, the Trifold Flame, pink, blue and gold, is identical in Twin Flames and the conduit which the DNA App communicates ongoing.

 The Divine Blueprint of the Adam Kadmon Body holds the Cosmos inside the Human Body. We can see the similarities in the shape and function of the vocal chords, heart valves and cervix as Source Energy runs down from our Crown and through these Portal ways for Creation from the OM in our Word as Form to New Life born out of us all radiating around the StarGate in our Heart which transmits and receives The Force of Love, within and without. It is quite a Gift to be incarnate in the Physical Realm on Earth Now. It is something for which we may Give Glory to Grace. We may see the same Divine Blueprint in the Stars and an X-Ray image of the Crab Nebula shows us this. The Adam Kadmon Body is capable of the Siddhi powers are supernatural abilities of strength, sight, hearing, levitation, bi-location, instant manifestation and others as the minor siddhis and the major siddhis include shape-shifting, invisibility, remote viewing, control of the elements, full memory and other adept abilities. One of these special gifts is the ability to become small and to enter through the mouth or through the vagina into your own body and there you may discover the entire Cosmos inside and you will be able to explore any part of the distant Cosmos without leaving your room. Everything that is outside is also inside.

 Now, as a part of this channel a call went out asking for questions.

We move now into the portion of the channel which will answer questions. First you will see the question and in bold my answer, Mother Sekhmet:

 Neil LightningBear Heart Devaney
 Can we shift our individual consciousness/perception by ascending or is this a collective shift in consciousness/perception… ie. 100th monkey… collective ascension? Thank you Elizabeth
December 13 at 9:10pm ·

Like Each Soul must Ascend on their own. There are no shortcuts. The misunderstanding about mass ascension hold us in the dark and keeps our individual ascension process in stuckness. This is a grievous mistake. In order to Ascend in this Lifetime then each Soul on Earth must walk themselves back to the Enlightened State. This is done by a spiritual process whereby a Soul’s karma is reduced to zero and the ego mind is completely dissolved. As we move along the spiritual Path by integrating spiritual practices into our lives (good moral conduct, purifying the body, yoga asanas, breathing exercises, withdrawal of the senses, doing our duty, meditation and the superconscious experience of Oneness) our Highest Self, our Monad or Atma reveals to us as we go along the next steps to achieving Enlightenment in this Lifetime. Everyone is capable of that now. As the changes come we will have much more help achieving that then is availed to us now.

 Tracie Carlos
From my perspective, those diagnosed with autism are an amplified human being, an upgrade which we are evolving to. What is Sananda’s take on this? Is this what we are evolving to or will this population dial in to who we are?……I am smiling because that last statement did not ring true for me, sort of like, this population would be going backwards to become more like the majority. So now I would really love to hear Sananda’s take on it.
 December 13 at 9:12pm ·

 Those with autism have learned to practice advanced siddhis especially inner sight, inner hearing and withdrawal of senses. They shut down outer communication and focus on Inner Communication with their Guides, Twin Flames, Family from Home in the Stars and wait a tie when they will open communication with the unawakened on Earth. That moment is just around the corner.

 David Porter Please :
1.Why is ISON (the flotilla of space ships) here and what will be the effects of the debris to earth as the “rocky” part of it passes? 2. What dimension are we humans in percentage wise just now? 3. As of last Sept, 22nd, masses of 3D nature’d ones were supposed to begin to leave Earth (die)? 4. Why can’t “He” and his team make NESARA happen, they were gifted intervention rights VIA Heaven at the inauguration of Obama? 5. Thank you for you support.
December 13 at 9:31pm · Edited ·

 ISON is a MotherShip just as Niburu is. As a MotherShip there are no ‘rocky parts.’ Humans on Earth exist in different Dimensions. Sacred sites, like Mount Kailash are at the 9th Dimension and above. Mount Shasta is at the 7th Dimension and above. This is why visiting these Sacred sites give us such a boost of Energy. Our DNA App pulls in this data and the experience elevates that human for the rest of their life. No part of Earth is below the 5th Dimension now. Earth has experienced Her Ascension thanks to the work of millions of Souls anchoring the Higher Energies from The Great Central Sun and Source Energy and holding the Light within their Bodies, within their DNA and effecting all the cells around them. 

Elizabeth Trutwin About ISON:…/

 Ginger Starr Tetreault
Beth, some of us have ‘clearing’ of old constructs, old energy deep into our DNA. Please ask ‘how’ we are to continue clearing it as its coming up as hurts which feels as though it keeps us from moving forward with why we’re here….Thank you
December 13 at 9:21pm ·

 The programs which are clearing from the DNA are within the cellular memory. As we move forward on the Path of Enlightenment then these programs are purged from our system. If someone suffers constant pain from feeling ‘they are not good enough,’ for example, then as the ego mind dissolves, confidence returns which stems from our Divine Grace and that DNA program is restructured in the Transmission Factor process and perfected through our Twin Flame holding the Light for our Mission Off Planet.

 Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a…
Above: Nov 27th: looking east before sunrise up at Kendal Castle, Comet ISON’s t…See More December 13 at 9:22pm

 Ginger Starr Tetreault For those who continue to have questions about ISON…perhaps Sananda will address whether the sonic boom and appearance of a ‘huge’ ball of light on Dec 10th in Arizona was related to the ISON event. I feel it was intentional and served a purpose. A message for those of us who know what it was and a warning to a certain ‘group’. It certainly now has many looking UP which is positive and no….no debris has been recovered as it was not a comet but rather the ‘same’ as Ison. ☼ December 13 at 9:26pm ·

There have been sonic booms here and there and a google search will show that. These are always the entry of a cloaked Ship into our atmosphere. [I heard one last summer. It just so happened my son was camping with friends three miles away when I heard it. I asked him later that morning if they heard it and he said, Yes. So did all the others around him.]

Source :

Saturday, December 21, 2013

" St. Germain and the solstice "

Dear All,
a lovely message by Meline,

St Germain through Meline Lafont

20 - december - 2013

Meline : All flows as substances of energies into the infinity of All That Is. Which means that all is in a constant change and right now the only constant thing is change as everything is moving and shifting in and out of reality into another one and so on. Nothing stops and nothing lasts, all is in movement as energy is a wave of movement and change. 

 The winter Solstice is again a perfect opportunity to bring that change into your life and into your reality according to what you like to see different and what you like to see as your reality. These energies are there to lend their power of manifestation, assisting you to what you seek and desire to become/to create/to BE. 

 This winter Solstice portal of the year 2013 is again a magnificent point in a timeframe that will mark certain beginnings and certain endings of thoughtforms, of creations and of realities. The You within You establishes its merging point with the I AM Presence that is allowed now to enter your fields and your reality and that is a very Sacred and magnificent, omnipotent process that shall shift the consciousness and awareness of the Human race. 

 There shall be more awareness of what fits in this reality and in your own, as well as what does not serve it anymore, as you become one with your Source. The knowledge will be passed on to other civilizations that will start their own Ascension process soon on their own reality of duality that exists in multiple other universes and multiverses throughout the Cosmos. Therefore this Earthly Ascension process is a BIG marking point for all existence as it reflects all the different races in consciousness together as a collective on this Earth. 

 Many civilizations and levels of consciousness are embodying the human race as we speak in order to collaborate together as one unified forcefield, to not only help Gaia but also to assist with a great unknown process on the level of consciousness the human race lingers in. This level of consciousness has been achieved before in the times of Lemuria and of Atlantis, but what is different in this NOW moment is that the human race will join with their physical forms. The dense mass of the physical form will ascend along through a transformation process that is being achieved consciously. 

 The Solstice is an important portal to the next stage and to the level of awareness that can be achieved through mass consciousness shifts and through awakening. The more the human race works as one, being one, the more the shift will be amplified. This is why chaos and some unfortunate events are allowed to occur as it is often the most effective way to bring movement in the thoughts/creations and perceptions of human beings. It brings the awareness of what does not work anymore and it brings all of you together in compassion and love as One, because on those difficult moments humans realize how important it is to be loved and cared for, to feel compassion and to BE. 

 Again, the Solstice will bring changes, shifts and energies in order to begin to realise to a greater extent how much all is in you. It will guide you even deeper in the journey to Self, in your inner world and in the universe that you are. You will be shown events of your own, that manifest themselves and that become your reality, as you shift into the consciousness of the Master and into the level of God consciousness. 

 The breaking point shall be more vivid and clearer too as it whistles the signal of the end of this duality in the form it is and has been existing in for so long. It is what you all have been yearning for and preparing for in the year 2012. This breaking point has been set and marked in that year.

 2013 is a year of executing what you have set for yourself and for the collective, it is the way to bring it forth. A lot of hard work has been done and integrations have started to be embodied. This was a most active and ‘reality changing’ year and that will be played out and continued on in the year 2014. More integrations of the I AM Presence will continue to be embodied as most of the collective still have to start with those integrations and mergings. 

 What has been set in stone can change in a second, this is how powerful the will and the change of your own personal heart and that of the collective have become . The year 2014 will amplify a lot of all that you have set as a reality for yourself and what you choose to BE, as this year will be a powerful year of effective change. The year 2012 was a year of preparation, 2013 was the year of executing those preparations and the year 2014 continuing on into 2015, will show the results of that.

 So it is very important to keep the focus on your goal so as to achieve the best results, as energy always follows your attention. More awakenings shall be achieved as the energies give no other option than to open the eyes and to become aware for there will be too many events that the eyes cannot ignore. The way humans shall choose to cope with it, is completely dependent on their own free will, however, no one shall be left unaffected. 

 Whatever the choices are, they shall always be respected but nothing and no one shall be left unnoticed or unaffected. This is what you all chose as a collective and this is being played out now.

 ISON shall bring her gift of potential and movement, as her essence and her Divine blueprint bring magic in the air. What amplifies even more is her tale and its energy that consists of a Cosmic Divine Blueprint dating from the birth of this universe. It represents pure wisdom and Divinity. 

 With Love, Méline Lafont 

 Saint Germain: 

 As one race and as a collective, you shall raise your frequency upon the Earthly level of your existence. Earth shall not be the same anymore after this turning point of the solstice as this one represents the execution of the former turning point in 2012.

 See and notice the changes within you and not outside of you. Think of what you all have experienced in 2012 around the solstice, all were looking for it in the outer world and none of that has happened the way it was expected due to expectations. Let those expectations and the need for confirmations and for proof now reside where they belong and go within this time.

 Connect with your essence and with your Divinity in the heart and breathe your own I AM Presence in, take it in through the heart and allow it to connect with you on this inner plane; in your own reality and in your Universe.

 Breathe this connection out through the roots of your grounding connection with beloved Gaia, as you connect your true consciousness with Her beautiful Heart. As a result you will be one with Her and shift along with Her plane and Her Being.

 Breathe, loosen up and relax! Take in the cosmic energies of the portal through acceptance and allowance of your Self, through meditation and grounding, through walks in nature and through sitting in silence with your Self.

 Enjoy your being fully and sit with your Self in a silent sacred place. See the You that you are in all radiance, reflected in your heart. You are a beautiful being of Light and so it is! Take yourself in, you are your own portal and it is being opened by you, it is being amplified by you with the assistance of the incoming energies. Do not wait for anything to happen or to be done for you as you will be disappointed. You are waiting for you! YOU are what is coming, so do not wait but BE. Be you, DO you, allow you and the portal shall be open for you to shift.

 My Love for you and my acceptance of you are here always, and they are yours to have. My shift and my energy are within you as I contribute in the process of each and everyone of you. My Flame is yours to use and to invoke, do so and all of you shall be enflamed with the purity and power of you. 

The violet Flame transmutes all within and without and it shall lift you up in the Divine purity that you are as it resonates only with that and thus it shall bring you only that.

 Accept, allow, embrace and BE you.

 I AM that I AM

 Saint Germain

 Source :

Friday, December 20, 2013

" nothing happens by chance "

Dear All,
as you see, Mike Quinsey is returning with
a weekly message, 

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

 20 - December - 2013.

 The turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with religious beliefs. The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come together, and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them. 

These situations repeatedly come up and slowly but surely people realise that they are their brothers keeper. Those who have travelled far ahead with their understanding can also see that all life is One, and that it is inextricably linked and the actions of each individual effects the whole. This is when people take responsibility for their actions and help raise the vibrations upon Earth. If only you keep the goodwill going that arises from times like you are experiencing now, the sooner you would move away from the lower vibrations that could not exist in your higher state. As the changes continue so they help raise up those souls who are just emerging from the darkness. They need a helping hand to get on the road to success, and find it easier once others have created the pathway.

 Through many lives you have experienced a myriad of situations that have helped your progress. They have been arranged as all lives are, to help you surmount the problems you are likely to face. There is absolutely nothing that happens without good cause, although to the human mind it is difficult to see beyond what happens in your physical realm. Each of you have numerous helpers whose sole interest is to ensure you progress through your experiences. It is why the key events in your life are orchestrated to gradually advance you along the path of evolution. Yet in many instances you are propelled into chaotic conditions that do not seem to have any real purpose. Believe us Dear Ones, nothing happens by chance and whatever you become involved in has some measure of gain, not just for you but every soul involved.

 Do not worry if you get caught up in what is clearly coming from a negative source, as your presence may be needed to hold the vibrations in check. Often you can provide sufficient Light to soften or remove some of the negative energies. Be assured you will be used for your experience and dedication to spreading the Light, and will never be called upon to handle more than you can manage. Obviously you will also find yourselves on the receiving end, but this is often a test to ensure you know how to handle yourself. We repeat, that "nothing happens by chance" so always look for the lesson that may accompany your experience.

 Be assured that you do get breaks throughout your lifetime, and you are not expected to serve the Light without them. It is certain that you will know where you stand when you are going with the flow, and fulfilling your life plan. However, remember that at times you will so to say, catch up on outstanding karma and it will present itself when you are known to be able to cope with it. So do not be alarmed in such circumstances and accept your experience with good heart, and most importantly ensure you learn from it.

 At this time in your evolution you are progressing at a faster rate than ever, and each soul is on the last lap of its life plan for this incarnation. This may seem improbable as all of you are at different points in your evolution, and remember that not every soul is ready to ascend, or desires to do so. The end of a Solar Cycle draws nigh and it is special inasmuch that the end times have already been decided, and regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to foil the plan, they will not be successful. Ascension is assured and is to be expected at the end of a Solar Cycle.

 In the meantime help your fellow traveller where needed, but at the same time do not pressurise them by forcing advice upon them. Sometimes lessons can only be learnt through direct experience, although group experience is not uncommon. Try not to be too rigid in your thinking and be flexible, although many of you are now sufficiently intuitive to know when to move in a different direction. Take things in your stride and try not to force a situation, unless you can be sure of the outcome. You should know that when matters flow in harmony, there is little for you to do.

 You have been preparing for this period for millennia of time, as you have always known that it would arrive to lift you out of the lower vibrations. Many of you have awoken to the fact, and now joyfully make your way forward with great expectations. Even if you do not fully understand what a great time is opening up for all of you, there is a sense of excitement knowing that a new era is about to open. It allows you to contemplate what life would be like once the dark Ones were removed. Such freedom from interference is something new, and very hard to conceive when you are lifting out from the lower vibrations.

 For millennia of time you have experienced duality of such high levels, that it is hard to conceive of the dramatic and far reaching changes that are almost upon you. However, they are near to manifestation, and will bring the most wonderful surprises and far reaching changes much to your amazement and delight.

 I leave you now in what is hopefully a feeling of joy, knowing that your travels in the lower dimensions are about to end. Keep your calm and continue to spread love and peace wherever you are. 

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey.

 Source :

Sunday, December 15, 2013

" solstice and peace "

Dear All,
Mike Quinsey is recommending the message 

Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff

 15 - December - 2013

 Beloved Ones, As the solstice approaches and comes into effect, humanity is lifted higher and higher in their energetic fields and each is being gifted with the presence of the Angelic realms more pervasively than ever before. This is enabling each individual to receive the grace of the Angelic realms which assist in opening their hearts and souls to the higher frequencies of light and of love. As each being receives a greater influx and download of Christ energies into their own heart, a profound and subtle change takes effect in their daily lives. This will begin to show itself in the expressions between each member of humanity as they interact and connect with each other. The attributes and qualities of peace, loving kindness and goodwill will become more often expressed, one to another, as humanity begins to understand the greater purpose of many things that were not available for their discernment before.

 All across the planet, a movement of love consciousness will rise up and humanity will be lifted into a higher perception of their true purpose for being here in the history of this planet at this time. Many revelations will begin to take place within the consciousness of each individual and it will be reflected by the mirrors of love and unity consciousness in the greater expressions of life upon the Earth. People will no longer be afraid or feel constrained to fully express the love they feel within their hearts at any given moment. All the beauty of the higher qualities within each soul will rise to the surface in joy and happiness in their outer expression. Each individual will make the effort to redirect their thinking processes into avenues that bless others and themselves by their actions, thoughts and deeds. Paying it forward will become the normal expression within each individual as they comprehend that by giving to others they in turn, give to themselves.

 The laws of the universe will be seen to fulfill humanity’s higher intents with greater frequency and people will find it much easier to receive the fulfillment of their deepest and dearest dreams than ever before. The understanding that each soul is responsible for the good that manifests in their lives because that is what they have given out will become a reality. This law was always in effect but with the density upon the planet was one that was much slower to realize. All of that is now changing rapidly and the wonders of the world in which humanity lives and breathes will be seen, recognized and valued. Truly, this is a most beautiful and wondrous planet in the universe! Humanity holds great potential within their cells and in their DNA system and these will begin to unfold naturally and joyfully.

 All across the planet, voices will speak in peace and harmony, decreeing a better life experience for all souls who choose to incarnate in a physical body so that they can bring completion to their life’s plan and purpose. The energy of love will manifest with greater frequency and intensity than ever before and because of this, there will be a transformation within each person, the likes of which has never before been imagined. Each person will feel humble as they realize what a great opportunity they have been given in their incarnation upon this planet during these times and this will attribute to a resurgence of the higher qualities of expression within each individual and within the systems that have been operating upon this planet.

 Humanity will rise in unison with the Earth as they become uplifted in the energies that are pervading all life upon the Earth and there will be a huge effort to rectify all harm done to the Earth and her kingdoms in the pursuit of wealth above all else. There will be better ways sought to provide the essentials to all humanity that will be in harmony with all life upon the Earth. This will facilitate the implementation of new technology which was suppressed in times past and this will make life upon your planet much simpler and easier than previously experienced. All who receive this new knowledge are those who have agreed to share it freely in order to bring the transformation into the higher dimensions of consciousness more quickly into effect. This is a most exciting development in the process of ascension upon your planet. Until next week…

 I AM Hilarion

 Source :

" release of false grids "

Dear All, 
as usual, whenever you read these messages, you just see if it resonates with you or not, I find this one interesting in its flexibility :) 

Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon

 Heavenly Blessings

 13 - December - 2013

 Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of “The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness” and myself, Suzanne Maresca.

 Today we’re here to discuss false grids and Archangel Michael will be guiding us with practical tools to see where they’re located and how to identify and eliminate them. It’s the perfect time to release all that which keeps us bound to the illusion of separation and the idea that we’re anything but love incarnate.

 The Council of Love tells us that the release of false grids is an integral part of making peace with the 3rd dimension so that we may truly leave it behind. I can’t imagine there’s a single listener now or later on who isn’t all about doing that. I’m grateful to have this added boost for letting it all go.

 Good morning, Linda!

 Linda Dillon: Good morning, Suzy, and good morning, everybody. It’s great to be here, great to be back. I think that this is a really timely subject that we’re talking about. As I was getting ready and meditating and part of me was thinking “well, gosh, you know we’re doing this backwards. We spent all this time talking about universal law, but part of universal law is invoking what is Truth and how things work throughout the universe and not invoking and not relying and not carrying these false grids around with us any more, because they’re simply completely illusion.

 SM: That’s interesting that you say “invoking a false grid” – who would ever think of doing that on purpose? But we do – it’s a very subconscious thing.

 LD: We do, and I think we do it all the time. I was reviewing… much of this material that we’re talking about is examined and looked at with channeled material more in depth in “The New You” book, as you know – plug, plug.

 Because this isn’t new information, but it certainly has gained momentum and is more pressing information. And one of the things that really jumped off the page at me this morning was this – in the fear category, you know, the fear of failure. And we all know, intellectually, maybe even emotionally, we know that there’s really no such thing as failure.

 But, you know, there’s the subtle things that we do, such as “nothing ever really works out for me”, and that’s a false grid. Now that’s denying your Creator self; that’s denying your ability to use the creation formula, use the universal laws to bring in exactly what we want to create. So it’s self defeating behavior.

 One of the things – and I’d really like to have a lively discussion on this today because this is a huge issue. This is like a core issue. And people think when they hear, because I know I and the Council are always talking about false grids. And they say “well, I’ve been doing my clearing and I’ve been doing my clearing for the collective. And I’ve worked on my issues.”

 But when we’re talking about false grids here today and when the Council is talking about false grids, we’re talking about the foundation, the constructs, the pillars of what evolved over millions of years for the old 3rd dimension. So your personal issues may have a reference point in the false grid system, as it were.

 But the false grids are huge. And it’s not just about having, you know, a personal issue or a belief system that kind of went awry or even a vasana, because those tend to be personal and, yes, they have their reference points in the false grids. But the false grids are these collective false constructs that we’ve accepted – and not just accepted in this life but in so many lifetimes.- that they’ve become entrenched in our mythology, in our common mythology.

 SM: Indeed. And the one that I would like us most to be able to let go of, especially at this time, is the one that we have to work our butts off in order to survive and be here and, you know, that it’s all about survival instead of joy and enjoying one another and all that. If we can make that shift into letting go of the idea that we need to slave our lives away that would be a great, great start.

 LD: I totally agree. And you know what else I find, and I can speak from personal experience, part of that too is how we dress that belief system up is that not only do we have to work and slave away in order to survive, but that somehow – and I guess it comes from part of our Puritanical Christian mythology – is that somehow when you work really hard, like over the top, that it’s saintly, that it’s really a good thing, that you’re earning points in heaven.

 SM; Yes, that’s right. That’s right.

 LD: Yeah, it’s the martyr syndrome.

 SM: Right. I think to one degree or another we’ve all been guilty of that.

 LD: Oh, I think we have. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s in the corporate world or what we tend to think of as the lightserver world or wanting to be a super mom. And it comes from this desire to really be the totality and the best we can be and to reach out, but in there we forgot about the love and the joy.

SM: Right, right. Well, in your book you mention the terms “repatterners” and “New You warriors” and I do know that there’s a segment of the human collective that’s doing the work for basically everyone else. I imagine our listeners all fall into that category to one degree or another, and I hope that through doing this show we can help remove any doubts about that.

 It feels to be time for all of us to melt a little and to let ourselves be soft and permeable and fluid during these sacred days and just allow all the energies to come and change us and just let everything go.

 LD: Amen. Amen, sister! Yeah, I love that idea of becoming not only softer but more permeable. That’s a beautiful picture, Suzy.

 SM: Yeah, it helps with the unifying field, you know.

 LD: It helps with the unifying field and the sense when you say that word “permeable” is that we are able to dance with each other and flow with each other rather than banging up against each other.

 SM: Yes, yes. Absolutely. Wonderful.

 LD: And you’re right – this is the time and these are sacred days. And not just because of the season but because of what’s going on in the Mother’s plan and her unfoldment. And I think that this gift, these increased gifts, of clarity and purity really equip us or open us somehow to be able to look and perceive and receive the information about the false grids more clearly.

 SM: Yes, I feel like every single day for me changes life completely. It’s almost like there’s so much more information that comes in. But like I’ve said before, it feels normal almost immediately, so it’s easy for me to forget what I didn’t know last week.

 LD: Yeah – it’s the new normal.

 SM: The new normal – right. Exactly. And you know what – this is maybe something I can ask about – but I’m feeling like… actually, Saint Germaine came to me in a meditation yesterday and what I got was that we are on the very edge of transformation and that the transformation is going to be so huge that a lot of our old way of being and everything is just not going to be conscious awareness any more. We’re just gonna forget it!

 LD: It fades away. It absolutely fades away. You know, over the years with working with the 13th Octave, which was the Council’s original gift and it’s that place of being in divine union and being in body, which is really basically window dressing and words for what we’re talking about, is that people would do the meditation and undergo the initiation and sometimes – not the majority, but sometimes – people would say, and we’d laugh about it so I’m not sort of telling tales out of school – but they would say “well, nothing happened”. And then we would say “except, you know, when Jesus came in or I went to the Heart of God or Mother Mary picked me up. Oh yeah, nothing really happened – oh, except for that one thing”.

 But the other thing that I started to notice is that I used to have the 8-week rule, that you’d do the process and the integration over 8 weeks – and even in terms of channeling sessions I feel that people got so much that the Council would say “not before 8 weeks has gone by” because the downloads were that significant.

 And when I would go back and I would talk with these folks, I would notice in them and in myself that things would come up and it would be like a distant memory, like “oh, yeah, that used to really bother me or oh, yeah, I do have that memory and that information of how awful that was somewhere in my memory banks”, but it no longer had any currency or any charge. It was just simply a cloud that was way, way off on the horizon and it didn’t have any substance whatsoever.

 And I think what you’re saying about what’s going on now with us, and it’s happening so rapidly, like every single day, that we’re really feeling that the expansion is so significant and the shift is so significant that every day is brand new. And we want the markers in terms of “well, how have I progressed”, but there’s a part of us that doesn’t even remember because it’s the new normal. “This is who I am and this is how I simply am living my life. And I have all this new information and perspective.” And it’s completely different.

 SM: Yeah. You know, I think some of it’s new and a lot of it – the reason it becomes integrated instantly and feels natural and we sort of forget about what we didn’t know – is that we’re remembering it. It’s all about remembering.

 LD: Yeah, I agree. This really is, in so many ways, the closing of the circle. It’s bringing us back to who we really are.

 SM: Yes, but some of it has to be new, though. Because we haven’t really done this before – or maybe we have?

 LD: No, I don’t think we have. From everything…Or I don’t remember says she …Yeah. I think that when we were created, and I think everyone who is listening, we came in.. well, this was the Mother’s playground; this was the place to have a physical experience of love and of joy. And when we came in, we came in as the Creator Race. Now that, to so many people because of all the atrocities that have happened, that almost has that tings of, you know, the “master race”.

 But it wasn’t like that at all. We came in to create this playground, this wonderful, beautiful diverse playground of love, of joy, and of being able to have a different kind of physical experience of those qualities, both tangible and intangible. But we got lost. So if we did it, we only did it for a very short period of time. And then what we did, and what proved that we really are the Creator Race, is we created all these false grids: death, despair, destruction, disease, separation, isolation. I mean, the list is long.

 So we got right into creation, but somehow we’re almost like the same situation… We haven’t ever really talked about fallen angels on this show, I don’t think, but the fallen angels – “all those terrible things: Lucifer and Satan and it just goes on and on”. But in some ways, what happened to humanity is very similar to that myth, is that we departed from the Source; we took on this form of human Creator Race; and we wanted to go exploring.

 Well, in the exploration, what we did was we created, all right, but we created these illusions – even knowing they were illusions – just to have the experience: “well, I wonder what that would feel like” because we never felt that when we’re at home in the Heart of One. So we created and then we lost it and came to think that it was real when it wasn’t real.

 And then it got embodied, literally bricks and mortar and institutions, into the human consciousness. But it never was real, and that’s just exactly how all these fallen angels were brought back home, which some people tend to forget. We’re being brought back home.

 SM: Oh my gosh, and I feel like I’m so incredibly supported and finding the love of my life is just an amazing, wonderful thing to help me continue to do my work here and just be a high frequency chick that helps the whole world.

 LD: I am so happy for you. You know, and this is the thing that people say “well, did war stop or did the financial system completely rearrange?”, but I’ll never forget because, when I’m channeling I often feel like I’m eavesdropping, I’m sitting next to myself, but when Mother Mary, I believe, or the Divine Mother said her plan was for all of us to fall madly in love. And even those of us who thought “oh, that’s, you know, that’s for someone else”, to see it happening to people I love and care about is just so wonderful.

 SM: I can have a whole show about that. I don’t want to go on about it, and I just know that you’ve got a wonderful and practical meditation for us today but, yes, I’m very happy.

 LD: I do??

 SM: Well, I hope so.

 LD: Okay. Actually, this meditation is about and it’s through Archangel Michael – and Archangel Gabrielle is very present today – and they’re standing here. I do this show from my sacred space where my altar is and they’re both standing here in front of me with big – not grins – but huge smiles on their faces. And so they’re both very present.

 But one of the things that we do with our issues and our false grids is, and one way in which we can work with them, is to figure out where they are on our body. Where do we carry this energy so that we can let it go? And on what body?

 SM: Okay.

 LD: This is channeled so, away we go.

 Let’s begin this wonderful Tuesday morning. As we gather as a circle of family, of soul family, of lightworkers, of loveholders, it’s so important that each and every one of you realize how appreciated you are, how loved and cared for you are. Because not only do you tune in, you’ve tuned into the frequency of change and of God and of Ascension. And you are doing your work and your service.

 So give yourself a little hug. Cross your arms across your body and just give yourself a hug from Michael and Gabrielle. And feel what it’s like to be hugged by an archangel. And let go of the day, let go of the busyness of the season, of your “to do” list, and just allow yourself to be here, as we begin breathing, as always.

 And let us begin with the blue of Michael, that beautiful Michael blue, that royal blue, that sky blue, that brilliant blue of Truth and of Hope. And as you breathe in through your nose, holding for a second, and exhaling. And on the exhale, feel yourself sinking more deeply into your heart and into your chair or the rug or the floor or your bed – wherever you’re sitting – and the sensation is that you weigh about 3,000 pounds. So you couldn’t move if you wanted to.

 And you are in body but you are out of body, so breathe in that cornflower blue, that Siberian Iris blue, the bluebird blue, and feel that flame of blue from Michael join with the blue diamond of your tri-flame, joining with the (?) flame of the Divine Mother. And breathe blue.

 Now let us bring in the gold of Archangel Gabrielle, that beautiful Florentine, the old gold, that rich gold and feel yourself breathing the gold as if it is a molten river of gold, in through your nose, deeper into your heart. And feel that gold join with your gold tri-flame, the Divine Masculine, joining with it and dancing with it. Feel the fluidity that Suzy has spoken of.

 And in the center of your tri-flame, of your heart, feel the beautiful pink diamond, that sparkly pink, and this is the essence of who you really are, of your divine design, of your truth, of your wonder. And sparkle it up and feel the evenness of your tri-flame, of your blue, of your pink, and of your gold. And anchor deeply.

 Now I want you to visualize yourself sacred self as the truth of who you are, a multidimensional being. But look at your body as if it is a grid, a beautiful golden grid, something that you would see on a computer animation so it’s three-dimensional and it stretches far and wide.

 Take a minute to see the beauty. See the wonder of who you are. Now, on that grid, anchored in your tri-flame, are there any specks of dirt? Are there any smudges? Are there any holes? Is there any fraying? You are the New You and you are a repatterner, a regridder of Gaia.

 Do not fall into judgment, it is never of love. So just look at your grid and see if there is any dust, dirt, holes, rents, tears. And then feel that grid as part of your body, as part of your fields, and look at that. Is it in your emotional field? your causal or your auric? your etheric? your mental?

 Where on your grid, in your physical form, are these little dust bunnies hiding? Is it on your back? your forehead? your hip? your tummy? your foot? Simply be the observer and if you don’t see it don’t worry, simply perceive and allow the knowing that is who you are to well up. And often where these little slits or tears or dark spots are occurring is where you’ve had some pain or difficulty in your physical form.

 So let us ask Archangel Gabrielle, our beautiful Lily of Love, our Trumpet of Truth, to come with her molten gold and to simply reseal, to heal, to re-grid, any spot that you have noticed – and even those you haven’t – let’s ask her to come in at this moment and polish up and reseal and assist us in the forever maintenance of our beautiful grid, so that as we join grid to grid to grid upon the grid of Gaia and the universe, that we are able to give and to receive, to transmit fully. We don’t want any broken links in our grid. So breathe gold.

 Now we’re going to take it a step further. Stay in your heart and feel as if now you are lying on your bed or lying on the floor, but we want you in prone position. The grids, the false grids, are those entrenched belief systems of the old 3rd that have enslaved you, that have shackled you and prevented that freedom of movement that is your right, your birthright.

 And so we clear these grids today for ourselves and for each other. We clear these illusions away. And because this is such a core issue, we’re going to deal with this lack – and as I say these words I want you to see how they feel in your heart – don’t judge it, just feel it. Lack. Limitation. Loss. Abandonment. Isolation. Separation. Loneliness. Lack of self worth. Lack of self love.

 And as you lie there, and we call these grids forward, these false grids, what do you feel upon yourself as you lie there? Razor blades or nails? Chains or bars? Lilies or ribbons? Cashmere? Not all false grids appear as ugly or harsh; that is why they get to stay around.

 Now we call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, to come forth in this moment to the collective and to each and every one of us, and with his sword and shield and his blue flame of Truth, to lift this false grid from you, to eliminate it right now. Allow it and let him and let go. And for some of you it may feel the weight is lifting or it is simply dissolving into a million sparkles. Let it be what it is. Let go. And breathe. Breathe blue. Breathe pink. Breathe gold and see how your chest is free to expand.

 And know that you will do this again and again until you come and you lie on your bed and there is nothing to remove. Until each and every one of us on Gaia has simply allowed these illusions, this false grid, this hologram, to disappear. And give thanks to Michael and Gabrielle and let yourself be. 

Greetings, I am Michael.

 SM: Welcome.

 AAM: Welcome to you. Welcome to all of you. Welcome, beloved ones, my warriors of peace, legion of love. We all bow to the Mother and then we stand upright, in the fullness of our being, you and yours, us and ours, brothers and sisters together, to claim our freedom, to claim our birthright, and for each of you to go forth as the Creators of Nova Earth.

 You have been locked in a room and that room is false grids. It is the old illusion of the old 3rd which never had, from our perspective, true substance. It has all been smoke and mirrors and in many ways it has been like going to a carnival or a house of horrors. And there has been distortion. And while you are in the middle of that, enjoying being scared, you have forgotten, my beloved ones, that it is not real and that the carnival will shut down and leave town tomorrow. Well, let us make it today!

 SM: Yeah!

 AAM: It no longer serves you. It never has, but in the recognition that it does not serve you is your readiness to join with us and with me in the destruction and the removal and the elimination of these false grids. And you do so, my beloved ones, not only for your sacred selves but for everyone, for there are many who are still operating in the illusion.

 And as you have said, dear Suzanne, it is completely possible, not only viable, but desirable, that those false grids be removed and the person who firmly believed in them yesterday, tomorrow is not even aware that they existed. It is but a vague impression of long ago. You are seeing this shift in the microcosm and in the macro. And you are seeing all over your planet the warriors of light who step forward and demand their freedom. They may think that they are asking for financial freedom, political freedom, social justice, but what they are really asking for is to be free to be themselves, the totality of who they are. And for the systems that have been adjuncts to these false grids to get out of the way! And we declare it so.

 This is core work and it is not sequential work. Yes, at one time it has been. And it is sequential insofar as you do it, the more that you rid yourself and the collective of the false grids, the freer you are to pursue the truth and the totality of who you are. But you do not stop or put experiencing who you are on hold while you clear. They are done in conjunction. It is the never-ending flow. And the beauty, the experience of the love, the peace, the joy, is what pushes you on, catapults you on, to remove even more.

 We are on full alert. We are at your beck and call, your service. We always have been. But you, my beloved friends, my brothers and sisters of my heart, you are at a point where you are acknowledging knowing and calling upon us to be in the truth of that family soul relationship. That brings us joy.

 So let us venture forth together in this reconstruction, in this restoration, in this recovery. You see, we have our own set of truths and grids. Dear heart, where do you wish to begin today?

 SM: Thank you, Michael. It is so wonderful and such a gift to connect with you in this way. I am really so appreciative. I have to admit that I’m feeling so full of love these days that coming up with questions about false grids is a little challenging. In my heart, I know that everyone will reach this place of trust and it’s really only available when false grids have been released and dissolved at least to a certain degree.

 You just confirmed for me that our own fear is all that keeps us from allowing the current delicious energies to redesign our lives in accordance with our heart’s desire. What I’m wondering is if each of us individually are the only ones who can truly do this work for ourselves, I see people who just want someone to lift the burden from them without doing the work themselves. And maybe at the core of that wanting is a lack of self esteem, as in “I can’t; I’m not strong enough, connected enough, good enough, etc.” Could you speak to that, please?

 AAM: Yes, for in the declaration that you are clearing the false grids – and it has been personal work up until this time – but understand now you are able to do this exercise for the collective. And how you are doing it for the collective is through your field. So basically it is not only for the far distance – because it is only one grid – but it is particularly those that you are intersecting with.

 In talking about sacred union and partnership, we have spoken a great deal about the puzzle pieces and how there are points of conjunction between your sacred other and yourself, your beloved and yourself. But what about the rest of your puzzle piece? What about the rest of your magnificent field? What is it up to?

 Well, of course, it is out there creating, experiencing, expanding, enjoying, loving. But it is also touching the grid and transmitting your truth, your knowing, across the universe. Not merely a couple of miles, not merely to the human collective, but to Venus and back, to Andromeda and back, and at the same time.

 Although, yes, you are receiving the gifts directly from the heart of the Mother, but at the same time you are also receiving these transmissions of unification and, yes, of further elimination of what is not of truth, from your brothers and sisters in Andromeda, from UFOG, from Venus – Sanat Kumara himself has been working vigorously with all of you. So you are doing it and you are doing it for those who think there is no such thing as false grids or, conversely, who wish to cling to that outmoded reality. Well, they can cling until they realize it is simply vapors and then the vapors disappear and the sun shines through.

 SM: Okay. Wonderful. So I just have this vision of when enough of the collective has done their personal work that everyone else’s false grid will be washed away in a collective tsunami.

 AAM: That is correct.

 SM: Aah, I love that. Okay. That’s wonderful. All right, so being in the state of fabulous love that I am, I was hoping to get some information on the nature of sacred partnership. It seems that as humans we’re hard-wired for love and companionship, but finding our divine complement seems to be only possible when we’ve been able to free ourselves of false grids. Otherwise we might not recognize them or be able to engage in a way that doesn’t bring up unresolved issues. Would you speak to the ease and fluidity that our new 5D relationships will reflect as opposed to the old paradigm ones that help up grow through conflict?

 AAM: Is it not curious, joyfully, interestingly curious the ways in which the human collective has created in order to find their way back home?

 SM: It is.

 AAM: So you knew at your very core, and I speak to each and every one of you, you knew at your core that you desired to live in union, in unity, in sacred partnership. But you were being held or believed you were being held hostage by these false grids. So what you have done is you have put the false grids to work for you and said “all right, if I’m going to be in conflict then I am going to be in conflict, to break through the illusion”.

 So you have truly built some very strange mechanisms for growth. But, as you say, thank God, Mother/Father/One, you have and you are letting go of them.

 Because it is with ease; it is with grace; it is with splendor and graciousness of the 5th dimension, 6th and 7th, that you are simply able to encounter and to acknowledge divine partnership. So that you are seeing that you do not need to go through this struggle in order to reach the place that you have yearned for from the core of your heart since you incarnated.

 Because in the physical reality, which is the purpose of Ascension is the maintaining of the physical form – that is what is so unique about it. So it is the closest reflection that you are going to have to being fully home.

 And it is sweet. Now does that mean that there will never be any difference of perspective, of our opinion, because you are in this shift and growth? You see differences in vision or perspective, perception, you have often interpreted as leading to conflict. From our perspective it leads to creativity. So when you are not in a defensive mode of feeling “if someone does not agree with me, that means that I am less than”, you have this conjoining and this discussion of differences that leads to expansion and creativity and new ideas and new inspirations and new creations – concrete and not – of how things can progress.

 And there is not this sense of urgency. Is there a sense of desire to simply allow it to transform and happen? Yes. But there is not this sense of what I would call desperation, that we have need to turn the river around and make it go where we want it to go. You are more willing in the new reality to simply jump in, go with the current, and see where it takes you.

 There is a wonderful sense of openness and adventure and willingness to experiment with the new, with the unknown, because you feel safe. You feel safe in the knowingness that only love is real and love does not harm. Love does not dishonor or disrespect. It creates that womb in which the new can grow.

 SM: Right. Well, honestly I never thought I could have this and it’s taken me by surprise completely. And I just feel like it’s, of course, divinely orchestrated that I find sacred partnership and engage with it fully without fear. And it just feels like it enhances and supplements and… amplifies – that’s a good word – amplifies my ability to do what I do by.. oh, my gosh, a million

 AAM: At least! Because it is that amplification, it is the house of mirrors; it is the house of magnification. But let us be very clear: it is the house of joy.

 SM: Um hmm. Absolutely.

 AAM: So, yes, what it does… you have always – well, for a very long time – you have had this saying and it has variations in different cultures, but it is the same idea: “that where two or more are gathered”. But it is really where two are gathered the miraculous happens. Not “can happen” – it happens, period. 

SM: And it happens and it’s happening whether we’re physically together or not. I feel that.

 AAM: That is correct because it is the energy merge that is the most important. It is the heart connection, and that is what you are learning, what your star brothers and sisters and other masters in other dimensions and realms have known always. Once the heart connection is there, the telepathic connection is there; the emotional connection is there; the mental connection is there.

 So the physical – is it enjoyable? Of course. And that will come to pass as you both jump into the river and see where the next island is. But, no, it is not geographically defined. It is not what we have heard humans say “well, I can’t be in relationship with this person I madly love because they are in a different state”. This is very peculiar! So now you have learned the universe is your playground, and you are choosing where you want to play.

 SM: Yes, yes indeed.

 AAM: But first and foremost, you are choosing that you want to play. SM: Oh my gosh, yes. AAM: Dear heart, this is the shift.

 SM: Yes. My whole perspective has changed, and I just will put in my direct request here for physically together. And, you know, I know it will happen but now would be better than later. Okay, so, … go ahead.

 AAM: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all one. So your request is heard.

 SM: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Okay, so we have a couple of callers. Are we ready for that?

 AAM: Well, I am ready. Are you?

 SM: I am ready – yes, I am. I am so ready. Thank you. So, David, are you with us?

 David: Hi, Suzy. Hi. Hello. Hi, Linda. Hi, Michael. So I have a lot of questions lined up and I am going to structure them well. So the first one is: I feel that – and I also read that now is the time – where we step into our mission, and I remember that you gave me this meditation where I can fulfill my full potential with your blue flame. And you also gave me a variation of that meditation to step into my mission and purpose and to invoke my passion within myself that I want to do that, because I had a little – how do you call that? fallback? –where I wasn’t that healthy and so I want to balance that with healing my own body.

 And this is the second part where I think that I have celiac disease because I can’t eat any more rice and all this stuff, and maybe you also know or can consult your etheric buddies how to heal my stomach and calm it. These are the first questions. Thank you.

 AAM: I will steal my sister’s thunder and I will also say that her golden elixir, the golden elixir of Archangel Gabrielle is a gift directly from her heart. And when you drink it, dear heart – actually or etherically – what it will do is reseal, heal, regrid, your digestive tract, and from your digestive tract it will emanate out into your organs, into your bones, into your cells, into your blood, and it will assist with the healing and making you become a golden being of golden light.

 Now you can still keep your magenta and blue, but that is what I suggest to you. The other thing I would suggest you is to ingest, sit in passion, and there is no better way to ignite your passion than to sit in the violet flame. The violet flame of the “I AM”. The magenta flame of the Christ Consciousness, which is not only compassion, it is passion. You cannot – listen to what I say: you cannot fully, and I do not simply mean you, dear David, you cannot step fully into your mission and purpose unless you are passionate, inspired, excited, engaged.

 If it feels like sacrifice, like drudgery, like dreaded responsibility, then you are working on a false grid. So let me lift those up until the mere thought of what you have come to do is so exciting that there is no stopping you, that you can’t wait to get at it.

 And part of this is the healing of the physical form. There are many of you who are lightworkers who have struggled with various ailments, physical ailments, and part of it is it has been very hard to keep you on Earth. And so it is what we have spoken of in terms of conflict and finding relationship through conflict. Well, by having you have to pay attention to your physical reality, it has literally kept your feet on Gaia. Yes, even in the 5th.

 So the healing of the body – the body is never to be ignored. And it is never to be whipped into submission. This is a horrid thing for us to observe. “Oh, I am not feeling well so I will make sure I am very rigid with my body. And so that I beat it into submission so it obeys.” That is of the oldest, cruelest, false grid of all.

 So love your body into wellness. When you have one hour without pain, celebrate it. Joyously love it. Thank it. You do not spend enough time – and again I mean all of you – saying “thank you” to the physical form that has endured for many of you what has been a very arduous and difficult mission to this point. So thank it. And allow yourself the room, the space, to heal. Because if you are having physical challenges, you may rest assured that that is a piece, not the totality, but a piece of your mission. And it is not the endurance – that has been part of it in the past – but now the piece of it is the healing of it.

 I will help you.

 David: Am I online?

 SM: Yes.

 David: So thank you, Michael. That was tremendous. Well, I really feel consoled and understood. And maybe you can tell me two short questions. The first one is a lot of fears are coming up. There are a lot of tools, maybe from Sanat Kumara … opinion on that. And the other thing is I was relocated to Austria and maybe you can give me your short opinion if it’s good to be here and that is part of my mission.

 AAM: It is part of your mission because you have been relocated to a City of Light. So it is not coincidental. Many of you will find yourselves being suddenly relocated. It is not something you have need to concern yourself about, but simply know that you are being positioned to do the work of the Cities of Light. So that is what you are doing.

 The fear, dear heart… Lie on the bed and let me lift this false grid off you. It is false expectations and fear freezes. It literally cripples you, dear David. Give it to me and give it to me this day. Let us be done with this.

 David: Okay. Thanks a lot. Thank you, Suzy, and thanks, Linda, so much for what you’re doing for me. Thank you, Michael. Thank you. Bye bye.

 AAM: Farewell.

 SM: Bye bye. Wonderful. Okay, we are on to area code 518. Hello? Are you with us?

 AC518: Yes, yes. Greetings. Peace and blessings. I was listening to what was going on with the other caller and I used to be in a place where I used to love to pray and meditate and I used to dance and all of that stuff. I relocated to an area, and it’s almost like I feel a presence of being shut down. And it’s been 3-4 years and I’m trying to get up out of it, and I’m only listening to your program the last few months. It’s been helpful to me, but what happened and how do I get unstuck? I was listening about the false grids and all of that. That wasn’t me before and I moved to this new area and it seems like… what happened to me?

 AAM: You have to – well, you don’t have to, but you have decided to – prior to birth, to be joyously happy everywhere on Gaia. You have a saying…now, first of all, dear heart, I strongly urge you to either listen to this program again and again or to download the false grids meditation and to do this daily. Daily.

 AC518: Okay, yes.

 AAM: because there is a great deal to be removed. But what you have done is you have gone to a place where there is some heavier energy and where you have also had past life experiences that, shall we say, were very difficult. But you have gone as a beacon of light and might I say a dancer of light. Now, you think of a beacon as a tower and it is a spotlight that rotates, like a lighthouse. But you, you are jitterbugging, you are waltzing, you are jiving across the grid. And you are a joy dancer.

 AC518: Yes!

 AAM: Now, you have a saying on Earth: “fake it ‘til you make it”. I am giving you a new prescription. First of all the false grids. Secondly, the infusion of joy every day. And your exercise for the infusion of joy is to turn on a CD, turn on the radio, turn on the TV and to dance your joy dance for 15 minutes every single day. And as you do, feel your feet – preferably bare feet – connect with Gaia, connect with the elementals, connect with the earth spirits, connect with your ancestors, and be the vehicle of joy that you are. Wear gold. Breathe gold. Be gold.

 AC518: Yes. Oh, wow! Wow!

 AAM: The joy will come back.

 AC518: Thank you. I am so grateful. I used to be a dancer and I enjoyed it. It’s like when I moved here, I couldn’t even dance. It’s like my feet they’re not moving.

 AAM: Turn on the radio and get moving, dear heart. We will join you. We love to dance.

 AC518: I am so grateful. Thank you.

 AAM: Go with my love and go with my music. You understand, originally, I am a musician. I know how you feel.

 SM: Thank you for your call.

 AC518: Thank you for taking my call. I’m so grateful.

 SM: Beautiful. Have a wonderful day. Okay, we’re on to area code 949. Are you with us? Hi, you’re on the air.

 AC949: Hi, thank you. Hi, Linda, Michael. Michael, I dreamed with you last night, I think. You were protecting me from the bad guys in my dream. 

AAM: You have recognized me; the secret is out!

 AC949: Thank you. I see so many people that are creating these false grids still about the economy. Especially some family, friends, they think there’s not enough. And I start telling them “no, no, this is only a transition, but things are beautiful. I love the world, the golden age is here already; we just have to see things more clearly.”

 But I still wonder how I can help them? How can I even help myself to let them see clearly the light is here and the prosperity and abundance is here?

 AAM: You have raised a very good example of a primary false grid. And it is the illusion of lack and limitation and that there is not enough, that there is not enough to go around, or that you are not worthy enough to participate in what goes around.

 Now, chances are, my beloved friend, they are not going to do the false grids meditation with you! But nevertheless, open their hearts and their eyes. If you are able and depending – and I speak to many of you – this is a brilliant question, my sister of blue. If you are able, when your friends say that there is no prosperity, what I would like you to do, given the situation, open your fridge, count the number of things and different things that are in your fridge, be it an apple or milk or ketchup. If that is not prosperity, then what is?

 Then open your cupboards and see the wheats, the grains, the lentils. Then open your other cupboard and show them how many different dishes you have, forks and knives and furniture and sheets and covers. Is this not abundance? If you are able, open the door, take them outside, show them the trees, the sky, the many different clouds, the colors of the sky, the variations in the colors of grass, of leaves, of trees, of flowers, of birds. Is this not abundance?

 If you are in a city, again take them outside and point to the buildings and the people on the streets and the diversity and the beauty. There is a feeling on the part of many that six, seven billion people, three million people in a city is too much. It is an example of abundance. There is no lack! The Mother did not create a planet, Gaia herself did not morph into a planet of lack. There is plenty for everyone, plenty of everything for everyone.

 The only thing that is preventing full recognition of this reality is this false grid of lack and limitation and greed, of this belief that if you do not hold on to what’s yours and try and get some more, that you will be starving and poor and without. So show them. Show them in practical ways. Make a joke of it so that they can start to see the ways in which abundance does flow and that they can translate that to their paychecks, to how they choose to spend their paychecks, to how abundance comes to them in friendship, in love, in family, in the sweetness of Gaia. Start to be practical. That will help them start to shift their thinking.

 AC949: Thank you, thank you. I have one more question and this is on a personal level. Michael, how can I remove the false grid that is blocking my artistic creation and the passion that I used to have before? I want it to return to me.

 AAM: Then do the meditation. Lift off this grid of limitation and reclaim into that empty space the creativity of who you are. This is one of the most powerful gifts and meditations/attunements/healings that we have ever given humanity. I implore you to use it. 

SM: Thank you so much for your call.

 AAM: Farewell.

 SM: Okay, we have time for one more caller and it’s going to be area code 203. Are you with us? 

AC203: I am. Thank you for yet another fantastic show. I’m wondering how do we or I know the reason I’m not experiencing the things that I so desire? And I’m speaking spiritually. How do we know if this is due to false grids or to a matter of frequency or readiness or needing more practice?

 AAM: They are all interrelated, so know that as well. It is not simply one area, so you can never go wrong in working with the removal, removal, removal, because it is like the onion. There are many layers to removing the false grids. Until the clarity is of such magnitude that you wonder how you did not see it.

 But also to travel and to allow yourself to be anchored more clearly and more constantly, might I say, in the higher realms. So to not anchor yourself, do not spend too much time reaching back into the old 3rd. Yes, it is part of the work and the mission that you do, but it is not where you live. It is never again where you will live.

 So practice, yes, allowing, yes, eliminating expectations. Because when you have an expectation that something will transpire in a certain way, it is not that it cannot, but you are being directive and you are limiting how we can assist. So might I suggest to thee that you allow us greater freedom in how to manifest and to show ourselves in your life?

 ACF203: It’s wonderful. I thank you so very much.

 AAM: Dear heart, you are welcome.

 SM: Michael, it’s been a joy, it’s been such a joy having you. And so we’re almost at the end, so is there anything you would like to say in closing about false grids? And could you please speak to where we are as a collective in releasing these things?

 AAM: You are washing away, lifting off, disintegrating, dissolving the false grids as a collective. You are still about 50%, but that is a tipping point so it is not of a grave concern for us. As you implement joy, yes, implement, choose, daily the joy, the love, the sense of unity, it leaves no room for the illusions. Because what you are doing is you have left that hall of horrors behind and you have stepped into the house of joy. So they literally are separated.

 So I invite you, dear heart, come and live with us in this house and home, the hallways of joy. You are doing well. You are working on the collective right now, and I am helping. We all are helping and, with the clarity that you receive from the Mother, you will spot this instantly so that the sense of struggling to figure out “what is it?” is already gone. Go with my love and go in peace, dear hearts. 

SM: Thank you so much.

 AAM: You are so welcome. Farewell.

 SM: Farewell.

 LD: Hi, it’s Linda.

 SM: Hi, Linda. Welcome back.

 LD: Oh, thank you. And I would really encourage people to do this meditation. We discovered when we did the in length work, the five months class with the false grids, we kept coming back to it and back to it. It really is like the onion, and so we’re doing it faster but it still needs a little work.

 SM: Right. Wonderful. Thank you so much.

 LD: Oh, you are so welcome. My pleasure, ma’am.

 SM: Thank you, ma’am. And to our callers, thank you so much.

 LD: Oh, yes. To our callers and to our listeners. You are so appreciated.
Thank you.

 Channeled by Linda Dillon 12-10-13

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