From Deepak Chopra and his book :
Power, Freedom & Grace :
22- November - 2011
A few more thoughts by Dr. Chopra, relating so well to what is going on right now, and to the messages of this blog
" If we don't interfere with nature's intelligence, then we start to awaken into the sixth state of consciousness, or divine consciousness. In cosmic consciousness, the spirit was fully awake in the observer in waking, dreaming, and sleeping, but now the the spirit begins to awaken in that which is observed. In divine consciousness, we and feel the spirit in everything. If I look at a leaf, I say , " this is a leaf, but it's also sunshine, and earth, and water, and air, and the infinite void, and the whole universe. The pattern is transient, it's changing, and just for the moment, spirit is localizing as a leaf.
So, too, in the act of perception, we freeze the movement of the universe into a leaf, or a table, or a cloud, or a rainbow.
When we wake up to divine consciousness, we don't just see a leaf, or a table, or a rainbow; we see the whole universe being all those things. We feel the presence of spirit naturally unfolding in whatever we observe. We're not doing anything to make this happen; we're just allowing the universe to unfold and play itself out through us.
In ordinary awareness, we see the obvious, the apparent, that which everybody else sees. But in this extraordinary awareness, we pierce the mask of appearances and go beyond to that field of light where spirit shines, where everything connects with everything else. This going beyond is a new quality of awareness. We are like a speck of awareness in the vast expanse of awareness, and our own appearance expands until it is outside the edges of space, and beyond the corridors of time.
When we enter this reality, we feel safe even in the midst of danger. No matter how turbulent and chaotic the world is around us, we feel deep peace inside ourselves. In the noise and din of everyday existence, in the marketplace of life where everyone haggles, we feel an unshakable inner silence. An inner voice speaks to us and it guides us to make spontaneous and correct choices, weaving the web of our destiny. Prayers answered and miracles occur, and we feel wonder at the sheer fact of existence.
In divine consciousness, the soul wakes up in everything we observe, and this awareness allows us to commune with other souls. Communion is not merely communication, it is soul making contact with soul. It is the sharing of spirit. In communion, we feel equal to all beings; we feel neither superior nor inferior to anything. We have empathy for all beings; we feel how they feel, and we communicate without the use of words.
Through communion we experience intimacy with the world. We feel the presence of spirit in ourselves and in everything, and wit this shift in consciousness, we can become what we perceive. (...) We can ask the cloud to rain and the tree to bear fruit, and we can perform miracles.(...)
Next, we awaken to the seventh state of consciousness, which is unity of consciousness. This is when the spirit inside us, which is now fully awake, merges with the spirit inside objects, which are now fully awake. They become one, and there is only one spirit. We are that one spirit, and the whole universe is the manifestation of that one spirit. In unity consciousness, love radiates from our heart like light from a bonfire. Our personal self becomes the universal Self, and we see the whole universe in our being.
This is when we can really understand the Vedic expression " I am not in the world; the world is in me. I am not in the body; the body is in me. I am not in the mind; the mind is in me. Body, mind, and world happen to me as I curve back within myself and create them." " (1)
1. Deepak Chopra, Power Freedom & Grace, Amber-Allen ( 2006 ) 88-90