Dear All,
with all those little events going on, and so many nice articles everywhere on the evolution of our beloved Earth,
I just thought it might be nice to have some views on time, space and events from someone who saw things in
a different light. So below are a few excerpts from wirtings Deepak Chopra on that subject, but as you will see,
it totally relates to the messages printed on this blog.
Sources are in footnotes at the end.
Best wishes to All,
" Our senses tell us that events happen within space and time. There is a past, present and future, and the world operates through linear cause-effect relationships. So every time I make a choice, I cause an effect, and that effect becomes the cause of another effect. Things have to happen one at a time. This causes a timeline to appear. (1)
That is how our senses experience the world, but in fact the world is not like that. The world is synchronistic, it's coincidental, it's happening simultaneously. Infinite possibilities coexist at the same time. Everything is happening all at once, and everything is correlated and instantly synchronized with everything else. This simultaneity can only happen through what is called infinite correlation. Infinite correlation is the ability to do an infinite number of things and correlate them with one another at the same time.
The human body is the best example of infinite correlation because it's a field of simultaneity where physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics all come together to create the experience of life. The body has a hundred trillion cells, which is more than all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Each cell us doing countless things per second, and it instantly knows what the other cells are doing and correlates its activity with all the other cells. There's no time for one cell to tell another cell. " Listen, I am going to digest food; you wait a while and don't think thoughts for now. " Our stomach cells are digesting food, while our brain cells are thinking thoughts, while our gallbladder is producing bile, while our immune system is killing germs.The cells not only do more than one thing at a time, but they all keep track of what the others are doing; otherwise there would be a great deal of confusion in our body.
At the same time as it is correlating all these activities, our body is monitoring the movement of the Earth, the moon, the planets, the stars, and the entire cosmos. Our body, our mind, our emotions - everything in our physiology is changing moment to moment, depending on the time of day, the cycles of the moon, the seasons and even the tides. (2)
To separate the body-mind from the rest of the cosmos is to misperceive things as they really are. The body-mind is part of a larger mind, it's part of the cosmos. The universe is truly a symphony of the stars. And when this body-mind is in synch with this symphony, everything is spontaneous and effortless, and the exuberance of the universe flows through us in joyful ecstasy.
The real expression of the body-mind is the field of intelligence that pervades every cell, that correlates all these activities with one another, and that does all this below the level of our conscious awareness. (3)
Time too is non-local. The fact that we can localize time is just a perceptual artifact based on the quality of our attention. This moment is at the center of eternity, but so is every other moment because eternity extends backward and forward from every other moment. There is no past or future, then or now, before or after; there is only the eternal moment. All that is experienced is experienced in the present moment-awareness - in the here and now, and nowhere else.
We tend to think that there's such a thing as time, but ask any physicist, " Is time a thing or a notion ? Does time really exist, it is just a concept to explain the experience of change in our environment ?" Time is not a thing; time is an idea.
Physicists no longer use the word time; they use the term space-time continuum, because they know that time is a relative phenomenon; it's not absolute. (4)
The human body-mind is part of a conscious, thinking field of intelligence. In every second of our existence, the local expression that we call the body-mind is exchanging energy and information with the non-local expression that we call the universe. The only thing is, we are doing it unconsciously. The average person thinks about sixty thousand thoughts a day. This is not surprising. But it's a little disconcerting that 95 percent of the thoughts we have today are the same ones we had yesterday. Everyday we unconsciously create the same energy pattern that gives rise to the same physical expression of the body. (5)
Imagine that your nervous system is the hardware, and all the chemical changes that occur in your body is the software. The software, or program, changes according to your thoughts, feelings, interpretations, and desires. BUt there is a programmer. Who is the programmer ? The programmer is the inner self, the silent witness, the ever-present awareness that witnesses everything. And when you get in touch with the silent witness, this gives you the ability to rewrite the program.
As the silent witness, you recognize you are the thinker of every thought. When you say, " I have an idea about such and such," the " I" implies a thinker, the silent witness, is in the silent gap between your thoughts. It can't be found in either the body or the mind because it's beyond both body and mind. Between every thought there is a little gap of silence, and that's where you'll find the real you. That gap is the corridor, the window, the transformational vortex through which you, the personal mind, communicate with the cosmic mind.
The silent witness is the programmer, the one who has insights, the one who makes the choices. The silent witness is the one part of you that doesn't change. If you find the part of you that doesn't change. then you'll be able to cause transformation to the part of your that does change. And you don't have to brainwash yourself about anything. You just have to have the understanding or the insight to spontaneously cause transformation in your body.
The field of pure consciousness creates, controls, and constantly becomes the body-mind. Get in touch with this field, and you have a completely new reality of the mind and a completely new experience of the body. (6)
The world is a construct of your own interpretations. (7)
1. Deepak Chopra, Power Freedom & Grace, Amber Allen (2006 ), 32
2. Ibid, 33
3. Ibid, 36
4. Ibid, 37
5. Ibid, 43
6. Ibid, 45
7. Ibid, 46