Wednesday, November 30, 2011
" Extremely high beings on other suns are streaming the Light into your Universe "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set your goals. Normally you would be quite happy to progress at your own speed, and certainly no pressure is exerted upon to do otherwise. However, it must be understood that Ascension is so near that if you desire to seize this opportunity to get out of the 3rd. dimension, you do need to ensure you know what is needed of you. As we have so often mentioned it is your intent that is so important, because as soon as you send out that energy it attracts similar energy, and strengthens yours that opens up the pathway to Ascension. It is about raising your vibration by bringing more Light into your life, and sharing it through positive thoughts and actions.
Do not concern yourself if your path is different to others, as there is more than one way to reach Ascension. Indeed there are time lines that cover every possible combination of possibilities. If you have exercised your choice there can be no wrong way, otherwise freedom of choice would be pointless. You are the creators of your own future whether you realise it or not, which is why you are told that you have created your present reality. That does not mean it cannot be changed, because you have done just that by standing on your own two feet and refusing to bow down any longer to the dark Ones. It is true that we and many other Beings of Light are helping you, but we only do so when you have taken the first steps yourselves. You point the way, and we will place more signposts along it so that you do not loose your sense of direction.
The times you are in are wonderful, because you have made it quite clear that you want nothing more to do with the mentality that focuses on war and confrontation. You are quite positive in demanding world peace and if your present leaders are unable to respond, you are not prepared to see them just step down but insist that new leaders that can do so are appointed in their place. Dear Ones, such leaders are amongst you and when we have removed the obstacles and opposition to them, they will lead you to the peaceful and happy era that you not only seek but deserve. There are now a great majority of people in the world that pray for peace, but not at any cost but through peaceful negotiation. Such prayers are being answered by Beings of Light from the highest realms, and they support us in our work by empowering us to help you to achieve lasting peace on Earth.
There is much that needs achieving before you reach the end of 2012, and this is where we will play a major part. You have to move quickly from the set up that has been maintained by the Illuminati, one that has kept you under their control. They have sought to create situations that make you more and more reliant on them. In so doing they have done everything in their power to stop you advancing into the New Age, as that would have made you more independent of them. However, their power has now been greatly reduced and will continue to do so until we can remove them from positions of authority and influence. Already many of their secret bases have been dismantled and disabled so that they are permanently out of use.
Matters are progressing well although by your perception may not see it that way. It is a mammoth task to reach the point where we can allow our allies to step into power. Fear not, as we are so near to putting an end to the interference in your lives. Duality was of course giving equal opportunity to either the Light or dark to take charge, and until recently the dark Ones were the dominant force. That is no longer the case and through our allies we seek to use the power of the Light to remove the negative energies that remain on Earth. The Light can be subdued but never defeated by the dark Ones, and the truth is that the Light will always be victorious. Do not confuse the coming activities of Mother Earth with negative events, as the cleansing she is involved in is a series of positive actions that shall lead to the Earth being restored. When there are physical eruptions or movements of the Earth, some souls will leave but that is by choice.
Your world affairs are dominated by the financial crisis, but we see the outcome as helping remove members of the Illuminati who have not only monopolised monetary policies, but manipulated them to their advantage. Some of the biggest crimes against humanity are in this connection. Your money has been stolen either directly or indirectly, and lined the pockets of those who have set themselves at the top of the pyramid. The wealth of the world will be taken back and fairly distributed, and all shall enjoy a satisfactory life where you no longer have poverty or slavery.
You may have noticed an ever increasing number of sources putting out messages about the coming period. Be selective and allow your intuition to work for you, and hold onto your beliefs until you have good cause to change them. As we have said there are many paths to Ascension, but also some that simply take souls on a continuing journey in this present dimension as they have no desire to do otherwise. Leave them to follow their chosen path, as it will provide exactly what they need to progress. It is no one else's place to convince them otherwise, but be assured that they cannot have been on Earth without learning many useful lessons. These will serve them well at some future time, and if they are souls that you relate to now, you may wish to stay linked with them as a Guide.
You sometimes talk of thanking your lucky stars for the good things in life, and you may not realise how near to the truth you are. When you look up into the night sky you are looking at the suns of many solar systems. Each sun is the abode of extremely high Beings of Light, and they stream the Light into your Universe. You can think of them as Gods that in turn link with the Great Central Sun, and act as conduits to spread the energies everywhere, thus lifting up the lower vibrations. It is an ongoing process that is gradually enabling all life to return to the Source. Remember, that All Is One and everything has its being in the energy of the whole.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to convey blessings and love from the member civilisations of the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
" love being sent to your beautiful planet "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
The amount of love being sent to your beautiful planet is ever increasing and will continue to do so, as it helps you reach a higher level of consciousness. Many great Beings of pure Light are involved and their power is beyond your imagination. They are able to control the flow of Light so that you are not overpowered, and in fact the whole process of Ascension is very carefully arranged to ensure maximum success. Because in general terms you have been able to bring the energy to Earth, the grids have been empowered and are helping you raise your levels of consciousness. We cannot sufficiently stress how important these times are for you all, and we urge you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to ascend that is being offered to you. Not for a long time will there be such a focussed energy centred upon Earth, that will offer every single soul the means of upliftment. All it requires initially is the intent to change your life to one where you see all souls as One with you, and treat them accordingly with love and caring as you would wish for yourself.
Nothing else in your life is as important as your spiritual evolution, and unless you desire to remain within the lower vibrations you must look forward to finding out how to raise your consciousness to a higher level. Whatever you may feel, you have within a natural urge to seek the purpose of life and it will propel you ever onwards. Set aside the comments from people who are unable to comprehend the idea that you are more than your body, and know that there is part of you that is indestructible and is the real you. Experiencing as physical Human Being in the 3rd. dimension is just part of a great adventure, that is now ending with completion of the cycle of duality. From thereon for those who ascend, it will move to a new experience in a body of crystalline based cells that will carry a greater degree of consciousness. All of the previous drawbacks that were affecting you such as aging, will no longer occur and life will be much more pleasant and rewarding.
You cannot really stand still where your evolution is concerned even although you do not perceive change within you. Everything around you is evolving and you cannot help but be influenced by what is happening. In the long run you will want to move beyond your present level, having learnt from experience and seeking a new one. The changes ahead of you will leave you in no doubt that the old paradigm has ceased to be of value, and that the new one offers you so much more opportunity to evolve. It is not a random occurrence but part of the Creator's plan for you, carried out by Beings that have returned to the Source. When we of the Galactic Federation finally appear and can converse with you, it will give you the opportunity to have your questions answered. We are your mentors for this period of time, and have already opened your hearts and minds to a more expansive understanding through our earlier contacts with you.
There has been a need for you to take more responsibility for your own spiritual development, and gain more knowledge from within. Hitherto you have been largely dependant on others for it, and in many instances been directed along the wrong track which has severely retarded your ability to progress towards the truth. We find that where beliefs are very strong, it is difficult to break down the resistance to change but there are times coming when the truth will be hard to reject. We shall put over the truth about your history in such a way it will be very difficult to deny, as it will be accompanied with irrefutable evidence. This will not affect your freewill as it is a God given gift that no one can take away.
What is going to be convincing for everyone will be the ability to show you past events as they actually happened. In this way there can be no denial of the truth, and your history can be rewritten according to how it actually took place. This is important so that you fully understand the way in which your lives were controlled, by the negative influences that occur in your Universe. However, when you ascend they will no longer have such power over you, as their vibrations are too low to exist at such a level.
Bit by bit you are beginning to see a far larger picture of where you fit in, and in spite of attempts of the dark Ones to prevent it you are destined to be successful where Ascension is concerned. In fact it is a natural part of your experiences without which you cannot proceed to the higher dimensions. We have attended a number of Ascension processes previously, and yours is by far the most unique one by allowing you to ascend in a physical body. It probably sounds beyond your imagination, yet somewhere in your sub consciousness you have deep memories of earlier times like it. Always remember that you were all once much Higher Beings, and only left such realms to gain experience of a more physical existence.
Dear Ones, the jump from where you are now, to a higher dimension will be quite remarkable because of the speed with which it will take place. We are responsible for much of the progress that will be made, and it stands to reason that we must get started very soon. The timing is flexible, and we do not have the same response as you do to delay. We know exactly when certain events need to commence, so we have the advantage of being able to patiently bide our time until we are allowed to go into action.
The world is in need of a final infusion of Light that will cause the levels of consciousness to increase exponentially, and take you forward to a level that puts you beyond the influence of the dark Ones. To put you in such a position that you can fully concentrate on the final steps that will lead you to Ascension. Already you are on that path and we shall give you whatever help you need to continue going forward. It will be the glorious victory that you have worked for over eons of time, and always knew was going to be yours.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we are keeping our promise to make you more aware of our presence in your skies. It is our intention to make more contact with you, and greater displays pf our craft. It should bring disclosure much nearer, which we will welcome as the first step towards further revelations.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Sunday, November 27, 2011
" inspire you with unbounded happiness "
Saul through John Smallman
27 -November - 2011
As time rolls rapidly onwards in the illusion many events of enormous significance continue to occur all over the world as the changes that are essential for your well-being are put into effect. The non-mainstream media news channels are giving you brief, uplifting glimpses of what is going on, but when the true nature and extent of what is happening becomes widely known, your delight and amazement will inspire you with unbounded happiness.
The process of humanity’s long-sought and hoped-for awakening is proceeding apace as the realization dawns on more and more of you that loving kindness, gentleness, and compassion are the attributes that will allow and enable resolution of problems and disagreements far more effectively, appropriately, and satisfactorily than the resolute inflexibility, disdain, and righteousness that have been the favored methods of negotiation for so long. It has been shown conclusively, time after time, that agreements made in anger, frustration, or out of a sense of hopelessness or desperation cause grave resentment, and are never truly honored or accepted. They may be enforced for a while but in the long run they are failures, and those on whom they have been imposed will rise up against them.
Peace and prosperity can never be achieved by fighting and wars that crush and dispossess, because even the winners live in fear – fear that the defeated will eventually rise against them. Consequently, they spend both their time and their resources on strengthening their defenses, and joy and happiness totally elude them.
Now that this is finally so well understood, the way has been opened for people to come together with honest open-heartedness to resolve their issues and points of disagreement in a manner that produces true solutions benefiting all involved. And these changes of heart and attitude are what will lead you triumphantly forwards to the age of peace and prosperity for all, for which you have been hoping and praying for so long. Many of you have been discouraged as the years have passed and wars, economic crises, and states of social inequality keep recurring, while the lessons that these situations have presented have been unrecognized or ignored. The end of these distressing and depressing repetitive cycles is now at hand as people start coming together with the understanding that winning means that all must be successful, and with the maturity, wisdom, and generosity of spirit to make that happen.
This grand coming together of disparate groups to resolve the issues and problems that have bedeviled you for eons is an excellent and uplifting demonstration of what generosity and kindness of spirit can achieve, as compassion is shown to all who are suffering, regardless of the circumstances that may have brought that state about, and the help necessary to lift them out of their fear and misery is easily and willingly provided.
There is absolutely no reason why all of humanity cannot share in the abundance that the planet provides, and as the essential changes that will ensure that this happens are set in motion, you will be amazed at how quickly the causes of poverty and privation can be eliminated. Truly a time of great joy is approaching when the miseries that have beset so many for so long are completely eradicated, and all can look forward happy in the knowledge that future generations will enjoy a standard of living that will make them proud to honor you for making it happen. No one will ever again lack what is essential for a life that honors them and enables them to enjoy to the full their creative talents, as God’s divine Will and yours join to embrace all in the Love to which all His children are equally entitled.
With so very much love.
Thank you Saul, John Smallman
Friday, November 25, 2011
" every soul grows from the collective experience "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
For those of you who follow what is happening in the world, you cannot have failed to notice that our predictions as to the outcome are becoming your reality. The massive banking and financial problems are clearly heading for a crash, and there is no way to prevent it. You are living in a world that is in a state of chaos and steadily heading for an implosion. People now see what has been wrong with the old set up, but up to now have no real answers that will completely deal with the problems. A number of governments have collectively agreed to support a new approach to banking, but it remains to be seen who can galvanize them into action. This situation presents us with an opportunity push our allies forward, who with our help can outline what is necessary to move onto a new path that will solve your problems. There is also consideration to be given to the Abundance program that will follow such changes, so we are working hard to bring some semblance of order into being. Much of what is waiting to come out is tied in with the announcement of Disclosure, and that is ready and simply waiting for a firm date to be agreed.
As each week passes the need to get started with the changes becomes more pressing, but we do not want jump the gun after patiently waiting for so long. There would not in fact be any gain by commencing too soon, as our action must be co-ordinated with you to ensure a path to smooth success. The Galactic Federation continues to closely monitor the activities of the dark Ones, as although their set-up is in disarray, they can still be a threat. However, we have taken away from them the ability to cause a major disaster and prevented them from interfering in the Middle East. Countries there have to sort out their own problems, and as far as possible act on the demands from their people. In the past the West has deliberately set their sights on the oil fields, and often instigated trouble and wars to weaken them and take over. Colonialism took away countries and their wealth from the natural inhabitants, and that will be addressed when peace is restored.
There has been so much that has happened to leave you in a state of imprisonment, yet pretence that you are free which is far from the truth. True freedom will be restored once we have removed the dark Ones, and new governments observe the Constitution. Many laws made in recent times that were illegal will be made void and restitution made where people have been penalised or imprisoned. These changes will occur with our assistance to ensure that you are re-instated as Sovereign Beings. All of these actions will prepare the way for greater things that will come with and after Ascension. So you can see that a busy time lies ahead, and one that is very fulfilling.
By now most of you who follow the various sources of reliable information, will have grasped what a wonderful time approaches. That should make your journey more bearable during the changes, which with our technologies will run smoothly and quite quickly. Our plans are updated immediately changes become necessary, and we are ready to go into action once the necessary preliminaries are in place. Everything is that close to completion that we know very little time is required before we can actually get going.
Be brave and stand your ground when faced with attacks on your beliefs, as when some people realise that the world is changing permanently they will be reluctant to give up what they have. They will know in their hearts that they cannot stop evolution, but try to argue against change because of the fear they feel. If invited to help them understand, then go ahead without overpowering them with your knowledge - simply give as much as is required to get them over the block on their road to understanding. Some souls are here to experience Ascension at a distance, having no desire to actually be involved. However, all experience helps move you along, and often as a result seeds are set that will grow into an opportunity to acquire great knowledge.
Freewill operates whatever choices a soul makes, because it is known that if there is a negative situation involved you will always bounce back. After all, your life is infinite and you are mortal, and the Creator places no demands upon you having accepted you as one who desires to experience outside of the Source. Every soul grows from the collective experience and consciousness levels rapidly increase. As above so below, and on Earth you are all lifted up by each others increasing levels of consciousness. You are as One Great Soul and with your present awakening you are able to "feel" the Oneness that you exist within. It is true that what you do to one, you do to all others. When you reach this level of understanding you accept more responsibility for your thoughts and deeds, realizing that you are creating energy that affects others.
With many of you preparing for the end of the year festivities, it is a welcome distraction from the daily gloom that the media focuses upon. Take the opportunity to enjoy a coming together, when families unite and renew the love that exits between them. Giving is good for the soul when carried out without the expectation of receiving something in return. It is a great pleasure particularly where children are concerned, and you see their expressions of joy and happiness. Normally they do not weigh up the cost involved, and often get great satisfaction from presents that are of a simple nature. Adults sometimes take a different view, but as ever it is thought that counts and it should be appreciated.
Depending on your degree of awareness, this year you will have more to celebrate than usual as 2012 is almost upon you and will be quite extraordinary. It will be most unlike any other year but all for the best of reasons, and we give thanks to those of you who have come to Earth to spread the Light. It will be one that is remembered for a long, long time to come and spoken about throughout the Universe. The fact that you have overcome the dark Ones, and Ascension is assured is the upliftment that ensures the Universe is safe and that Ascension will be completed throughout.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel most privileged to work with such beautiful souls. I bless you all and send out my love to you.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
" The coming year will be one of immense achievements "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it forward. Governments will take note of your demands or ignore them at their peril. You have created the conditions that allow us and others to come to your aid, and naturally we work behind the scenes, and our influence helps direct activities in a way that is beneficial to you. As you know we monitor what is happening now, and also what is planned by the dark Ones. We endeavour to set you on a path that is the least volatile, and likely to avoid violent confrontation. The more the authorities clamp down on peaceful demonstrations, the more support they gain. The world population is waking up now as to how it has been enslaved for eons of time, and will not cease its claims for change until the people's sovereignty is returned.
So the fight goes on, with the Lightworkers bringing more and more Light to Earth that is raising the vibrations to new heights. Be assured everything is on course as planned, and the point has been reached where some firm action is to take place. Our allies work hard but need our support from time to time to achieve the targets we set them. As previously indicated we would like to see a step forward by the end of the year, that will open the way for a greater leap forward. At all times use your intuition where you are personally concerned, and where you see a need to take steps to protect yourself against the outcome of any action taken. We are thinking in terms of possible food shortages, and power interruptions that may in some areas temporarily inconvenience you. Bear in mind that in the near future we will be much closer to you, and will most likely be able to directly assist you. No problems that you experience will affect you for very long, as they have been anticipated well in advance and allowed for.
You are beginning to realize that in spite of the dire forecasts of catastrophe coming with the end times, so far there has not been anything like that prophesied and you can take credit for the changes that have taken place. Over a long period of time you have successfully worked hard to raise the vibrational levels, and that has overcome the need for drastic changes. Although cleansing and physical changes are still required, instead of dramatic wide scale ones they have become more localized. When we can join you we will work together, and make short work of the challenges that face you. Much of the cleansing does not even require us to be on Earth, and can be readily carried out directly from space. Indeed, we have done that for quite a long time, which is why some of your major mishaps have only caused you limited inconvenience. In the era of nuclear tests that polluted your atmosphere, we were responsible for clearing it away.
We have much admiration for you all inasmuch that you took on the challenge of duality, knowing it would be a an extremely hard experience. It is only now that many of you have awakened to your true identity, and the fact that you are not your physical bodies but Beings of Light. After thousands of years and many lifetimes, you have found your ability to set your intent on what you really want, and that you are not dependent on any other person. You no longer have to accept being enslaved as your lot in life, and more and more of you are taking responsibility for your lives. In time you will become totally independent and allowed the freedom to choose your own experiences, and that day is not that far off. It is a matter of lifting yourself up so that you become a Being of the higher realms, and Ascension is part of that journey.
For the time being take the problems of your everyday world in your stride, knowing that they are a means to an end which will see you enter a new period of experience. You will not need to go through lengthy recovery periods, as the work of rebuilding will be very quick. By then we will have arrived on Earth, and together we shall prepare the stage for the closure of the cycle of duality. We of the Galactic Federation have been long prepared for the part we are to play very shortly, and we know that generally speaking you are ready to join us. The consciousness levels of many of you has reached the point that makes you sufficiently aware, that you understand the higher purpose for Man and work towards that end.
The coming year will be one of immense achievements, not least of all the breaking down of the barriers that have kept you apart. Whether it be because of political, religious, or racial reasons, the natural inclination of Man is to be benign and peace loving. As a stop will be put to war and the threat of war, you will be able to work together without being in a state of fear, and trust between people will return. Justice will also return and where possible all acts of injustice perpetrated against innocent people, will be made good. We know that many of you have been the victims of fake charges, and if you are still in custody or imprisoned, you will be released.
Politics will change so much that there will be no place for bribery or corruption, and honesty and transparency will ensure that you can have full faith in those elected. We have already approached those politicians who are of the Light, and can be totally trusted to have your best interests at heart when they are appointed to the interim governments. There is a lot to do but the planning has been going on for quite a long time, and those who will work with us are trusted and know what is expected of them. In future the political system will operate differently, and you will have much more influence as to what will take place, and it will work for the people.
Dear Ones, your wait will soon be over and the past will seem just like a bad dream. Life will be quickly transformed into one that is enjoyable, and at last fulfils your expectations. Already there is a calmness entering some people's lives as the new energies take effect, and a knowing that beneficial changes are in the air. Keep your focus well ahead and do not let the present chaos get to you, as it will not last anywhere near as long as you might expect.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you that have put in the effort to bring the Light to Earth, and one day you will find that is what you came for.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
" consciousness "
From Deepak Chopra and his book :
Power, Freedom & Grace :
22- November - 2011
A few more thoughts by Dr. Chopra, relating so well to what is going on right now, and to the messages of this blog
" If we don't interfere with nature's intelligence, then we start to awaken into the sixth state of consciousness, or divine consciousness. In cosmic consciousness, the spirit was fully awake in the observer in waking, dreaming, and sleeping, but now the the spirit begins to awaken in that which is observed. In divine consciousness, we and feel the spirit in everything. If I look at a leaf, I say , " this is a leaf, but it's also sunshine, and earth, and water, and air, and the infinite void, and the whole universe. The pattern is transient, it's changing, and just for the moment, spirit is localizing as a leaf.
So, too, in the act of perception, we freeze the movement of the universe into a leaf, or a table, or a cloud, or a rainbow.
When we wake up to divine consciousness, we don't just see a leaf, or a table, or a rainbow; we see the whole universe being all those things. We feel the presence of spirit naturally unfolding in whatever we observe. We're not doing anything to make this happen; we're just allowing the universe to unfold and play itself out through us.
In ordinary awareness, we see the obvious, the apparent, that which everybody else sees. But in this extraordinary awareness, we pierce the mask of appearances and go beyond to that field of light where spirit shines, where everything connects with everything else. This going beyond is a new quality of awareness. We are like a speck of awareness in the vast expanse of awareness, and our own appearance expands until it is outside the edges of space, and beyond the corridors of time.
When we enter this reality, we feel safe even in the midst of danger. No matter how turbulent and chaotic the world is around us, we feel deep peace inside ourselves. In the noise and din of everyday existence, in the marketplace of life where everyone haggles, we feel an unshakable inner silence. An inner voice speaks to us and it guides us to make spontaneous and correct choices, weaving the web of our destiny. Prayers answered and miracles occur, and we feel wonder at the sheer fact of existence.
In divine consciousness, the soul wakes up in everything we observe, and this awareness allows us to commune with other souls. Communion is not merely communication, it is soul making contact with soul. It is the sharing of spirit. In communion, we feel equal to all beings; we feel neither superior nor inferior to anything. We have empathy for all beings; we feel how they feel, and we communicate without the use of words.
Through communion we experience intimacy with the world. We feel the presence of spirit in ourselves and in everything, and wit this shift in consciousness, we can become what we perceive. (...) We can ask the cloud to rain and the tree to bear fruit, and we can perform miracles.(...)
Next, we awaken to the seventh state of consciousness, which is unity of consciousness. This is when the spirit inside us, which is now fully awake, merges with the spirit inside objects, which are now fully awake. They become one, and there is only one spirit. We are that one spirit, and the whole universe is the manifestation of that one spirit. In unity consciousness, love radiates from our heart like light from a bonfire. Our personal self becomes the universal Self, and we see the whole universe in our being.
This is when we can really understand the Vedic expression " I am not in the world; the world is in me. I am not in the body; the body is in me. I am not in the mind; the mind is in me. Body, mind, and world happen to me as I curve back within myself and create them." " (1)
1. Deepak Chopra, Power Freedom & Grace, Amber-Allen ( 2006 ) 88-90
Monday, November 21, 2011
" Past our dualistic nature "
From Angela Peregoff's newsletter
21 - November - 2011
The time is also right for getting past your dualistic nature. What do I mean by that? Well, it is about changing perspective. You can no longer hold on to beliefs and patterns that want to keep you less than our innate spiritual nature. Begin to accept yourself unconditionally and realize that by doing so you will be able to live your life purpose instead of waiting for it to come to you. One of the most powerful things you can do right now is to embrace what appears as mysterious to you. By doing so it will no longer be mysterious, confusing, or bewildering - it will be possibility! Remember, every experience teaches something, and possibility is what this year is all about. Between now and the coming New Year you want to uncover as much as possible about your humanness in order that more of your crystalline spiritual willpower can initiate your 2012 dynamic plans.
Source :
" The energy has so to say a life of its own "
SaLuSa through MIke Quinsey
Once you have made up your mind where you are going, let no one divert you from your goal and know that you have been preparing for this period for a long time. You have come this far and should by now know exactly what you have been working towards. Your karma should to all intents and purposes almost be at an end, and in this lifetime many of you have elected to clear it away completely. Do not concern yourself if you know that there is still work to be done, as whatever remains at the time of Ascension can be covered by the Law of Grace and is not therefore carried forward. Because of karma, many relationships have suffered but please remember that once you have left this dimension you can easily come together again. You will accept that your Earth family were put in place for the outworking of the collective karma of you all, and once you drop your roles that puts an end to the matter. Families often incarnate together many times over, and as you can imagine play different roles even moving from one sex to another, and often reversing their roles. This is one reason why you should refrain from judging others, as until you return to the higher dimensions you will not have a complete picture explaining the "whys" and "wherefores" of your experiences. Be assured that of necessity you will at times have played a role as one of the dark Ones. This does not necessarily mean anything other than that you have had lives with negative attitudes.
Everything around you works perfectly in accordance with Universal Law, and of that you should be pleased. Otherwise you would experience real chaos with little possibility of escaping the consequences. The unenlightened amongst you largely believe that to be the case now, and without your faith in the future see no way out of the world problems. This is why we urge our allies to conclude their activities, so that we can arrange disclosure and move it on to contact with you. It is essential that all of those souls who have little or no understanding of who they really get help. We believe that once we have been officially recognized and invited to land on Earth, our presence will seen as friendly and our plan to raise you up as acceptable to you. Part of the preparations for it will of course involve removing the dark Ones from every position of authority, as once we commence the cleansing we want to be able to speed ahead without delays.
Isn't the dream now coming true for you, that one day peace would descend upon Earth, and war would be permanently ended. Peace has already commenced and for sometime we have kept the peace on your behalf. Not once, but many times over the last half century, we have stopped deliberate actions that were intended to start another World War. It even goes on now, but we have stepped in and prevented nuclear devices being used. There are some dark groups that flourish when wars are taking place, and for example have no qualms in supplying arms to both sides in conflict. That has been going on for quite a long time, and has proved very profitable. The dealers in death are being closed down, and their weapons and equipment will soon become defunct. There were times some thousands of years ago when you did not know any better, and the Human Race was very much inclined to see strangers as a threat to their existence. Now you are coming together, having recognized that you are All One, and that your progress would be best served by co-operation. After all, you are all ultimately going to be heading for the same goal, as you seek to return to the Source of All That Is.
Every soul by some means or another will see us very soon, and we will enlighten you where stumbling blocks prevent you from accepting the truth as will be given by us. At present you are finding it difficult to even consider that your beliefs could be called into question, yet without letting go you will be unable to move on. Do we not say that you should trust your intuition, and that advice is never going to be more important than it is now. This way your Higher Self will move you into situations that will supply the answers that you need. On top of that you do of course have your Guides and Angelic Beings, and you can turn to them if need advice. You are never alone but your Guides cannot release you from all experiences, as some are necessary for your evolution and for you to go through.
Live your talk now, as that is very important at a time when events can appear very confusing to many people. you can then help others with your knowledge and it will be particularly useful where disinformation is concerned. Sorting the truth from the lies is not for the uninformed, but it can be a powerful challenge even for the Lightworkers. The fact that the media is still very much restrained and subject to censorship does not help, but the fear of contradicting falsities is not as great as it was and more openness is taking place. Bribery and corruption are almost endemic within many countries of the world, and that will have to change very soon. These matters are all under our consideration, so that we can find ways to assist you. The media must earn the respect of the people, and this equally applies to politics that have been rife with charlatans and criminals. It must change, and change very quickly so that trust is restored.
The calls for change from you, supported by the demonstrations that are still active are on going, and the authorities cannot stop them spreading. The energy has so to say a life of its own, and is attracted to like energy which receives a boost from it. That this time should have arrived is not surprising, as you have been building up the impetus for many years. Now you are about to reap the reward of your persistence in the face of much resistance, that has been severely weakened by the incoming Light energy. Regardless of the ups and downs along the way, you were always destined to win the battle with the dark Ones so there is nothing to worry about - you are the victorious ones. In the not too distant future we shall be celebrating it together, and what a time we shall have. We do not think you have yet fully grasped what a magnificent achievement it will be, and how far reaching it will be. A lot of souls depend very much on the outcome, and they are getting ready to rejoice.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and love you all for taking on such a challenge it has taken you down, but you never gave in and bounced back, showing the power of the Light and Love.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Sunday, November 20, 2011
" effortless ease "
19- November - 2011
A few more excerpts from Deepak Chopra, on effortless ease and power, not without links with SaLusa's messages. :)
" When you are conceived, all you are is a double strand of DNA - a speck of information and intelligence that differentiates into a a hundred trillion cells, which then becomes a fully formed baby, with eyes, nose, ears, brain, arms, legs, genitals. You didn't do anything to make it happen, and yet you made it happen. It's all there in the speck, and it happens with effortless spontaneity, with effortless ease, with no resistance. (...) the intelligence of the universe is flowing through that speck of DNA, which you can't even see under a microscope. So the best thing you can do is to let it to happen. It isn't wise to interfere with it.
And how do you interfere with this intelligence ? In spiritual terms. we can say you interfere when you identify with your self-image and lose your inner self; when you lose your sense of connection with your soul, your source. In more common terms, we can say that you interfere when you start worrying, when you start thinking, What can go wrong ?. When you try to control everything , when you are afraid, when you feel isolated- all these things interfere with the flow of nature's intelligence.
Your inner self is your innate intelligence; it is Being becoming. It is your ability to create, to grow, to evolve, to express. Your self-image is the indoctrination by society, by education; it's the image you have created of yourself based what other people think of you. As soon as you sacrifice the Self for the self-image, you lose divinity for something that is illusory and doesn't exist. (1)
Anytime you feel resistance, anytime things are going wrong, anytime you feel frustration. anytime there is too much effort, then you are not connecting to the field of pure potentiality. The state of fear is the state of separation: it is resistance to what is. If you don't have resistance, then it's all spontaneous, effortless ease.
The mind, being everywhere, is non-local, and through the process of attention we localize it. So if we want something to become our life experience, then we put our attention on it. If we don't want something to become our life experience, we take our attention away from it. In fact, the whole mechanics of creation is just that : a certain quality of attention of the Self to itself. (2)
Most people get attached to concepts and notions rather than the experience of Being. This is analogous to mistaking the map for the territory. The territory is the experience of Being, and it's the reality that we want to experience. The map is just the labeling of the territory, and yet we mostly identify with the map. What we have to understand once and for all is that we are not the thought, but the one who generates the thought.
Being is the source of the thought, and it's also where fulfillment of desires comes from. What is desire ? Desire is pure potentiality seeking manifestation. But fulfillment of desire requires that first we Be, and then simply having the notion in our awareness spontaneously creates the reality. This is the mechanics of creation; it's how the universe comes into being. The universe is a field of all possibilities that interacts with its own self. Therefore, inherent in every desire is the mechanics for the spontaneous fulfillment of the desire. All that is required is attention and noninterference. (3)
When gardeners plant seeds, they don't try to make them sprout, they don't doubt that the seeds will grow into plants. Other people's opinions do not interfere with their conviction that within each seed is everything necessary to create a plant. And gardeners don't get lost in their attachment to the result; they know the result is there. So to use our power effectively when it comes to our own desires, we have to relinquish our attachment to the outcome. But this doesn't mean that we don't want the outcome. Of course we prefer the outcome to anything else, but we are not rigidly attached to it.
Attachment is a form of fear, doubt, and worry, and this constrict the flow of nature's intelligence. When we have a desire, we know what our intention is, and we just let go, trusting the universe to organize all the details for its manifestation. There's no concern about the outcome: we just release our desire from our heart, and let it through through us with the impulse of the universe. The more we detach and let go, the more spontaneously our desires are fulfilled. (4)
Every day, we normally experience three states of consciousness : waking, dreaming and sleeping. But only by spending time in silence, stillness, or meditation do we experience a fourth state of consciousness where we start to glimpse our soul. When we glimpse our soul, we become a little more intuitive. We start to feel that things are not just what they seem to be; there is something more behind the scenes.
The physical world we normally experience is a shadow of the real world. The real world, the world of spirit, exists behind a veil, and the veil is our own conditioning. In truth, we are not bound by the world of space, time, matter, and causation, but the veil prevents us from living in power, freedom and grace.
In the fourth state of consciousness, we begin to sense the deeper reality that is orchestrating the physical world, and there is a tearing of the veil that separates the physical and the spiritual realms. We have to wake up from waking consciousness to glimpse our spirit, our inner self. This is called glimpsing the soul, and it's the fourth state of consciousness. It's simply to be in touch with our soul.
This leads to the fifth state of consciousness, or cosmic consciousness, when our soulfully wakes up in waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Our body can be fast asleep, but our soul, the silent witness, is watching the body in deep sleep. Our body can be walking, and the silent witness is watching the body walk. Our body can be playing tennis, and the silent witness is watching the body play tennis. Our awareness is localized in space-time, and it's non-local, or transcendent at the same time.
(...) In cosmic consciousness, we are aware that we are not the physical body, nor are we the mind and all the roles we play. WE are the silent witness, and a sense of freedom and liberation comes out of this awareness. We are involved in our roles, and yet we are free at the same time. As we abide in cosmic consciousness and allow it to blossom, the universe plays itself through us, and the whole dance of life becomes effortless. (5) "
1. Deepak Chopra, Power Freedom & Grace, Amber-Allen (2006), 76-77
2. Ibid, 78
3. Ibid, 80
4. Ibid, 82
5. Ibid, 86-88
Friday, November 18, 2011
" Infinite possibilites "
Dear All,
with all those little events going on, and so many nice articles everywhere on the evolution of our beloved Earth,
I just thought it might be nice to have some views on time, space and events from someone who saw things in
a different light. So below are a few excerpts from wirtings Deepak Chopra on that subject, but as you will see,
it totally relates to the messages printed on this blog.
Sources are in footnotes at the end.
Best wishes to All,
" Our senses tell us that events happen within space and time. There is a past, present and future, and the world operates through linear cause-effect relationships. So every time I make a choice, I cause an effect, and that effect becomes the cause of another effect. Things have to happen one at a time. This causes a timeline to appear. (1)
That is how our senses experience the world, but in fact the world is not like that. The world is synchronistic, it's coincidental, it's happening simultaneously. Infinite possibilities coexist at the same time. Everything is happening all at once, and everything is correlated and instantly synchronized with everything else. This simultaneity can only happen through what is called infinite correlation. Infinite correlation is the ability to do an infinite number of things and correlate them with one another at the same time.
The human body is the best example of infinite correlation because it's a field of simultaneity where physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics all come together to create the experience of life. The body has a hundred trillion cells, which is more than all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Each cell us doing countless things per second, and it instantly knows what the other cells are doing and correlates its activity with all the other cells. There's no time for one cell to tell another cell. " Listen, I am going to digest food; you wait a while and don't think thoughts for now. " Our stomach cells are digesting food, while our brain cells are thinking thoughts, while our gallbladder is producing bile, while our immune system is killing germs.The cells not only do more than one thing at a time, but they all keep track of what the others are doing; otherwise there would be a great deal of confusion in our body.
At the same time as it is correlating all these activities, our body is monitoring the movement of the Earth, the moon, the planets, the stars, and the entire cosmos. Our body, our mind, our emotions - everything in our physiology is changing moment to moment, depending on the time of day, the cycles of the moon, the seasons and even the tides. (2)
To separate the body-mind from the rest of the cosmos is to misperceive things as they really are. The body-mind is part of a larger mind, it's part of the cosmos. The universe is truly a symphony of the stars. And when this body-mind is in synch with this symphony, everything is spontaneous and effortless, and the exuberance of the universe flows through us in joyful ecstasy.
The real expression of the body-mind is the field of intelligence that pervades every cell, that correlates all these activities with one another, and that does all this below the level of our conscious awareness. (3)
Time too is non-local. The fact that we can localize time is just a perceptual artifact based on the quality of our attention. This moment is at the center of eternity, but so is every other moment because eternity extends backward and forward from every other moment. There is no past or future, then or now, before or after; there is only the eternal moment. All that is experienced is experienced in the present moment-awareness - in the here and now, and nowhere else.
We tend to think that there's such a thing as time, but ask any physicist, " Is time a thing or a notion ? Does time really exist, it is just a concept to explain the experience of change in our environment ?" Time is not a thing; time is an idea.
Physicists no longer use the word time; they use the term space-time continuum, because they know that time is a relative phenomenon; it's not absolute. (4)
The human body-mind is part of a conscious, thinking field of intelligence. In every second of our existence, the local expression that we call the body-mind is exchanging energy and information with the non-local expression that we call the universe. The only thing is, we are doing it unconsciously. The average person thinks about sixty thousand thoughts a day. This is not surprising. But it's a little disconcerting that 95 percent of the thoughts we have today are the same ones we had yesterday. Everyday we unconsciously create the same energy pattern that gives rise to the same physical expression of the body. (5)
Imagine that your nervous system is the hardware, and all the chemical changes that occur in your body is the software. The software, or program, changes according to your thoughts, feelings, interpretations, and desires. BUt there is a programmer. Who is the programmer ? The programmer is the inner self, the silent witness, the ever-present awareness that witnesses everything. And when you get in touch with the silent witness, this gives you the ability to rewrite the program.
As the silent witness, you recognize you are the thinker of every thought. When you say, " I have an idea about such and such," the " I" implies a thinker, the silent witness, is in the silent gap between your thoughts. It can't be found in either the body or the mind because it's beyond both body and mind. Between every thought there is a little gap of silence, and that's where you'll find the real you. That gap is the corridor, the window, the transformational vortex through which you, the personal mind, communicate with the cosmic mind.
The silent witness is the programmer, the one who has insights, the one who makes the choices. The silent witness is the one part of you that doesn't change. If you find the part of you that doesn't change. then you'll be able to cause transformation to the part of your that does change. And you don't have to brainwash yourself about anything. You just have to have the understanding or the insight to spontaneously cause transformation in your body.
The field of pure consciousness creates, controls, and constantly becomes the body-mind. Get in touch with this field, and you have a completely new reality of the mind and a completely new experience of the body. (6)
The world is a construct of your own interpretations. (7)
1. Deepak Chopra, Power Freedom & Grace, Amber Allen (2006 ), 32
2. Ibid, 33
3. Ibid, 36
4. Ibid, 37
5. Ibid, 43
6. Ibid, 45
7. Ibid, 46
" The Divine date for Disclosure rapidly approaches "
SaLuSa through MIke Quinsey
When your focus is on the future can you feel the uplifting energy around you, if not make time for yourself to relax in quiet surroundings and you surely will. There is no need to carry the burden of the world upon your shoulders, just allow it to find its own path to completion, because that is a feature of the times you are in. You should be sufficiently confident about your destiny to believe that you are on the verge of great changes, that will put you on another path leaving the old paradigm behind. Ascension is your future should you desire to take it, and much effort goes into ensuring that all souls are in contact with the truth. Whether it becomes part of your beliefs by replacing false teachings is everyone's personal choice.
It is time to take responsibility for your future, and not rely on other people unless you can be sure that they speak the truth. That is where your intuition comes into play, and it will be reliable unless you allow your ego to dictate otherwise. Sometimes people are reluctant to give up their pet theories, and would rather live with uncertainty as their travel companion. We understand how difficult it is to admit to having been misled by those very people that you placed your trust in. However, when you decide to be your own person you will find that there is no lack of information and guidance, that will put you on the right track.
Simply put, when you look for the purpose of life, commence from the fact that there is only the One God that all life exists within. That will so to say, clear the decks where the different religions are concerned as no particular one as opposed to another, can correctly claim to be the only one holding the truth. That having been said, you have infinite life and are not your body but change your form each time you incarnate. However, your soul which is your godspark is indestructible and grows through evolutionary experience, and is forever reaching out to the higher dimensions and eventually the Source of All That Is. If you can accept that these are truthful statements, it will give you the basis to expand upon and become more enlightened.
Most people have heard of the Masters, and when they walk the Earth their teachings will enable you to check how far you have advanced in your beliefs. There will be some who will be at a point where they have no particular beliefs, and feel unready to make decisions that would change the course of their lives. They will not be coerced into anything different, but are clearly unready to move out of the 3rd. dimension. They will therefore continue to experience in that same dimension, until they choose to awaken. They must not be considered failures in anyway, as it is your choice as to how long you spend in any one particular dimension. The truth is that once you become Beings of Light, you will have a strong desire to progress to the higher dimensions.
In your ancient history you have many references to the gods that came to Earth, more often than not as "those who came from the skies". There could hardly be a more descriptive observation, and it means exactly what is says. Now that you have long been familiar with seeing our craft in your skies, you realize that it a clear reference to Space Beings. To Man some thousands of years ago we would have seemed to be gods, and that explains much that has remained a mystery for such a long time. However, not all contacts have been made out of a desire to help you, and some have taken advantage of your beliefs that they were gods. This has caused a misrepresentation of what our purpose is in contacting you, but we are pleased to say that with time the majority of you accept us Beings Of Light. With the coming high vibrations that will exist on Earth, it will be no longer be possible for entities of a lower vibration to penetrate Earth.
In the latter part of next year, the Lemurians who are your ancient Brothers and Sisters will join you from the Inner Earth, and along with other visitors you will have much to learn. Many other souls have eagerly put themselves forward, to be part of the final stages of your preparations for Ascension. There will be more than ample help for the various projects you will be called upon to assist in. Naturally it does not end with Ascension, as it is the beginning of a new era of co-operation to bring you up to the level of Galactic Beings. So the next few years will be really exciting and you will also have reached a state of being, where the changes in your physical body will have overcome the conditions that have previously led to aging.
We have told you so much about the changes for the future, but we hasten to add that not everything is going to happen in the space of the next 12 months. However, the speed at which they will come will keep you well occupied. Your consciousness levels will have been lifted by 11.11.11. and continue to rise well into the future. In that respect you will become all-knowing, and have earnt the right to be called Masters. Remember that you were once previously at those higher levels of consciousness, and lost much of it as you dropped down into duality.
Dear Ones, we of the Galactic Federation are gathered for the final days of the last cabal, who can only offer token resistance now that their power has been seriously weakened. We have always been able to traverse your skies quite safely, and the occasions that you learn of crashed craft are invariably intruders such as the Greys and their Reptilian friends. Shortly we shall feel freer to be more open in out travels around Earth, and intend that more of you should see our craft. You are entering a period of high activity both on and off Earth, The Divine date for Disclosure rapidly approaches, and the necessary arrangements for the announcement that will precede it have been drawn up.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like the idea of seeing your delight and excitement when the first of you are invited upon our ships. We can tell you all we like about ourselves and craft, but there is nothing like first hand experience to really take in the true impressions that you will be left with. Also meeting us will dispel any last doubts you might have had about us. When we talk about sending out our love, it is something you will clearly feel when you are in our presence.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
" An orderly flow of events "
SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey
Expect a lot to happen but allow for intent to ensure that the flow is orderly, so that each event compliments the last one. As many will know our allies are more active now than ever before, and having considerably weakened the Illuminati we have been able to remove many of those who stand in the way of progress. At all different levels there are people who have been used without their knowledge, but with the awakening are beginning to see how they have been manipulated. That alone is often sufficient to get them to resign, and as talk travels fast others get to learn about it. There is also a matter of rising consciousness levels, that bring some people to question the ethics of those they work for. You will begin to see more of this happening, as the thrust for more transparency and truthfulness grows.
As a result of 11.11.11. changes can also be expected in the emotional responses that you may sometimes in the past have found hard to control, as the higher consciousness levels will bring you the ability to remain calmer. It will help eliminate rash and uncontrollable reactions that often cause serious trouble. Such things will be a feature of the changes within people, and become more noticeable as time goes by. It is to be welcomed and a sign of an individuals success at integrating the higher vibrations. Most humans seem to act first and think later, when clearly the opposite is more desirable. The same thinking can also be applied to groups who act with the herd instinct, without any thought as to what they are doing.
The problems in Europe are the top of our agenda, and the outcome will result in the first major change that has been predicted. It will clear the way for others that are almost ready to go ahead, and relies on our allies completing their groundwork. Believe us Dear Ones these will be no mean achievements when they are finally completed, and show the Illuminati whose is in command. They already know that we have the ability and the divine authority to remove them, and there is no escape from the responsibility for the crimes they have committed. When they accept their situation we expect them to capitulate and stand down. However, we feel that they are sufficiently naive to believe they can fool us, but there is no hiding place as we will always know exactly where they are to be found.
So there is in reality nothing to fear or worry about as we have control over all matters, and at present simply wait for our opportunity to register our first success. We expect that to be in the area of financial changes and that would not in the least be unexpected, given the state that most countries are in. We must however first allow certain events to play themselves out, as the people must see how the last cabal has created an impossible situation for themselves. It is also necessary for them to understand that it was staged and meant to have a different outcome that benefitted them.
There is not much more to say about the present events, and like you we await the commencement of changes that are obviously signs that the end times are really underway. To the uninformed it would appear that chaos reigns, and it is unfortunate that it brings with a degree of fear. That is what we wish to avoid if possible, as that energy feeds the dark Ones and they will play upon it. However, as we have often pointed out recently, the Light is now the supreme force and it will continue transmuting the lower energies. Even those of military thinking are beginning to feel different about the war games that have all but destroyed your Earth. Some of them are siding with us now and we can tell whether their change of heart is genuine or not. We cannot be fooled or lied to as we absolutely know what a person is thinking regardless of what they say.
Speaking the truth is something you will have to get used to, and you will find that once in the higher vibrations there is no point in hiding your true thoughts or feelings. You often do so for fear of being ridiculed or harshly judged, and you feel uncomfortable. That will not happen, and indeed why should it once you are bonded together in Love and Light. Criticism is rife upon Earth, and we note that some people delight in pulling others down. That Dear Ones is usually due to egotism where one desires to be seen as better than another. Competition is something you enjoy and it has its benefit in character building, but not at the expense of others. In time competition will not take place in the way you understand it and will be unnecessary, but games will be played for pure entertainment and relaxation only. Some sports you play would be described as barbaric by us, and those of a physical nature that could lead to harm not encouraged. You will find that with time, you too will be less inclined to participate in physical sports.
In the higher dimensions there are unlimited opportunities for exciting adventures, and no limit to self expression in your chosen pastimes. As one who has ascended your interests in life will change anyway, and be more inclined towards those subjects that further your evolution. Just imagine the variety of interests in just one Universe, let alone parallel Universes or Omni -verses, with their multitude of civilizations and Beings that you have yet to learn about. For the immediate future you will meet the more human Beings from your Universe, but once you get used to the idea that all forms of intelligent life exist, you will also meet them. Remember at all times that all life comes from the Source of All That Is.
Now you know why we tell you that you have so much to look forward to, as you will be like excited young children in a toyshop running first one way and then the other. By then you will have achieved a higher level of spiritual understanding, and be set free from the constraints of being a human upon Earth. When you feel down, just think about the time ahead which will only take you one way, and that is forward and upwards.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and once again pleased to keep you informed as to what is happening around you. The Galactic Federation is focused upon you and your beautiful Earth to ensure your dreams come true.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Monday, November 14, 2011
" paths are marvels of divine planning "
Saul through John Smallman
13- November - 2011
The time of waiting is almost over. You have struggled long and hard to reach the moment when you will awaken, and I assure you that you will not be disappointed. Continue to focus on maintaining loving attitudes at all times as this enables you to behave appropriately in every situation, which in turn strengthens your intent and your ability to do so.
It is, in fact, an allowing of the true Self that you really are to shine through your physical form, bringing and sharing peace and love to all your relationships, and helping others to acknowledge their true Selves in the safety of your loving and accepting energy field.
You – all of humanity – are enormously powerful, divine creations who have hidden from that aspect of yourselves by burying yourselves in the illusion, which you have mistaken for reality. The moment when that mistake will be corrected is fast approaching as you work on demonstrating the effectiveness of loving and accepting attitudes in your daily lives.
Many of you have suffered greatly over the eons and now, in just a few short years, you are releasing the multitude of defensive barriers that you constructed in rather vain attempts to protect yourselves from the dangers and suffering that always seemed to threaten you.
As you continue this process of release it is a little as though you had lived enclosed in a house with extremely dirty windows, and relied on just one or two candles to enable you to see anything. Now you have started to clean the windows, allowing the daylight to pour in unrestrictedly, and what you can see as a result amazes you.
You are surrounded by the most beautiful selection of priceless treasures – love, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, understanding, light, and peace – leading you to permanently discard what you had valued inordinately until you started cleaning your windows, namely: darkness, fear, anger, skepticism, and distrust. The sense of freedom you experience as you go through this process is uplifting and inspiring, and to see everything in the brilliant light of day exhilarates you.
This process of release, acceptance, and clarification will lead you inevitably towards your awakening, as you become increasingly aware of the power of Love which is at the core of your being, and which will strengthen and intensify as you release and discard attitudes, beliefs, and habits of behavior that no longer serve you.
Truly the paths you are each following towards your awakening are marvels of divine planning, and each of you were intensely involved in their creation because they needed to be precisely tailored to your individual requirements. Remind yourselves of this frequently: “The path that I am following was created just for me and no one else, and is absolutely perfect. All that I need do is accept it wholeheartedly, and ask for guidance to understand and learn the lessons that it provides.”
Acceptance of where you are is the key. If you rail against the situations in which you find yourselves you will not see, let alone understand or learn, the lessons offered to you, and which you decided with divine guidance to incorporate into your life paths. Frequently, you will find them confusing and unsettling, but if you will accept them and observe how they make you feel, it will become apparent why you chose them. And always ask your spiritual guides for assistance in understanding them; that is why they are always with you, desiring only to help you to learn them quickly and easily, so that you can return Home to the glory that awaits you.
With so very much love, Saul.
Source :
" Their day is all but finished "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
The big Love Wave has peaked and that is not the end as it continues to lift the vibrations upon Earth. From hereon the levels of consciousness will noticeably rise, with individuals experiencing it in there own way. The whole affect is to bring more harmony and balance into being, thus lessening the need for changes of a catastrophic nature. You cannot help but have noticed that in spite of dire predictions of a physical nature, they have not been as far reaching or serious as you have been led to believe. We are responsible for keeping the outcome to a level that does not have serious results.
Our activities never cease, and we are involved in a constant monitoring of many occurrences whether natural or man-made. Mother Earth will however need to push on with her own cleansing, but again we are involved to ensure that all goes as smoothly as possible. We would stress that the souls who find themselves in what prove to be dangerous areas, are where they planned to be as part of their life contract. Often these situations are a means to an end, so that they may exit the Earth before the end time comes. We know it is hard to understand the thinking in such circumstances, but moving out of your body and passing on from Earth is little more than falling asleep. Clearly we know that where illness or accidental death are concerned, there can be pain before the end. However. immediately you are out of the body you are released from it, and any emotional affect is quickly overcome. You will feel free and elated as you will have thrown off the yoke of the physical body, and the burden of carrying it around with you.
When you reach our stage as you eventually will, the body is much less physical and not subject to the ills and other problems you experience that you have now. It does not age or need the degree of attention that your present one demands, even to the point that it absorbs energy rather than your need to feed it. However, we do enjoy what you would call delicacies and juices that are extremely tasty and satisfying. Your path will soon take you towards natural foods, and chemical additives will be a thing of the past. In fact they will be unnecessary, as when foods are grown in the correct environment you will find that they are far more tasty and nutritious. Yes, you have heard of food replicators and you could view them as an interim measure, until your needs are properly provided for.
We find you are slowly getting used to the idea of change, and ready to set your life on a higher level. Much of what you enjoy now is in many ways harmful, and why you suffer so much illness and discomfort. Strictly speaking, even now you should be able to go through life and maintain a healthy body at all times. It has been entirely your choice but you also have to experience the consequences of them. We must however admit that your dark Ones have followed a plan to keep you in an unhealthy state, through adulterated food and waters. Plus the immense degree of drug use, with the attempted elimination of natural healing methods. You have in fact coped quite well in the circumstances, and proved that you have immense willpower and wonderfully adaptable bodies. Much valuable information has been obtained this way, so your experiences are not wasted.
As you are beginning to realize, the changes ahead are numerous but all to your advantage by taking you into a new level of existence. But for the fact your progress has been held back, you would by now already be enjoying many of the benefits and life would be so much easier to deal with. The dark Ones have effectively kept you in a 3D time warp, whilst secretly using and enjoying them for their own advancement and military purposes. By doing so they have made you continue to toil and work hard for what is often a meager existence. Now you know why it is so necessary to rid the Earth of the dark Ones power and influence. Their day is all but finished, and you will not have much longer to wait before you see proof of what we tell you.
Knowing what awaits you should enable you to handle the present period of chaos, by seeing it as a necessary and unavoidable time of discomfort that must precede the New Age. Fear is as ever the biggest stumbling block to a smooth transition, and this is where those of you who are informed and aware of what is happening can be of great help. There are bound to be questions asked and few in authority will have the right answers, but you will. Without imposing your knowledge on other people, try to guide them onto the right path of understanding. A few words here and there can set off a line of thought that will lead people on to the right track. Understand that most souls already hold the answers within their subconsciousness, and just need waking up to it.
In the seeming turmoil around the world people recognize the urgent need for change, and when the right leadership emerges they will have no difficulty getting support. Our input should ensure that all proceeds well as at some stage disclosure will have been made, enabling us to help and advise the newly emerging government personnel. We oversee such appointments, as we obviously have the means to know all that needs to be known about any individual. Most importantly, we know the spiritual level at which people operate and their true intent in what they are engaged in. In doing so we observe the privacy necessary to avoid delving into your private life.
Dear Ones, you are wonderfully loyal to those you respect and we are pleased that many still hold President Obama in high regard. That is in spite of continual attempts by the dark Ones or those who do not understand his position, to show him in a bad light. Be aware that he is a great Being of Light, who is having to play a role that requires him to "play" along with the dictates of those who advise him. He has achieved a degree of success even although he has faced opposition all along. He needs your continued support and love, and you will see him blossom and take charge once he can fully implement his own policies without interference.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and bless you again for standing solidly against the attempts to divert your attention away from your path to Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
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Friday, November 11, 2011
" meaning and affects of 11.11.11 "
Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon
and Steve Beckow.
Archangel Michael explains to us our role in this exciting energy of the 11-11-11
I would like to personally thank Steve Beckow for sharing this channeling so widely – it isn’t all that often that folks share a “personal” channel but this one has such universal import…
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael.
SB: Greetings, Lord. Thank you for coming.
AAM: Welcome, my friend.
SB: Thank you.
AAM: Well, it is an exciting time above and below. And I would suggest even within and without! Yes, we have very different forms, do we not? But still, it would appear that the human collective is going forward at light speed; in fact, they are going forward at the speed of love. And in all realms and all realities that is very exciting.
Yes, there are some that are rushing to the door, and as they are rushing to the door they are making a very rapid U-turn, slipping and sliding for some. So we see it as humorous as well. For there is no requirement to go through at a certain time, on a certain day, in a certain moment. Yes, there is a predisposition and an earlier agreement in terms of an individual’s soul contract. But it is not a requirement on our part. We do not have that type of arrangement.
We know that there is a great deal that you would like to talk about today.
SB: I’m glad you knew that ahead of time, Lord! Yes. How should we handle it? Perhaps the best thing to do would be to start with your message to the people who will be listening to this or reading this. What we can expect on November 11th, what changes may happen to us, how best to orient towards the day?
AAM: These are instructions, yes, particularly for November 11, 2011, but they are also instructions that you can carry forward during this entire process. So I say to you, welcome, my beloved friends. Welcome, friends and hybrids of Earth! Angels and ETs, human beings, gatekeepers – all of you are gathered for this momentous occasion!
As you know, this portal of 11-11-11 – yes, of course it is an energetic portal, it is an opening throughout the Universe — but it is also a very important portal for the human collective. Now, we have spoken to you before about how Gaia is already well underway in her process. She is spinning faster and faster into the new dimensional reality that she wishes to inhabit. And the kingdoms, that you think of as kingdoms – the devas, the animals, the trees, the rocks – they are all pretty much aligned as well, and they have also anchored with Gaia.
Message to Early Ascenders Who Will Return as Gatekeepers
So what does that leave us? It leaves us these bright souls, the human race. And this is particularly an opening for the human collective to receive, to enter into, to become an anchor in the truth of what they have always been – and that is love. That is the fabric, it is the essence, it is the microcosm of their being.
They enter into a reality above, far beyond. You cannot think of dimensional shift as simply going through one doorway to another. What you are doing is you are shifting the reality that you choose to inhabit, that is available and open to you. And so this doorway is open for those who choose to go through it in love, and in a knowing – not a thinking, but a knowing – of their wholeness. This is a time of completion for this entire system.
And it is a system that requires, in order for this to take place, there is need for balance, internal and external. And that is why we are teasing and saying that there are some that are rushing towards the doorway and making a rapid U-turn, simply because they have realized that they have not reached the balance internally and externally. They may have well done the work internally, and when we say internally we mean all the bodies – the spiritual self, the integrated self that we have spoken with you about before. But also there is a need to find the balance and the letting-go of the external reality of the Third Dimension.
Now, there are many – and yes, I speak to those of you who feel the shadow of doubt in your heart. Do not doubt yourself. Do not judge yourself. Burn my blue flame of truth higher. Because there are those who have doubt about letting go of what you think of as the Third Dimension, or reality. You are not letting go of the beauty of Gaia. You are not letting go of the beauty of a sunrise, albeit it may look differently. You are not letting go of what you cherish. You are letting go of what you have been kicking and screaming about, the duality and the polarity, the outmoded belief systems. So you are leaving old Earth behind.
My beloved friends, let us be very clear. You are not abandoning anything. You are not abandoning Gaia. You are not abandoning your community, your family, your friends. Quite the contrary: you are assisting in helping to raise the vibration. As you go through this portal, this doorway, this shift, you are literally lightening the load. And yes, you can act as a gatekeeper. For some of you, that will be your role. Or you may send energy back to those who have need of it, in this period of transition. But it is important for you to realize that you are the Wayshowers, and that you are lightening the load. You are supporting Gaia in this journey. You are accompanying her.
So, as you do this, it is very important in your meditations – and we understand that some of you will be solitary, but many of you will gather in groups. It matters not. There are some essential ingredients that we wish for you to pay attention to. And that is, first and foremost, anchor in your heart, deeper than you thought was possible. Feel all the cords. (1) I will be with you cutting them very rapidly. And what you have to do is simply say, yes, “Yes, yes, yes.” All the cords to old Earth, including your idea, some belief systems you may have had about your old self – let that all go. It will feel like you are going through a shower, a light shower.
Anchor firmly. Drop your cord deep into the heart of Gaia. After we have cut the cords, anchor. You do not wish to do this Ascension process not anchored to her, for you will be spinning off into space. That is not the intention of this process. When you feel fully connected, nurtured, with Gaia, then allow yourself to go up the sacred spiral to the place of unity, of One, to the heart of all.
Do not question whether you are able to do this. This is not a mental process. And if you falter at any moment, turn to us, because we are all in attendance. Yes, all of us. So then, anchor in the heart of One, then simply feel yourself as if you are drifting down the sacred spiral, staying within, into the Fifth. So, anchor, ascend, drift back. Do not come back to Three. (2) It is over and done with.
What will be different? We have suggested that you will feel a sense of disconnection (and we want you to; that is your – what is your expression? – high five that you have arrived); that you will feel that there is a different sensation in what you think of as your five senses, that you are hearing, seeing, perceiving differently. Do not try to immediately navigate your new reality. Allow yourself to anchor knowing that Gaia is grounding you and has chosen to give this gift to you as you are giving it to her.
Allow yourself to anchor and to feel – well, we would say a sense of solidity underneath your feet, even though if you allow yourself to look you will see things differently. You can give it solid form if you wish, but you will also see the molecular, subatomic patterning of whatever it is you’re looking at. And what else is you will begin to see quite clearly – not in an overwhelming sense of a way, because we are being very careful with this attunement, but – you will begin to see many of us.
No, it is not your imagination, dear friends. We have always been here. And we have told you for a long time that even in the Third Reality the veil had been eliminated, but in the Fifth it was never even invented. It was never constructed. So there will be a sense of greater vision. You will look at things – whether it is nature, birds, animals, tables – and you will simply perceive them differently. And you will perceive the life force, the sacredness, not only in your fellow human beings, yes, who will arrive with you. You are not being sent on a solitary journey. So there will be a difference in perception. The greatest gift is clarity, and it is the clarity not only of the integrated heart, but the integrated being, the deepening of connection to all.
So when you are looking at things, they will look differently. You will say, I never noticed that tree, or that mountain, that way. But the biggest shift, my dear hearts, is how you will feel. You will feel that you have enough energy to climb Olympus. You will feel that much of your aches and pains that you may have carried with you in the Third are simply dissipating. You will forget them.
Now, you are not forgetting what you have left behind. And for you who are the Wayshowers, amongst the first, it is important, because even if you are not a Gatekeeper, you are holding the energy for so many. You are not participating any longer in the energy of the Third Dimension. That is over and done with. But that does not mean that you are not aware of what is transpiring. But your sense of involvement, and certainly emotional involvement, it simply will not be there. And it is not intended to be there. It is not what you – it is not part of that dimension or that experience. It cannot be.
So it is a letting go, but it is also a remembering, or a vision, and a holding of the higher truth of what is being accomplished. And when you are holding that energy, energetically you are beckoning to millions. Yes, each one of you. Is it a big job? Yes. Is it an adventure? Yes. Is it doable? Beyond any shadow of a doubt.
So let that doubt be given to me. As you go to sleep tonight, let us begin this process of cutting cords and letting go. (3) Stay in the love. Stay in the truth of who you are. Not only my legions, but all legions of light will join you. Throughout all Universes this has impact and influence, and effect – what you think of as effect. For you are very conscious of this “cause and effect.” (4)
Do not allow yourself to panic. There is an adjustment that takes a few days, but it is not unpleasant, it is simply like moving to a new place. So allow it to take place, knowing that all help is available to you.
It has already begun. And it began long ago. It would be unfortunate if you had prepared and prepared and prepared for this journey, this party, and then at the last moment said, “Oh, I don’t want to go. I can’t go.” Of course you can! And I will hold the door open for you, as will Yeshua, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Shiva. We will all be there. Come and join us.
Message to Starseeds and Lightworkers Whose Service Contract Requires Them to Remain
SB: Lord, so far you’ve been addressing people who will ascend. What would you say to people who will simply benefit from the energy? Can you tell them what they might expect tomorrow.
AAM: It is absolutely an energy opening of the ability for you in human form, even if you are anchored very firmly in the Third – or the Fourth, for some – to anchor into a bigger, a grander, a broader, more expansive feeling, not only of love, but particularly the opening is for co-creation. So think of this as a triad of love, co-creation and balance. And of course they are all equal and they are all interdependent.
So if you are staying put, as it were, you will still feel a shift inside of you, energetically, and yes, a lightness of being, an incredible lightness of being. Do not forget – we have talked to this channel a great deal about this, but we will repeat it – you began 11-11 years ago. And then you came into the period that you have thought of as 12-12. What you forgot is that you have still been in that phase of 12-12, and that you are coming to the end of it.
And that has been a period of expansion and of anchoring balance and higher frequencies. And we know that there have been times when the frequencies have been of such a strong nature that the balance has been difficult at times to hold. And yet you have done stellar work, and you have persisted through some very, very rough seas.
If you are staying, what you are going to begin to see and to witness – because do not forget, this is Gaia transcending – so you are going to start to see greater openings, greater freedom, yes, the destruction and the elimination of many old systems – but that is already underway. So the sense will not be of a pulling down, of the destruction element, so much as the uplifting and the creation and co-creation of the new.
And we suggest to you that it is going to happen more and more rapidly. Many of you also who are staying in the Third Dimension have asked me – many of you have asked me – about Earth changes. And we want to assure you that as Gaia transcends, that the need for Earth changes is diminishing, not increasing. So the more that she is feeling supported and accompanied – and it is vitally important for those who are staying also to be firmly anchored in her heart, and in the heart of One, so that you are not swayed by what you are seeing as change, very rapid change.
Your vision is also beginning to be altered, so it will not be like a flash in the eye – but you will notice that you are perceiving things differently, that you are already perceiving things differently. But get ready, my dear hearts, it is changing more rapidly, for those of you who choose to stay and accompany the collective in this journey.
Those of you who stay are doing so out of your love, not only for Gaia, but for humanity. You are doing so to help, to reawaken the collective, so that as many as possible are coming, are ascending, are shifting. For the door is open and the welcome mat is out. Yes, I am sorry, my friend, I interrupted you.
SB: Oh, no, that’s fine. You are the source of information. The people who’ve elected to stay, Lightworkers and Starseeds who will be assisting others, what will their experience be through tomorrow? What will they notice inside themselves, and how should they respond?
It will feel – it is very possible, and we do not wish to program anything – but we would ask and encourage all Starseeds, all Lightholders, all Lightworkers, actually, all beings, to take time for prayer and meditation tomorrow so that that portal for them within is also wide open. They may well feel, in addition to the broader results of what is going on, a slight pressure in your heart and solar plexus, a little feeling of anxiety, that the humans sometimes have when you feel like something is going on, or I’m about to do something, but I’m not quite sure what it is. It’s like precognition.
So do not think that you are collectively having heart attacks, indigestion, or anything else. It is simply a physical reaction to the expansion that you are feeling. But there will also be a greater sense of spaciousness within your physical body. You tend to think of yourself in certain ways: “Oh, I am five eleven and weigh one-seventy, and I am this size.” And then you define that and you literally contain that. The sense you will have is that you are taking up more, and you have more space; that somehow you grew. And of course it is simply a shifting awareness of the magnitude of your field. But that is a very definite shift for most of you.
Heightened sensitivity and some of you will say, “Oh, no, I already feel like I am being bombarded. Please, Lord, do not do this to us.” I am sorry, this will be part of the gift. It is heightened sensitivity, both in terms of your physical senses, but also in terms of your ultimate sense, your sense of connection, your sense of awareness, your sense of interconnectedness.
So you will find yourself being more aware, not only of what you think, feel, taste, but what others think, feel, experience. And it will just be a knowing, a very deep knowing. And it is from this extended sense of connection that the magnitude of changes, the rapidity of changes, can truly begin to take place.
When there is that greater sense – and that will continue to expand throughout the upcoming year – in that sense of connection, both practical and what you can think of as etheric or spiritual, that sense of community coming together in a unified thought or understanding will grow. So that sense of “us and them,” “him or I,” will be eliminated. It does not disturb or take away from your unique, beautiful self at all. But when you open your eyes, following your sacred practice, you will feel that sense of spacious connection.
SB: And when can we start to enter into our sacred practice? Will these changes begin at midnight?
AAM: It’s already started. But yes, we will really start – it will be around eleven o’clock tonight, wherever you live.
SB: All right. Okay.
AAM: It is a good night to sleep. Let go. Let us do the clearing of the cords. It is not just those who are leaving that need the cords cleared. It is everybody. So we invite everybody to participate in this.
SB: All right, Lord. Is there any way that you can give us a sense of how many people may be expected to ascend over the 11-11-11 period?
AAM: It will not be huge. It will be about a million.
SB: All right. A million. And most of them, I would expect, would have completed their relationships, so how would we know that someone may have ascended? I don’t mean if we know them personally, but if we don’t know them personally, is there any way we can discover that they’ve ascended, or do we just have to be satisfied with not knowing?
AAM: Yes, you will have to be mostly satisfied [with not knowing]. Although there will be many reports of: “Do you remember so and so? He doesn’t seem to be around anymore. Do you know where he went?” But we do not want to create what you would think of as a public furor. And the reason being is that this is about the elimination of fear. We do not want stories of abduction –
SB: Right.
AAM: – floating through the media.
SB: Um-hmm. All right, so we’ll have to be –
AAM: You will know –
SB: – circumspect….
AAM: Yes. And in many cases your friends that have shifted will, through people like Linda or simply through dream state or meditative state, will say, “Hello. I made it.”
SB: Um-hmm. [chuckle]
SD: Because it is important. This is not about dying. This is not about death – quite the contrary. This is about life and still continuing on. Yes, in different form. But nevertheless, continuing on.
You know, long ago, when St. Germaine travelled to America (5) – or many of the voyagers for that matter, but I simply have a very close relationship with this dear friend – there were many who thought, well, they must have simply died or fallen off the edge of the Earth, for they never came back. (6) And of course for years they were thought dead. And so they were dead. But they were not dead at all. They were just having a different adventure. So think of it as going to a different continent.
SB: So much that’s going to be new.
AAM: And the biggest part of that is do not take the rules, the ideas, the belief systems of the Third Dimension and attempt in any way, shape or form to apply them elsewhere. It will not work.
SB: Um-hmm. That’s very clear. Well, Lord, I think I may end the public part of the tape here.
[Goodbyes were said later.]
(1) By cords, Archangel Michael means anything that binds us to Third-Dimensional reality – the attachments we have to it and the unfinished business that may cause resistance to Ascension.
(2) That is, do not instantly leave Fifth again for Third as if Third is your default. Fifth is not your default, though many may choose to return to Third later to serve as a Gatekeeper.
(3) This would appear to indicate that Ascension will begin or transpire after people go to bed for the night.
(4) The Law of Karma is said to be the Law of Cause and Effect.
(5) A possible reference to St. Germaine’s stay at the Continental Congress where he was known as “the Professor.” See “St. Germain Addresses the Continental Congress,” Oct. 22, 2011, at
(6) If I recall correctly, St. Germaine up till that time had been at the Court of Louis XVI of France.
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