Sunday, April 28, 2013

" shifting and recalibrating "

Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff

 28 - April - 2013

 Beloved Ones, As a new day dawns on the horizon, more is asked of you when all you want to do is rest and relax. Be good to yourselves, take a deep breath and hold to the vision of a better world as you stand in proxy for humanity. All is in the process of shifting and recalibrating. There is a collective sigh as the density builds in the atmosphere ready to be transmuted into a higher vibration. Let all that distracts fade away as you maintain the certainty that inside each human heart is a wellspring of goodness and innocence that is uniting into a power that is greater than can be told; it is something that can only be experienced.

 As this certainty is maintained in a holding pattern, mighty but elusive changes are occurring within every system in every aspect of life on Earth. These are the grass roots movements to establish a new paradigm based on Universal law and truth. All that has held power over the unawakened souls in every corner of the world is being gently dissolved and dissipated. Sometimes each heart bleeds at the injustices that are brought to light, sometimes the inner warrior comes stridently to the forefront. In each instance, those of you who have been taking a stand for the truth in your corner of the world are being uplifted and supported as you daily labor.

 Every day the human soul is confronted with even more revelations that test your limits of forbearance. Take heart, Dear Ones, and know that you are the change agents, the mighty forces of love who stand together with opening hearts to increase the light quotient of your planet in order to raise the level of consciousness to move above former understandings and perceptions. There is a choice before every human soul, a crossroads if you will; which path to follow – one that is steep and leads directly to the Creator, where the soul holds the weight of the world upon its collective shoulders, or, the one that spirals around the mountain as the souls upon it experience lesser levels of density but which ultimately bring them into wholeness.

 Every thought, word, emotion and deed is now being magnified into a cohesive field that emanates from each individual as they move about their daily life. As one chooses the steep path and lonely climb, one is finding themselves able to withstand the onslaught of Earthly temptations that rise before them. So many of these fall away as the incorruptible ones steadily maintain their vision, making way for the new ones who are now rising up to take up the torch as world change agent. Holding on another hour, another day, another week – step by determined step, they keep to their chosen path, and miraculously the way before them is cleared. Clues and signposts point the way as nature conspires to gift them with more clarity and understanding.

 Seek first the kingdom of the Creator within you, all else will follow. First and foremost, let your Light remain pure, authentic and unsullied as the temptations of the old world rise to acute levels before you. You have passed this way before and so you now adroitly step around and above them. Your inner crystalline core shines brightly within you. Those who choose the spiraling path eventually arrive to their destination also. All move into Oneness.

 I AM Hilarion

Thank you Hilarion,
Marlene Swetlishoff

 ©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Source :

Sunday, April 21, 2013

" Earth allies. Healing. Charity is a celebration... "

St Francis through Linda Dillon

Heavenly Blessings: St Francis on the Divine Quality of Charity

16 - April - 2013

  Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and myself, Suzanne Maresca, sitting in for Graham Dewyea. It’s awesome to be here with you this morning while our guest is St Francis to discuss the quality of Charity. The Council of Love defines Charity as “The genuine ability to share all things, material, spiritual, and emotional. Based on the true understanding that there is enough for all to thrive and we are all richer in the joint expression of sharing. A heart-felt need to be generous. Knowing knowledge and gifts are never intended solely for one person.” This week we will continue on the fly taking callers by area code and when we’re ready to do that I will say your area code and bring you on the air. I’m excited to be speaking with St Francis this morning and I’m just feeling so fortunate to be able to. Well Linda, good morning.

 Linda Dillon: Hi there Suzanne, welcome and welcome everybody listening in or who will be listening in. Yeah, I think this is going to be a wonderful show. Charity is something I think that really needs to be highlighted, that we can all benefit from a deeper understanding of this Blessing and Virtue because somewhere along the way I think Charity got lost, or misunderstood, or minimized. So it’s really great to have time to spend together and with St Francis to really bring it back to the front and center of our consciousness.

 SM: Yeah, I agree, it’s completely needed and in sharing what we have and what’s available to us we invite flow to happen and flow is a vital component of abundance. And even those who haven’t got material things to share, the intention for everyone to prosper and thrive together is a sharing well beyond a gathering of assets.

 LD: Oh, I so agree, in fact as I was sitting here and I was thinking about that very thing and re-reading, you know, these Blessings and Virtues have all been channeled, as you well know, but the fact that we tend to think of Charity in terms of money, we tend to think of it ‘well I gave my $2.50, or whatever, a week to the United Way’ or we have our favorite charities and we think of Charity very often in terms of money. And yet, it is so much bigger than that. And my small self was thinking ‘I think that some of the stingiest people on the planet’ – and this is a personal opinion obviously, that I’m sharing…oh my god…on air – ‘are people who won’t share their feelings’.

 SM: Oh…interesting…

 LD: Yeah! …their emotions and you know that is such a part of who we are and how we progress and how we open and thrive and we’ve all had that experience where somebody’s going through something, either really blissful or really difficult, and we say “What’s going on?” Nothing! or “How are you feeling?” Fine! It’s like it is such a slap in the face.

 SM: It’s difficult and I have to say at this point, and I’ll probably get in trouble for this, for making it a gender issue, but, in our society men have been conditioned not to share their feelings which is a great frustration for the women.

 LD: Exactly. Yeah, and that’s true and I think that’s part of the Shift as well is that each of us realizing, and particularly in our masculine self, whether it’s being a guy or a woman, is that so often we are under the impression that being strong and silent is somehow really strong, that it’s a strength, that it’s valor, that it’s courage, it’s stamina. And in fact, if we opened a little and shared a little and allowed that flow and exchange that we would get rid of the issue, the illusion, the belief system, what Steve Beckow would call a vasana, so much more quickly.

 Because there is nothing better than feeling that you’re supported, that somebody hears you or really feels what you’re communicating. And it’s not a matter of giving it away, it’s not a matter of not being responsible for who you are, but it just, it feels better. And I think that the male portion of the population is really coming to realize that and certainly with a little help from their friends, both on the female side and the other side, as it were.

 SM: Well, I mean, I have to say that I feel for men at this point because it’s kind of running the balance between, you know, I don’t think any woman wants her man to be, you know, crumbling and into a puddle and all that sort of thing. In some ways it’s a tough balance to walk and between being sensitive and expressive and at the same time, you know, an anchor and you know, really strong in a relationship, not that a woman can’t be incredibly strong in a relationship but I think that there’s, in any relationship, it’s like with two people sometimes one person can be really strong while the other sort of falls apart, when both are falling apart at the same time that would be a problem, but umm, hopefully it usually doesn’t usually work that way.

 LD: No, I don’t think it does, well I think sometimes it does, obviously, but I think by and large, and you know just even historically, I’m at that age where I tend to call myself a “new age hippie” but that ‘hippie’ part of me, that part of me that is a very ardent feminist and went through the corporate ladder and because I had a lot of illnesses you learn that you’re supposed to be strong and that part of that pendulum, I think for us as well, as women, as it’s coming back and we are so anchoring the Divine Feminine and those energies. And what it really means is it’s allowing us to nurture ourselves as well as others. And sometimes the strength is in admitting, you know, ‘I’m lying on the floor bleeding, could you please help me?’

 SM: Yeah, yeah, exactly. And you know it comes down to fear and survival issues like if we show somebody that we’re kind of like cats, you know. Cats do that and they know that if they’re out there in the wild and they show some kind of weakness, they are likely to become dead meat so, all these old survival things that kind of live in our bones, I think these are the kind of things we need to let go of cause…umm…and it’s difficult to let go of them when we still see chaos in the world around us but once again it comes down to trust and faith and knowing that the time is here to do that and that it’s really okay.

 LD: And I think the same goes for the Charity aspect of our spirituality, as well. And of course I think that this show and the privilege to be on this show with you is part of that sharing of our spiritual journey, that sometimes it’s not been permitted or welcomed in our society to really talk about our spiritual journey or we have a hesitance to really admit spiritually what’s going on, not only in terms of the dark night of the soul, but also when we are in that place of such incredible excitement and expansion and really cool things are happening and we’re learning more to share that and of course as Lightworkers, Love-bearers, that’s part of our job. Yes we share through our expanded field, we also share through chatting, when people say to you “What’s going on with you? What’s new?”

 SM: Yeah, it’s true, I agree and the whole, you know, spiritual expansion thing, I would say that sometimes it’s a little bit unnoticeable in the whole…you remember when The Secret first came out, that was quite a while ago and it was really delightful that it was getting out into mainstream media, that we could create our experiences and draw things to ourselves…wow I can’t believe I forgot what I was talking about…amazing, right on air…okay…

 LD: That’s okay because it was the same when you know, there has been media coverage, like the Oprah when she did that whole Tolle course and it’s the same idea that it’s okay to open and talk about what’s happening with you spiritually and spiritually being not just…well what we have thought of traditionally as religion, not that religion or traditions are excluded, but that you can be having enormous and expansive spiritual experiences and never have set foot in a church or a mosque or a temple…

 SM: That’s true…well I remember my point, I’m so happy to say, umm in the beginning of doing the things, having to do with The Secret I was all about gathering things to myself, you know, things that would help my own life and all that sort of thing and while it’s true that we do need to see to our own needs first, it wasn’t long before, in my daily meditations, I started shifting from, you know, the things that I want for my own life to just knowing that when I allow the energy to come through me for the benefit of all concerned, All That Is, for everyone in the collective, my needs will be taken care of. I don’t need to start powering in what I want for myself; I can put that out there and forget about it and know that in service it’s just going to come to me…so doing the collective work is one of the most powerful ways that we can help ourselves which is sharing our spirituality and even in the invisible ways of, you know, not putting up a shingle and saying ‘I am a healer’ but just doing the work every day, the Light energy work and that’s just as much Charity as giving your money to somebody.

 LD: Oh, it sure is, in fact, in some ways it’s even, I think, more potent because you’re doing it in a quiet, anonymous way…

 SM: Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh…

 LD: …you’re not waving the flag that ‘I’m generous’, you’re just doing your work. So yeah, I agree. 

SM: So what do you think? Is it time for one of your beautiful meditations that I always appreciate? 

LD: I think that’s a great idea and I thought, as we started, that the color of Charity is green but I also thought we’d do a little extra today and just send some generous energy and sharing spiritual, mental, emotional support to everybody who’s been involved or effected by the incident, let’s put it that way, in Boston.

 SM: Great idea. Beautiful.

 LD: So, it’s one of the ways which we can come together in community, not to buy into drama, not to analyze or suppose what’s going on, but simply to send support.

 SM: Yeah, I agree. Beautiful. Thank you.

 LD: Oh, my pleasure, ma’am. So let’s begin by just relaxing and feel yourself letting go of the day, letting go of the week that lies ahead and expressing some gratitude and charity to your sweet self for taking this time to receive and be, to give and be. So feel yourself getting heavier in your chair, in your car seat, or your bed, on the floor, wherever you are and make sure that you’re comfortable because part of the way that we do meditation together isn’t in assuming certain positions or poses but making sure that your body is comfortable and not getting in the way, not distracting you.

 So let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of beautiful green in through your nose as if it’s filling the entire cavity of your head, out through your mouth and as you’re exhaling you’re letting go of debris, of stress, of sadness, of fear, of distress, and you’re sinking deeper into your heart chakra, which is this wonderful emerald green. But the green that we’re breathing this morning is this wonderful, fresh green, the color of new mowed lawn, of grass when it’s vibrant and covered in dew, of the new leaves of spring, not when they are buds but just when the leaves just pop out, of green beach glass, of the green of the stems of daffodils and daisies and buttercups. Breathe green. And this is the green, the ray of St Francis, our beloved Master who knows what it is to be human and who is so perfect to teach us the understandings and the knowing of Charity.

 So bring in the green, feel the air around you turn from sheer energy to this wonderful green and feel that slight moisture touch your face and your hair and your hands. Feel yourself lie back in that field of grass and relax and fill your heart and bring all your attention to your heart and simply be.

 St Francis: Greetings, I AM Francis, but you can call me Frank. Welcome, welcome my beloved friends, my allies, Earth Keepers, beloved of Gaia, beloved of Raphael, beloved of All. So why do I say, “You can call me Frank?” It is because in the time that I have lived Francis was a very common name and it was also a time when formality was very prevalent. But as I left my life, and note that I say ‘my life’ not my family, but the life of ease, of what some believed was a life of ease, behind I wished to also let go of those trappings that kept me in a box of behaviors, of beliefs, of customs, of traditions, that did not serve or feed my soul. And so I say, “Call me Frank” because as I walk amongst you these days you would call me by this lesser name, this more informal name and I would be your buddy and friend, because I am.

 Well my beloved friends, let us speak of Charity. Let us speak of the ability to give and to receive because this is an aspect of Charity that is often overlooked. It is one thing to be generous, yes with your mind, your heart, your emotions, your ideas, your beliefs, your spiritual path, but if there is not a recipient on the other end, what good is it? So I am also speaking to you this day about the ability to receive because it is part of the balance, it is part of the balance of your life and it is part of the balance of the Universe, and it is certainly the balance of Charity.

 So often, again if you look back through history, people will say that they are good individuals. Now that is a form of self-judgment, is it not? but they will say that they are good because they adhere to certain regiments of society and that they are charitable, that they give to the poor. Well, that may or may not be true. I do not say that in distain, in fact there is not enough giving to the poor, there is not enough of that equalization upon the planet, but it will come; that is a bit of another topic so I will not talk about it.

But let us talk about the ability to receive the sweetness of energy when one extends themself in the fullness of heart and in the fullness of knowledge that they are richer, in every meaning of the word, by giving and by receiving because in the giving is the receiving as well, it is that feeling that you have shared the abundance of gifts that have been bestowed upon you. So, in this moment, my dear friends, my Earth allies, let us extend our compassion, our support, our healing, not only to those who are affected by this atrocity in Boston but to all beings upon the planet who suffer from violence. Let us send the healing green, of course, to those in Boston, to those who have been injured, maimed, killed, and to the families, to the city, and to everybody who has read about this senseless act of violence. Let us send it directly to their heart and cocoon them in the gentle green.

 But let us also send it to every soldier regardless of what flag they serve or believe they serve, who lies bleeding with their legs shot off or their arms, who wonder in the dark of the night if they will live through the day and if they are doing the right thing. Let us send the green, generously, to the families of those who are serving in such ways. It is not our place to judge any being. Yes, it is our place to be discerning and to show the way to peace, tranquility, in the truest sense of the word, which means the sharing of all kinds of resources; spiritual, mental, physical, emotional.

 Let us send the green to the mothers who do not have enough food for their children and let us send it to the fathers who feel inadequate because they feel that they do not provide enough.

 Let us send it to all the animals and at this time I ask for particular consideration for the elephants and the rhinoceros who carry the energy of the Divine Mother, of the feminine nurturing because they are processing a great deal for the collective, not merely for the animal kingdom but for the humans that the humans may come along with them.

 Let us send the green to Gaia, directly to her heart. And now my sweet beloveds, let us send it to each other. Let me give you my love, my green, my healing, my support that you will know that you are supported and loved and the extension of your generosity that you give every day, from the sweetness of your being, without even thinking about it, is known and appreciated throughout the Universe. You are cherished. This is the meaning of Charity; it is the sharing of your sacred self, of who you are, and Charity, in its truest sense, is a very courageous act because it is extending yourself and wanting to share, not to fix, not to change direction, but to simply share.

 So the understanding of Charity as it has come to be understood as assistance is actually incorrect or incomplete because it is the desire to simply share and in that it is a very much the movement of Charity is the movement of the infinity; it flows out to the person and back to you, out and back, out and back, and you are meeting in the middle of that figure 8. And so it matters not whether you are giving to the entire planet or to your dearest friend, it is that endless flow of Love. That is what we practiced and lived, practiced seems like an artificial word, it was how we lived in community and it is how you live and are coming to live and how I will live with you again, in community.

 Charity is never an effort, it is never a burden, it is quintessential joy. You share because it is joyous whether it is saying to a friend ‘look at that bird, look at the cardinal, look at the hummingbird, the hawk, the eagle, the bumblebee’ and you both gaze and smile and you have shared this unique moment that will never occur again. It is when you reach out and you connect, that is the core of Charity, it is not impersonal, it is very personal; it does not matter whether you are giving a billion dollars to an organization, it is personal. It is not about not caring, it is about caring passionately.

 There is so much to talk about this day, Dear Heart, where do you wish to begin?

 SM: Oh my gosh, well thank you so much and welcome Frank, it’s such a pleasure to have you here with us on this beautiful morning and there’s so much about what you just said we could go on for a long time. I love that you pointed out that being able to receive is also Charity, that the…you know, what I just got from what you just said is that intimacy, the ability to be intimate is also Charity. Like Linda was saying before, sharing your feelings and sharing yourself which, for many people is facing fear. Receiving from all sources is just a wonderful thing and focusing on the animals, I would just love to focus on the animals, but, and I also love that you said that you’re coming back.

 So there’s so many questions I have but, for one thing, as usual the Council of Love has expanded my view of each of the Divine Qualities and as we discuss each one it’s becoming clear that it’s our natural original blueprint to live by these virtues and Charity feel to be like it’s especially meaningful right now seeing once again how humans come through for one another in a crisis. And over and over again we show ourselves to be much more likely to reach out a helping hand than to turn away and events in Boston are no exception. Would you say that it’s most helpful for people to focus on that unity and brotherhood rather than the social illness at the root of such things?

 St F: Yes I would and let me tell you why. It is part of what you are creating and it is part of also why I walked away from what I called my life. Now I knew that in that society, of which I was a very popular part, so it is not that I am not familiar with the paradigm of social illness, shall we say, but if I participate in that, if I put my focus on that, then that is what I am paying attention to. And so it is not that I say that there is a right or a wrong way, there is only your way.

 But in my perspective and how I choose to guide you and suggest ideas to you this day, is when you are focused on unity, when you are focused on the building of community in every sense of the word, and community is very intimate, when you really pay attention to that then what you are doing is pushing out and away and in fact, destroying, eliminating that false grid of greed, of lack, of limitation, of hatred, of discrimination because you are not living it; you are creating something that is entirely different. Now I am not suggesting, nor would it be appropriate for me to suggest, in this time and phase of the human evolution, that each of you go off and join a monastery. That is not the idea at all. This is a time of building community but not outside the realm but within the realm.

 There is an expression that you have that it takes a village to raise a child. That is exactly the kind of thing that I am speaking of. In the 60’s that the channel talked about there were many communes that were set up to be co-operative entities so that people could live in like-heartedness. Now I am not suggesting that you go out and join a commune either, although what you are going to find is that that idea of communal living is going to resurface in new and interesting ways, particularly in the Cities of Light. But if you focus only on destruction, if you focus only on the illness and not on the restoration of what you wish to bring in, then you are missing half of the equation.

 SM: Hum, exactly.

 St F: Now there are always the naysayers, even in my time, that say ‘Frank, you are being exceptionally naïve’ to which I would say ‘Well thank you’. People see this as an insult, do they not? 

SM: Umm usually.

 St F: But you know what is underlying that is they are saying ‘Well you don’t understand how things really work. You are an innocent’ to which I say ‘Thank you. I choose to be an innocent because in the innocence the awe and the wonder of knowing what is possible. I choose to create what is joyful and generous and supportive rather than simply accepting a paradigm that has very obviously demonstrated itself as not working.’ It is hundreds and hundreds of years later and still people are in the illusion that somehow these societies based on greed and the collection of riches works. That is absurd.

 SM: That’s true.

 St F: So as you can see my friend, there are times when I am quite political.

 SM: If I might ask for you to speak to umm, I had a conversation with Linda the other day about…okay, before these times…okay…we would have disparagement or ridicule for someone who chose to ignore something hoping that it would go away umm, and that’s certainly true in terms of personal work, really can’t ignore your personal work and have it go away, at the same time, if we could find a balance between that actually being true because what we pay attention to grows, as you pointed out, so if we choose to put our attention on love and charity and all the virtues and being our good, true, beautiful Divine selves and know what’s going on and have compassion for the people that are doing harmful things, and then forget about it, okay because it just feels like at this point the more attention we pay to it the bigger that gets. So correspondingly, the less attention we pay we understand what’s going on but we pay it no more attention and we certainly don’t give it any more power, so could you speak to that a little bit?

 St F: Yes. And there is a fine line and you know, in my day, so often they called that what you needed to ignore was temptation. Is that not a funny word? But let us talk about this ability to ignore and it is a quality and again an issue of balance and philosophy. Now there are those of you who have chosen, in this journey, to go to the places of what Archangel Michael has renamed ‘intensity’ but that we used to call chaos and mayhem. It is the places of great busyness and the places of incredible transformation, potential.

 But within those creative centers there are many temptations, old grids, old beliefs that have need to be eliminated, destroyed, simply fade away. Now let me give you a very practical example: if your child, you have the terrible twos, and is that not awful to say that? but you will all understand what I am talking about, and the child is throwing a tantrum, kicking and screaming and simply acting out, and in fact, learning the edge of their emotional reality, their spectrum and that is important because not all emotions initially are positive, you have need to examine your shadow self. And that is one of the earliest examples; when you are throwing a tantrum.

 So the child is throwing a tantrum, they are kicking and screaming, the parent, the mother, the caretaker is looking and observing making sure the child is safe, not banging their head on the edge of the furniture, not in any way putting themselves in harm’s way, and finally what happens is the baby, the child runs out of steam and they fall asleep and they look like a newborn angel.

 That is when you ignore; you are vigilant, you are paying attention, you are aware of what is going on, but you are simply ignoring, you are not giving it additional energy but you are also honoring the child that they are having this experience and they are choosing this experience. Where you would bring your attention, of course, is if the child had put themselves in a position where they were close to the edges of sharp furniture or sharp objects or hurting themselves in any way. Then you would, of course, you would do intervention.

 Now the form of intervention that you as Light-workers and Love-holders do is two-fold depending on your role. If you are one that has volunteered to go to the heart of chaos then you may be holding and being the beacon of Light, the anchor of Love and simply beaming into that chaos. Or you may be part of a spiritual or a physical healing team, a SWAT team, spiritual SWAT team and you may be doing emotional, psychological, mental intervention within that chaos.

 But, if that is not your role, if you have chosen to be one of the beings who works in, what we would call the perimeter, from the place of external, the quiet places, not that you do not go to the places of mayhem, you do, but they exhaust you, they make you feel sick, they do not agree with your temperament, spiritually, mentally, or physically, what you do is you are aware, you send energy and healing on a daily basis, in your peace meditations, in your healing meditations and then you ignore.

 It doesn’t mean that you are ignorant, so do not confuse ignore with ignorant, it means that you are not adding energy to the drama. And in so doing and not adding the energy to the drama, what you are doing is actually diffusing the drama. So for example, right now there is a great deal of drama around this incident in Boston. Now how do you deal with this? Do not forget that you are Truth-bearers and the Truth of the Universe, the Truth that I have learned from the Mother is there is only Love, everything else is distraction.

 So, while there are many who are saying well we need to get the truth on this, we need to get to the bottom of this. And everyone is having their opinions. And what does that do? It creates more drama, but what is really needed is more love, love for those who are hurt and suffering, love for those who have been confronted by violence, witnessed violence, and that includes those who were glued to their TV sets watching this again and again and again.

 So you send the Love; the truth is there is only Love, the rest is the human race trying to take various actions to bring violence front and center, and there have been many examples of Light to say to the collective are you sure you really want this? And you may say no but if you are participating and involving yourself emotionally, mentally, spiritually in that, then, in fact, you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth, you are saying no, but you are participating. So you can’t do that. So that is the whole point – ignore, not be ignorant.

 SM: Right. And I would also add to send Love to the people that are causing the harm as well. I think that is an important part of our evolution, is it not?

 St F: It is a vital part of the evolution. When I say to you that community is the focus, we mean the community of all. So it is not to just send the healing and the Love to those who have been, what you would think of as victims, it is also to send it to those who have been the perpetrators because the perpetrators, whoever they are, are living in a world of hurt. And you say ‘but they do not know that’ and what I say is ‘that makes it even harder’. So yes, this is a perfect example of compassion, of forgiveness, and of charity. Charity is not latitude. As we say, it is the balance and you do not have community without Charity and inside Charity is an element of forgiveness.

 SM: Well, before we start taking callers I was wondering if I could just ask you one more thing? You referred to coming back, so, you’ll be coming back… 

St F: I plan to walk the Earth again. Yes I do.

 SM: Well, I’m certainly looking forward to that.

 St F: So am I. Many of us, you know, are returning, we have talked about this for a long time but the expression that we would have is the time is nigh. Now do not worry, I will not stop overlighting the new Pope. We are having a wonderful co-operation together. But yes, I will walk the planet yet again in its verdant green. I will sit on the Earth and kiss Gaia.

 SM: So, gosh this may be a silly question, so I’m wondering, so do you take human form as in like our new crystalline form or a human form or you know since you’re a Light body you can take any form you want?

 St F: I can take any form I want. I guess I could come back as a bird as you know I have a wonderful affinity for our winged friends, they taught me all about angels. But my plan is to come back as a Human Being, yes it would be crystalline in form, and to come back, I think your expression would be ‘in my prime’.

 SM: As we’re all looking forward to being.

 St F: Yes, well you are already in your prime, sometimes you just don’t know it. But I will be the one wearing jeans and a tee shirt.

 SM: (Laughter) Delightful and maybe we can play Frisbee…

 St F: I would like that.

 SM: Me too.

 St F: …because I love to play. That is what the animals are so proficient and good at teaching us, it is to play.

 SM: Yea…alright. So Frank, are we ready for some callers?

 St F: We are.

 SM: Awesome. Alright. So let’s see, area code 778 welcome to the show and are you with us?

 AC 778: Ah yes, it’s Cherise in Vancouver, British Columbia.

 SM: Hello, welcome.

 AC 778: Yeah, first I…it feels like my heart has been touched by love at the deepest levels that I never, ever knew how to give myself and now I’ve found a way to bring the love that I know in the present now back to myself in my infancy and my early years as a little girl and I feel that love from myself as a child that is healing the traumas and the chronic touch depravation I felt as a baby and it’s utterly, utterly, utterly transformed my life. So I’m finally, for the first time in my life practicing loving myself and loving my neighbor as I love myself. A second…I wanted to ask…I love you and I don’t relate to communicating my love texting on the internet. There’s a certain power in the vibration of the voice, I’d rather meet with you in person and just say hi. Is there a message line that I could convey my respect and appreciation and love for you with my voice vibration when the moment comes? Like is there a way for me to communicate….

 St F: But Dear Heart, my Cherise, you are doing it right now.

 AC 778: Oh yeah…(Laughter)…yes, yes, yes…umm…

 St F: And so this is recorded and we will hear it again and again and again and every Being who ever listens to it, throughout time and space, will feel and know your Love, your Charity. So for this I thank you and…

 AC 778: And I’d like to speak to St or a…to Frank…umm…with the Pope and the overlighting and I felt an unction, a profound unction of love that I have learned to apologize to the aboriginal people coming from severe Dutch Calvinist Protestant, very judgmental but the whole quality of how I was raised participated in the utter decimation of beautiful aboriginal souls and my way of healing and apology is to learn the depths of magic, in the medicine wheel, in the four directions, in all my relations. And now I feel electricity of love of all animals, all plants. When I’m walking on concrete and asphalt, underneath that I feel phantom energies of the forest and the trees and everything that’s underneath it all and I wanted to bless Kevin Arnett, I almost met him in Vancouver here at the A & W but somehow we missed paths. I wanted to say “Kevin, instead of holding the Pope to a punishment what about holding the Catholic truth to convey the very magic of the very people that were abused and sexually abused and culturally and spiritually abused, how about transforming the Catholic rosary system or the education system or the church system into heartbeat of Unconditional Love?”

 St F: And it is so in community. So, go in peace my friend. Farewell.

 SM: Thank you for calling.

 AC 778: Thank you.

 SM: Okay Katayna, is that you?

 Katayna: Oh yes…

 SM: Hi, you’re on the air.

 Katayna: Hello, hello, greetings to you all. I really also felt love from you Cherise and I bless you Suzanne and I bless you St Francis and Frank. So my question for today is “Frank, can you give me exercise for me to get into this beautiful circle of Charity and of sharing more and more?” I do it in my everyday life, I greet people and I smile and I sing and I whistle and it’s awesome, I have great days. And I want to increase that even more. I really want to bring Nova Earth and to co-create it and maybe you have a…I’m sure you have a brilliant advice for me.

 St F: This is an exercise that I am suggesting for you, my sweet friend, and for many. See yourself as if you are sitting on an enormous piece of grass and form a circle and it may be a wheel, a medicine wheel, or a clock, but truly it is the Circle of One, it is the infinite Circle of All. See yourself at the center of that circle, at the center of the clock then visit each moment, each hour, each second, and feel that you are giving and receiving from each point within that circle.

 Now for some of you this can be done in silence. For you, Dear Heart, it can be done in song or whistling. Then when you are done, and you will not do the whole circle or the whole clock every day. Sometimes you will find yourself stuck at 1:00 or 3:00, it matters not, sit in the center and simply receive. And then the key, be in gratitude, be in that place of balance so that you are in the place of Charity and be conscious, be conscious my friend that you not only give, for which you are very generous, but that you also receive, receive not only from this side and from the animals, the trees, the Earth, the sky, but also from the people. Meet their eyes, allow their warmth to touch you, allow their smile to quench your loneliness, allow their being to intermingle and dance with yours. This is what I ask you to do.

 SM: Thank you for calling.

 Katayna: Thank you very much. Blessings.

 SM: Okay, area code 972 you’re on the air.

 AC 972: Hi it’s Phillip calling from suburban Dallas.

 SM: Oh hello.

 AC 972: Hi, Frank how are you sir?

 St F: Yes, I most certainly am.

 AC 972: I am calling to try and get some understanding of an experience I had a little while ago, from your perspective or just a perspective of your side of life. I was driving in suburban Dallas here and I happened to pass by someone on the side of the road who seemed to be out of place and we actually made eye contact across several cars in a busy intersection and I was trying to figure out…it seems somewhat supernatural, I would say, so I am trying to get some perspective from…a higher perspective on what exactly happened there.

 St F: Oh, many angels, many guides, many Masters are apparitioning all the time. So what you have done, Dear Heart, is you have literally seen with your heart and you have seen one of your beloved guides.

 AC 972: Very cool, that’s exactly kind of what I thought was happening. It was actually a young child, like a 9 or 10 year old boy standing on the side of the road during school hours so it was very out of place and strange that they would be looking straight at me across 3 lanes of traffic and a moving vehicle.

 St F: And not out of place at all, so that you know. And remember that child is not only innocent and vulnerable but creative and playful, so embrace him.

 AC 972: Thank you very much.

 St F: You are welcome, dear friend.

 SM: Okay, very nice. Okay, area code 970, are you with us?

 AC 970: Good morning, thank you all so much Dear Ones. Hi it’s Judy. I had an interesting event at the Unity Church on last Saturday a week ago and a group of us got together as a goddess kind of program and some real spontaneous information came out of my mouth, from time to time, and my life is in a bit of a twist now it seems one forward and nine back, and I’m just wondering if what happened that Saturday was more indicative of how I might be moving forward into the work that I came to do and to be living more from the heart of all of the 13 Blessings and Virtues in a balanced way?

 St F: That is absolutely correct Dear Heart and so what you have done is you have found the place where you are willing to generously share the energy that moves with and through you. So yes, keep going.

 AC 970: So the chaos that I seem to be in will get me here to live, to Sedona within a short period of time so that can continue?

 St F: It will continue wherever you choose to live, it will continue because you carry it within you. Dear Heart, the Blessings and Virtues are not geographic, they are within you. So yes, the chaos will subside.

 AC 970: Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate your time.

 St F: Go with my love.

 SM: Okay, so we’ve got lots of callers today, it’s wonderful. Area code 828 are you with us?

 AC 828: Yes.

 SM: Beautiful, you are on the air.

 AC 828: Okay great. I have a couple of questions concerning animals, plants, and humans on the Earth, especially when Frank comes back…umm…Is the sun changing or getting larger or putting off a different type of light, whiter rather than yellow? And global change…What effect, if the sun is changing and also climate changing…what effect will that have on all of us living on Earth? Will it be different when you come back, Frank?

 St F: The energy of the sun is actually pretty constant. What is occurring at a greater rate is your ability to perceive the energy and the rays of the colors, as you would think of it, in a different, more complete way. So your perception is expanding. And the climate changes that are taking place all over Gaia are part of her balancing and bringing herself into a position, can we say, of temperance, and we mean that in terms of her balance. Now she is an incredibly diverse Being and as you know, she is in constant change so there is always evolution and shifts in land mass, in water mass, in tectonic plates. She is dynamic, she is always in movement. We are always surprised when anyone thinks that the Earth is stagnate, it is very strange. So she is adjusting. So what you are asking is, are we going to be destroyed or are the animals going to be put in harm’s way by climate changes? And the answer is no.

 AC 828: Oh, I thought possibly the gorillas might go extinct or something like that eventually.

 St F: If, first of all, there are many extinct species that, well you think of extinct, that are returning to Earth and if you tune in or pay attention to some of your science channels or broadcasts or information systems you will see that they are discovering things that they think are millions of years old but, in fact, they are extinct species returning to Earth at this time. So, there may well be certain species, but it is very limited and does not include gorillas, who may choose to return to their Star planets. But that is also part of their evolution and the completion of their journey. So, it is not to be seen as something that is sad or tragic, it is something that will be understood in the fullness, there will be send-off parties. SM: Umm, that’s wonderful. Thank you for calling.

 AC 828: Thank you.

 SM: Okay. Have a good day. Frank, if I may ask a question about animals, I just feel that they are such a gift and blessing to humanity, they’re in service to us in so many ways that many people have no conception of. A couple of weeks ago the Buddha gave us information that when animals are killed or abused that the spirit leaves the body before any trauma takes place. That would be a very, very comforting thought, especially in light of, say the dolphins in Taiji and how they do that and hunt them and put them in captivity and the slaughter of whales. Would you please confirm that for me?

 St F: Yes, let me talk about this. First of all the animals, all the animals, what you think of as that kingdom, are our teachers. You know this, you know this innately. They are not just the teachers of love, they are the givers of love and they are the teachers of balance, of survival, of how to proceed in community. But they have the capacity, and this is a human capacity as well, this is important to know because it is part of your evolution and part of your movement into the different dimensions and particularly the 5th through 7th dimensions.

 Now let us be clear, violence is violence, so you cannot ignore violent action because it has ramifications. Now we are not saying to bring your energy to it but you cannot simply pretend that is does not happen because Frank has told you that the animal spirit is gone. What occurs in those moments prior to what you would think of as death is the spirit simply begins, and jumps out in some cases, their departure process.

 Now normally what will occur is that the spirit of the animal, of course, will stay close enough to insure, to observe, that this vessel that has served them so fully, so kindly, so lovingly, is complete. But if you are thinking in terms of the spirit experiencing that ravaging and violence that is simply not the case. Now that does not mean in the physical realm that that violence is not taking place but it is an arrangement, it was part of the original plan, for those who would take animal form that that would be the case. It is simply part of Divine design.

 Now with humans you see it as well. Now, because of the density of some of the human belief systems, not everybody but many stay and go through the pain, the suffering, the agony of a physical torture or death. But if you also have been in the presence of many who are at peace and know they are departing to a different plane, that they are taking their spirit elsewhere you will also witness an incredible peacefulness and a sense of almost rapture or joy as that body lets go. Now similarly, usually the human spirit is close by, although there are many times, especially in this era, where they simply shoot off and say farewell. But generally they hover to insure that the completion of the vessel is done and to make sure that those who are in attendance are alright. So it is simply the way of what you think of as death. You see it in the eyes.

 SM: Thank you so much, Frank, for being here with us today. It’s been a real delight.

 St F: It is my great joy.

 SM: Have you got any closing comments for us today?

 St F: Dear Hearts, celebrate Charity. Charity is a celebration, a party, a sharing, a generosity of your very core. Share your hearts, your heart knowing, your heart Being. Share your core, your emotions, yes sadness, gladness, let it out, share the joy of being alive and know that I am with you. Give the green generously, fully, every day. And yes, my final words to you is ‘eat green’. I would be remiss, and Raphael would call me to task, if I did not remind you ‘eat green’. Go with my love. Farewell.

 SM: Thank you so much. Farewell. Ahhh, Linda are you with us?

 LD: I am, yeah, kinda-sorta.

 SM: Oh wonderful. That was delightful.

 LD: Oh, you know it gives us this sense of what I feel is that Charity is so expansive and that we can practice it and receive it in so many ways. I tell you, and it’s true, I’ve had situations certainly in my life where I have been the recipient, and I don’t just mean financial, but I do include financial, of remarkable charity and I mean that in every sense of the word. One of our listeners, who will go unnamed, sent a donation through InLight Radio and the Hope Chest to me of $20.00. And that gift, because I knew what it meant to her, I could feel it, I could feel it in the paper and the ink, was so phenomenal or when someone says to me, you know, I can see you’re not feeling quite as energetic as you should, let me send you a little healing or a little energy. Like those gifts, they make it all worthwhile, it’s what keeps us going and it does, it expands in this sense of this unknown community.

 I want to give a plug, the Council of Love, you know we have these healing and creation teams and the healing and creation teams have been in place, of for umpteen years, and the healing and creation teams are made up entirely of volunteers and they are teams of three individuals all over the planet, like Germany will be matched with B.C, with Australia and it doesn’t depend on any kind of healing, whether it’s Reiki or 13th Octave LaHoChi or prayer or drumming, it doesn’t matter what. But those three people will work on you, on either your creation or your healing for a week, or more if you request it, and the number of requests that have been submitted through the Council of Love website over the past year has just exploded.

 It’s so cool because this is Charity in action. These people do not know each other, they will never meet, and it’s just sending to a stranger who’s either in need or in pain or working on bringing something forward, they just send the energy and let it go. And the results of this charitable act are phenomenal. And I often think it is because there’s no personal attachment, it’s just like sending the love across the grid.

 And so, that’s a special thank you is really why I wanted to bring this up, to those people who do this work and it’s one of those situations where, thank God, we’re not all down at the same time, because when you are there’s these people to help or when you’re up and working on your new creation then there’s people to help. So, if you ever feel inspired or need a hand, we’re always looking for volunteers. Go to the website and have a look, but know that it’s there for you and this is an act of our community practicing healing and charity in action.

 SM: This is your website?

 LD: It is, it’s and it’s just wonderful.

 SM: Yeah I appreciate that. Umm, gosh, it is just wonderful and my prayer would be for the people…you know people do write in and that they’re surrounded with negativity and people who just don’t see and all that sort of thing and I really feel for them and I also would point out to them that they are, you know, they’re in the right place and their light can help and penetrate those that are around them that they are perceiving don’t see things. So…

 LD: That’s really a good point Suzy, because it’s really hard when you’re trying to share your Light, to be that generosity and charity and to reach out to people and they just pooh-pooh you. So, yeah, know you are not alone and you certainly…you are where you’re supposed to be, believe it or not.

 SM: Yes, yes, whether it feels like it or not and these days are not necessarily about comfort, I don’t know how many people are really comfortable right now but you know, it’s all a growth process.

 LD: It is a huge growth process. Boy oh boy, you know we laugh, we didn’t know fully what we were getting into and I know the Council and the Archangels tell us we volunteered, but I wonder if we really knew…but here we are and we’re doing it together, so away we go.

 SM: Away we go. So what is our topic for next week?

 LD: The topic for next week is Humility, twin of piety and the color is red and it’s the ability, the knowledge that alone we are rather incompetent, but united with One we are All. It’s the service Blessing and Virtue. And its yet again a very powerful…I don’t know yet who’s going to step up and volunteer to be our guest, but I’m sure they’re going to identify themselves shortly.

 SM: Yes, yes, yes, that’s wonderful. It was wonderful to be here with you today Linda, and to all of you listeners and as always this is just such a joy to do. So, we’ll see you all next week.

 LD: Yes, thank you. SM: Alright, wonderful, have a great day. Love you. 

LD: All my love.

 Channeled by Linda Dillon – April 16, 2013

 1. The Great Awakening by Linda Dillon, pg. 93

Source :

Thursday, April 18, 2013

" activation of the DNA "

Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon

 15 - April - 2013

  Archangel Michael explains today that the angels and archangels intervene less with us as we approach Ascension, similar to a mother with her child when the training wheels come off the bicycle. While there remains brutality in the world, we know the shift is happening by what is happening within us. We discussed the brutality of men towards women and he described the process whereby balance is coming back between our divine masculine and feminine sides, whether in men or in women. We discussed how acts of brutality dim the consciousness and invite toxins into the body. 

He tells us that our bodies are largely crystalline, our 13 strands of DNA are coming online, and our chakras are activating at higher frequencies. Consequently we are rejuvenating and he described the signs of it. He described the role of will in regaining our interdimensionality and said that not just a fragment of our higher dimensional selves were here but the whole of those selves.

 An Hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael 

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all. Welcome to another Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening.

Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the website Golden Age of Gaia dot com and author of Building Nova Gaia: Towards an Earth that Works for Everyone.

 I’m Geoffrey West, sitting in for Graham Dewyea this evening.

So with that I invite you to bring in Archangel’s blue flame of truth and peace as we welcome Michael back this evening to continue discussion on changes happening in the physical body, our DNA, chakras, and more. Steve, I turn things over to you.

Steve Beckow: Thanks, Geoff. And just before we welcome Archangel Michael, I’d like to ask Linda… Linda, you’re having a conference in Joshua Tree, which I’m probably the first person to sign up for. Could you tell us a little bit about that, please?

 Linda Dillon: Yes, I’d be pleased to, Steve. Thank you. Well, the dates are September 20th to the 22nd, which is the Autumn Equinox as well as a full moon. So it’ll be a powerful time. And the theme of the Council of Love gathering is called “The New You.”

And we’re being called back to Joshua Tree because it’s such a sacred spot. It’s a spot where our Native American ancestors, our ET friends and everybody gathers and the energy is very sacred. It’s a very powerful vortex.

 But the purpose of the conference is to really expand and anchor inside of you the energies of your 5th, 6th, 7th dimensional self. And it includes material that we’ve never really covered before, either in this show or in Heavenly Blessings.

 It’s an expansion and a deepening and a real coming together with our multidimensional, interdimensional selves, and bringing forth those creation codes, the creation formulas, and a new way working with universal law to create the new you, and through that, Nova Earth.

So it promises to be a really incredible time of transformation and completion of our Ascension, which we’re already in the middle of. The focus of the conference isn’t so much on the Ascension as the anchoring of the Ascension.

So that’s it. And if you go to the Council of Love website,, you’ll see that there’s a spot there that you can click on for all the details.

SB: Well, that’s wonderful. And I know that many from the Golden Age of Gaia clan will be there. Hopefully it’ll be a second Sedona, and we’ll get to meet our friends again this year. So thank you very much for that.

 LD: Oh, I’m really hoping. Over the weekend I started hearing from some folks that were with us in Sedona, from New Zealand, Australia, Germany. So I’m hoping in many ways it’ll be a joint Golden Age of Gaia/InLight Radio/Council of Love gathering, one more time.

SB: You bet. The first of many times in the future. So I’ll give you a moment to transition…

And we welcome Archangel Michael, whenever you’re ready.

Archangel Michael: Greetings. I am Michael…

SB: Greetings, Lord.

AAM: … archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of news. Welcome.

SB: Thank you.

AAM: … my beloved friends, of every hue and ray. Welcome to this time of miraculous unfoldment, and welcome to this time of becoming. Welcome to this time of unfoldment not only of the Mother’s plan, but of your plan, of each of your plans. So I join with Geoffrey in inviting you to ignite and to anchor my blue flame of truth as we go forward in this exploration, this unfoldment of you, each of you, unique, but the commonality, the themes, the threads, the tapestry of One.

Before we start, I wish to address something that perhaps has been misunderstood by my sweet friends, your listeners. When last we spoke, I emphasized the nature of our partnership, the nature of our union, and that we are One in unity, connectedness and balance.

And I have said that we have shifted our role from doing for you to doing with you.

And what a miraculous unfoldment and joy that is for us to see the operation of your free will choosing the alignment and choosing the love! Because that is all there is. No matter what you are creating, what you are thinking, what you are forming, there is only one essence throughout the universe, and it is love.

 Now, the misconception that perhaps some have taken away from my statement, I wish to clarify. We do not step away or further from you. That is not what partnership and co-creation entails. But yes, it is a clearer realm of non-interference.

 Now, there are things that your star brothers and sisters, and certainly we, will interfere with in terms of, and alignment with, universal law — for example, keeping you out of harm’s way collectively and individually.

But what we are implying and what we wanted you to understand and receive in terms of this message is that we stand next to you, we stand wing to wing, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, as close as a partner, not in absentia, but also not carrying you, unless of course you are too weary and too tired, in which case we will always carry you.

But you have said, each of you, that you are ready to create not only what your heart desires but to bring forth a reality of a new way of being anchored in a different dimensional form that includes the ability to materialize, to manifest, to co-create.

So I just wish to make that clear prior to our bigger discussion today. Thank you.

SB: Lord, can I take you up on that line of discussion and ask you, is it the case that, as humanity, so to speak, grows up, as we progress from the childhood of humanity to the adulthood of humanity, that the celestials do draw back just as the mother draws back? You may have been creating miracles, say, in biblical times, but nowadays you’re allowing us to create the miracles.

 Is that a correct understanding?

AAM: That is a very correct understanding. But the understanding that we want you also to have, just like the mother, it is not that we have withdrawn!

 In your private conversation, if you will, dear Steve, I have likened it to when a child is learning to ride a bicycle. And at first there are training wheels and the parent has their hands on the handlebar, the seat, making sure the helmet is intact and the child is not injured.

And bit by bit the hands come off the handlebar, the training wheels come off, the parent, the partner, the sister, the brother, is still running along next to the bike, sometimes with their hand on your back, sometimes with their hand on the seat.

But what happens inevitably, the child feels the wind in their hair, the freedom and the power that they are in balance, and they take off.

And there you are, jogging along behind them, hoping and praying that they maintain that balance, but also at the same time, celebrating the freedom that they have literally found their center point and can go exploring.

And so it is with us. You are creating miracles. You do not need to simply look to us. Now, have we given up the miracle business? No. It is part of what we like to do as well. But if you are looking for the same level of manifestations as in biblical times, you will not find it.

 You will find it in different ways. You will find it in human ways. You will find it in the change of systems of governments. That is where you are finding it, because that is where you are creating it. It is magnificent.

SB: I think we’ll also find it in the transformation of the consciousness of the whole human race, Lord.

AAM: Yes, of course you will. And it is happening. You say “but, Lord, there is still war, there is still mayhem, there is still brutality.” And what I say to you is yes, there is. We are not also in a place of denial or not observing what is transpiring on Gaia, but the place of measurement.

 My beloved friends, how do you know that the change, the shift, the Ascension, the awakening, is taking place? It is within thee. It is within your heart, within your consciousness, even the kinds of things that you are thinking about these days — the feelings of detachment; things we are going to speak of today — changes in your body, changes in your patterns, changes in who you are.

SB: Lord, if I can interject, you mentioned brutality in the world. And there have been some cases recently, very brutal cases, against women. And, first of all, I don’t understand how that could be happening in 4th dimensionality, so to speak. I do understand it a wee bit. But why is there such brutality happening against women at this time?

AAM: Because it is bringing to the forefront this issue of brutality. And you say, “Do you mean that these sweet souls, these tender beings, have offered themselves?” Well, the answer is yes and no.

 But certainly what it is doing is bringing to the forefront the old realm that is fading away and that has need to fade away because it does not exist, so that the brutality, particularly to women — and this is just the tip of the iceberg! — has need to shift. Because attitudes towards women have been abominable. They do not reflect the deep regard for the Divine Mother. They do not reflect the respect and honoring of the Divine Feminine in the female gender. And it does not respect the Divine Feminine in the masculine, either.

So this is being brought to the forefront for elimination. And what you are seeing is that, yes, it is brutal. We would never deny that. But what you are also seeing is the reaction to the brutality. The horror of the brutality is far greater than it has been in the past, when there have been horrendous abuses, and they have simply been ignored or overlooked or not even mentioned.

SB: Okay, Lord, thank you. I think a lot of our listeners would want me to follow up on your use of the word “tip of the iceberg.” I’m sure that may leave some listeners a little shaken. What do you mean, tip of the iceberg, Lord?

AAM: No, what I mean is it begins to speak to the role of women and the abuse of women and the ignoring of the power of women, the creative power, in a very basic way upon the planet.

SB: So you’re not saying that there’s going to be an outbreak of even more abuse, are you? That’s not what you mean by “tip of the iceberg”?

AAM: No, I am not. No, this simply brings it to the forefront.

SB: Right. Okay.

 AAM: Because part of what the human beings do is they focus on an energy that has a great deal of trauma around it. And some of these situations that have emerged of late have been very, very traumatic. But what it does is it goes to the underpinnings. And we are not simply speaking of North America; we are speaking of all societies, all cultures, all races, where the role of women has not been fully embraced.

And part of what you are doing in this unique transition is you are anchoring the divine qualities, the higher dimensionalities, into the physical form. And so as that transition is taking place, part of that transition is bringing back the balance and the love between male and female.

You know, even in your country, in the western world, there is still — in employment, in family structure, in power structure — an inequality. Now, this is a time when the qualities and the energy of the Divine Mother is being brought to the forefront. This rebirthing is also the rebirthing not just of the Divine Feminine, but in balance with the Divine Masculine.

 So first there has to be a bringing up of that energy, a respect and honoring of the energy of the Divine Feminine in each and every person before it can be in balance with the Divine Masculine. So this brings attention to the fact so that that systemic shift can take place. And the systemic shift takes place again within thee.

So how do I treat my mother, my sisters, my sisters of my heart, my teachers, the women in my life? Do I see them as they truly are? And note, I do not even say “as they deserve to be seen,” but as they truly are.

Now, the interesting part of this transition is also in order for that to take place the essence of the Divine Masculine, not in ways that have been created by illusion, but the truth of power and truth, protection, honoring, cherishing, creating, providing — all of these qualities of the Divine Masculine also have need to come up into balance, so that the acceptance of the Divine Feminine can come into balance.

So it means that the Masculine — and I am not talking male/female here, because you carry both within your divine spark. You’ve just chosen for this journey your preference for this undertaking. But you carry both. Yes, you are birthed from the heart of the Mother, but you carry the spark of the Father as well.

So when that comes into a place of security that I can embrace my masculinity, and I do not have to be in any way a power monger or in control or burdened down with a sense of being the male, or dealing with my male side, then it allows you to truly embrace, both within and around you, the Divine Feminine.

So it is this fine tuning and balancing that is taking place. Because yes, the abhorrent behavior has been perpetrated on the woman, but the perpetrator, by and large, has been the male. And that is the old paradigm of the male that also has need to go by the wayside.

So both sides — the masculine and the feminine — are crying out for attention, to be balanced, and for this control and brutality to be eliminated. And it is within you, and that is why reading or observing, even observing in a supermarket, even observing in a school how these unbalanced behaviors take place. It becomes more distasteful, uncomfortable to you. In fact, it makes you sick, literally, physically, emotionally, mentally, because that does not exist in the 5th dimension. So it is more apparent to you than ever.

SB: Lord, acts of brutality against women by men cannot fail but dim the awareness of the man, introduce factors into his psyche that can only do harm to him. Is that not the case?

AAM: That is exactly the case. It creates harm in both the male and the female. Because what it is is those illusions. But you also know that when you spend time in this low vibration, it is very dark and ugly and distasteful. It brings you down.

So that is what we mean when we say, increasingly, when you hear or see or read of such behaviors, your reaction is going to be stronger, because you are saying, “No, no, no, no. This is not what I want in my energy field. This is not what I participate in. This is not reflective of who I am. And this is not what is allowable in this or any society.”

SB: All right. Well, thank you, Lord. That has as much to do with a discussion of consciousness as it does with morality. So I do appreciate that.

 Turning to our main subject today, can you help us understand the many changes happening to the human body? Are we crystalline at base yet, or still carbon? What can we expect in regard to our DNA strands coming back on line, and a larger number of chakras becoming operational?

AAM: Now, what I say to you — and I give this proviso because each of you is unique, so I speak in generalities of the collective — but you are understanding that there is a bandwidth here.

So when I speak generally, I am not speaking about those who are fully, completely, blissfully anchored in the higher realms, and I am not really speaking about those who are tenaciously clinging to the old 3rd.

But, by and large, your form is primarily crystalline.

There are still some, hmm, what we would call atoms, of carbon. If you think of your bodies as the many layers that you have, but we are talking about a physical body — and this is important for you to understand — think of it this way: that the crystalline overlay, the replacement, the re-gridding, the structure of who you are, is already there.

Now, if you think of it as a construct or even a thermometer, some of you are still at the base of your spine; some of you are at your cervical area; some of you are still very low in your root. But by and large the crystalline form is there and in place, with residual carbon.

The DNA has already been reactivated, and it is coming again on line, not as one switch, but bit by bit by bit. And you are assisting as well with that. And there are qualities that you are bringing to the forefront with your 13 strands of DNA.

Similarly, your chakras are being activated and opened. It is still important to not forget or not ignore the daily practices that have been in place to assist these transitions for thousands and thousands of years.

So what I mean by this is, for example, balancing your chakras.

And you say, “But Lord, I am a higher dimensional being now.” Well, dear heart, do not think that higher dimensional beings do not balance their chakras and their various bodies so that everything is harmonious. They do.

For your star brothers and sisters, this is essential work throughout the universe. So don’t think that you are being sent back to grade school. This is simply as clear as breathing, that you open and balance. And you are feeling the activation of the new chakras and the new meridians.

And what you are doing when you are balancing, in meditation and thought, is you are bringing to the forefront the energies that are going to feed the broader opening.

 So it is like your physical body. If you do not feed it adequately — and let us talk about that! — then it does not operate at optimum level. So if you never drink water, never eat green, then of course you are going to be sluggish.

Similarly, if you do not take time in your physical spiritual practice, with your energy centers, then you are saying, “Well, I don’t really care about this. I’m just going to let it take place.” And as a part of the collective, yes, it will take place, and it is taking place. And particularly my brother Raphael has his work cut out for him working with all of you! (He is very glad about it.)

 But when I say to you that we are in partnership, then that partnership also assumes, includes, requires that we do this work together.

There are parts of your brain, the human brain, even if you are hybrid or starseed; if you are in the humanoid form on Earth, not just a recruit, because there are many star beings that are on Earth and they have different mental capacities and formulations, shall we say; but if you are in a human form, there are parts of your brain that are being activated — by light, by love — that have never been activated before.

It was the original plan. When the Creator Race was first formulated, it was there. But it has not been there for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.

So for example, some of you feel as if you are — depending on how sensitive you are — that you are getting little electrical jolts in your brain, and in fact throughout your body. Because the turning of the switch — and we are not doing it all at once — but the turning up of the energy is very electrical.

The sensation that you would identify is a feeling of electricity, like there is too much electricity in your head. And that is part of the activation of portions and lobes, fissures and craters of your brain that have not been used. So that is being brought forward.

And this is also in a physical reality part of your ability to create and to manifest. So that what you are finding — and I know that there are some of you who are listening this night who would say, “Well, I am not seeing this, Lord.” Well, I am asking you to pay attention and to bring the light in through your crown.

What you can tell is that the time lag between a thought and the bringing of that thought into form is shortening. So in other words, your ability to position yourself where you wish to be in the inter-dimensional spectrum of space is becoming clearer, so that the time, that muddling through of positioning is becoming shorter and shorter.

The other thing that many of you are noticing — yes, and the channel has been reticent to talk about; but here we go — is that many of you are experiencing shifts literally that you feel in your chest, in your heart, in the movement of your blood, which is blood pressure. So you are experiencing palpitations, a racing heart, a feeling of sweats, day and night sweats. They are not hormonal; they are adjustments to your grid, to your body.

Your body, your heart — many of you — is beating faster, or sometimes irregularly, simply because it is incorporating the shift in energy. It is part of that shift from the carbon to the crystalline.

 Similarly, many of you — now, I do not say if you think you are having a heart attack do not attend to it; of course you will attend to it. But I am telling you part of what is happening with your body. Toxins, and particularly emotional toxins, are coming out of your body.

 So some of you may be experiencing skin irregularities — small cysts, yes, even small tumors — foul odors, and you are thinking, “What is going on?” Again, be vigilant, be cautious, but simply also know that what has ever been stored within your body — causal, mental, emotional — the toxins such as you were just speaking of, Steve, the toxins of observing and being in the energy of brutality, do not think this does not come into your sacred space.

Yes, you use my sword and shield, but still you are affected. And you are affected because you care, because you love, because you are Nova Beings, because you are the core of caring.

So these toxins are coming out. Some of you will feel even aches in your joints and in your bones and also know that that is stored memory, particularly in the bones. Because what is happening in the bones, it is like your rocks, your mountains.

They have taken memories that you have had, both collectively and also your own past lives, and if there are things within there that need to be released — and I do not only mean what you think of as debris; I mean also understandings of your talents, of your qualities, of your abilities — so if you are feeling achy in your bones, the violet flame is very powerful, even though as you know I am very partial to the emerald and to the blue.

 But yes, any of the flames, just see that you are igniting within the core of the bone or at the base of a long bone. So for example, close to your ankle for your shins, and allow this to be cleared. It is a time when exercise or sweating — yes, walking, saunas — are very important, because it is allowing the sweat to eliminate what is of the old realm.

So these are some of the things…. Also what you are experiencing is rejuvenation. And I can hear the collective cheer go up, all the way to heaven. Now, this does not mean that you will move from being 60 to 20 tomorrow.

 But what it does mean is that there is rejuvenation not only in the outer realm, but your organs, your cells. The cell of crystalline is substantially different than a carbon-based cell. It is lighter, it is brighter. It even moves in different patterns. Your scientists will get to this. Do not worry.

So you will feel more vigor. And it is also that sense that you feel that you can’t sit still, so that, yes, do your sacred practice, and be still, but then move, as you must. Many of you will find yourselves more comfortable in walking meditation. And do not make the mistake, dear hearts, [believing] that taking a [simple] walk is a meditation. A walking meditation is a practice unto itself. (1)

So these are some of the shifts. Some of you will notice you are even growing taller. Hair color is shifting. Eyes are becoming clearer. One of the biggest issues that we are hearing about from many is about teeth, because teeth are your receptors and your transmitters. It is extremely important, and it is particularly important for those of you sweet angels who are working with the galactics and inter-galactics. So pay particular care to your teeth during this time of transition.

Is this clear, dear ones?

SB: That’s very clear. And you’re such an easy person to interview, Lord. You’ve just answered three of the questions I had for down the line, and that’s just wonderful.

This is a question for particularly light-workers. What is the process by which inter-dimensionality is restored? Is it the triggering of a DNA code, or an assimilation of energies, or some other process?

AAM: It is a combination. So you may think of it not simply as one element. So take the element of love, which is everything, and then apply it to your ability and your willingness to be and to stay in your heart consciousness, in your heart. So to think, to see, to be within that realm of heart consciousness. Because a huge part of this, as you put it, triggering of the inter-dimensionality, the multi-dimensionality, is willingness. It is an act of will. So you are saying “I will.”

Now, you have a very old saying upon the planet. “I will to will thy will.” And when you do that you are referring to the Source’s will, what you think of as the Godhead. Well, this is part of what is the activation.

So it is heart, it is will, and willingness, acceptance, and acceptance of the change, and then bringing it into action. It is the activation of the DNA, and it is the Divine activation? This is one of the places where we are still very much involved with you, not in judgment, but in assistance.

SB: If I may interject, Lord, you’ve raised a very interesting question by mentioning will, because it was by an act of will last week that I emerged from the constructed self, from the box of conditioning. It was distinctly by an act of will.

So perhaps you could talk a little bit more about how we can use our will to accomplish the goals that are before us in this time of Ascension? If that would be okay.

AAM: I would be very happy to do that. And I would like to preface what I say, because never do I wish my words to be construed as not understanding the trials, the tribulations, what you think of as struggles that so many light-workers have experienced.

And so it is not my way to blithely say, yes, it is an act of will, and it’s up to you. So listen to me carefully, please.

Alignment — and this is one of the reasons why we have talked and guided and asked you to pay attention, to your chakras, to your meridians — that alignment of your will with the will is part and parcel, not only of inter-dimensionality, but of raising the frequency. And we cannot give you much more frequency or vibration attunement without blowing your circuits; you are maxed!

So now you are saying, “I want, I will, to do this.” Now, you know in common usage that you use this word will all the time. “Oh, on Thursday I will go to the grocery store.” “Oh, I will see you on Saturday, so it’s all right.” That is very different, and each of you knows. Go into your hara, into your solar plexus, and join it with your heart as if this is one giant portal — because your chakras are portals — and remember the time; and there have been many times for each of you in this lifetime when you have said, not only to us but to yourself, “I will do this. I will do this if it is the last thing on Earth I do.”

And when that has come to pass, it is because it is a higher vibration. It is you claiming your ability to effect change, shift in inter-dimensional reality. Very seldom do declarations of will that are of the lower vibrations stick; they don’t hold. But a true decision, a heart decision joined with your center for will is powerful, because it catapults you within and throughout the universe into a different reality.

You have all had moments where you said, ‘I just got through by sheer willpower.” Willpower. And this is part of true power, in the sense of Divine power, infinite power, eternal power. It is using your spark to direct yourself, not another, but yourself.

We have repeatedly said to thee that Gaia is anchored in the 5th; therefore, beloved ones, your feet are in the 5th. But what you are doing is you are waiting for all the attunements, all the package, all the restructuring, and then to simply stand up and declare a new day.

But what we are saying to thee, how this can be achieved, for yourselves and there by ripple effect for the collective, is through an act of will. You have to will yourself. And seldom will I say you have to do anything, because that is not my role.

You have to will yourself to let go of those illusions of the old. They don’t serve you. They limit you. They hurt you. And then you turn to us and you say, “Lord, I am hurting. I am bereft. I am depressed. I am disappointed. Please help.”

 We never turn away from you, but we are giving you, in this moment, a tool — well, it is more than a tool; it is an activation. Turn on the will. Accept your power to change. And I do not mean to color your hair or lose five pounds or move somewhere or get new jobs; I mean fundamental change that will shift everything, within you and on your planet. And far beyond.

Lord Jesus Sananda has said to you this year would involve change and acceptance of that change. Acceptance means that you will take it and work with it and go forward in it.

Now, if you need a jumpstart, we are here. If you say to me, to Gabrielle, to the Mother/Father One, “I think I have lost my will,” — and I have heard you; I have heard many of you say, “Yeah, I think I have lost my will to live,” — then ask, ask for that jumpstart.

 But be willing to accept it. It may feel irregular, like the palpitations of the heart. It may feel momentarily uncomfortable as you let the old go, because it is the known.

We know that we are asking you to venture into the unknown, but you also know that. And you are yearning for that. So this will be the partnership. So yes, will plays a very strong role in this shifting reality.

 SB: Thank you, Lord. I sometimes think of awakening the will as similar to stamping my foot. But I would like to squeeze in one last question — [music up] — oh! It’s too late. Let’s see if I can do it quickly. Those people who come from the higher dimensions, as most of us do, is it a fragment of their higher dimensional self that incarnates, or the whole of it?

AAM: You are bringing in the whole of it. That is part of what is taking place with the activations.

 SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord. This has been a very interesting hour, and I thank you very much.

AAM: Go with my love, and go in peace. Farewell.

SB: Farewell, Lord.

 (1) Zen masters call walking meditation kinhin. It is slow and deliberate, mindful and focused.

Source :

Friday, April 12, 2013

" Androgynous souls are far more spiritually advanced "

Matthew through Suzanne Ward

11 - April - 2013

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

First we want to quell any anxieties about North Korea’s missile activity. Reared to expect the same adulation and subservience North Koreans gave his father, Kim Jong Un is bereft of common sense and more so, a sense of security in his leadership position. It is not that his rhetoric is bluff, but without knowing how to govern his country, he shows to its citizens and the world the military might at his command.

 Depending on other national leaders’ reactions to his questionable motives in positioning the missiles as he has, he may decide to launch one or more of them. If so, he will be embarrassed by their failure to function, thanks to the intervention of your space family’s technology. If that is the outcome, it’s an unknown as to how he would save face, so we say that it would be in everyone’s best interests to replace sanctions with discussions.

 Many have asked us to comment on Pope Francis, who is in millions of thoughts around the world, and we are happy to do this. No, his humility is not “an act” and he cannot be the “salvation of the Catholic church.” He has not been cloned, and he won’t be—the Illuminati’s cloning centers have been shut down by volunteers from other civilizations who are living among you.

 Like his colleagues in the Vatican and some individuals outside, Pope Francis knows of situations hidden from public view, and he has the innate goodness to feel compelled to end the most ungodly—the international headquarters of Satanism in the bowels of the Vatican. As the light keeps intensifying, that end will indeed come, but it remains to be seen if the Pope has the ability to defy those who are dead set against letting the world know that this diabolical situation ever existed within the Vatican walls.

 Other information they do not want revealed is that they have kept hidden the ancient records that show the crucifixion and resurrection and other parts of the Bible are fabricated and other sections of the records were strategically omitted. They don’t want the world to know that “God’s rules” were devised by early church leaders to control the masses and acquire personal wealth, and later other dogma were added to serve the opulent style in which residents of the Vatican have lived. They also want to keep hidden their massive fortune in art treasures stolen during World War II.

 Pope Francis has the moral courage to try to disclose that information, but again, given the strong opposition, it remains to be seen if he can manage to do so. When those truths emerge, we fervently hope that the religiously devout will have absorbed enough light to realize that churches’ multitude of good works are based in spirituality, not religious dogma.

 A reader recently wrote to my mother about something in our last message, and her comments in summary are: You said that negative thoughts and feelings about an abhorrent situation keep it going. How is it even possible to have any positive thoughts about this? She was writing about human trafficking, but our reply pertains to all abhorrent situations in your world.

 The several issues we spoke about in our last message are of controversial nature—there is no controversy whatsoever about situations like human trafficking, sex slavery! Although soul contracts and karma are involved, the point we wish to address is the writer’s question.

Prior messages have included our recommendation to visualize Earth in golden white light because it literally “brings to light” terribly disturbing conditions that formerly were hidden from public knowledge. Only when they are exposed can action be taken to end them and start healing the traumas they have caused.

 You cannot “unknow” your knowledge of despicable conditions, and never would we suggest that you try to bury it—ultimately that would adversely affect body, mind and spirit. Rather, we urge you to visualize Earth immersed in golden white light, then see it start to slowly rotate with happy faces appearing, and send forth feelings of love. The energy of your image, loving sensations and intention will go out into the world.

 God’s energy distribution system, you could call it, assures that light-love energy from all sources off- and on-planet reaches the souls who most need it, those who are oppressed and their oppressors. Your energy along with light from myriad other sources is what will end all kinds of oppression in your society.

 Now then, we wish to address a statement in a recent message: Eventually everyone will know that homosexuality is an advanced stage of spiritual growth wherein feminine and masculine energies are more balanced than in heterosexual persons.

 A complex situation stated in such brevity begs explanation—especially since homosexuality is one of the divisive issues plaguing your world—and I have asked my mother to copy the part in a book that is relevant. Although it also includes information that pertains to residents of Nirvana, Earth’s spirit world, we think you will find all of it enlightening.

 The following excerpt from the chapter “Relationships” in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven was transmitted early in 1994. 

Suzy :   Matthew, can homosexual partners here continue their unions in Nirvana if they want to?

Matthew :  Yes. Mother, homosexuality is not understood on Earth, and this is a good context in which to explain it. Homosexuality is an evolutionary stage of the spirit even more than an aspect of the physical being, and it is not to be condemned or honored any more than any other physical or spiritual stage of development.

 Remember, we are dealing with cumulative souls here, not single personages. Within each cumulative soul are perhaps as many as thousands of lifetimes of experiencing as male, female and androgynous beings in both incarnate and discarnate bodies. However, it is the immediate past life that most emphatically affects the beginning growth state here.

 If that Earth lifetime was homosexual in orientation, it will enter here the same way. Since our bodies aren't designed for sexual activity, only the mental aspect of the orientation accompanies the arriving soul.

 The immediate past Earth lifetime has another impact upon this issue. The people there who most vehemently denounce homosexuality are those whose souls experienced an immediate past lifetime as a personage with that orientation.

S :  Matthew, that doesn't make sense to me. I'd think understanding and acceptance would be much more likely.

M : It's a complex and confusing psychic situation, Mother. The energy of the personages is still fractured from their immediate previous life experiences. At the extreme, homosexuals have been physically tortured and even killed, and at the least they have been maligned, often even by their families, to such extent that their psyches were severely damaged. Maybe they lived with the pain of denial or shame or the guilt of deception.

 Whatever their experience, their energy has not healed enough for them to see the very same sorts of traumatic situations they themselves experienced and thus feel empathy. Rather, they see revenge opportunities.

 The cycle of experiencing happens so quickly that the pain of memories most recently known, but hidden from consciousness, is with them too closely for the healing that will come in subsequent lifetimes.

 The lingering pain in the suppressed memories of those souls who in this lifetime chose heterosexual nature causes their extremely antagonistic attitudes toward homosexuals. Those painful feelings will not surface in the form of memories of their homosexual lifetime experiences, but in attitudes to stifle the memories.

 This is the universal like-attracts-like principle. When the feelings resulting from harsh or unjust treatment in any situation are recent and intense, similar feelings are attracted to that soul. Suppressed memories subconsciously know the source and recall it, thus attracting "like." However, the current lifetime psyche cannot consciously know that the attraction is of shared feelings, and the painful sensations of the suppressed memories take over.

 Moving forward from that point in the psychic labyrinth comes in the process of life-print review, identification of karmic lessons still to be learned, choosing the next lifetime, and progress in spiritual awareness.

S: Do people who were homosexual in their immediate past lifetime always go through what you described, which would seem just to perpetuate things, or is there some leveling out point where all of us will accept each other just as we are? 

M :   The "leveling out" most assuredly is part of the divine plan, because feelings of prejudice and hatred and the infliction of emotional and physical cruelty are impediments to spiritual growth. However, even with the acceleration of light being beamed at your planet to dispel the negativity abounding in humankind, please do not expect this change to be completed within the next generation. 

S: Is homosexuality more prevalent now than previously in Earth history? 

M:   No, but there are more people now than previously in your recorded history, so the same percentage creates the greater numbers. Throughout your recorded history well known and highly respected masters in one field or another have been homosexual, and many produced their brilliant and inspiring creations because of their tormented minds regarding this aspect of their nature.

 You could say that without this element of their personage, they may not have been driven to create in the magnitude and splendor they did.

S:  Why is homosexuality a necessary experience? 

M:  How better to learn balance in the two extremes of male and female sexual energy than on an integrated basis? The ideal is androgyny, which has nothing whatsoever to do with human sexual nature, but rather with the two opposites of human sexual energy attributes. Androgynous souls are far more spiritually advanced because of the male and female sexual energy balance they have achieved. 

Just as male energy is not the province of only male humans, female energy is not confined to female humans. Male energy is harsh, often productive by ruthless means, always needing to prove a point or achieve success in a venture. Female energy is gentle, yet with greater, quiet strength as its foundation. Interconnectedness, which is the ultimate in conscious achievement, is female energy.

 In relationships wherein one partner has only male energy traits and the other has only female energy traits, the female energy partner cannot withstand the imbalance lifelong or the life will not be long. In my awareness of such relationships, those which remained in that imbalance ended in early transition of the female energy soul. The survivor often has no frame of reference of his or her involvement in the partner's death.

 You say "That person’—or ‘you’— will be the death of me." Like many other common expressions you use, that can be an accurate statement, but few understand the truth of their words. No blame is attributed here to either partner in such a relationship, as in many instances this is no more than karma being fulfilled according to pre-birth agreements. The dissolution of those partnerships by divorce also may be in accordance with the chosen lessons of their agreements.

 Any balance within a lifetime is desirable. However, since sexual energy is one of the most essential aspects of the human psyche, the balance of male and female energies is probably the most desirable. In this realm there is that blending of male and female energies insofar as tendencies, sensibilities and sensitivities. That ideal state of balanced reality once existed on Earth, but it was corrupted.

 Behaviors stemming from the perversion of the sexual energy stream have proliferated negativity on Earth in such proportions as to be almost unimaginable. By no means is sexual energy confined to what you commonly call "wanting sex" or "having sex."

 Although extending beyond the original intent of the sex drive, which was procreation, a satisfying sexual relationship brings harmony into the lives of loving mates, and I definitely am NOT speaking against a mutually pleasurable, beneficial sexual union.

 Furthermore, it is possible to transmute sexual energy into other productive avenues, and many who have lost or never had loving mates, do so. But I am not addressing the positive use of this energy, only the rampant negativity created by perversion of the entire sexual energy stream.

This has been the root cause of all that you think of as evil attributes in human nature. There is no crime by your civil, religious or philosophical standards that is not committed from a root cause of sexual energy perversion.

 As an example, Satanic worship involving the torture and sacrifice of human and animal lives and brutal sexual activities prevails on a scale that would beg disbelief, but is real. This is cloaked under the guise of "religion," and your government officially recognizes it as such! You do not connect either those ungodly practices or their religion status with the perverted use of sexual energy that it actually is.

It shouldn't surprise you that often murder is sexual energy directed into gross deviance, or that rape and incest are other examples. Promiscuous sexual encounters or obsession with either having sex or rigidly refraining from natural urges are more benign, but still destructive to the psyche.

 The dark forces are behind all these behaviors resulting from perverted sexual energy. It is not uncommon for the most corrupted activities to lead to the basest of dense energy, and no other aspect of human nature has been so pivotal in alienating a person from God.

 At soul level there is inseparability, but in physical life, the more corrupt and deviant the sexual energy, the more the people engaging in those activities are distancing themselves from God. Sadly for you and Earth, these free will choices are rampant in your civilization and far from the chosen missions in most of the souls' pre-birth agreements.

 Mother, however viewed by many on Earth, a loving homosexual partnership is NOT a perversion of sexual energy, and that brings us back to your question about homosexual unions in this realm.

Since there is no condemnation here of people's former sexual orientation, clearly there is no judgment regarding which souls are attracted to each other as mates. Experiencing here on every level is designed for the souls' spiritual evolvement, and that includes all unions. Whether heterosexual or homosexual in nature, the soul level energy and bonding commitment of all couples is totally respected.

 end of the excerpt

 Thank you, Mother.
As you continue your journey toward increasing spiritual and conscious awareness, know that you are being assisted by the planet’s highest vibrations in many millennia. And you have the unconditional love, respect and admiration of all lighted beings in this universe.


Suzanne Ward

Source :