Friday, March 01, 2013

" Earth is going through a unique experiment "

Angela Peregoff

 28 - February - 2013

 The Earth is going through a unique experiment that has never been attempted in any system of worlds. Never in the whole of creation has a planet evolved at Ascension speed with conscious life upon it. Yet, here we are. Through our Crown Chakras of Enlightenment we volunteered to assist and return all Life here back to Divine Love and Unity. The consequence of such a decision is that we presently have to traverse through some multifaceted energies and cleansing aspects to purge the duality phenomenon and open up to the pulsing fifth dimensional heart waves that are coming in.

 A human being is a relatively simple creature as far as the universe is concerned, but the process of stuffing a great big being such as yourself into such a basic collection of organic material that is ascending can feel a bit disconcerting at times. Most everyone I have spoken with over the last ten days has been experiencing some form of physical effect from the latest surge of energy that came in. I have experienced excruciating pain in the brain stem area (occipital region of the skull) for most of the week and upon starting to assimilate the energies I have gone in and out of those darn vertigo spells that let me know I am being dimensionally stretched. Others have taken in the frequencies by appearing to have a 24 or 48 hour bug, or a multitude of other aches and pains. This New Space also has the ability to disturb your sleep, make you feel irritated, frustrated, spacey, introverted, or confused. Whatever it has been for you, the process has been intense, almost to the degree of unmanageability.

 We are literally being "gutted" out so that New monumental energy can move in. And it is moving in all the way down to our physical cells! We are cleansing, releasing and aligning at a great depth.Anything you are embodying that holds youto the "old Earth" and old energy of a world soon to end has to go. The physical cues are telling you that you are letting go of the old "you" who suffered, had pain, struggled and was tired. With this removal of our old roles and old identities and realities, we can now fully connect to our Soul Path with much greater awareness.

 These latest energies are very Soul Supportive. And as the Soul begins to take residence within your very cells it will become apparent that you no longer have to "work on" anything. The processing, waiting, accepting, understanding and "moving through" will rapidly depart because Soul leads a higher vibrational way of life. This New Soul Directive energy vibrationally matches like with like. Anything in your life that has not felt good, or that has caused any discomfort or feelings of victimization is now supported for healing.

 How it will look today is that you will hear yourself saying, "no more," "enough," and "no thank you" to events and circumstances that do not serve you at the spiritual level. All that you have spiritually valued now becomes the Integrity of your embodiment. You will demand and have the Laws of Spiritual Goodness working easily in your daily existence. Wishes and Intents will manifest as if by magic. You will live the Law of Cause and Effect consciously and creatively. You are more of "a higher force" doing the legwork of Divinity in physical form.

 We are all weaving more of the Eternal into our purpose and being. I guess that is worth a brain ache for me. What about you all?

 Divinity Purging,

 Angela Peregoff

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