From DL Zeta
12- january - 2012
As old ways of being fade from your rearview mirror, you’re able to bring your full focus and attention to new visions and inspirations that stretch before you.
We offer here additional steps to activate timelines of inner unity and oneness:
One) Create inner harmony. Bring to awareness any aspects of yourself that are at odds. Ask these aspects to join together to support you and your new goals and vision. By entering the highest vibration you can access, you’re able to create a space where inner unification can take place. Meditating beforehand and chanting OM are two ways to help create this space, as does listening to music encoded with notes that simulate high-vibrational states.
Two) Make a list of everything you’re grateful for. Look at everything and everyone in your life from a place of gratitude – even those people and situations you feel have caused you the greatest pain. Every avenue of forgiveness is an opportunity to become a greater facilitator for harmony and oneness on the planet.
Three) Meditate on love, releasing all past definitions of love. Unconditional love is the purest vibration in the universe. Find within yourself the pure vibrational essence of love that is beyond all words and definition.
Four) Observe the symbols around you within every moment. As we learn the universal language of symbols we’re able to better commune with our soul and receive its messages. Dreamwork is one way to become attuned to the language of your soul. Journaling and automatic writing can also be helpful tools in learning to decode the symbols of both your sleeping and waking dreams.
Five) Ask questions of your higher self and trust that answers will flow into your consciousness as they are needed. When we release the need to micromanage the events of our lives, we enter a natural flow where everything happens easily and effortlessly.
Six) Spend time taking 15-minute sun baths, allowing the sun’s essence to enter your physical system. Take walks in nature to free yourself of any energies of divisiveness or separation. Spending time near water allows you to more easily align with universal flow.
Seven) Pay attention to your emotional landscape and the people and events that trigger challenging emotions. These triggers offer insight into the nature of your sacred wound and steps you can take to heal it. Once we heal and release our sacred wound, we are able to clear away anything that stands between ourselves and direct telepathic communion with our higher self.
Eight) Remember to eat light – taking in significant amounts of raw food, green juices and high PH water that helps alkalinize your physical system and allows you to become a stronger receiving station.
Nine) Write a spiritual autobiography detailing the blessings and gifts of the most memorable events of your life – including the events that seemed traumatic or difficult at the time.
Ten) Make time for creative play and developing your imagination. Creativity is the doorway through which all new ideas, visions, innovations and works of art arrive in the world.