Friday, June 08, 2007

Diane - "Like a cornered animal they thrash out in all directions, but there is now no escape"

Photo: David Rockefeller

Through Mike Quinsey

You can hardly have failed to notice that most messages from the Galactic Federation normally give an appraisal of what the dark forces are doing. It is necessary that you always bear in mind why the situations exist upon Earth. Whilst you have slumbered and have been awakening from the long sleep, they have busied themselves leading you away from the path that was intended for a step up in your evolution.

After eons of time being tried in the fires of chaos and disruption, we and many Beings of Light have entered your lives to show you the way forward. What this has achieved is your enlightenment, and realization that you have created your own reality but it can be changed. You often feel powerless to stop the onward match of the dark, but in lifting yourselves up have broken out of their hold. Not only that, you have also shown others how to do the same and given them hope and belief in their ability to determine their own future.

As the Light continues to grow even more people are aroused from their immersion in the ways of the dark. They are able to stand back and measure the situation on Earth, and know that there must be another way that will allow for people to live together in harmony. By and large your leaders cannot respond, because they are trapped by the dark energies of their own creation that link with them and guide their lives. What you call evil is an energy that is attracted to anyone of the lower vibration, and unless you are aware of its capability to keep you down it is difficult to throw off.

The lower energies follow you through one life to another, and this is why your life plan has to allow them to manifest and be cleared. Each time you can reflect on what has happened, and when you fully understand the result of your thoughts and actions it lessens their effect upon you. It has taken a long time to bring Mankind to the present point of a change in mass consciousness, and this has been speeded up by the higher energies now being beamed to you. The Light is the silent weapon of Lightworkers, that gently finds its way into people’s lives. It is always there and creates powerful thoughtforms that more than match those of the dark.

It is in the higher levels that much of the successful work is achieved. The more the Light is built up, the more you are creating an impenetrable shield around the Earth. The dark forces are being contained within it, and gradually you are denying them their power over you. What you are seeing now are their last attempts to maintain their positions, but they are slipping from their grasp. Like a cornered animal they thrash out in all directions, but there is now no escape. Watch carefully and you will see how their plans are falling apart. For our part we along with our allies continue to close in upon them, and their complete capitulation to the Light is not far away.

Meanwhile we see many sources of information opening, and are particularly pleased that a formal acknowledgement of our existence is not far away. For our part we now appear in your skies more frequently and in numbers that can leave you in no doubt as to our presence. The Galactic Federation has long taken a path of caution and not over emphasized sightings of their craft. However, after such a long period of time since the first close encounters, we feel the groundwork has finished and disclosure should know be made. We work with those who are at the forefront of these movements, and we also record your mounting pleas for us to arrive in Open Contact.

We are the thorn in the side of the dark forces because we offer you a way out of your demise. Not only that, but we can instigate major changes quite quickly so that eventually all vestiges of the past can be permanently removed. Furthermore, we can ensure that your development follows a more spiritual path through enlightenment and realization of the truth. Putting all things together you will have a dramatic change of direction in your lives, and one that will put you firmly on the path to Ascension.

As far as we are concerned there is no mystery about your evolution, and we too have passed this way. What is special but not unique is your acceptance of experience in the cycle of duality. Every soul will have played its part in acting out the various scenarios that have resulted from the continual battle between the dark and Light. You accepted these challenges and knew that they would not be easy, but with it you had the divine promise that the cycle would be concluded with the opportunity to ascend once again.

Perhaps you can now see why we emphasize why you should not hold judgement against any other soul. Everyone at some time has experienced the dark energies, but the Spiritual Hierarchy or we do not see them as being lesser Beings than anyone else. This may be hard to understand, but you are nevertheless all Beings of Light. To the Light you shall return, although for some the path will be harder as they make good their negative actions that has caused harm to others. The cycle has to be played out to the end, but without the coming of the Light it would have led to oblivion. Although it has happened before, it was never intended to occur on this occasion.

I am Diane and come from Sirius, and admire your fortitude and resolve to regain your freedom. There are many brave souls on Earth at present, and they have a specific purpose to bring the truth and Light to as many people as possible. This is not without its risks, but they do not place their earthly life above their determination and agreement to fulfill their soul contract. Often they go almost unnoticed, but that is because they do not seek fame or acknowledgement for their work.

You all eventually reach such a point as you become absorbed in the Light, and it is through the recognition of your connection to everyone else. You realize that all are responsible for each other, and in doing so you acquire the ability to exercise Unconditional Love. When you reach this stage you will have completed your journey, and ready for your ascension into the higher realms. There you will find us, and we eagerly wait with love and open arms, as many of you are Starseeds that originally came from our home.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey
