Through Suzy Ward
S: Matthew dear, hi there! Before we get into questions, please tell me if in the continuum, where there’s no linear time, January 1, 2006 has any significance.
MATTHEW: Mother, happy new year to you and to all others on Earth! The ending of an “old” year and entry into a new one holds great importance to you, whether that year starts on January 1 or another date, and because of this, yes, it does indeed have significance in the continuum. Also more on Earth than you may imagine! You think of a year’s beginning as a clean slate with new opportunities—to learn, to better relationships or establish new ones, to improve in ways that give little self-satisfaction, to grow professionally and, hopefully, spiritually. The energy put forth in those collective feelings is like fireworks in Earth’s field of potential. There is energy in the revelry itself, the excitement of the celebrations that are televised around the world, and even in simply having survived the “old” year. Yes, there’s a momentary lull in the days immediately following, but that is more like an “aaah” of satisfaction and not the kind of energy output that would dim the effects of the “fireworks.”
That is true of any year on your planet. This new year is light years, if you will, ahead of all time in your recorded history because of what was set in motion during the year just past. Your last year was pivotal in dislodging seats of darkness, and 2006 will produce results that will be far-reaching. Some developments within the United States government are evident already, even in the media, as the line of dominoes grows in preparation for the last ones to fall harder.
Please bear with me in this repetition: Changes must first come in the United States because that country is perceived by the world as the most powerful. I’m not saying that perception is wrong, because the US has become the most influential country in other nations’ affairs, but it was those perceptions that manifested the actual influence—that is how the universe operates. So then, once the dominoes are falling in the US, the momentum of change will spread around the world to every nation, and ultimately all will have wise and just governing bodies and sound economies.
Before the questions, I want to welcome and endorse the message from Hatonn that will follow my own. And Mother, I’m going to add your expressed feelings to him about distributing it, and his reminder to you of what he has told you before: “Not all light work is pleasant.” He didn’t have to tell you that all light work is imperative.
Now let us get into the questions.
S: Do you take special liberties because I’m your mother?
MATTHEW: Oh my! My thoughts were on answering the first question and I didn’t see that coming. Mother, dearest soul to me, I suppose I do. Maybe it’s to preserve for both of us our mother and son relationship that in your mind is lost because you think of me “flying all over space” in bodies that fit wherever I am. And for me, it’s being your teenager causing some little annoyance that, as usually happened, evaporated into a hug. So may we leave that in?
S: With that, you know we can. OK, the questions. I’m interested in hearing what you’ll say about this request: “Please comment on the premise of The Da Vinci Code that the Holy Grail was Mary Magdalene because she was carrying Jesus’ child.”
MATTHEW: I think it is an illuminating step in the right direction. The Holy Grail is the soul. Consider this: For two millennia the search has been going on for some “object” whose identity hasn’t been agreed upon, but nothing fitting its ascribed power has been found. Simply, you weren’t spiritually ready before to understand that throughout the ages, individuals’ souls were urging them to find what was within themselves, and so the march continued to locate what was considered to be the most powerful force in the world. The soul IS that!
S: So there are as many Holy Grails as there are souls in the universe.
MATTHEW: Each is an integral and inseparable part of the Whole, Creator, Source, and in that respect All is One, not many.
S: I see. I think this is a good place for you to answer the writer who would like you to explain why you refer to Creator and God as two separate entities.
MATTHEW: They are different entities. Creator is the Supreme Being of the cosmos and God, by whatever name, is Supreme Being of this universe, which is one of several in the cosmos. Please notice that I didn’t say “separate” as in the writer’s statement. Just as every soul in the universe is an inseparable part of God, God is an inseparable part of Creator. Mother, with the addition of Hatonn’s important and timely message, our space is more limited than usual, but this is such a vital area to be understood that I ask you to copy the book material that explains the difference. Please save the other questions for the next message—since you have them ready, perhaps we can do that in a week or so. Thank you, and now I send loving wishes for abundant blessings to all throughout your new year.
MATTHEW: To understand the purpose of our lives, there must be an understanding of our relationship with our Creator. It is a relationship as simply stated as the father and his children, but the origin of our souls within Creator cannot be stated that easily. Creator/Creation is the proper designation of the Totality. It also is the most descriptive, encompassing both the total essence and the creative action. For simplicity, we usually say only Creator.
There was nothing before Creator, and nothing except the sleeping power of Creator until Its self-expression. In that moment, which some have called the "Big Bang," came the First Expression, the original fragmentation of Creator's love and wisdom and power into soul entities. The term "fragmentation" in this context is not a severing or a breaking down of the whole, it is a sharing or bestowing upon the divisions the same properties of the whole.
However it may seem an irreverent analogy, I shall liken the hierarchy of Creator to a pie because it is a good visual aid.
The entire pie is the soul of Creator: the omnipotent Totality of the cosmos. At the center resides the mind of Creator: the residence of omniscience. Starting at that central point, imagine a series of concentric rings superimposed over the whole pie. The rings indicate the spheres of the hierarchy, which are flexible divisions of Creator.
At this point the visual aid requires an unusual perspective for an accurate representation of happenings. Imagine the pie cut into countless slices whose widest ends touch the limitless mind of Creator and become narrower as the slices enter rings successively farther from that beginning. The slivers represent the fragments of Creator that have been created throughout all time into independently experiencing entities. Every tiny portion contains proportionally exactly the same ingredients as the total pie. It is the same with all of creation. NOTHING is separate from Creator.
When the soul of Creator first divided Itself, each of Its fragments within that first sphere had the identical powers of Creator. Those fragments are the highest angels. There is no form within this first sphere, only perfect light and purity. This is where the Christed energy generates, and where the paternal power called Archangel Michael and the other archangels reside.
During that time of pure awareness, Creator gave to all the angelic portions of Itself the ultimate of gifts, free will with its inherent power of co-creating ability. Thus, in the next expression, Creator and the archangels created the next level of angels, not as close to Creator mind as the archangels, but still collective light entities in purity, without form or substance.
In conjunction with Creator, the angelic realms created the third sphere of being, life form potentials that, after timeless reflection, at will could be discarnate or could manifest in form. These life form potentials became the celestial bodies of the universes and the gods who later were dispersed to reign over them. One of the gods became the supreme being of our universe and, with Creator, created all life within it. Since our god is called God by some Earth religions and that is how you think of Him, Mother, that is how I shall refer to Him.
For ever-greater experiencing, God's original beings, which are called root souls, expressed themselves into divisions called soul fragments or soul sparks, or God fragments or God sparks. Similarly and successively, those soul entities divided themselves into sparklets, who divided themselves into subsparklets. Entities created by further fragmentation also are called subsparklets. This procession does not define soul evolution, but only the order of lineage. The myriad individual, independent and inviolate lifetimes of every soul at all levels of fragmentation are called personages.
These or other designations may be given to show the order of lineage of the souls in the various spheres radiating outward from the mind of Creator, but simply "soul" is enough. There is no difference in each one's connection with Creator or its makeup in proportional measure. ALWAYS the life force of even the most minute independent soul is its own inviolate self connected inseparably to Creator, just as every single cell in your body is both a viable, independently functioning cell and at the same time is an inseparable composite part of you.
S: Where does our current population fit into the subdivided spheres?
MATTHEW: Primarily at subsparklet level. Remember, Mother, that's NOT soul evolution, only the order of emergence of the personage souls. I think your expression "old soul" pertains to the evolution part and not the order of lineage. Those may have nothing at all to do with each other, because spiritual growth -- or not -- is determined by each soul's free will choices and not how many lifetimes it took to make the choices that elevated it to a higher level of evolution.
S: Yes, I see. Thank you. Is Creator the supreme being of the cosmos and God is an assistant?
MATTHEW: No. Cosmos and universe often are used interchangeably as synonymous terms, but each universe is only one part of the cosmos. Our universe is but one of several, and each universe has its own god as its supreme being. Because people on Earth are not aware of either those other universes or the creation hierarchy, God is the name given to Creator by some religions. This is the use of a generic term for a formal name, like naming a baby girl, Girl. And it is not uncommon or incorrect for God to be referred to as "our creator," because He is, but that adds just another element of confusion regarding the two beings, Creator and God, and the name.
I don't know how the error in name started. It may have been some deviation of reference in deepest antiquity, when it was known that Creator/Creation is the Source, All That Is, I AM, Almighty, Oneness, Totality or other designation to denote Creator in Its highest station of all the cosmos. The name doesn't matter. When love and reverence are given by souls to God in name and to Creator in meaning, the communion of those souls with Creator is honored in fullness.
The Trinity of the Christian churches could be interpreted as this: Father (Creator: the highest power in the cosmos, who is called God or other names in Earth religions). Son (God, who is the creation -- the "son" -- of Creator and is the supreme being of our universe and who is not generally recognized on Earth as different from Creator. Holy Ghost (the highest angelic realm, also called the Christed realm, where the highest beings are total love expressed as light; and from whence come the souls who have incarnated as major religious figures throughout this universe, including Jesus and Buddha).
Regardless of the difference in names and interpretations, the interconnectedness of this triune order is the same. And there is no difference in the divine order of the Almighty Omnipotent and Omniscient Being and Its subsequent powers, only in the names as they have evolved.
S: Do God and Creator differ in any way besides the size of their "jurisdiction"?
MATTHEW: There are two essential differences. God is in effect Creator for this universe. He is Creator mind in knowingness, Creator heart in love, Creator power in authority and responsibility for this universe. Thus God is the sum of all universal intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and power, and there is no difference in its quality or extent from the very same in Creator. Because any part of the Totality contains all the aspects of Totality, our God is a perfect, undiluted expression of Creator, but with these essential differences.
First, a vital function of Creator's core essence is without activity. It's like the axle of a wheel providing a stable aspect to the other parts that are in motion, and that stability enables the constant motion of all Creator's other aspects. If that stable functioning ceased, all order would cease and there would be Chaos again. That core essence is the center of order and life in the cosmos, and without the measured pace of energy or frequencies, there could be no manifestation of any form of life.
For God, it is a different story. As the responsible essence throughout this universe, He is in all aspects more than functional without activity. God is the magnified active force of Creator for this universe where He, with Creator, initiated all life forms and all order. Nothing exists in this universe that is not of God's creating in conjunction with Creator.
As total love and light in essence, God is the source of the love and light of our universe, and all of His creatures thrive because of this. The highest energy of light is love, a fluctuating, expanding and contracting motion ever increasing in its power to encompass more loving capacity and sensation. Love is infinite and light cannot be captured, only directed. That is the essence of individual souls interacting with God.
Because life in all forms is of God and inseparable from Him, it can be said that humans are made in His image by attributing to Him His human creations. The idea of a human appearance and the material of which physical bodies are made came from the mind of God.
With the creation of life in our universe He set in motion the unstoppable momentum of laws that govern everything from the orbiting of galaxies to a seed knowing when to emerge from its covering and start growing. For the immeasurable time since this was started, only the refinements of energy direction through technology have changed the original course of divine energy's purpose and motion. There cannot be any change within energy itself because energy IS creation. It is how energy is tapped into and used that is the key to creating.
In the beginning, all creation within this universe was flawless, pure, holy and loving. All was in perfect harmony and union, without divisibility or dishonor or sorrow. Life was inherently meant to be lived in such a state. Creator intended free will to be a gift, not a curse, but it is possible that this Gift of all gifts, the total freedom of souls to choose, has been so abused and misused that it cannot be regarded as the golden gift it once was. In some universes free will is unknown, we are told. Even parts of this universe have absorbed the gift into such radiance that it no longer is an individual decision. On Earth free will is the order of life wherein the hand of God is ever present in observation, but never in restriction.
The second essential difference between Creator and God is this: Whereas Creator is aware of each individual life throughout the cosmos, there is no standard for Its involvement in the lives of the souls. God is not only aware of each soul's station in this universe, He knows all their heartaches, secret dreams, torments, joys, fears. ALL is known to God.
When Creator left Its state of sublime stillness, the purpose was to experience through creating.
As the perfect expression of Creator, God has the same purpose, and His sentient aspect is within every one of His creations in any incarnate or discarnate life form. He can feel the emotions and physical sensations felt by all souls in any form, and not for even one instant is He detached from the total experiencing of every soul in our universe. This is true regardless of souls' status in spiritual evolvement and free will choices, and it pertains to every life form within the animal and plant kingdoms.
At a much higher level, He experiences the anguish of Earth in her present turmoil and heavy negativity, and the sensations of every other celestial body as well. I cannot state too often the inseparability of God from every life form in His universe, and that same interconnectedness is true of each soul with every other soul in all life forms.
S: Since Creator doesn't become involved in our lives, does that mean He (It?) doesn't feel the physical pain and emotional suffering of souls, such as God does?
MATTHEW: Mother, "It" used as a pronoun for Creator is not demeaning. Not to be compared with your "it" indicating a thing rather than a being, It as applied to Creator is akin to the "color" white: White is not devoid of color, it is ALL color, and from white, all colors of the universe are refracted into their own essences. And, although God is commonly referred to by your pronoun "He" -- which is why we use that in our speaking with you -- God is neither male nor female, or He is perfectly both as the ultimate in androgynous energy balance.
Now then, Creator does indeed experience feelings of humankind, and to a far vaster height of sentience than the capacity of your third density bodies, but It does not become involved or give personal response to a soul's situation. God, on the other hand, constantly has in motion all avenues of potential assistance for His souls within their pre-birth agreement choices.
(excerpts from Revelations for a New Era)
December 31, 2005
HATONN: I bid you “Good evening,” Suzy, with thanks for receiving me in these last hours of your year 2005. I ask that you send out my message with the next one from Matthew.
This is Hatonn speaking in my capacity as director of communications between Earth and all points elsewhere during the era of Earth changes. You may know of me as commander of an intergalactic fleet. That is another of my “hats,” but in this moment, my focus is communications about another area of my activity, what you commonly refer to as NESARA. I am here to give a definitive statement in particular, but not exclusively, to all who have been working diligently to initiate NESARA’s wide-reaching reforms and now don’t know what to believe.
The National Economic Security and Reformation Act—please note this accurate name—is as real as anything else on Earth, so to all skeptics, please put to rest the impression that it is merely a wish in the minds of some who intensely desire a legislated remedy to your world’s problems. Nevertheless, that view does have some validity. Like everything else in the universe, this Act’s formation was preceded by and manifested through thought forms.
You are inured to living within manmade laws, so we had to put this within an acceptable legal framework. In accordance with universal laws, the framework had to specify means to achieve the Act’s objectives so the universe knows what situations to present in aid of manifesting the desired results of peace, justice, equitability and accountability starting in the United States and extending worldwide.
That said, a great deal of disinformation about NESARA has been promulgated by various sources to discredit this Act. That isn’t surprising, because its provisions strip them of political and economic control over you. But it’s unfortunate that NESARA has become better known through those means than the correct information from knowledgeable sources, such as Matthew. Approximately two and a half years ago we asked him to issue our collective statement that described NESARA as the divinely inspired co-creation of highly evolved beings on and beyond Earth to engender good will among her humankind and a fair share of good fortune for all. Food for the spirit is not enough for the majority of your population, who are oppressed and deprived, and NESARA was born of Earth’s desire for betterment in the lives of all her resident souls.
In that message Matthew also spoke of Dove’s credible reports, and at that point and for a time afterwards, she did faithfully report what she was told by lighted souls both on and off-planet. That changed about two years ago, when it became evident from our higher vantage point that the control of the ones we call “dark” was sufficient to prevent NESARA’s implementation well past the optimum universal timing. Ah yes, the movement of celestial bodies has great bearing on what happens in your world, and they don’t wait for procrastinators. To adhere with that timeframe, we opened new avenues to accomplish the identical aims of NESARA, more slowly, but with equally certain outcome.
Dove’s preoccupation with the success of the program in its exact design that was the basis of her reports clouded her receptivity to the new multi-faceted course. In spirit this course is aligned with NESARA’s provisions, but it can move independent of the Act’s restrictive legal requirements that the dark ones were manipulating to their advantage. Dove’s dedication that had been admirable in its fervor and exhaustiveness turned into egotism with her choice to report what she felt would be more effective than our new direction. Light and egotism aren’t compatible, and with her change in attitude, her light faded. She lost her former high connections along with her ability to discern that she was reaching dark entities or to properly evaluate information from Earth sources. The natural consequence is the inaccurate information she has been issuing.
Until a very short time ago, that made no difference at all in the “behind the scenes” progress. Although further efforts in the old direction were futile in one respect, in another, and far more important respect, they were powerful. The light generated by the intent of all involved enabled the “lift-off” and then sustained energy momentum of the new processes to fulfill NESARA’s objectives. But Dove’s recent contentions that are strikingly without factual basis have caused considerable confusion. Introducing this kind of energy attachment is not helping to propel our activities’ momentum to surge pace, and that’s why I am telling you what has transpired. The energy of your belief that NESARA’s objectives ARE being met, albeit on a parallel track, is as imperative now as before.
This is not a place for anger or shame, but rather sadness that the soul who once correctly reported on NESARA unwittingly veered off the light course. We honor Dove’s service within her original mission and we beam intense light for her return. We beam the same to the dark entities that falsely claim to be me or other beings of light, and to the receivers who believe them and send out that false information. Be keenly discerning about all channeled messages! Especially in this late phase of Earth’s transition out of third density, knowing what is true and what is false is critical for your own sakes! We urge you to look beyond the mass of muddled information about NESARA, Second Coming, First Contact, disastrous destruction to land masses, nuclear war potential, a dying planet—listen to what your souls are telling you!
Hold within your hearts the vision of the world you want for yourselves and your families, for all the inheritors of Earth:
A world where peace and love replace war and hatred; where governments are led by just, prudent and spiritual women and men, not power-mongers led by darkness; where fair distribution of all resources replaces the extremes of egregious greed and desperate poverty; where universal and planetary truths replace the web of lies that has controlled your lives.
The concept and intent of NESARA is to help you create that world on Earth. You do not have to know of this Act or, if you do, you don’t have to believe in its actuality—wanting the same intentions that it embodies is what counts. IT ALREADY HAS COUNTED! You are reading this in the early days of your year 2006, when wars, suffering, tyranny, corruption and the like can be seen wherever you look. But in this very same instant in the continuum, where everything is NOW, Earth is peaceful and beautiful and all of that negativity is gone. She has reached her chosen destination where low-vibration manifestations don’t exist. The world of your vision, the “future” world you are helping to create right now, already IS!