Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ag-agria - "Your future cannot and will not be left to the prevarications of the Illuminati, and their rule is ending"

The energy of Communication makes you aware that you are able to communicate with your body, thus understanding its signals and solving its discomforts. This energy brings both your body and your spirit in deeper contact with each other. (Reported 22nd July 2001, Yatesbury, near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire, England.) Crop circle

Through Mike Quinsey 31-Jan-06

You see straight ahead and time stretches out before you, and this year is tantalizing for you as it is one that carries the fulfillment of the promises that have been made to you. We see also from above and all appears to us as in the Now, and therefore we can say with absolute certainty, that it is manifesting the great changes that shall see the old die away and the new come into being.

Do not be distracted by the happenings that shall precede the announcement of our coming. There will be a number of events that will appear as obstacles to the changes, but these will in no way delay the outcome of our activities and those of our Allies on Earth. They have their plan which we have endorsed for them, and we are fully behind them. Your future cannot and will not be left to the prevarications of the Illuminati, and their rule is ending.

In your dimension it is almost impossible to grasp what the future means to you. You will partake in the greatest upliftment you have ever experienced. We are helping you change in readiness, but you must do your part by cleansing your body and increase your level of consciousness. You cannot enter the higher vibrations unless your own match them, and this is Law. Many of you have applied yourselves in such a dedicated way, and you can already look back and know that you are succeeding.

Some of you worry that your efforts may not be adequate, and wonder if you are progressing at all. I say to you that if you are of a mind to see Ascension as your goal, and apply yourself to the task of getting there, it shall happen for you. The fact that you have the awareness of your greater potential, and belief that you can achieve it is your guarantee. You will as it were, have realized that much guidance will come from within, and this is your very own personal guide. Outside of yourself by exercising a discerning nature you will find more guidance, and you will be inexplicably drawn to that which suits your needs.

Have you not wondered why there are many versions of exactly what form Ascension will take? They all eventually lead along the same path and shall come together in a common cause in the final reckoning. Meantime many will run this way and that, never quite sure where they are heading but resolute with their idea of what the end times represent. There is no need to worry, as the coming of your Space Family and Masters will bring things together in a common purpose. There will be more than adequate advice given so that you understand your role and necessary action over these last years.

Your greatest challenge is to fully embrace Unconditional Love, as it embodies all else that you will need to prepare yourself. The Ones who can reach this level are the proof that Masterhood can be attained whilst upon Earth. In trying to measure up to such a high vibration you will have to leave the old ways behind, as there is no place for bigotry, judgement or condemnation of any kind. Love cannot exist where there is aggression, hatred or anger and you will be called upon to overcome such negative traits. These are human reactions that can only occur in duality, and they have been fed by powerful thought forms created over millennia of time.

We know the task is daunting, but you will never have to tackle it without support. Be prepared to take it a few steps at the time and note how your efforts are rewarded. Leave time in your life to sit in quietness and speak with you Higher Self, you are on this journey together. No one else can do it for you, but each and every one of you has the potential to do it at such an opportunistic time as now. You are not being asked to achieve something new, but simply to find your way back to your earlier exalted state. It is not strange to you, but very natural and your true reality.

Evolution is continually taking place, in fact it never stops and all life aspires to go higher and higher. It is a marvel of the mind of the Creator that has empowered All with the infinite energy that drives them ever onwards. You have fallen back many times in the course of your experiences in duality, but you have always risen up again to take you place in the Light. It cannot be extinguished, although many have all but a glimmer left, but nevertheless these Dear Ones will one day also fully return to the Light.

Try to be the one who brings peace where there is turmoil. Even your thoughts can project calming energies without the spoken word. Discuss problems without allowing emotions to arise that place it on the level of arguments. Think before you act as often a move in haste is not always the best one. Your test is to stay within your center of peace and calmness when others are trying to embroil you in confrontation. Walk away from such attempts if necessary, there is no gain in staying within negative energies that are assaulting your own body. Most important of all, cast Love on troubled waters and visualize a lifting up that will change the situation.

I am Ag-agria and have helped Michael to aspire to these higher levels of being. I am also with The Galactic Federation and some of our groups will be solely concerned in helping you with your personal growth. In the coming years we will encourage and guide you to enable you to achieve your goals. It will become easier as the negativity is cleared from Earth, and the higher energies are grounded in their place. Already many of you are well on the way to Ascension, and your dedication to preparing yourselves has been admirable in times where there has been so much to distract you. We shall bring peace and Love, and freedom from the bonds that have held you in the lower vibrations for eons of time.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey.

Monday, January 30, 2006

"Beware that as the time for First Contact gets nearer, you may find confusing events taking place that are calculated to show us in a bad light"

The Earth energy of Wisdom centres you in your body, thus granting access to your own inner wisdom. (Reported 20th July 2003, West Stowell, near Huish, Wiltshire, England.)
Crop circle

SaLuSa Through Mike Quinsey 30-Jan-06

To the majority of people we are considered to be a modern day phenomenon. Yet as we have informed you previously, we have been with you for eons of time. At different times even in your recent history we have had more than a casual contact with you. Our love for you has meant that we have carried out our service to you with unstinting attention. We have always monitored your progress, and also acted as overseers for Mother Earth. Our function has been to guide you as a civilization that has always had a predetermined path to follow.

Behind our association with you is a relationship born of our Oneness, and creation from the same source. All through creation we have followed different paths, and yours by choice has led you into the cycle of duality. You entered it with your eyes wide open, and were joyful at the opportunity given to serve the Light. The idea of experiencing freedom of choice knowing that whatever the outcome your cycle would end in Ascension, was your assurance that you would rise up once again. No matter to whatever depths you plunged, you were aware that your soul was indestructible, and could be resurrected.

Against this background you have had the most varied experiences, and in this cycle alone have had hundreds of different lives. Your direction has been guided the whole time, and you have advanced your knowledge in many countries. Your present period started after the Great Flood some 10,000 years ago, and many of you came from the great continent of Atlantis. Some of you went down when the final land mass sank, but with prior warning of the impending disaster a large number of you left beforehand. You were taken to new lands all over your world to start anew, and even now your trail can be traced.

We overshadowed your progress, as it was essential that your knowledge was passed on to a newly rising civilization. Some traces of these events are still apparent, as you moved through South America and Europe and left artifacts and evidence of your skills behind you. The most prodigious development was in the country now known as Egypt, and this reflected in many ways the Atlantean influence, as they once had a colony there. The Pyramid complex of Giza was an early development, which was part of a worldwide system that held the Earth in balance. It had a stabilizing affect as a massive generator of energy, and also a vortex through which existed a passage to and from the stars.

The pyramids are an example of the advanced technology used by both the Atlanteans and the Space Beings. Prior to their coming, Egypt was a small colony that already boasted of having the Sphinx, in which was deposited a copy of the records of Atlantis. This is protected along with other relics of a time long gone, and it will be opened soon after the advent of the first mass landings. Coming out of your sleep of ages, you will need the proof that such records can give you. The legacy of Atlantis is still with you now, and in your subconsciousness you have memories of that time. Because of it some are fearful of the time you are in now, as it raises possibilities of destruction similar to what you then experienced. The are many negative vibrations on Earth at present, and they would not augur well for Humanity if they were allowed to go unchecked. Be assured however they are in our control at all times.

Remember, that the larger percentage of your Earth population have little if any knowledge of our intended arrival upon Earth. However, they do have that inner feeling of foreboding that comes from experiences of the last major destruction of Earth. It will take us some time to make these particular people feel at ease, as we will not be immediately accepted as the peaceful forces that we are. Furthermore, some lack the spiritual perception that would indicate to them our true purpose. We are prepared for tackling these problems, and our every action will show the peaceful nature of our Fleets and their personnel.

All over you world there is evidence of our presence, and you will have seen many cave drawings that are now recognized as depicting our craft. There are also drawings of us and of our humanoid groups, and all are recognizable as the same Beings that have been visiting you in recent times. There are undisclosed and undiscovered bases inside Earth that we shall reveal to you, some of which are still active. We also have safe bases on your sea beds, which is why you sometimes see our craft entering or leaving the seas. Outside of Earth we have kept a watch on your activities from the Moon, and keep our sites out of sight of prying eyes. Your Astronauts and NASA are aware of these, but keep their distance at our request.

We are literally all around you yet so many are unaware of our presence, but some blame for this rests with those who cover it up. It is not that we have considered forcing the issue, as that would be interfering with the affairs of Earth. However, we have been quite happy that you see our craft in your skies, and sometimes briefly upon your land. Now it can be confusing as we are no longer the only craft you will see. You have those of the Greys who have been working with your government for many years now, and they themselves have in the meantime also developed their own space craft similar to ours.

Whatever happens in your skies, we ask you to remember that we do not attack other craft or threaten Earth itself. Where there was no alternative we would if forced to defend ourselves, but hasten to point out that there would be no loss of life. We can easily remove people first and either they stay with us, or we return them to Earth with their memory blanked out. Beware that as the time for First Contact gets nearer, you may find confusing events taking place that are calculated to show us in a bad light.

Dear Ones, we are excited at the prospect of openly meeting you, because apart from anything else it will mean at last you will have removed the last cabal. Peace will then descend upon Earth and a whole new era will commence, and how quickly you will adapt to your new found freedom. It will be a glorious time, and a great coming together of all different groups upon Earth. You have not tasted freedom such as beckons, and it will spread all around. Man in his natural state is a benign peace loving soul who has never really lost touch with his Higher Self, and will readily return to it.

I am SaLuSa and bring you great Love from all members of The Galactic Federation. We welcome you to join us in the wonderful venture that is ahead of us all. Have no doubt that our promises to you will soon be fulfilled.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Ker-On - " Nothing gives us more satisfaction than to see the collective consciousness of mankind lifting up"

"Time Shift"
The energy of Time Shift reminds you that you have more experiences behind you than ahead of you. Time seems to be speeding up to 2012. This energy helps to let go of the feeling that there is not enough time for so many things. There is plenty of time...(Reported 2nd August 2004, Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire. England)
Crop circle

Through Mike Quinsey 27-Jan-06

The waiting game becomes a little tense, as those who follow events through the medium of these and other messages know how near we are to the final acts. What you will undoubtedly realize is that this is the year that has been given to us as one in which failing all else, we shall exercise our authority to bring matters to a close. The changes cannot be held back any longer, and the present situation suggests that we may not in any event have to intervene.

If you look around the world, you will see that in politics there is so much going on. The Middle East looks more unstable, and the temperature is raised by your President, who has stated that he will not speak with the new democratically elected Hamas party in Palestine. We are carefully watching developments in this area, as it may yet hold the key to when the changes are commenced by us. Whatever appears possible as an outcome, be assured that we are intently measuring the situation.

We reflect on the fact that the Divine Plan was conceived with an awareness of the final acts of the dark. Our prominence in the Plan came with your acceptance as full members of The Galactic Federation, which occurred in 1993. Your evolution has been guided for eons of time, but clearly these last few years are the most important of all. Ascension will come along regardless of any events upon Earth. Come it will, and you will be fully prepared by that time.

The new Earth that is called Terra is ready to manifest, and some of you have had glimpses of it already. It is a higher manifestation of what you already have, but free of Man’s interference and influence. An Earth that is clear of any structures or changes that are unnatural and not in harmony with all else. You have heard of our home planets that abound with beauty and color, and yours shall be similar. The energy as a whole will be uplifting and invigorating and nothing will carry the slightest blemish. Perfection is the way of the higher dimensions, together with peace and harmony amongst the people of all Nations.

Those who are not ready cannot rise up, and that is in accordance with Universal Law. The opportunity is open to everyone, but you will have had to lift your vibration to the higher level to take your place in it. This is why you have seen an increase in the number of channels working both on and off Earth. The last hundred years or so have been intensely active to bring peoples consciousness into a higher level of understanding. Again this has all been part of a very carefully laid down plan to prepare you.

Once you have started on the right track, the emphasis becomes one of encouraging you to go within for your truth. It is there within and only appears absent because you have been veiled from it. A great amount of help has been sent to Earth and continues to do so, and is gently raising the vibrations and loosening the old ones that have tied you down. It is a marvelous time of awakening to your true Self, and we for our part are also actively helping you along. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than to see the collective consciousness of mankind lifting up.

Once we can all come together, the increases in consciousness will speed along. Much of which still remains as obstacles will be quickly removed, and their will be a greater emphasis on personal growth. This is the beauty of the present time as you do not have to go anywhere at all for your knowledge and understanding, you already have it. For you, we shall be the living proof of what it means to ascend into the higher dimensions. We are each and every one aware of our place in the Cosmos, but also aware of our undisputed connection to each other. When we tell you that we are your family, we really mean it and you will have no hesitation in joining us.

All of the Galactic members have moved into the Light, and all recognize the existence of the Supreme Creator. That we all come from the same source confirms our connection to each other. Understand that the God’s that carry out the bidding of the Creator are not physical and we too are Light Beings although we do appear physically solid to you. However, where some of you have had contact with us, you will have felt or even seen our light emanations that surround our bodies. We are as you will be in the very near future, as the heavy physical body will no longer be suitable for the higher dimensions.

I am Ker-on and my home planet is Venus, the one that you correctly associate with Love. In days gone by some of you have spent time on Venus, and as you progress you will again be able to visit us or other planets of your choice. There are no barriers imposed, and in a great feeling of Brotherhood and unity we share a common purpose in furthering our evolution. Earth has hardened you, but soon you shall find your true self. We all look forward to your lifting up when we shall truly become One again.

Thank you Ker-On.

Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) also known as "Rainbow Project" in Banks.

N.E.S.A.R.A - The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act"
From: http://www.nesara.us/

1. Provides Major Benefits to Americans
2. History Behind the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA)
3. Debt Forgiveness
4. The End of the Internal Revenue Service
5. Peace Declared
6. Constitutional Law Shall Be Declared
7.Resignation of President, Vice President, and All Elected Representatives of Congress
8. New US Treasury Currency and Banks
9.The Federal Reserve Bank

1. Provides Major Benefits to Americans (has an immediate positive repercussion world-wide too)
- Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
- Abolishes income tax
- Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government
- Increases benefits to senior citizens
- Returns Constitutional Law
- Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement
- Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities od special interest groups
- Creates new US Treasury currency, "rainbow currency," backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
- Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
- Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
- Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
- Restores financial privacy
- Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
- Ceases all aggresive, US government military actions worldwide
- Establishes peace throughout the world
- Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades
- Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
- Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices
* * * * * *
2. History Behind the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA)

NESARA’s reformations are the main tools for implementing important US Supreme Court rulings made in January 1993 on several cases filed by farmers living in US Midwest and Mountain states areas against banks, specific government officials, certain judges, and others. Certain US Generals and Admirals were supportive of, and one General was co-plaintiff in, the Farmers’ Cases that went to the US Supreme Court. You may recall in the 1970’s and 1980’s there were news reports and documentaries about thousands of family farmers losing their farms to foreclosure. Willie Nelson has been doing Farm Aid concerts for years to help these farmers.

In the 1980’s some of the farmers investigated why there were so many bank foreclosures on their farms and discovered certain banks were fraudulently foreclosing on their farms. When these farmers turned to government officials for assistance and filed lawsuits against these banks, they learned certain government officials and judges were working in collusion with the banks. The farmers also learned that certain aspects of the current Federal Reserve banking system were unconstitutional and pursued their lawsuits through the Federal District Court in Denver and other locations. Some of the farmers involved in the lawsuits were harassed by the IRS and in turn investigated the IRS involvement with the bankers. After years of lawsuits, several of the farmers’ lawsuits reached the US Supreme Court including Baskerville and Foster v. Credit Bank of Wichita, Federal Land Bank, and First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins from the Denver Federal District Court. For simplicity, I call these cases at the US Supreme Court the "Farmers’ Cases".

In early 1993, the nine US Supreme Court judges ruled seven to two in favor of the farmers on all major issues including that the Federal Reserve Banking system was unconstitutional, that the US has been operating outside the Constitution since March 1933, that major reformations of government and our banking system are required, and that financial redress and remedies must be provided for financial losses due to bank fraud suffered by generations of Americans. The farmers involved certain very powerful US military Generals and Admirals in their cases. These Generals and Admirals made it clear to the US Supreme Court judges that they knew the farmers’ cases were righteous and watched in the courtroom as the US Supreme Court Judges heard the cases. The presence of the Generals and Admirals is why the majority of the judges felt they had to rule properly and in favor of the farmers. Because of the extraordinary nature of the necessary reformations, the Court sealed all court records and put all people directly involved under Non Disclosure agreements (gag orders) until the reformations are publicly and officially announced.

The Court had a duty to design and implement reformations to correct the injustices; therefore, the Court recruited experts in Constitutional Law, banking, economics, and monetary systems to work in task force groups to develop the needed reformations. During the two years these expert groups developed the reformations, irrefutable proof was provided to the US Supreme Court Judges that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, the income tax amendment, had not been properly ratified. The Judges had no choice but to include abolishing income taxes in the reformations development process. It was also found that there had been a definite pattern of federal administrations and Congress ignoring the Constitution in laws passed since 1933. FDR took the US out of Constitutional Law when he declared a national banking emergency and amended the Trading with the Enemy Act in March 1933.
Constitutional Law experts working on government reformations determined that to end the pattern of blatant disregard for the Constitution, it would be necessary to require the sitting US administration and US Congress to resign when Constitutional Law is restored. Following completion of the development of the reformations, the Court appointed certain experts and others to a "committee" which has authority to manage the process of announcing and implementing the reformations.

Once the reformations were developed, the Court made half-hearted efforts to implement the reformations through an "Accords" agreement process with the Clinton administration. During that time, very little progress was made to implement the reformations. However quantities of the new US Treasury currency backed by gold were printed and shipped to certain banks in the US where the currency has sat in bank vaults for years awaiting the announcement of the reformations. When NESARA is announced, many more shipments of the new Treasury currency will be shipped to all banks in the US under guard by US military units.
During the years of the Accords process, the Court approved a "claims against the government process" (also known as Farm Claims or Bank Claims) which was meant to provide specific financial redress to Americans, however, various groups and individuals interfered with the claims process.

Finally in 1998, the powerful US military Generals and Admirals consulted with constitutional law experts regarding the lack of progress in getting the much-needed reformations implemented. The Generals, Admirals, and constitutional law experts all knew the US Supreme Court Judges were purposely stalling the reformations process. It was decided that the only other way to accomplish the crucial reformations was to compile all the needed reformations into a law and have the law passed by Congress. The National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) containing required reformations was submitted to Congress in 1999 where it sat with little action for almost a year. Late one evening in March 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to only members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. The members were immediately accompanied by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security And Reformation Act.

The National Economic Security And Reformation Act provides the following, some of which will take place immediately after the official announcement of NESARA which is to be televised live from Washington, DC:

1. Restores Constitutional Law in the USA.

2. Requires the current US administration to resign their positions to allow a fresh start at the national level and installs Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections can take place within six months. Bush and Cheney will be resigning and the Cabinet and Appointees by the President, and all members of Congress must resign within 72 hours of NESARA’s announcement.

3. NESARA US President Designate declares "peace" because NESARA abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency.

4. As partial remedy for 100 years of government and banking fraud, credit card balances are zeroed out and bank debt relief is given to Americans for bank loans including mortgages, car loans, education loans, business loans, and other bank debt. Banks will be paid $9000 per each credit card account with a balance; these funds were raised in special revenue generating activities in Europe. NESARA requires other bank debts be made self-liquidating loans and US banks are instructed to use new high revenue generating processes to pay off Americans’ bank loans.

5. Initiates the US Treasury Bank System with new U.S. Treasury currency backed by precious metals. The Federal Reserve is abolished and Federal Reserve facilities and most personnel are absorbed into the Treasury Bank System. We will be exchanging our Federal Reserve notes, which are not backed by gold, for the US Treasury currency which is backed by gold. Many bank personnel have already been trained on NESARA and the new currency is already in some banks’ vaults.

6. Abolishes Income Taxes in US and creates a national sales tax on new, non-essential items as revenue for government. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items are exempt from the sales tax.
The NESARA law requires that a minimum of one time each year, there must be an effort made to announce NESARA. Three current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. The Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement; thus each year NESARA has been blocked from being announced.

This is why NESARA has not been announced: the people with the overall authority to order NESARA’s announcement are, in fact, blocking NESARA.
Due to the gag order on NESARA, it is difficult for true NESARA supporters to learn exactly what has happened to stop NESARA from being announced.
Investigating details with hundreds of people has yielded exactly what needs to be done to resolve key issues and bring NESARA to announcement. After learning what the "problems" related to NESARA are, I’ve researched deeply to find the "solutions" and those people who can carry out the solutions and bring NESARA to announcement.
In many ways, our country is facing the worst crisis of its history:
More Americans are unemployed, drowning in debt, and living in poverty than anytime since World War II
Our government irresponsibly races to assume more debt on top of highest historical debts
Our military lose their lives in battles for greedy corporations’ gains
Our elections revolve around lies, bribery, and betrayals.
We do not hear "truth" in our media; the media is controlled by opponents of Americans and America’s Constitutional Law.
Some of our greatest Americans speak the truth of today’s America:
These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Thomas Paine, December 19, 1776
We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln
The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. …We have it in our power to begin the world over again. Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
Our Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln had true courage. Our Founding Fathers faced the reality of the tyranny by the English Crown and chose to put their lives on the line to gain freedom!
We Americans must now follow the lead of our Founding Fathers and restore America through resolving the problems blocking NESARA and bring NESARA to announcement! NESARA Now!

3. Debt Forgiveness

When the true NESARA law is announced, the debt forgiveness of credit cards issued by U.S. banks is immediate. What I mean by immediate is that literally, the minute the formal announcement of credit card debt forgiveness is made, the U.S. banks are supposed to run special computer programs that instantly ZERO OUT all their credit card customers' accounts balances. While these special programs are running in the banks' computers doing the zeroing out of the credit card accounts' balances, there may be a few hours time when people cannot use their credit cards. This will be discussed in the announcement so that all merchants and service providers who accept credit cards will know that credit card transactions will temporarily be unable to be processed.

The reason that credit card accounts balances must be zeroed out almost instantly once the debt forgiveness is announced is obvious: if there were any delay, people would rush out to put new charges on their credit cards. This is also why credit card transactions will briefly be delayed from processing as the zeroing out of balances is occurring. Many of the major U.S. banks hired consultants from major consulting firms to design, develop, program and test their credit card accounts zeroing out computer programs. These special computer programs were tested and ready to be used in October 2000, over two years ago. These programs have continued to be sitting on the U.S. banks' computers waiting to be used when the true NESARA law is announced. I did learn this week that executives of some U.S. banks have been considering purposely delaying running these computer programs to zero out their customers' credit card accounts when the true NESARA law is announced. These executives have the strange idea that this will somehow cause problems for NESARA. However, there are MANY banks which will be doing the credit card debt forgiveness correctly, just as the true NESARA law requires.

Because the credit card debt forgiveness is SUCH a BIG DEAL to Americans, all Americans with credit cards are going to be talking to their friends and family members about NESARA's amazing credit card forgiveness! Therefore, if any U.S. bankers try to delay doing the NESARA credit card forgiveness, their customers will be talking to other people whose banks will be correctly doing the credit card forgiveness! Then, Americans will KNOW that some U.S. banks are doing the RIGHT things and Americans will also know WHICH banks are NOT doing the right things. These U.S. banking executives, who are considering trying to cause problems with the NESARA credit card debt forgiveness, are either simple-minded or deluding themselves. I'm told that the executives at Citibank, Bank One, and First Union Bank are among the U.S. bankers who are deluding themselves into thinking they can get away with delaying the NESARA credit card debt forgiveness! These banker boys are sadly mistaken. Americans will quickly realize that it is only CERTAIN BANKS who are trying to cause problems. Folks, when the true NESARA is announced, we can all be watchdogs on Citibank, Bank One, and First Union Bank and any other banks that fail to process the credit card debt forgiveness properly.

There will numbers we can call to report such things. We can tell everyone that WE KNEW beforehand that the executives at these banks were going to try to scam Americans out of their rightful credit card debt forgiveness! However, even if some banks try to delay the zeroing out of credit card balances, the White Knights will take over these banks and run the special zeroing out computer programs! The White Knights will arrest all bankers who helped try to delay these NESARA benefits to Americans!

The poll results indicate many of you want to know more about NESARA Debt Forgiveness. In a nutshell, I'm told that NESARA requires either OUTRIGHT FORGIVENESS of bank-related debts, such as credit card debt, or for the bank to change the `debt' into a "self-liquidating loan" which means the bank arranges to create revenue which automatically PAYS OFF the debt for the customer. Under NESARA, U.S. banks will have NEW ways, previously prohibited to U.S. banks, to create very large amounts of revenue very quickly; this is why the U.S. banks can easily do these kinds of debt forgiveness and self-liquidating loans.I'm told that credit card debt forgiveness will mean the ZEROING OUT of all U.S. banks' credit cards held by people who live in the U.S. regardless of whether they are citizens or not. However, you must be a U.S. citizen/natural person/sovereign to receive the NESARA benefits which lift all financial institution mortgage debt and other bank-related debt from your shoulders. Mortgages before 1999 will, I'm told, be totally forgiven and people will receive the deeds to their property within a few months of the NESARA Announcement. I'm told those mortgages begun in 1999 and later will be changed into self-liquidating loans where the BANK PAYS OFF the mortgage and people will be informed of the approximate date when the mortgage will be paid off and when they will receive the deeds to their property. Mortgages, such as private party contracts, may have some kind of adjustments made, I'm told, to ensure that any "interest rates" are in alignment with the new banking and economic rules under NESARA. There are OTHER KINDS of loans which are related to banks and which will either be forgiven or turned into "self-liquidating" loans which the BANKS and financial organizations PAY OFF. Because the bank and federal government FRAUDS against our U.S. citizens are so extensive, MUCH of the debt we have will be LIFTED from us with NESARA's announcement.I'm told that as of the NESARA Announcement, all credit card accounts in U.S. banks will be ZEROED OUT for U.S. citizens/natural persons/sovereigns and non-citizens. I'm told that as of the NESARA Announcement, ALL PAYMENTS on other bank-related debts will be SUSPENDED for some months and we will submit applications to the appropriate authorities to have these debts either forgiven or turned into self-liquidating loans. The NESARA Benefits for all mortgage and other bank-related debt are given only to U.S. citizens/natural persons/sovereigns. These NESARA debt forgiveness benefits apply whether the debts are in current, past due, or collections/ foreclosure status. I'm told the details of all these things will be covered in the NESARA Announcement and follow-up news conferences.

4. The End of the Internal Revenue Service

When NESARA is announced, every office of the IRS will be closed by White Knights Federal Marshals, with the exception of those areas in offices processing returns. Absolutely all collection processes or actions will end and IRS revenue officers will be terminated. Any tax payments made in the normal course of maintaining currency status with the IRS that are received after the announcement will be returned.Established Taxpayer disputes for refunds will be honored, new disputes can be filed for up to 30 days after NESARA announcement. Business transmittals such as Forms 940s and 941s, and the process for employees to obtain current year and last year refunds will be covered by the White Knight announcement. WITHHOLDING EMPLOYEE'S MONEY FOR STATE OR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED after the announcement. ALL INCOME TAX WILL END. This includes State Income Tax as well. The tyranny of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OVER THE STATES WILL END WITH THE RETURN OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. The States will not have the precedent in Constitutional Law to continue Income Tax. All individuals in prison for Income Tax related crimes will be exonerated and released.Liberal unemployment benefits will be given to IRS employees and employees of other professions affected by the IRS closure, such as CPAs, accountants, tax attorneys, tax preparers etc. These benefits will include cross training and career counseling. Many IRS employees will become employed by the Treasury Dept in the National Sales Tax area. Historical facts concerning the IRSThe Sixteenth Amendment, establishing the Internal Revenue Service, took effect on February 15, 1913. There is strong evidence that the Amendment was passed in the Legislatures of only 4 States and would therefore not be a legal Amendment. The current Code of Federal Regulations, (CFRs), shows that Title 26, the IRS Code, has not been enacted into "Positive" Law. NOR has Congress, Title 3. With the Amendment not being Legal, The President Designate can declare it null and void thus pulling the plug on the IRS. All litigation concerning this Amendment must reflect this fact and the legal remedies for damages administered. NOTE; The Grace Commission formed by President Reagan reported that not one dime of the money collected by the IRS goes to pay for government services. With the exception of paying for IRS expenses, all of this money is paid to the owners of the FRB. The payment to the FRB goes first to interest and then to principle. The Federal Government is primarily run by borrowed money from the FRB.

5. Peace Declared

The new President Designee will declare "peace" and call home all aggressive military units throughout the world. This is not only a good thing but it is required for the Prosperity funding to take place. In a State of War, a nations banking system is altered to reflect the hostility to one or more Nations. Assets are often frozen, banking ties are severed and the normal flow of money is interrupted. With the new banking laws on both Federal and International levels, peace must reign between Nations in order for these new banking laws to take effect. Many Prosperity Program Trusts also require a condition of "Peace" between Nations as a prerequisite to funding. The purpose of these humanitarian funds is to help people in all areas of the world. War can not exist when humanitarian activities for the people are being carried out.

6. Constitutional Law Shall Be Declared

The United States is currently under a Presidentially declared National State of Emergency(see below). Under this condition the Rights of people guaranteed by the Constitution are suspended. The new President Designee will cancel the National State of Emergency and the Constitution will be the law of the land once again. Much re-education of our lawyers, judges, and law enforcement people will need take place do to the restoration of the basic rights of the people.
The White HouseOffice of the Press SecretaryFor Immediate ReleaseJanuary 3, 2003Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Libya On January 7, 1986, by Executive Order 12543, President Reagan declared a national emergency to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and policies of the Government of Libya. On January 8, 1986, by Executive Order 12544, the President took additional measures to block Libyan assets in the United States. The President has transmitted a notice continuing this emergency to the Congress and the Federal Register every year since 1986.The crisis between the United States and Libya that led to the declaration of a national emergency on January 7, 1986, has not been resolved. Despite the United Nations Security Council's suspension of U.N. sanctions against Libya upon the Libyan government's handover of the Pan Am 103 bombing suspects, Libya has not yet complied with its obligations under U.N. Security Council Resolutions 731 (1992), 748 (1992), and 883 (1993), which include Libya's obligation to accept responsibility for the actions of its officials and pay compensation.Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to Libya. This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.GEORGE W. BUSHTHE WHITE HOUSE, January 2, 2003.

7. Resignation of President, Vice President, and All Elected Representatives of Congress

The office of the President and Vice President shall be temporarily filled by designees who will function until a new election is held within 90-120 days from announcement. These designees will be drawn from the Constitutional line of succession to the Presidency.The present Elected Officials represent a continuation of the fraud and deception of the past. The most current example is the Presidential Notice of the Continuation of the National State of Emergency, (and Martial Law) dated January 3, 2003, by President Bush. In this document he Noticed both houses of congress and sent it to the Federal Registry for notice to the nation as a whole. This "Notice" extends President Reagan's National State of Emergency declared in 1986, for one more year. This procedure continues the suspension of the Constitution and the continuation of Martial Law. Martial Law forms the basis upon which the Executive branch and all of it's agencies, bureaus, services and administrations conducts business. Martial Law also forms the basis upon which the present Admiralty Judicial system with it's "color of Law" exist as well. The entire legal system and the law enforcement community will be retrained in Constitutional Law. The present form of Government is more like an Elected Monarchy where there exists no balance of power and the President rules by executive orders.

8. New US Treasury Currency and Banks

The NESARA Law requires the US Treasury to issue new currency backed by precious metals (gold or silver). The exchange rate of Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) to US Treasury currency will be one to one. The White Knights have substantial amounts of Gold, more than enough to back the new currency at today's volume of FRNs in circulation. The new US Treasury paper currency bills are a different color for each denomination and have been dubbed "rainbow" currency. The Federal Reserve Banking system and many of it's employees will be absorbed into the Treasury Department. Certain Banks will become Treasury Banks and will be used to distribute the new Treasury currency. The minting of coins will continue to be controlled by the Treasury Dept.The NESARA LAW creates a new set of Banking Laws that will introduce new and better ways for banks to make a profit. These banking laws will become international and will replace the present system. The International Monetary Fund banking system will be used for international banking transactions and will conform to the new banking laws. The US owns 51% of the IMF.The White Knight economist will reestablish the price of most items to negate the past 70 years of inflation. Repricing schedules of 90% lower are expected. That means an item now costing $1.00 will have a new price of $.10 (ten cents). Wages and salaries will have a proportionate amount of changes as well. This devaluing will have the effect of raising our standard of living substantially. *For those who have cash savings, this will be a real windfall due to the fact that $1.00 cash pre-NESARA will then buy $10 worth of goods and services. (See Dove Reports dated 3-30-02, 11-4-02 and 12-17- 0 for Stock Price adjustments)As a source of additional income for the Federal Government the NESARA Law establishes a National Sales Tax. The tax is expected to be around 14% on non-essential "NEW" items only; No tax on food; A new house will be taxed, an old one will not.

9.The Federal Reserve Bank

The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) will be declared Unconstitutional and the Act establishing it repealed. The FRB, a privately owned banking institution, was established illegally by a group of treasonous government officials and a group of international banking interests the largest of which is the House of Windsor Family of Great Britain. The FRB has virtually complete control of the monetary system of the United States of America. It creates money by simply printing it on a printing press and loans it to the Federal Government to spend. The Federal Government pays interest of 47 million dollars per day for the use of this fiat money (paper currency not backed by gold or silver). The Internal Revenue Service was established to collect and pay interest and principle to the FRB. The National Debt is OWED to the FRB. The establishment of the FRB came as a result of loans to the US Government being foreclosed on in 1933. The collateral for these foreclosed loans was the land of America and it's resources which included the people. The net result of the FRB issuing notes as legal tender instead of Constitutionally legal currency meant that a citizen could not "pay" a legal debt but could only "discharge" the debt. The international banking interests "own" all of our land, resources, and we the people. (The Yellow Stone National Park flies the flag of the United Nations.) They have done for decades and they will continue until NESARA is announced.

St Germain - "The mysteries of life shall be explained, and together we shall see a new Sun shining its Light upon Earth"

Through Mike Quinsey 26-Jan-06

In the depths of your mind are memories of wonderful times that you experienced when you were present in ages where a spiritual peak was reached. However, in duality your moments of sheer joy are overshadowed by the lesser Beings who create opposition. It is not necessarily that they set out to do so, but you have two realities running along side each other that compete for Man’s soul.

At times the Light is in ascendancy and others the dark. The Light is always the dominant force because it will transmute the dark by its mere presence. The dark having no allegiance to the truth and their source of creation, use any means possible to overcome the Light. Those of the Light will try to reflect the principles of Universal Law, and the others will be lawless to uphold their own place in society. In these circumstances, the Light as a whole cannot achieve the ultimate success it seeks whilst upon Earth and in duality. The exception is that individuals can reach a level of understanding that can carry them beyond the darks influence. Your history will show that illumined souls have overcome the challenge of the dark, and have ascended.

You have an added problem, inasmuch that some groups will consider themselves to be of the Light and try to impose their beliefs on others. That will never be successful, because in duality there will always be opposition to those who would create a reality to suit their purposes. At any given time many different factions are competing for superiority, and confrontation is inevitable. The true Light Beings do not set out to impose themselves upon others in any way, but attract those who are drawn to their gentleness and love. They not only understand Universal Law but to the best of their ability also live by it.

What I have described is the position you now find yourselves in, and the Light continues to grow regardless of the attempts of the dark to stop it. You are reaching a peak whereby the dark will have to exceed their ability to contain the Light, and then shall their empire collapse. The dark are the destroyers, and the Light the builders who have the force of Heaven behind them. The negative energies of eons of time have become entrenched in the Earth, and everywhere you have what you may call high spots and low spots of that energy. In the low spots the dark are at home and live their reality as they choose, and these areas are easily identified.

The cleansing of Earth is changing the balance between Light and dark, and by attraction even more Light is being grounded in your dimension. You of the Light act as channels for these energies and are instrumental in doing this work. As much as the dark would like to curtail your success, they only have one weapon, and that is fear. Those of the Light know by now, that it can only affect them if they allow it to be so. However, there are many others who have not found that inner peace, and are held down by the lower vibrations.

At higher levels everything possible is done to lift you up, and great energies are constantly directed to Earth. If you can but recognize how you are kept in a state of fear, you would be able to draw away from such energies. You would then find the way to center yourself and break the bonds that have held you in their grip. Once having done this, you create your own space and the peace that knows no end. You will become aware of your Higher Self, and time set aside to make that contact is so important.

Think of your peacemakers such as Gandhi, those advanced souls who came to Earth fully aware of their divinity. They never lost touch with their Higher Self, never lost sight of their mission and successfully carried it out. They were masterful because Masters they were indeed, and that level of realization is placed before you now. You are not necessarily here to perform miracles, but this is the time to find and recognize your True Self. Everyone is on a path back to greatness to reclaim their sovereignty and godliness.

The end of this cycle is your golden opportunity to leave the old behind, but you need to first recognize that this is your destiny. Take the help and advice that is offered, and seize the chance that is being offered to you. Even now you can rise up out of your demise and many helping hands are there to help you do so. Trust in Spirit and allow them to show the way for you. Be positive and see your vision in your minds eye, and be assured that it is you who choose your path.

I come today to inspire you with confidence, as many feel they face an impossible task. Many also doubt that they are worthy to consider themselves as one who could rise up out of the lower levels. It is intention and desire to make good that will bring the opportunity to you that will lift you up. Some have a low opinion of themselves and feel that they are beyond redemption. I tell you that no one has ever fallen that low, and all of the time you have your spark of Light you can be enlightened once again, if you so desire. Do not worry that you feel unable to do it by yourself, as once you make that decision to change your direction, many helpers will be with you.

Dear Ones, we of the Heavenly Dimensions see you all as wonderful Beings of Light with such a great potential. We know who and what you were before you dropped down in to the lower levels. We will do everything possible to assist you back up, and the plan for your Ascension continues to manifest unabated.

I am St. Germain and one of many who shall be the first to return to Earth. That time is not far away, and many great changes are taking shape that shall quickly carry you forward. The mysteries of life shall be explained, and together we shall see a new Sun shining its Light upon Earth. We shall also see a new Light upon Earth, and it shall signal your readiness for Ascension. Hold fast to your vision and let nothing distract you from your path. The Love and Light is anchoring itself upon Earth, and it tells of your readiness for the next phase in your evolution. It will be one of wonderful beauty, great joy and continual happiness, in the full vibration of God’s Love for God’s creations.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"These changes in their full measure have either been denied or covered up by your so-called medical and physical sciences"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
1 Cauac, 2 Yax, 1 Caban 01.24.06

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, with more about what is happening on, below, and above your beautiful home world. As we stated in our last message, we have initiated "Project Omega." Since many of you have either objected or wondered about it's meaning, let us begin by renaming it. The new name for this project is its Sirian tag "Decra Zau," or "Operation Spirit." The purpose of this task is to hurry the move toward first contact and remove any remaining barriers as soon as possible. We are using our full creative potential, evolving new approaches, and involving in this task the most knowledgeable of our personnel on Earth affairs. As noted last week, first contact progressed in the past half decade into a mission that, on your world, takes in many interlocked variables. The constant shifting of these factors continues to frustrate the achieving of a rapid conclusion to our mission. Thus, we are moving this into a new final phase. We are going to keep on informing you on this endeavor while at the same time pushing hard for our Earth allies to finish off what is needed for our mass landing to occur successfully in the very near future.

This task, as always, involves no special circumstances for anyone before contact is achieved. No special landing sites have been assigned nor for that matter have they been in the recent past. Our purpose remains a mass contact with you. Thus, we worked on this matter with the Agarthans and with those personnel on your planet in a position to know of us and recognize fully what is happening on your world. First contact is, above all, a broad recognition of the Truth behind your move to full consciousness. This move goes beyond any concepts that may be floating around the "mass public." Rather, it is a realization of the vast spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical changes happening to each one of you. These changes in their full measure have either been denied or covered up by your so-called medical and physical sciences. Also, the xenophobia inspired by your religious philosophies further adds to the fallacies endorsed by the "powers that be." The need is to forge something new and unique that embodies the Truth and goes beyond the delusional dualism of this present dark-oriented reality.

Your plunge into limited consciousness permitted the dark to set up power structures that mentally and physically bind you to them and their Earth bound minions. In the last few centuries, means were put into motion meant to free you. Unfortunately, the nomenclature and accompanying beliefs of this reality make this task of freeing you most difficult. Heaven and the divine plan therefore devised devices for freeing you from this oppressive mind-set. The rise of America, the French revolution's "Declaration of the Rights of Man" are only two of the ideas that have moved you toward your destined liberation. Most recently, the rise of an "electronic revolution" on your world in the past few decades signaled that the centralized control of the dark is quickly fading away. In this newly created environment, the decentralization of control is leading to an emergence of new ways to express your freedom and go beyond the restrictions imposed by your reality's dark dualism. Those powerful ones on your world who recognize this and wish to become part of the consciousness revolution are becoming our greatest allies.

The key to defeating this dualism is True Universal Love. This concept goes far beyond the terms and expressions of your religious and scientific philosophies. It is an energy that created all things within the context of the Great Blue Light of Creation. Since a full acceptance of these Truths requires states of higher consciousness, Heaven began the great transformation that you are all going through. Swimming in these seas of evolving consciousness are the old forces of your reality. The result is a multitude of reasons and beliefs for what is happening to you. We need to use our "good offices" here to literally free you from drowning in the misbeliefs and other gibberish now permeating your mind. The key is to understand that you are indeed changing for the better and to comprehend that you are part of a global transformation in consciousness. In turn, this change hugely affects your world. Seen in this context, it becomes easier to look at our position and discover the Truths long hidden by this reality's inherent dualism.

When we observe you, we see you in a reality that is rapidly becoming unglued and hence creating much chaos. This chaos is also leading you to new structures that are swiftly appearing in an unzipped state. Your task is to take these and construct a new reality. As we look further into this reality and see how it transforms, we note that sages or "technology prophets" long heralded the start of this process. Thus, we presently concentrate on these ones as well as those now phasing in elements (for example, new monetary systems) essential for these new structures to fully manifest as planned. Further, we are implementing strategies to counter the plans of the last dark minions to stop these things from formulating in your reality. This multi-step approach needs great diligence and a knowledge of how your world operates. Manifesting first contact requires wisdom, due diligence, and the Will to succeed and to communicate with you.

In a nutshell, a project is underway that changes the obstacles to first contact into procedures that encourage it. In this context, the strange whims and beliefs of your world become ways to creatively alter your reality. In the past, we summoned the help of those who worked their magic to induce peace in our galaxy, but this failed to take into account the unique ways of this planetary society. Hence, these efforts, while well meaning, quickly became bogged down in the eccentricities of your world. Now, we have evolved a greater understanding of what is required. Consequently, we are using our personnel both aboard ship and on-planet to carry out the necessary preliminaries. This strategy is much more workable, as it is filled with general common sense about your ruling power structure and you. This plan can and will lead to first contact!

The inherent duality on your world has certainly forged special circumstances. Often, when first contact teams encounter a potential new Galactic Federation member, the degree of xenophobia and misconceptions about the universe would have greatly dissipated. This is not the case here. We had thought that the procedure of first contact could act as a catalyst and produce a global catharsis for change. This has proven highly inaccurate. Your degree of primitiveness and your highly emotional attachment to your misguided beliefs need to be taken into account by us and a new approach to first contact devised. This re-evaluation led to "Decra Zau." Its provisions allow us to rework our interweaving of personnel and other resources with those of our Earth allies. The time has come to move forward to first contact!

As we progress, we intend to keep a degree of stability to ensure your survival. There are forces on your globe desiring a scorched-earth policy when their defeat is deemed inevitable. Thus, we can easily maintain a surveillance that prevents the use of nuclear weaponry. Many on your planet still feel that whatever it takes to gain world dominance is divinely justified. This horrible misconception can and will be kept from manifesting by our fleet. Our mission is to move your global society toward a grand shift in consciousness and provide the final proof that you are not alone. This includes a grand reunion with your heavenly family. First contact is a major watershed in your history. Hence, first contact can and will happen! Remember, Together, We are Victorious!

Today, we reviewed the reasons and the basis for implementing "Decra Zau." These are founded on the realities that underpin your present reality. Our aim is to transform this reality and, in so doing, to carry out the rest of our first contact mission. We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Kasijaram! (Sirian for Be One! and Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)

St Germain - "You are beloved soul, a spark of God that has infinite life and you are about to start your sojourn back to the Godhead"

Through Mike Quinsey 25-Jan-06

Those of you who daily look for your message from this source and others, may wonder why it is set up this way. Firstly, it is a cause that is aimed at bringing you assistance at a time when you are being urged to prepare for Ascension. You cannot have too much help, and you need to know the manner in which the path is laid out before you. Much knowledge is within, but there are occasions when you benefit from practical advice and guidance. Hitherto, many of you have had but little knowledge of Ascension, and certainly very little understanding of the part to be played by members of The Galactic Federation.

There is an intent to open your eyes, and awaken you to the truth so that you may expand your consciousness. The truth has been elusive because of the many interpretations that exist, and the denial of it by many who are held in the lower vibrations. Messages are given that will implant an idea in your consciousness, that will hopefully find a place in your interpretation of the truth. As the bricks of truth fall into place, so you experience expansion and there is a greater truth revealed to you.

We cannot rush you into levels of understanding that are currently beyond you, yet by the same token there are many who are already ahead of the teachings. This happens when you have grown sufficiently to have the confidence to search for your own truth, and no longer feel reliant on others. What we try to break are old habits that tie you to outworn ideas, as you must start to widen your scope and at least listen to what is being told. It does not matter that you find difficulty in accepting what confronts you today, as tomorrow you may find another missing link and all becomes clear.

The hardest part for people with orthodox beliefs, is to allow themselves to speculate on the value of new ideas. Sometimes this is because it will take them out of their comfortable position within a circle or group that holds them captive. I say this not in any unkind way, as some are held for fear of going against what they have been given to understand as truth. I will simply say that if you have a mind to expand your thinking in other directions, do not allow another to take away your right to do so.

These times that you are in are so important to your evolution, and you must follow your intuition rather than that of someone else. You will be guided once you make that decision to question your cherished beliefs, and it may bring other people into your life. Believe that such events have a meaning for you, and do not dismiss such opportunities out of hand. As you open up, your vibrations change and you will be drawn to those who can help you along the way.

I have often said that there are many realities that exist at the same time, and that still remains as truth. So do not be concerned if your particular understanding is different to others. If you are on the right path, there will always be a common thread of truth that will ensure you continue to grow in consciousness. No one can lay down exactly how you should do that, and you will come into it in your own good time. However, this is the time to take advantage of so much help that is offered to those who aspire to prepare for Ascension.

There is a starting point that is basically simple and requires belief in the Supreme Creator. Providing you believe that everything That Is comes from the Creators mind and therefore is of that essence, you should have no problem in developing that understanding into the Greater Truth. It is also essential that you accept that the Creator Is All Love and every act of creation is conceived in this energy. You cannot attribute the negativity of this cycle to the Creator, it is one wherein you have been given total freewill to experience as you will. Energies other than those of Love are the result of Man’s misuse of them.

Your freedom operates within Universal Laws, and you have to answer to these if you violate them. This is not in any way a punishment, but an adjustment to your thinking and understanding so that you are aware of the consequences. You came into duality as a Master prepared to lose your identity in the lower energies. You undertook this task so as to take your sum experience with you as you returned to the higher realms, and returned to Masterhood.

Now is the time to learn your truth about All That Is, and particularly about yourself. You are beloved soul, a spark of God that has infinite life and you are about to start your sojourn back to the Godhead. You will regain your identity, and even when your consciousness expands and you meld with other souls of your vibration, you will still retain the knowledge of who you really are. The Creators Kingdom disappears into infinity, in multitudinous dimensions that are never ending as the Creator continues to dream even more into existence. The wonders and marvels of Heaven stretch out ahead of you, and Ascension is your doorway to it all.

I am St. Germain, and soon you shall begin the last stage of your journey home. All of the effort, the heartache and disappointment will have been worthwhile. It will pale into insignificance against the Great Shift that is approaching, and will lift you into the Golden Age. Your dreams will be fulfilled a hundred times over, and you will look back at this cycle and it will seem to be but a blink of the eye. The Heavens applaud your achievements, and acknowledge your loving dedication to your task. You are loved beyond measure.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Atmos - "You gradually dropped down into what is your present vibration, cut off from memories of your real self"

Know that you are able to create anything you want. You determine what your future looks like. You can turn your dream into reality when you create it out of passion, without fear and most of all from the heart. The energy of Passion will help you reach your passion and realize that you are capable of anything if it is done with passion. (Reported 24th July 2005,East Kennett, nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England)
Crop circle
source: the-arcturians.com

Through Mike Quinsey 24-Jan-06

As large areas of your world experience their cold spells, you no doubt look forward to warmer and more pleasant times. We observe you sometimes in sub zero temperatures doing your best to keep the cold out, and it is amazing to us how you cope with such extremes. Human Beings seem to be very strong minded when they face any type of challenge. When you push yourself deliberately to find out how far you can go, it is indeed remarkable how determined you can be. It seems to be part of your make up and holds well when your life is threatened.

For many of us such experiences are unknown, although we visit such planets as yours which can be quite hostile. At a higher level we are in command and control all features of our home planets conditions. When you have received visitors like us upon your Earth, you have been told about the conditions they live in, and you may recall that they are ideal and in balance with all else. The idea of weather control should not be new to you, but that is what takes place and even your scientists have learnt about it, but unfortunately it is used for the wrong purposes.

Our dimensions are such that everything that is needed for our quality of life is brought into being quite easily. As you will know by now, we can use our power of thought to change or bring things into manifestation. We also have the technology to control planetary functions and we set up conditions to suit our own requirements. The power of thought is not that strange to you as it is also used at your level. It is just that you do not often see an immediate response, and healing is an example of what you are capable of doing.

When you leave Earth through bodily transition, many of you go straight to what some of you call the Summerland. The name quite obviously tells you what it is like there, and it is a reflection of even higher dimensions. The light is constant and there are no conditions of change in your surroundings, which are perfect and not subject to decay. Colors are strong and there is a vibrant energy all around that you can feel and is very uplifting.

The power of thought can be used to materialize your personal needs, as for example your clothes, drinks and nourishment. These are in fact hardly necessary as your body is no longer of a density that you need physical sustenance. However, if you want coffee and biscuits they will appear in response to your desires, but they are not as you would expect. They are not manufactured; therefore they do not contain the substances of Earth. However, until you no longer find a need for such things, you can continue playing at being on Earth. I say it in this manner because you will find that you need little in the way of drink and foodstuffs. This is because your body is much less physical, and to a certain degree can absorb the energy around it.

It is likely that you have all experienced the Summerland hundreds of times as you spent your time there in between incarnations. The experiences lie within your subconsciousness, so the idea of such levels of being is not really new to you. In fact, you will almost certainly find it somewhat familiar, and have no problem in accepting it. As you are beginning to realize, the Earth vibration is quite heavy, although as you have become used to it you hardly notice. For us to come fully into it is a shock to our system, and I believe it has been likened to trying to move in molasses.

Conversely, when you come into the higher vibrations it is like a load has been taken off your back. You feel a lightness and freedom of movement you do not normally experience. I would say you feel really alive and energetic once you get out of your cloying vibration. On board our ships we replicate such conditions, so you would enjoy your time with us. Eons of time ago you were quite familiar with such conditions, as you have all come from the higher dimensions. Can you wonder that you had to leave those memories behind to concentrate on your earthly existence? You gradually dropped down into what is your present vibration, cut off from memories of your real self.

Now you are moving up again and it is appropriate and necessary that you learn about your true self. You are leaving all of the old energies behind, and they are fast being replaced by the new ones. You must be prepared for that quantum leap forward, and this is why I and many others make regular contact with you. We are as it were the advance party before we can openly visit you and your planet. We have been with you for a long time and because we have exceptionally long lives, measured in hundreds of years we can claim to know your different civilizations quite well. There has not really been a time when we have left you to your own devices, and in the main our help has been discreet and unknown to you.

I am Atmos of the Galactic Federation and hope you have enjoyed learning a bit more about yourselves. In the very near future we shall tell you and show you so much more, and it will come alive through our holographic illustrations. You will soon understand why we hold you in such high esteem and will greet you as an equal. You are us, and we are you – as you will get to understand. Try not to see us as alien to you, as we are so much like you were previously and will be again. Our bond goes back to the times of creation, and we all acknowledge the Supreme Creator. We are all of the same soul essence, We Are One.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

Monday, January 23, 2006

Diane - "Once you can travel to other planets you would normally look to trade with the inhabitants, and this is what they do"

The energy of Contact allows you to feel that all doors to your inner Source will open when you surrender and go with the flow like water. (Reported 17th June 2003, Highdown Farm, nr Pirton, Hertfordshire, England)
Crop circle
source: the-arcturians.com

Through Mike Quinsey 23-Jan-06

We are not idle while we wait for our call into action, and as you know we monitor Earth and its people. We do what you cannot, and that is to get inside the minds of the Illuminati. In this way we know what is planned and what to expect, and it enables us to work closer with our allies and guide their activities. Bear in mind that there are thousands upon thousands of Lightworkers that who are contributing in various ways. Many work very much with the guidance of their Higher Selves, and are capable of carrying out their undertaking without our prompting. However, we watch over them and they have our protection.

As we position our craft ready for First Contact, you will have seen a lot more activity in your skies. We show ourselves more openly and that will have been noted by many of you. Unlike some years ago, we know longer allow casual extraterrestrial visitors to come into the Earth’s atmosphere or land on your soil. The whole set up is now tightly controlled and we protect Earth from any possible harm or interference from outside. This is not just from other ET groups, but space is full of other dangers such as asteroids, meteorites and great explosions of energy that could affect you.

A more developed civilization would be able to protect themselves, so we have for eons of time been your protectors. Energy fields are placed at strategic points around Earth for this purpose. We also patrol this sector and are aware of any activity in your solar system. There is more taking place than you are generally aware, as there is much life within it. You have for example on occasions been visited by Beings from Pluto, an orb that has attracted your interest just of late. It has life forms quite like your own, and their level of evolution is not unlike yours as it is at present. Once you can travel to other planets you would normally look to trade with the inhabitants, and this is what they do.

Your way of working is not so far removed from Solar Trading as money is not used but a system of bartering and exchange. For example, on your Earth you have some minerals that are more abundant than elsewhere. Yet you are also totally devoid of others that would enable your sciences to move forward. Gold is for many reasons a treasured metal and has many properties that make it so efficient for many different applications. It is noted for its heat efficiency as a conductor, and of course it is the one that does not tarnish or decay and it is so versatile. Its use in your modern technology has increased considerably, particularly in your Space equipment and computers.

However, you are destined to join us on a higher level than present, and you will so to say, leapfrog some of the developments that you might otherwise have naturally reached. We shall make advanced technology available to you, and you will learn the secrets behind them. We will have nothing to hide from you once we come together, by which time those who would misuse the knowledge will have been removed in one way or another. Higher knowledge has been kept back from Earthman while there is a chance it would be used for the wrong purposes. Of course, you have been allowed to learn of certain advanced knowledge, mainly through your interaction with the Greys. We needed you to be at a particular point of understanding so that you would take easily to the technology we will be introducing to you.

You can see that we have been quite close to you for eons of time. We are not at all strangers to you, but your Brothers and Sisters. Everything has progressed exactly as intended, and your people are by and large primed ready for our arrival. Those of you who are unable to make that step upwards will be lovingly cared for, and their consciousness will develop in another cycle already planned. As is clear from your own understanding and experience, the concepts that we bring are just too much for many of you. Some have not had the opportunity to expand their consciousness to encompass or understand the magnitude of what is about to happen upon Earth.

As you can see by looking around you, intelligence does not mean that you can automatically understand spiritual concepts. The two do not go necessarily hand in hand. An expanded consciousness comes from experience, and having learnt the lessons of life. It also comes from having a desire to evolve and not every one shares the same ambition. As there is no time laid down for your progress, you will understand why your people hold such a different collection of views and opinions. Having now reached a point whereby you can experience a great upliftment through Ascension, there comes a sorting out. Quite naturally you will gravitate to those groups of souls that also have a similar vibration, and as a result your evolution will rapidly increase.

Know that absolutely no one is forced or coerced to move in any direction unless they wish to do so. At the level these decisions are made, your Higher Self will have much influence as always. Many of you find it difficult to accept the fact that existing families are not necessarily going to stay together. This idea is not in fact new to you, as many times in the past you will have incarnated with different souls so that needs of all are catered for at any time. Progress is not constant from one person to another; it therefore means that your various lives will bring you into touch with a myriad of different souls. However, some family members do forge strong links with each other and are likely to stay together for some time.

Remember that the energy of love is the one that binds you together, and that can never be broken. You must allow for even your loved ones to choose their own path as you are all unique. Some will travel together and that decision will have already been made. You have a tendency to cling together and be reliant on each other, but when you are free from the restrictions of Earth, you will enjoy your new found freedom.

I am Diane from The Galactic Federation, and tell you that your evolution is one of a loving and understanding application of Universal Laws. They are directions from the throne of Heaven that ensures all events are couched in Unconditional Love. As your consciousness opens up more fully, you will understand the gentleness and graciousness with which your changes are made. We will come soon and you will learn first hand from us. We joyously wait for our coming together as One in All That Is.

Thank you Diane.

Mike Quinsey.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Ag-agria - "More than ever before, you are finding that you have healing abilities, and some go on to do it on a regular basis"

The energy of Healing helps you heal yourself first, after which you can heal all around you, like a stone in the water. (Reported 26th Juli 2002, Ivinghoe Beacon, bij Dunstable, Buckinghamshire, England)
Crop circle
source: the-arcturians.com

Through Mike Quinsey 21-Jan-06

In our estimation, your rise in consciousness has been phenomenal. In the last 60 years you have made such wonderful progress, and today so many of you stand prepared to take those last steps towards Ascension. As each on of you pushes ahead, you also help to bring others up with you and the Light grows very rapidly.

There is no doubt that you are ready for return to full consciousness, as many are already in an awakened state. What we also see developing that would not have been commonplace too long ago, is the return of lost powers. More than ever before, you are finding that you have healing abilities, and some go on to do it on a regular basis. Having reached this point, we would suggest that you also remember to use them for self healing.

Learn to fully relax in a quiet environment, and through visualization see any part of your body that is out balance bathed in healing colors. If you understand the chakric system also focus on the chakras as these are the important seats of energy. If you have a particular health problem, it can often be traced back to a chakra that has become out of balance. They directly relate to particular glands that control important functions of the body, and some of you are sufficiently psychic to be able to see them.

However by being aware of the chakras you can heal the complete chakric system. You can easily learn about them from the numerous books that are available on the subject. When you can remember the different colors of them, you can then use the appropriate one that will effect the healing of any specific chakra. Bear in mind that your glands as well as under functioning, can also over function. A simple healing exercise would be to fill your aura with the white light, as it contains all colors. Your body would then draw to it the particular vibration that it needed.

You should take an interest in your body at all times, and if you look after it properly it will serve you well. It is a masterpiece of creation and extremely adaptable regardless of how it is treated. Your body cells have a consciousness and they respond to the way that they are treated. You can feel wonderfully well and energetic when you are in good health, but equally down cast when disease is present. Your body responds on a number of levels, and is most affected by your input of food and drink. In an age when fast food and fizzy or alcoholic drinks are the vogue, you are overloading your body with chemicals that will build up over time. Your pace of life is often stressful, and you allow little time to really unwind. Sleep is also often inadequate, and the total effect is leaving you open to serious illness.

I know that what I have just described is the typical life style of many people, and I have not even mentioned addictive habits. Although it is easy to say it, you must consider changing your ways and the most natural food intake is the best for you. You know for example how often you are warned about the excessive intake of salt and sugar. In just this one area alone, any reduction is going to be beneficial to your health. There are many symptoms that signal excesses, and where salt is concerned there will eventually be heart problems. In a coffee drinking nation such as yours, this is often another excess in which you indulge and again it can lead to heart trouble.

Most of which I have mentioned you know only too well. However, bad life styles will catch up with you and it is advisable to find a better one before it does. It generally follows that as you grow in your spiritual understanding, you become more aware of your responsibility to your body. It is not necessarily a moral issue, but one of realizing that your body is a temple that deserves your respect. It reflects an approach that understands the sanctity of life where you would not harm another, let alone yourself.

As you get more into the preparations for the end times, it is as well that you learn to love yourself. Love yourself in all respects for what you are and know that even if you have made mistakes, it is all part of the learning pattern. You are here to experience all that is, and you should now be approaching the end of your Karmic responsibilities. Start looking to the future and strive for the perfection that will come your way. Recognize that energies abound that are continually flowing to Earth, and as you cleanse your body so you will be able to draw more to you. Eventually, you will find beneficial changes taking place and you will feel a new sense of well being.

I am Ag-agria, and I have talked today more in my role as a Guide but I am also a member of the Galactic Federation. What you have started, we will help you to finish so that in short time all of your ills and concerns can be alleviated. In fact, our abilities are such that there is no problem that we cannot address or rectify. I have spoken about health issues, and I can tell you that you will eventually all be restored to a pristine condition. Nothing less than that which is perfect can be carried forward to Ascension.

It will not be too long before we arrive on Earth, and we envisage times of great co-operation and rapid progress. We have more to offer than you could possibly imagine, and we shall be delighted to help you leave all remnants of duality behind. It will extend into every conceivable area of your life. We feel so joyful that our time for reunion is so close, and we shall step onto your soil with great love to offer you.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey.

Friday, January 20, 2006

St Germain - "There is something of a race taking place to remove the last cabal before matters get out of hand"

Through Mike Quinsey 20-Jan-06

The outworking of the future events depends very much on how the Middle East Crisis is handled. Whatever happens it must be brought to a conclusion before you can move on. There are at present a number of options open to those hoping to negotiate a peaceful settlement, but the specter of war hovers around. Be assured that from our side, we are trying to wield our influence so that there is satisfactory outcome. We try to keep the hotheads calm so that any hasty and regrettable moves are not made.

There is something of a race taking place to remove the last cabal before matters get out of hand. The rhetoric and threats do not help, but sanctions if proceeded with can buy time. We know that your leaders prefer more direct action, and it is this which we will endeavor to contain. Exactly when we might exercise our prerogative to take action through the Galactic Federation remains to be seen. Matters will certainly not drag on for many months, as we are very near to completing our own action to draw matters to a conclusion. We must ask you to have faith in our decisions, and know that together we will be victorious.

Leaving these matters aside, know that the preparations for Ascension proceed according to plan. Most of what is taking place is out of your sight, and the incoming energies that are raising the vibrations upon Earth are ever increasing. Time is being further compressed, and we know that you are registering this change. You of the Light are becoming more powerful, and your use of it is most certainly helping to transmute the dark more quickly. This is another factor affecting what is taking place on Earth, and you are sensing your increased ability to bring change through your power of thought. We tell you that you are creating all of the time.

As you are aware, the fear factor works against the Light, and at this time those areas of darkness need to be bathed in it. The Middle East as a total area of upheaval should be visualized as covered in healing rays. You do make a vast difference, and much of your work is a matter of faith because the results are not instantaneous. However, we know you understand and we are uplifted by your dedication to your chosen tasks. What has been happening over the centuries has come to rest in this time, and you elected to be here for that reason.

The Light is formidable and powerful in its ability to bring change, and for some time now groups of you have traveled Earth for the sole purpose of healing particular spots. Some also specialize in opening the Stargates, work that few people are aware of although they will know that these are points of entry for powerful energies. The Earth is being prepared for its own Ascension, and you are very much involved in the outcome. You are working together as partners who have been together for eons of time, and you will continue to do so as you enter the Golden Age.

Of necessity we cannot always tell you of our plans, but we can confirm success. We understand your impatience and frustration after so long, but you are at the end of your journey. Matters must move on a little further before the final outcome is apparent. Even so, the actions being taken all round should inspire your confidence, as you must be able to see how matters are developing. The net is closing in on the dark and they fully well know it.

Dear Ones, whatever your problems the answers are not far away, and we are aware that so many of you are in desperate need of help. By taking on the responsibility of those roles at this time, you are highlighting all that has gone wrong in society. Someone has to play these out but they will not go on for too much longer. Try to see the positive outcome, and know that all of the benefits you have been promised will become yours. It is not intended that you should carry your burdens for much longer and you will soon be released from that responsibility. What you are experiencing now is the final breaking up of the old and it is an uncomfortable time for you.

The next few weeks are so important to the outcome of the Middle East problems, and the whole world waits as it holds its breath. The focus is on the West but as you must see, it really will have repercussions everywhere else. We work for an outcome that will herald changes that will prove beneficial all round. We are here for Humanity as a whole, and the Light has no restrictions as to where it will manifest. I remind you that you are One Race and soon peace shall bring you closer together.

I am St. Germain, and I stand at the helm and oversee the events on Earth. I say again be assured that you shall have your day, and all of the battles concerned with duality shall become a thing of the past. Peace beckons, and all of the joy and happiness that will release you from the oppression of the dark forces. A new day dawns, and we shall all help it manifest so that you can put all of your cares and worries behind you for once and for all. As always a great Love is accompanying you as the old is being replaced by the new.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ela - "It will be a bold decision to take, but if you wish to move into the Light you must acknowledge its full existence"

"Turning Point"
Every single moment of the day you can choose a turning point. We are often too scared of making the wrong choices. However, the ! day you realize that every moment is a turning point; you will be able to adjust your choices at any given time. The energy of Turning Point will help you to understand that every moment in your life is a turning point. (Reported 18th July 2002, Hundred Acres (East Field), Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England)
Crop circle
Source: the-arcturians.com

Through Mike Quinsey 19-Jan-06

Dear Ones, I come from Arcturus and my services are through the Galactic Federation. Our role is one more in a teaching capacity and we already have a number of channels that perform in this way. At this time you have so many souls that are awakening, but they are of course at different levels of understanding. It is therefore necessary for all manner of channels to be open with varying degrees of vibration. Our energy is such that we attract you who have developed a greater knowledge of the higher truths.

There was a time not too long ago when you were at the beginning of your personal quest for knowledge. The normal view of spirit and its manner of working were generally tied to orthodox teachings. As you realize, these have their limitations as they are based on teachings that were for a different era. They had to be very simple for the people of that time, and because they were lacking depth much was given without true explanation. The facts were dressed up to be acceptable to people who had backgrounds that contained much ritual and superstition.

Much has been said against your so called pagan worshippers, but even so many of their spiritual beliefs were incorporated into present day religious teachings. This is also relative to those called Druids, and theirs were also very spiritual and what you may refer to as those more up to date. The difficulty with religious teachings is that most are in a time warp and cannot move on without altering the original concepts. All teachings contain much of truth, but it is almost impossible to be discerning when they are looked upon as the immutable word of God.

How can you arrive at today’s greater understanding without allowing yourself to move on? It is the time for growth, and is necessary if you are to accept the opportunity of Ascension. You have to apply yourself to the new understanding, and let go of that which no longer serves your interests. It is a fact that many religions promise spiritual rewards for their followers, and it is a means of keeping their loyalty in place. On the one hand you have to follow that which you feel comfortable with and that gives you succor, but the present period gives an opportunity for a great leap forward.

You must be able to become more open to other ideas and not be fearful of the consequences. No one at spiritual levels is going to chastise you for trying to grow in consciousness. One of the biggest problems to overcome is related to channeling such as I am doing now. In some religions it is absolutely frowned upon, and even considered to be the work of negative entities. In some instances it is certainly of a dubious origin, but the proof should be apparent within the message. True messages do not demand obedience from people, but are put forward for your consideration. You are in fact encouraged to accept only that which you feel comfortable with and they are never imposed upon you.

It should be obvious that truth can be seen from different levels, and its expression will differ accordingly. It is the inner message that is important and it will carry the energy with it. It is what you feel at ease with, and in this way you will grow at your own pace. The written or spoken word has influenced you for eons of time. Today you stand with a consciousness that has developed from your age old experiences, and subconsciously it affects your present understanding. Your most recent lives may have a more dramatic effect upon you, as the memories lie only just beneath the surface. Let us say you have been persecuted for your beliefs and the painful memories are still with you. Would it not for example be possible for it to account for an underlying dogmatic approach to all religion, where you find you reject all creeds and beliefs?

I make only the point that it is not easy to understand yourself, or what is responsible for strong feelings one way or the other. Yet somehow you must try to overcome them if your are to take the wonderful opportunities that are now in front of you. These are very important times, that present you with the chance to finally move out of duality, but you must accept it and become that which you envisage. No one can do it for you although help will be given, and it is you who have to take that first step. It will be a bold decision to take, but if you wish to move into the Light you must acknowledge its full existence.

As you progress you will gravitate to higher and higher levels and this is where we come in. There is no value in trying to understand a level of teaching that is way beyond your comprehension. It would not satisfy you or necessarily advance your understanding. Our purpose is to take people to that higher level that embraces the whole of God’s Laws and creations. We can do this because we have gone before you and are Masters in our own rights. We can lift your consciousness up and you will understand the greater truths. However, there is a time for such a leap forward and we shall find each other when you are ready.

Spiritual Laws are simple and easily understood, but need to be put into practice if you have aspired to step up your evolution. The first principle is the understanding of Love, and you must reach the point of being able to give Unconditional Love. It will not happen overnight, but once you decide to put it into practice you will eventually succeed. It means treating everyone equally with Love, knowing that if you harm another you do it to yourself. Also, being compassionate without favor and being non-judgmental. This is at first extremely difficult as you have been brought up in a society that sometimes delights in being exactly the opposite. Give it your thought and realize what a difference it would make, because herein lies the answer to complete joy and happiness.

There is a paradox here as you have all time on your side as life is infinite. However, time is now racing by at an ever quickening speed and if you are to get onto the path towards Ascension that decision needs to be made now. For some the prospect will be too daunting and certainly no one will apply any pressure to make them do otherwise. Just be aware of the times you are in, and know that any progress towards a greater consciousness will serve you well in the future. The cycles come and go and always another opportunity will present itself. No one is left out or behind, and it ultimately comes down to your choice alone.

I am Ela and will be one of many of my kind that will come to Earth. We will be of immense help to you and it is with joy we look forward to meeting you. Some we shall take to our home on Arcturus, so that you can see and experience the higher dimensions. The beauty, the wonderful energies and the feelings of Oneness will enthrall you. It will be glimpse of what awaits you at Ascension, when your Earth shall also become a paradise in Heaven. Until then we send our Love and Blessings.

Thank you Ela.

Mike Quinsey.