Saturday, July 02, 2005

The "One Campaign" deceit exposed

Jon Rappoport 07.02.05

Behind the Live 8 hysteria taking place as we speak, there is an agenda, and it has nothing to do what forcing the so-called wealthy G8 nations to eliminate poverty in Africa. The G8 already has a plan. The concerts are merely the cover to make it seem that these G8 power players are caving in to pressure. Here is the real agenda: Flood Africa with highly toxic AIDS drugs. Forgive African debt to the World Bank, the Paris Club, IMF, and other creditors. This is debt, by the way, that would never be repaid anyway. Under the guise of debt cancellation, impose IMF-type rules on the affairs of these African nations. This means that outside predatory capital can freely move in and buy up (more of) the utilities, resources, cheap labor, and land in many parts of Africa. These repressive rules would ordinarily be imposed by approaching African debtor nations and saying, "We'll continue to lend you $$ so you can repay at least the interest on the loans you can't repay. But now you have play by our regulations." But why bother with that charade? Why not just retire the debt and impose the same rules? On the AIDS front, the drugs will maim and kill off many Africans. This will be called "poverty assistance." Of course, poverty, contaminated water supplies, hunger, stolen agricultural lands---none of this will be eliminated. In fact, these factors will continue to be called AIDS. It's not hard to use rock and roll stars as dupes and cutouts. All you have to do is make them think they're the people who are applying the pressure. They already think they know what AIDS is, and they already believe that killer drugs are the solution. They fit in nicely. Jon Rappoport

[My friends, we live in a period where deceit and manipulation go far beyond what we can think of. I have been following the « One Campaign »thing from the beginning..I suspected it was an op. I smelled a rat. The money involved to set up this type of organization is enormous and yet how strange it came out of the blue. Where’s the money coming from ? who intiated it ? These are the questions to ask.. I also sense some kind of subtile mind control with the colors and the ring. The white and black.
ONE is the focus word. This word has three letters. It is not in blue (hope, spirituality) nor in Yellow (purity, truth) or other colors that would convey HOPE. it is in BLACK. Black is Darkness. It is the opposite of LIGHT. Number 3 is a key number and has an occult power. They illuminati are known by now to use this occult power for malevolent purposes. (look at your dollar bill and the Illuminati pyramid with the all seeing Horus eye at the top) - Ludovic ]