Wednesday, November 29, 2006

St Germain- "The Golden Age awaits your presence with all its promise of a land of milk and honey"

Through Mike Quinsey

As we look at you all and register your level of consciousness, we find a beautiful blossoming of a new awareness that is going to carry you forward to victory. One that has already established the Light upon Earth in all its glorious power to speed up the changes. One that is manifesting the very opportunities that are needed to remove what was once the stranglehold of the dark.

Never again in the remaining years before Ascension shall the dark dictate the course of Humanity. Instead the path has been clearly defined by the Light of millions of souls, who have risen up out of their slumbers and forgetfulness. They have recognized their true selves and purpose for being here in these momentous times.

Now many walk their lives in one big prayer desiring what is best for all others. They see where upliftment is necessary, and their joy is to hold the vision of what would achieve it. This is attracting the energies for change into action, and with the speeding up of the vibrations the new reality is forming. Your success can be measured by the more subdued actions of the dark. Your Light is taking away their power, although they still harbor dreams of achieving their plan.

The Light has amazingly grown in such a comparatively short time, and continues to gain strength. More souls are awakening and recognizing their true ability to mould the future, and so it shall continue at even faster rates. This is what we anticipated, and it has given us the authority to assist you in even more meaningful ways than previously. We can respond to your positive prayers for help, and this is what we have always encouraged you to do.

Working with the Light has required a great deal of faith on your part, as the results often take time to manifest. Progress cannot always be measured in ways that are necessarily apparent to you. However, now look around you and you will surely realize how much has changed since the Millennium. It was the time during which people were released from the fears of Armageddon, and similar prophesies that were expected to take place. Instead, you raised your consciousness sufficiently that you overcame such dire probabilities.

It was the turning point in your lifetimes, not without a little help from Beings of the Higher Realms. However, it was your impetus and desire for change that gave us the authority to do so. Man has never felt too comfortable or assured that his prayers are answered. This is partially explained by the idea that God will respond exactly in the measure to which your request is made. You will find that the most successful prayers are those for the good of all, although it does not preclude those for self. The energies you create by sending out your thoughts, are drawn together through the Law of Attraction creating a greater thought form. Therefore those that reflect the desires of the majority of the people are those that will have the greater chance of manifesting.

We in the Higher Realms “hear” your prayers and are bound to respond to them, but there is a measure concerning the timing as to when it is made. We have to consider the overall picture, and you must bear in mind that the dark also have a place in it. Our input is to add further power to the thought form, and it is done in such a way that changes are achieved more often in a gentle and peaceful way. Even so, the Lords of Karma decide when a major change can take place, as it must be in accordance with the greater plan.

On the face of it, it would seem to many that there is no plan at all. Chaos appears to rule and to a degree that is also true. However, what is not readily understood or seen is the outworking of the Light. It is subtle and effective without drawing attention to itself, because it works by transmuting the dark energies. As this happens, so the balance moves towards the Light that we can truly say is in its ascendancy.

Many tune in to the Akashic Records and register the possibilities for change. Hence, you are finding more predictions are in evidence, as the changes become that much nearer to manifesting. Be aware however that the Earth is in a continual state of flux, and although the goal may be constant the manner in which you reach it has many possibilities. In particular, do not hold too rigidly onto dates that may be given but see them as a measure of how near events are to manifesting.

You cannot be denied the coming period of joy and happiness. The peace you seek will come and seem unbelievable after the many lives you have experienced in times of confrontation and war. The collapse of the great civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria left you to pick up the pieces, and ever since you have been fighting to lift yourselves up out of the lower vibrations. The lowest point has since been reached, but now your resolve to move out of them has gained you the opportunity to leave them behind once and for all.

What you are achieving right now is all credit to you who toil upon Earth. There is a determination and dedication that is born out of millennia of challenges, where your will has been forged in the fires of hell. Hell in this context is not some condition that exists off Earth, but is the very state created on it by mankind. Now proudly shine your Light to open up your path to Ascension, as it is the right time to leave duality behind.

I am St. Germain and stand at the helm of your ship, guiding you to the Promised Land. The Golden Age awaits your presence with all its promise of a land of milk and honey. A fairy tale existence where all is in absolute harmony and balance, and where happiness and beauty go hand in hand. Your journeys and experiences in duality will have proved well worthwhile, and the prize is the realization of your true Self, in everlasting Love and Light.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"Be aware that all major governments know about our fleet and its galactic mission"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
10 Manik, 5 Yaxk'in, 2 Ik
28 December, 2006

Selamat Jarin! We humbly gather before you again, dear Souls! We arrive with a great Love to kindly offer you knowledge of what is transpiring among the mindful multitudes of Light vibrations that forge your blessed reality. Harken unto this, dear Traveler! This realm of yours is now primed for a great revolution in both mind and, most of all, Soul. For millennia, your realm was dominated by a dark energy that twisted your divine connection to your spiritual essence. Presently, this is being remedied by a massive reconstruction instituted by Heaven. As you are being rapidly reconnected, a rising level of awareness lessens the former immense power of the dark. This effect is being accompanied by a series of global procedures designed to make permanent a new, abundant, and more highly conscious reality. All of this is presently underway and preparing to manifest before you. The entire divine undertaking is under the direct supervision of Heaven and her sacred followers residing in the temporal Maya called physicality. We come today to discuss this with you and to bring you Peace and divine good news!

In past messages, we touched on the complex, detailed procedures required to bring all this to fruition. These secret projects are aided by the immense energy shifts happening to you on a physical, mental, emotional and, of course, spiritual level. This operation is planned to manifest when your own inner revolution reaches a critical mass and is timed by Heaven to be accomplished when the outer revolution is very near to completion. Here, we are required to state the dual meaning of our use of the word "completion." First is the completion implied by the first-stage transformation of your present global economic, social, and political systems, which are to move you into a period of abundance, massive technological advances, and global intra-governmental cooperation. This is to be tied into the final playing-out of limited consciousness. The second meaning and highest level of completion involves first contact, accepting who you truly are, and starting you toward building your own galactic society. Completion thus comes in two linked stages: a finishing-off of this reality, and then its alteration into something new.

Saying all this is one thing; doing it is truly something else! Heaven fully comprehends this saying and has from the start worked diligently with your life contracts to create the desired results. This meant bringing forth those individuals needed to achieve this change; properly educating them in what was technically feasible; and, finally, putting them in a position to carry out their assigned destiny. Persons so chosen became what we call "our Earth allies." At present, they are busy completing a number of tasks whose results can be used to forge a new political, economic, and social order for your global society. This movement is being helped by a newly developing science that is going beyond the age-old belief in logical positivism. Consequently, a new paradigm founded on an acceptance of the power of Spirit and upon the power of the mind is merging with a new ethic, one based on a strict adherence to global and personal responsibilities. These responsibilities have made it necessary to redefine government and the way it relates to the individual. Added to this is a need to institute a global abundance.

This growing mechanism for change is incorporated into a forever-evolving dynamic. Doing this permits the process to adapt itself to any changes in the global web. This communion of people and events results in a moving mass of energy. The crucial point is to move all of this forward toward the prescribed divine goals. This ongoing project contains a nearly infinite set of human variables whose definitions of themselves are inherently changing, and so a great deal of mindful divine intercession is often necessary. This is effected in two main ways: either by way of vivid dreams and conscious inner suggestions to key individuals, or by the use of specific tasks carried out by Galactic Federation liaison teams assigned to this aspect of your consciousness evolution. These teams, along with their divine counterparts, work diligently to keep this entire operation on an even keel. This results in progress that can and will, ultimately, succeed!

This requirement by Heaven to work this massive reality in a specific manner puts a huge amount of stress on the carrying-out of this particular first contact mission. First contact is normally a swift procedure, done according to accepted criteria. Like the model presented above, this mission required us to evolve and break free from our previous limits. This demands of us a quite novel approach. We have relished this challenge and learned much about your world as well as our own. Physicality is a strange illusion that possesses many odd twists and turns. It is where Spirit goes to learn new wisdom and express herself in infinite ways. Your reality is just such an example. Our interaction teaches both of us about our potential and, indeed, we are raised up by what we come to know of each other. This divine interaction promises much for our society and yours.

The present concerns of first contact involve certain necessary governmental as well as economic transformations. These are linked to a number of strategies we have incorporated into the evolving first contact scenario. During the past decade, vital relationships were forged with many local peoples in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific islands. These contacts proved to us that the next step requires the evisceration of the present global UFO cover-up, followed by a massive contact. Anything less would be open to the standard reactions, which range from an implied fear of invasion to proclaimed assumptions of less-than-benevolent, unknown agendas. Only an enlightening appeasement of these innate fears can give rise to a beneficial and smoothly carried-out first contact.

First contact continues to be a situation requiring a number of preconditions. Among these is a groundswell of official approval. Until then, the powers that be on your world can use their control of your major media outlets to limit the possibility that first contact actually happens. This sorry situation is the main roadblock to finishing up this undertaking. Accordingly, we utilized our best diplomatic and liaison teams to establish timelines and scenarios for us. This work produced the database that we employ to assess the most effective way to complete first contact. Be aware that all major governments know about our fleet and its galactic mission. Those scientists researching this field who deny our existence are simply expressing official positions given them by their superiors. Soon this farce can at last be put to rest.

We are very grateful that this first contact mission is reaching a potential moment for completion. Our Earth allies have worked very hard to get all of us to this point. However, some things remain outstanding and we intend that these be done as planned. Around you are a vast sea of ships and a multitude of Earth-based individuals and groups. All of these are in addition to the powerful work of Heaven, which follows the nuances of the divine plan and the sacred decrees of Lord Surea. These sacred instruments are leading you to a glorious destiny, which is to transform your present reality into a new, fully conscious one. It is these gathering momentums that make first contact inevitable! Remember, Together, We are truly Victorious!

Today, we continued our messages about your transforming reality. As always, we ask you to stay focused on your inevitable victory and to be ready to assist your communities when so required. Very soon, we shall all celebrate the coming of a new reality to your realm. We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Ag-agria - "Be that which you really are as a soul of immense strength and power, and a co-creator of God"

Through Mike Quinsey

So much is in motion now that must ultimately bring the changes that are not only being sought by you, but are laid down as part of the plan for these final years. Your collective consciousness picks up on them as they forge ahead, and consequently you feel enlightened as to what is taking place. Many times it would appear to you that your thoughts are your personal ones, yet you will find other people gaining the same impressions.

You attract the energies that are compatible with your own, and this also applies to people who are drawn to each other. There is no mystery at all as to how those of a similar leaning are brought together. It happens everywhere, and it is clearly just as apparent with those of the Light as of any other persuasion. Obviously, you come into life predisposed to certain expressions of Self that reflect what you have established previously.

Spirit is empowered to direct you to parents that are suitable for your upbringing, and this is the first step in moulding your character. However, you are already genetically coded so that certain facets of Self are highlighted to impose themselves upon your life. It is part of the planning that accompanies you, to ensure that your life plan offers the opportunities that are essential to it’s outworking.

If your lives were not ordered in a way that ensured that lessons came up at appropriate times, your opportunity to progress would be disorganised and disjointed. Look back at your life, and it is certain that you will detect a pattern that is like a series of stepping-stones. Sometimes you will even find evidence of repetition, where an opportunity has been presented again so that its lesson can be fully learnt.

Life progresses at a rate that has been pre-determined by you prior to incarnation. For some life is continually hectic where for others it can be more leisurely. On Earth in the cycle of duality your evolution goes forward extremely rapidly, and it is the place to be if you want to speed it up. Embodied within all of it is your freewill, and whilst your Guides will do all they can to keep you to your life contract, ultimately the final choice is yours.

You can help yourselves by trying to understand what reasons are behind your lessons. Accept them in good heart even where sadness and sorrow are the result. It is very rare for life to be one continual series of happy and blissful experiences. That is more likely in the higher realms, although you will still have chosen a path that is going to leave you with experiences you need. Evolution is ongoing and consistently lifts you up through one level after another. On the basis that you are brought together with like kinds in these realms, your journeys are more in harmony and balance with each other.

Therefore, when you ascend there will be a wonderful energy permeating everything around you, and you will be within it with other souls that are very much of a like vibration. The Law of Attraction is just one of the Creator’s ways of laying down a path that fulfils your needs on Earth, but also allows you to progress upwards in the company of other souls that are very similar. That pathway often divides up so as to allow you multiple choices, but eventually all leads back to the principal one that is destined to carry you ever higher.

Even without the coming Ascension, you would as individuals still have had the opportunity to uplift yourselves. It has taken place many times where certain people have achieved it while still upon Earth. Ascension is open to every single soul, and those who through their own dedication are in preparation will attract the powerful energies being sent to Earth. It is a special time where you are making the decisions as to whether or not you want to ascend. That decision for very many of you has already been made, and indeed goes back many lifetimes.

If your friends or loved ones seem not to be on the pathway to Ascension, love them with all of your heart as they are not lesser beings. They are every bit as great as anyone else, but choose to remain in the lower vibrations until they feel ready. You have to allow for the fact that you cannot know the life plan of others. Simply respect their choice, and allow them to see through you the peace and love that accompanies one who has become enlightened.

These really are times when there is a mixing of such a great range of energies. Some are too powerful for those who remain in the lower vibrations. The result is that they become very unsettled by them, and in part this is responsible for much of the disruption and chaos in your societies.

The parting of the ways results in sadness at one level or another, but Lightworkers realise what is happening and can alleviate much of it through their own understanding. Questions will be asked and it is time for frank and truthful answers. There is and always have been choices for you to make that reflect your own destiny, and your Higher Self has been guiding you to it. It matters not what others do, and there need be no sense of being left behind as all will eventually come together again.

I am Ag-agria of the Galactic Federation, and we are those who have gone before you. However, we remember and love our fellow beings, as with many we have had strong connections in the past. We serve others and our pleasure is in doing so, and it is the way of those who have ascended and you too will soon join those ranks. We express the Love of the Creator for all of creation, and we see you as ready to stand along side of us.

Man has been hardened over millennia of time because of his experiences, but now is the time for letting go all that no longer serves your higher purpose. Be that which you really are as a soul of immense strength and power, and a co-creator of God. Give of your love so that others may see the harmony and peace it brings, as we too embrace you with ours.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey

Friday, November 24, 2006

Atmos - "We shall come with massive help, but it is also your responsibility to help put your “house” back in order"

Through Mike Quinsey


It is clear that those of the Light can now move forward with full confidence. There are more than enough signs that progress is rapidly escalating, and positive evidence that major shifts are well on their way to taking place. When they are announced there will be a tremendous outpouring of relief, and many who had no idea of what was about to occur will give their immediate support.

Vast numbers of people still cling to old and outworn ideas, but are nevertheless seeking answers to the worldwide problems. Without knowledge of the Light it is difficult for them to see where they are coming from. However, there is a prompting of their consciousness from within as their coding is awakened. In reality they came into this period fully aware that there would be massive changes. Not everyone is necessarily going to take an active part, but acceptance of what is about to happen will be vital to its success.

More people than ever clearly see that the world cannot keep going on its present path, but cannot see the results of work by the Lightworkers to set the changes in motion. Much of what is taking place is kept secret of necessity, and this applies to both on and off-world activities. You will understand the need for meticulous planning, as all must be in place for the final thrust of the Light.

Do not be disappointed if you are not personally involved, but know that everyone can make a contribution by focusing on the Light. You need no other means to combat the dark and subdue their ability to continue manifesting their plan. Already they are finding it difficult, as people are no longer blindly obedient to their constraints and oppression. Man knows that there are better and fairer ways to share the bounty of the Earth, and the coming prosperity programs will provide an abundance of help.

The wealth of the world is in the hands of too few people, and this will be addressed so that is more fairly distributed. Lack has been at the root of so many disturbances and problems, but the dark intentionally keep you in a state of need to have control over you. You will find that a totally different attitude will prevail once it is seen that a new dispensation will ensure a fair distribution of your wealth. Even the idea of looking after self first will gradually disappear, as it will be seen that there is no need for anyone to promote themselves above others.

When Man accepts that he is his Brothers keeper, others will be put first according to their needs. There is much rebuilding to be done to gain the confidence and trust of those who have been downtrodden and ill-treated for centuries. Look at your history, and you will find that certain groups have been continually persecuted and often simply because of their color. It is time to see beyond the outer appearance, and accept that all are born equal in their claim to a fair share of help and assistance in their times of need.

For too long a selfish attitude has prevailed, and as a result millions of people are experiencing lives of bare existence that has hardly supported them. Of course many of you have recognized the problems, and although wishing to bring a change of circumstances have individually been unable to help in any meaningful way. Again all of that will change, and when First Contact is accomplished it will ensure that you have the back up needed to address the many problems that are crying out for attention. Adequate food, water, shelter and medical supplies are a first priority for those people living in deprived areas.

These are not necessarily in the poorer countries, as even the ones that are considered to be wealthy have sections of their population that are in dire need and living in poverty. Even in your land of plenty there is a dramatic contrast in living standards, and for example still many of the victims of Katrina are destitute. These situations must be reversed, as everyone is entitled to the essential needs that ensure an acceptable standard of living. Is it not a blight upon the conscience of the world that so many are dying because their plight is ignored?

Naturally the changes must go hand in hand with a declaration of peace, otherwise the misery of millions will continue. War is the Illuminati’s way of maintaining control over large parts of the world, and their ability to cause chaos and death will be removed very soon. Our plan is helped by the opening of hearts and minds that have seen the truth, and are already putting themselves forward to help upon our arrival. This is your Earth and has been your home for eons of time. We shall come with massive help, but it is also your responsibility to help put your “house” back in order.

Our presence in your skies is to become more evident, and we shall do this without concern for the weapons trained upon our craft. This is not out of bravado, but simply because we can nullify any that are about to be activated. Of necessity we have monitored all military action, and are well aware of any intention to introduce new and more diabolical weaponry. You have lived for eons of time in confrontation with each other, and it has become accepted that wars are a necessary part of your lives. This is patently untrue and would have no place in a world that was built on Love and Light.

I am Atmos of The Galactic Federation, and a peaceful world is to descend upon Earth and dismiss any activity that has been designed around your war culture of ages past. The cost in lives has been beyond measure, yet they are your lives where you have returned to Earth time and time again to learn your lessons. It is time to recognize the truth in the saying that “what you do to others, you do to yourself”. Karma is tied to the wheel of rebirth, and that too shall eventually cease to be necessary. You are lifting up into the Light and the dark times will be completely left behind, and we shall all celebrate such a wonderful achievement. We send our love in great measure to accompany and strengthen you on the last steps of your journey.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ela - "Become now that which you are already, and believe in your ability to manifest your highest visions of yourself"

Through Mike Quinsey


I come to you dear friends from realms that are both your future and your past. Eons of time ago you were fully arrayed in the beautiful splendor of multi-colors that depicted your place in the higher dimensions. You wore your colors so that all would know of your demeanor, not that it was in anyway a show of egotism. You were known by the Light you emitted, and it was glorious and splendid in its purity.

It is not that you have now fallen from grace, but you would have been unable to remain in the lower dimensions with full knowledge of your greatness. The lower vibrations immediately impacted upon you very quickly, and you were pulled into the duality of both positive and negative vibrations. As many of you now know, the veils of forgetfulness were drawn across your eyes so that you could fully immerse yourself in the challenges presented.

You have never stopped being the great Masters of Light that you are, and in this most opportunistic time of transition you are beginning to find out the truth about yourselves. To greatness you shall return and rightly find your places again amongst your brethren of the White Brotherhood. Part of this stepping up will occur with Ascension, as it is a new beginning of a new path leading ever upwards.

The positive energies being sent to Mother Gaia are locked into the Earth, and she too is helping you to awaken to your Higher Self. Accordingly, many of you should now be feeling more settled and at peace with yourselves. Slowly you are learning how to hold the higher energies and in no way should this feel strange. On the contrary, it is a most natural state of being that is re-awakening something deep within your subconsciousness. You have been here before and it is enabling you to break with the negative energies.

How wonderfully well you have taken on the challenge of preparing for the end-times, and you hardly need reminding that many dark souls are doing their best to distract you. You cannot come to any harm unless you “invite” it or it is part of your chosen path to fulfillment. There has never been a time quite like now when the Earth and her inhabitants are receiving so much attention. Working unseen, Mighty Beings come close determined that you shall receive every conceivable help. It is the majesty within their souls through their link to the Creator that enables them to carry out the Divine Plan.

Changes reach out far through the Universe, and could you ever imagine that the Earth would be left behind. No, and it is just as important as any other planet, but more so in view of the great uplifting that is to take place. Can you see how the Creator’s plan is conceived in the perfection that leads all back to the Source? You worry and concern yourselves over the activities of the dark, but their cycle must also be completed. Allow others to progress on their chosen path, knowing that all will be continually coming together in the course of time.

The Creator sees all in the Now from beginning to end, yet cycles continue in a never ending interplay of experience in realities that are forever being recreated. As you move upwards so you will choose your path into even higher realms of beauty and perfection, that are unimaginable whilst you are on Earth. Yet, once in a while exceptional experiences give you a fleeting impression of such harmony, and in that moment the world stands still.

Everything you can do now to raise your vibrations will increase the certainty of your Ascension. It is a personal matter that only you can carry through, although help is always at hand once the decision has been made to rise up. It is in the order of service to others that your Brothers and Sisters offer a helping hand. This occurs at all levels where many are ready to help create a pathway for you. It is possible that you will elect to become At One with those of a like consciousness, and so experience as a group soul. Your soul will nevertheless still retain its individuality whilst also experiencing through others.

Become now that which you are already, and believe in your ability to manifest your highest visions of yourself. As the vibrations continue to speed up, with ease you will find it possible to develop a heightened awareness. The Earth and its cloying restrictions upon you, will soon disappear as the changes become stronger and the dark energies less effective. It is happening now and many are controlling this aspect of their lives.

In a time not far away, you will have your freedom restored to seek and experience to your hearts desire within the Creator’s Kingdom. Would this not seem worth every effort that you are expending right now? In the blink of an eye you will have left this dimension behind, and its memories will become less important to you. Very soon you will understand the meaning of the Now and Infinite Life.

I am Ela from Arcturus, and its powerful energies are playing upon Earth as part of the continual plan to lift you up as soon as possible. There can never be any doubt that Earth and those souls who are in readiness will ascend. The many Councils of the Heavens, the Angelic Realms and the Elohim are present, and this mighty army wielding the Sword of Light will lead you onwards.

Live in love for your fellow travelers, and recognize their right to create their own path that may be different to yours. Never waver from your own path, and set your sights firmly on what you seek from life. You are the Gods who have power unlimited, but have yet to realize it. We commend you for your fortitude and determination to achieve your goals, and we love you for wearing your hearts upon your sleeves. You are truly magnificent in the creation of your own Light that shines out in a brilliance telling of your Love for each other.

Thank you Ela.

Mike Quinsey

"The dark is desperate. All his tricks, which used to work so well in the past, are becoming ineffectual"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Ahau, 18 Xul, 2 Ik
21 October, 2006

Selamat Jarin! We return with more about the reality that surrounds you! Each day, the forces of Light come closer to manifesting a new reality. As we continually affirm, this reality is to be something truly wonderful. The final bricks of this new global edifice are being laid as we speak, and we therefore ask for your patience a little while longer. As you can imagine, this moment requires the strictest secrecy and certain details must be withheld until the fait accompli is a done deal. Until then, we are allowed to address only what has already happened. To begin with, the stranglehold of the last cabal had to be breached; this was done by successfully disguising a number of massive financial transactions as something they were not. This ploy permitted the erection of a temporary Trojan horse that has allowed a huge amount of money to flow into the coffers of our Earth allies. This money forms the basis for wiping out the debt of the poor nations of Africa, Asia, and the Americas that was incurred from illegal loans made to them by the so-called developed world.

Another interesting development is the amount of recent positive movement among the European banking community. This is being encouraged by a series of secret rulings by the World Court and other major international legal institutions. This shift toward a new, more moral sense of law is due to the courageous maneuverings of key members of the major secret ruling families of Europe. These precedents promise that the laws to be promulgated after the removal of the dark cabal are to be an ethical about-face! This crying need for a more responsible and truly moral legal framework is coupled to a set of covert agreements between some of our Earth allies in Europe and various political and economic factions. The point here is to emphasize that crucial alliances are being formed which ensure that a sweeping reform of present European political, social, and economic structures be ready to roll. This reform is linked to the necessary removal of the present US regime, which in turn is hooked into a number of situations that are developing in Asia.

Asia is quickly becoming a major theater of operations for our Earth allies. Here, the resources as well as the necessary secrecy for the last steps of this global procedure can be worked out and then applied. Asia has a long history of intrigue, and this has required an extra amount of security surrounding any dealings there. Our Earth allies are currently supplying the necessary expertise. To assist them, we have given these secret operatives a lot of much-needed information about this region. This data, when added to their own, has allowed them to put up the necessary smoke screens to keep key individuals and groups from harm. All this permits a series of international operations to move toward conclusion. The primary ones are various financial projects, which include the many prosperity programs. These are now being protected and guarded by the legal and intelligence groups referred to above. Their due diligence is also helping several intra-governmental groups to plan the removal of the rogue US regime.

While these vital momentums proceed, a number of regimes, still controlled by remnants of the dark cabal, are busy recreating the elements that led to your "cold war." The intention is to lock your world once again into a series of potential catastrophes that can permit the dark to assure itself that their infrastructure for controlling and manipulating your reality remains intact. The key elements are fear, chaos, and the threat of war. Added to these are contrived medical emergencies like AIDS and the spread of famine. These abysmal conditions are the dark's bread and butter. It is these artificially created scourges, amongst others, that can be rooted out by the capabilities of your new reality. Poverty, war, injustice, and pestilence are the four horsemen of the dark. Eliminating them removes the power that the dark needs in order to maintain this reality. It is these that feed your inner fear, which in turn is the final measure of the dark's power over you.

As this last bit of chaos and fear engulfs you, you need to see what is occurring as part of a larger struggle. The dark is desperate. All his tricks, which used to work so well in the past, are becoming ineffectual. Moreover, the drives working toward his downfall and transformation are flourishing. Suddenly the dark must re-evaluate matters that he had staunchly denied until now. The time is rapidly approaching when those who seek his downfall can achieve victory. This troubles him, and yet his haughtiness keeps him from properly assessing this threat. In fact, his arrogance is being used to great advantage by the Light: To the dark, all seems unchanged; but beneath the surface he is rapidly loosing the upper hand in a huge struggle. This hidden struggle is now global in scope and despite an enormous handicap is also now receiving the financial, social, and political resources needed for a final victory!

These advances we are describing to you have allowed us to accelerate some of the requirements for first contact. First contact, as we have often noted, creates a definitive watershed for humanity. On one side are your former xenophobic selves; on the other, your new galactic selves. This enormous shift in consciousness is a reality revolution all by itself. Think of it! Your perceptions of yourselves as being unique and alone in the universe pass away in an instant. All of a sudden, the mysteries of this galaxy become comprehensible. With this, a vast revolution within your religious and scientific realms swiftly follows, triggering an urge to explore your realm with new eyes. An explosion of ideas that dwarfs the European Renaissance will sweep through your planet in the blink of an eye. And you are moving at the speed of consciousness into a new world of Light!

Then, you are to be introduced to a literal "starburst" of new technologies to free you from the necessity to exploit Mother Earth for your survival needs. These will give you the capabilities to restore to Mother Earth what you had previously taken from her. These natural resources, such as metals, ores, gemstones, and petroleum, are part of what she needs to maintain herself. Now you have graduated from exploiter to preserver. You become her gentle and wise steward. In this capacity, you can assist her ecosystem, comprising both inner and outer Earth. This transition of yours endows you with a new perception of Creation and a new wisdom of the way physicality operates, preparing you rapidly to assume an even higher role, that of Physical Angel. You are merging into the ranks of the Ascended Masters and reconnecting with your Soul families.

Seen in this light, first contact becomes more than an exercise in galactic diplomacy. It becomes one of the main instruments needed for your transformation back into fully conscious Beings of Light. As one of the primary catalysts for this enormous reality shift, we realize how important our role is becoming. First contact draws closer with each day. Tremendous events are very near to manifesting. A great deal of work and a great deal of detailed planning has gone into this. The current nature of your world requires that a large degree of secrecy be drawn over what is still left to do. What excites us is how all of this is happening. We respect those who have given so much to ensure that you can live in a wholly new reality. However, the greatest appreciation goes to each of you who maintain the Light without the reassurance of knowing fully what is going on around you.

Today, we continued our discussion of the progress in your reality. At this time, we can do little more than ask for your continued patience. Your dedicated focus and your unfaltering acceptance of the Light's divine agenda are wondrous to behold! Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Monday, November 20, 2006

St Germain - "Once you move more into the Light, your life will take on a new purpose and it will overcome many earthly difficulties"

Through Mike Quinsey


Keep looking ahead and reflect on the changes as you see them occurring, knowing that what is happening on Earth right now is setting in motion the final phases of this cycle. Many different events are shaping up the paths to changes that will be clearly seen as major steps in your progress.

For us who see and understand what is taking place, it is most gratifying that a response of the magnitude of Light you are creating is shaping your true destiny. You are gaining confidence in your approach to the problems confronting you, and have learnt how to put the Light to good affect. The band of Lightworkers increases all of the time, and even many of those who have hitherto distanced themselves from such souls are coming a lot closer.

To accept the truth requires of you that you live it, and that is one of the most difficult changes to make. It is a responsibility to live as ones who have moved out of the grasp of duality to rule your own lives. Ones who have moved nearer to your true reality as mighty Beings of Light. The remarkable thing is that it is so natural for you to live this way, and it becomes easier and not harder as you tread this path.

It is a fact that much unrest amongst people is because you have lost your way. Not that you should feel guilty at all, as in losing your true knowledge of self you are reflecting your drop into the lower vibrations and diminishing consciousness. It was known it would happen, and is part of the challenge for you to find your way back. No one will be stuck in these lower vibrations forever, but in the light of their limited understanding some still feel unready to release from them. Progress will commence from the time such souls are prepared to leave the old ways behind, and reach out for a new and higher way of life.

Once you move more into the Light, your life will take on a new purpose and it will overcome many earthly difficulties. It is the dark energies that impact upon your consciousness and cause upheavals in your lives, and this is their way of controlling you. Once you break that hold, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to maintain your new freedom. What you need to do in life to fulfill your life plan becomes clearer, and also possible with your new found understanding.

One of the hardest changes concerns your attitude to others who are often categorized according to color and creed. See that all have the same origin having come from the Source of All That Is. You are forever linked with every other soul, and your approach should be one of recognizing that you are All One. Even the darkest of the dark are from the Source, and perhaps you could see that they of all souls dearly need your love.

It comes down to many lives where judgement of another has been made without fully understanding the purpose of life. Yet teachers have always traveled with you on every journey, but often they are ignored and their wisdom falls on deaf ears. Now you are with many souls who have come to Earth specifically for this time, to be available to those who are awakening. If you seek out these ones, you will surely find them eager to direct you on your path. Their influence and understanding will help you take a great step forward and determine where it will next take you.

You have the older wise ones amongst, but now you also have many young ones who are already so far advanced that by example they show you the potential of Man. It covers areas such as healing and meditation and invites you to consider new ways of living. It also shows you that such gifts are available to all who would change their ways and open their hearts to the Light.

Once you begin to gain understanding of your true status, you will find yourself naturally gravitating towards a life style of serving others. It comes through recognizing the Oneness of All That Is, and knowing that everyone has a place in your evolution. All is best served through treating all as One and help lift up those who are struggling to find the Light. Be aware however, that specific life plans are set to lead you into opportunities to express yourself. If you have attracted the dark side to you it is going to enter your life, and how you handle it will determine its ability to have a lasting affect upon you.

Dear Ones, life must sound rather difficult, and you may wonder how you are supposed to make headway when thrown into the morass created by the dark. The answer clearly lies in how you handle yourself, and whether you have learnt the lessons you came to experience. You can be presented with the same one time and time again, and indeed that will be so until you can prove that you have succeeded in overcoming the attraction of the dark.

Given that freedom of choice is always yours, some will not easily be able to rise up and will choose to remain at the lower level. There is no reproach or stigma attached to such choices, but karma resulting from them will have to be cleared before you can move on. Even those of the Light will continue to be tested and that is the nature of experience in these realms. You will always need to be on your guard, but as you move more in the Light so you are drawing to yourself the very means of protection you need.

As you become more confident of your own ability to stay within the Light, you will find yourself able be centered at all times and be calm. These are the times when you do your best work, as you are instrumental in helping others to do the same. Your influence is continually at work, and your Light will reach out and join up with others thus creating great areas of Light that will repel the dark energies. These in turn link with others until a network is developed that gives even more strength to each point of Light.

I am St. Germain, and can tell you that at present you are entering the most exciting times as Light envelopes the Earth, and it is continuing to grow exponentially. It is your assurance that the changes are well under way and are speeding towards their conclusion. Go about your life with every confidence knowing you cannot fail providing you aspire to move into the higher vibrations of Love and Light.

We know that events can never move fast enough for you, and it is a testing time for your patience. However, you can best help by bearing in mind that your most acceptable contribution is one that sees you assisting the Light. Do it through your own discipline in establishing a peaceful environment wherever you go, and you will be doing as much as is possible to ground the Light.

See the Light at the end of the tunnel, as it is shining brightly and beckons to all who would take that path. It is, and will always be open to anyone who “sees the Light” and it is never too late to lift your sights higher. It is your choice and as such it will honored.

I will leave you with the thought that everything is in the Now, and you have therefore already succeeded in bringing this cycle to a conclusion. It now remains to manifest the changes upon Earth, and these are progressing well. We are as always with you, and our Love will strengthen you for this final part of your journey.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Friday, November 17, 2006

Ker-On - "Do not be concerned about the dire predictions that are being made, as everything is in the hands of greater powers than those on Earth"

Through Mike Quinsey

There is a magnificent Light glowing upon Earth, and for many the festive season beckons and there is yet another peak beginning to develop. Each time you create an opportunity for growth it adds to that which already exists. A feeling of love and togetherness is strongly permeating the different levels of existence, and bringing hope and comfort to many.

The Light created in these circumstances remains for a long time, and it is instrumental in lifting people up. Those who earnestly seek peace have created a new level of awareness and it will continue to grow unabated. This will prove to be another great step forward, and the move away from the dark and their negative energies will become more noticeable than previously.

A new paradigm is being created and it is cementing the foundation that has gradually been laid down for many years. It was always seen that it would be a slow process, but it has provided the opportunity that has been sought to broker the changes that are required to take a quantum leap forward. Everything is now rapidly moving forward to completion, and it will bring the long awaited events that will clearly reveal the future opening up before you.

For you at the heart of everything that is taking place on Earth, it can be a confusing time and although you cannot necessarily see how the Light is growing, many can feel the new and uplifting energies carrying them forward. In the midst of chaos a certain assurance is given to you that brings a positive feeling that all is well. You sense intuitively the coming together of people all over the world who have created a grid of Light that is their expression of peace. A peace that is not defined in any particular way, but one that brings changes that will allow it to manifest.

We, who walk with you in this time of great purpose, are gratified that our work is yielding results. It has sometimes been difficult to keep you looking ahead with all of the distractions of Earth. Your power is unlimited, but many have yet to recognise it and sometimes become morose and downhearted. You must try to cut yourself off from the attempts of the dark to deflect you from your path. Shutting yourself away is to shy from the challenges that presently confront you. By all means know what dark schemes are planned but instead of allowing them to find a place in your lives, set your own Light against them and so reduce or nullify their ability to cause you harm or distress.

You are always able to contribute to the goal of the Light, to establish many nodal points where it can enter into the grid of Earth. Set time aside to meditate and focus your mind, and in so doing visualise Light moving out from your centre in all directions around you. It will link up with that being projected by others and it will permanently establish itself. We can then use these points to beam further energies to Earth, which will be attracted into the grid.

Many are noting the changes within self, and be assured that you are not deceiving yourself. You cannot help but be lifted up by drawing the Light into self, and the resultant changes become your strength and power. There is a mighty army of Lightworkers that is increasing all of the time, and it is changing your world. The old style of leadership is no longer acceptable, and will have no place in future and will be unable to function. This is confirmed by what you are seeing taking place right now, but it will still be a while before there can be the total changes that are desirable. The die has nevertheless been cast, and although the old guard will create turmoil they will be unable to cling onto power.

For us who stand both in front and behind you, it is a time when we rejoice at the response you have made in the face of the puppets of the dark. You are now seeing how powerless they are when confronted by the Light, and there is a great measure of confidence and determination being generated. It is carrying you forward and setting the scene for further changes that will gradually become more apparent. There has always been a plan to complete this cycle in victory for the Light, and it will be so as Heaven has decreed.

Great gatherings are taking place as many life forms link with you of Earth in these final stages. They come to both observe and support you out of their love for all souls engaged in them. It is something of a special and unique occasion, as the battle lines have been laid down and the contest is drawing to its conclusion. You have many stories in both myth and legend that epitomise these times, and the continual fight between the dark and Light is well known. Is it not normal for the Light to be victorious, and indeed why should these end times be any different.

Humans are always loath to accept changes because it inevitably causes upheaval, and the period you are entering will be no exception. Already it has advanced to where the Earth herself is highly involved and you must bear in mind that she is a key player in the unfolding drama. Do not be concerned about the dire predictions that are being made, as everything is in the hands of greater powers than those on Earth. You will continue to do your part in pushing for change, and we shall oversee the events and eventually be able to openly assist you. This time is very near, and amazing progress will be made once we come together in our common goal to restore Earth to her pristine beauty as you once knew her.

I am Ker-On from Venus, and with the fleet of craft that has been stationed around Earth for quite some time in readiness for action. We literally watch the activities that are taking place, and are allowed to guide and assist those of you engaged in Light work. Also use your intuition that is your guiding light and is an aspect of yourself, your Higher Self. Love your ego but make it your servant rather than your master. Hitherto it has tended to become the dominant force in your life, but now it must be in accord with your higher desires and not otherwise. Measure all against loving actions that are in the best interests of everyone, and do not forget yourselves. You are benign souls who reflect the Light from the higher realms, where all is of the love vibration.

Thank you Ker-On.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ag-agria - "In the midst of the attempts of the dark to keep their plan afloat, sit back and observe what you will clearly see as their demise"

Through Mike Quinsey

Everything is continuing to speed up, and you only have to look back a relatively short time to see that a great change in consciousness has taken place. It would have been surprising had it not been so, in view of the amount of Light that has been beamed to Earth. I speak here to Lightworkers who have an awareness of the power of Light, and have every expectation that it will reach high levels and bring about a dramatic change. They should therefore be up-lifted by what is now apparent, knowing that there can be no turning back.

We see that many more people are joining the ranks of those who have become enlightened. This is how the Light works, as it attracts more souls who find that the 3D Earth no longer satisfies their needs. There is a reaching up for the truth through which comes an understanding of Self. Once it is realized that you are not your physical body and survive without it, the concern about after-death experiences ceases to occupy a place of prime importance. Released from such concerns of the fear of death it is no longer an issue, but instead one can enjoy discovering the higher realms and the beauty that they hold.

The truth is how you perceive it according to the level of enlightenment you have achieved, and it will be interpreted in many different ways. This is why we would encourage you to allow others to find their own path to the higher truths. All will arrive there in their own time and often it is through sheer experience. It is different when seekers approach others for guidance, but in reality all truth is within. Intuitive thinking is all that is required to continue the careful climb up the ladder of understanding.

Rigid thinking is not conducive to growth, and many still succumb to the teachings of others to the exclusion of all else. It is important to keep an open mind, and allow for your cherished beliefs to be challenged in the light of alternative reasoning. As we have often told you, be ready to accept a new version of the truth even if it conflicts with the truth of yesterday. You are in times that give you the opportunity to expand faster than ever before. No one is excluded from the opportunities that present themselves, and the truth is manifesting all around.

Having reached a certain level of attainment, you find that you will be able to see duality with clear eyes. No longer will the actions of the dark impinge upon your consciousness, no longer will they evoke fear within you and no longer will they distract you from the path of Light. The first signs of being in command of yourself and able to tame the ego, are when you can build a calmness all around you that is not disturbed by outer happenings.

In the midst of the attempts of the dark to keep their plan afloat, sit back and observe what you will clearly see as their demise. The break up has commenced, and the old ways of working no longer serve the people. A period of indecision will be followed by the emergence of a new order, and it will become quite clear that the manifestation of the last days has started. New people and new ideas will abound in a climate where they will have their day of recognition and fulfillment.

For the moment, forget any ideas of a rigid time scale for these coming events. We have tried to give you indications so as to keep your spirits high, but in essence everything will manifest in its own good time. It is powered by your collective consciousness through the Laws of Attraction and will continue to be so. It is not to say that the future is not predictable, but it is subject to your desires and upon which you place your focus. Your recent mid-term election is such an example of what you can achieve for the Light without resorting to violence or threats. The ways of the dark are not those of the Light, and they will never serve the greater plan for Man.

Having established our position around your Earth, I can tell you that we of The Galactic Federation are far from idle. We not only constantly monitor what is happening day to day, we also have advanced knowledge of the truthful intentions of all of your Governments. People are no longer easily fooled by their utterances, and the time of meek acceptance is long past. You have been lied to and deceived for so long you have become adept at seeing their charades and attempts to mislead you.

The mood of despair and no hope belongs to yesteryear and now has no place in your vision of the future. It is time to fully grasp the monumental happenings that are taking place and concentrate on them, as your future has been assured by the great Councils of Light. If you could have the awareness of the power that is wielded by them, you would have no doubt at all about it. Many channels are opening up with Beings in the higher realms, and these are your means of learning about them.

I am Ag-agria from Sirius and assigned to Michael for his work. Much preparation was made for this service in the name of the Light. If you aspire to also do something of this nature and feel able to do it, simply try it by setting aside a quiet time and relaxing, and see if you can develop an awareness of linking with the higher realms. You could start by contacting your Higher Self, and if you are successful there is no reason why it should not be developed further.

Once you can remain in the higher vibrations, you will find a great peace within and your presence will also help others. Your influence will bring calmness, peace and hope to those who are presently overpowered by the negative happenings in the world. In the West terrorism is a real threat, but it is fuelled by constant references to its existence to perpetuate the feelings of fear. It is used to cajole you into accepting more restrictions on your freedom.

Dear Ones, live in the Love and Light and surround yourself with it, as it is your complete protection.

Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey

"The results of the recent American elections were a ruse to make the unwary believe that some degree of meaningful change was in the making"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
9 Ben, 11 Xul, 2 Ik
14 November 2006

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Ones, with new things to say about your world! About you swirl myriad currents in chaotic fashion. This huge rendering of Light into matter is rapidly transforming your world, including the fundamental grids and interlinked nodal points which, for 13 millennia, have been responsible for this present aspect of physicality. Prior to that, this reality was filled with special energy that poured into her from every part of the spiritual Universe. Suddenly, this energy was ruptured by a catastrophe that took down the dominant Empire of Atlantis and set this reality upon a course that put it under the full control of the dark. However, this so-called fall was in reality part of a divine journey to teach you about the devious ways of the dark. The cataclysm reduced the human population to barely 15 million. These Beings were utterly childlike in their outlook and very primitive in their technology. They knew little or nothing of why they were here and retained no knowledge of their true origins.

On top of this, they suffered from a devastating disconnect from their former laboratory-based support groups which had so wonderfully cared for them. This overwhelming "casting out into the wilderness" was utterly confusing and left them vulnerable to the wiles of passing malefactors. Starving and unable to protect themselves from the elements, humanity initially appeared doomed. At this ripe moment, the Anunnaki swooped in and presented themselves as saviors, teaching humans how to build shelters, and hunt for and cultivate food. Predictably this wisdom was not given freely; the cost was nothing less than the worship of the Anunnaki as their gods and goddesses. The rituals included ceremonial chants, which praised them as the creators of all humanity and the makers of physicality. These lies had the effect, in a few humans, of jarring the general amnesia and led to an open break from this one-sided agreement. The ensuing punishments taught humanity some harsh lessons. And yet, inadvertently, the new "divine rulers" set in motion a spark that was later to bring a memory of former times.

This spark was to be felt time and again as the Anunnaki vented their wrath by destroying one human society after another. These times are chronicled in the worldwide myths and legends that make up the basis of the religions of your indigenous peoples. Even the ancient tales of the European nations, which attempted to eradicate these myths in the last few centuries, are filled with similar notions. It is this "lost" history that holds a major key to the transformations now happening on your world. The stories of the destruction of Atlantis and the untimely demise of Lemuria are apt parables of what you see being played out in your modern world. Through its myriad guises, the dark has long sought complete global domination. They pledge to secure the peace, or ensure freedom or prosperity in exchange for your compliance with their latest devilry. As you know full well, freedom and prosperity derive from full individual sovereignty, but this runs counter to the philosophy of the dark. Slavery is their ultimate goal, and thus your history is one long catalogue of the unending struggle between unilateral control and individual rights.

This battle accelerates today, as the powerful try, none too subtly, to influence the powerless. Yet, despite the dark's many stratagems, the sheer multiplicity of Mother Earth's cultures, religions, and languages have curbed the expected rapidity of their success. Further, the number of those who oppose them grows daily. This defiance angers them and goads them into actions that, to us, are signs that they believe their window for success is closing rapidly. As in ancient Atlantis, they underestimated the response to their evil deeds. In fact, their global plan is currently undergoing something of a metamorphosis. The results of the recent American elections were a ruse to make the unwary believe that some degree of meaningful change was in the making. Nothing is further from the truth! The dark does not intend to lessen its stranglehold without a fight. So, like their Atlantean counterparts, they are headed for catastrophe!

This coming disaster is presaged by the many hidden faux pas that the dark cabal in America has already committed. These include leaving the most important monetary policy decisions to their European counterparts and basing their global security requirements upon the recommendations of supposed Asian and European allies. In doing so, gaping holes have appeared in their armor and this permits our Earth allies to finish off some crucial details pertaining to your joint victory. Like the Atlanteans, the hubris of the dark knows no bounds. Unbeknown to them, the new monetary and fiscal structures are now in place and awaiting the final command to come on line. And now the dark, like their Atlantean brethren who launched the ill-fated moon, have also signaled their imminent destruction. In this case, this newly launched "moon" is a specially encrypted set of programs designed to release and deliver the much-needed prosperity provisions.

Your society is to swiftly morph into one quite similar in most respects to that of Lemuria. This was a galactic society based upon the divine principles of freedom and individual sovereignty. In this milieu, each person's unalienable rights can flourish. By honoring these rights and the enormous potential of her inhabitants, galactic societies function as environments where every problem has a solution and all are empowered to create and manifest their true inner joys. In the case of the Atlanteans, the nefarious galactic empires they daily encountered warped these life-giving concepts until a new paradigm was born in them, a paradigm that reflected the beliefs of the dark-inclined empires. Thereupon, the Atlanteans decided to find out how a limited-conscious human society would react to having this new dark paradigm imposed on them.

It is these corrupted notions that produced the scheme to destroy Lemuria and the resulting morass that present Earth humanity has inherited. Your salvation is to return to the principles and lifestyle of Lemuria. She must be bought out of the cobwebs of mythology and her ethos duly studied; she is a pivotal part of your untold history and, thus, impacts your future. The past involves not just the connivances of the dark but also the proud example set by the Lemurians and their wondrous offspring, you! The Lemurian survivors who decided to remain on the surface and not move to new inner Earth homes were the subjects of the Atlantean experiments that produced present Earth humans. Thus, you are all descendants of Lemuria and carry within you the legacy of past lost glories.

As Lemuria prepares to resurface from the depths of the Pacific, you need to look closely at what transpired in the wake of the destruction of Atlantis. As the new humans left their homes in Asia, Africa, and Europe, they journeyed across the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans to found new societies that were tutored by the Anunnaki. Despite this lengthy brainwashing, the legacy of Lemuria has welled up and acts as a great Light to lead you back to your source. The lost continent of Lemuria thus becomes a parable for the Light and a reassurance that you are indeed destined to establish a new Lemuria. This new Lemuria is to become the start of your new star nation. The events we address in our messages are part of this magnificent operation, and first contact simply a step in your return to who you truly are! Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we looked at the events of the coming day from a different angle. We call upon you to constantly bear the bigger picture in mind and, in so doing, to more clearly comprehend how this divine process for change operates. Use your intuition to grasp the full implications of this first contact mission. We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wes Penre Jan 24, 2005 - "How to Fight the New World Order"

The main reason that I put this web site on the World Wide Web ( was to show you what the reality we live in is really like, behind all lies, illusions, rumors and ignorance. To have this knowledge is the first step in fighting the New World Order. But knowledge without wisdom is dangerous. I see examples of that all the time; good people who dug into this knowledge too deeply, and in their anger and despair did something they hadn't thought through well enough. Actions like that can put you in prison, or worse. The way to fight the New World Order is NOT with violence, no, not even peacefully. The truth is, you can't fight the New World Order in this reality; it's doomed to fail. Many have tried, but no one has succeeded. The reason for this is the following:

The reality we live in is commonly called the "3rd dimension". This is a very physical, non-spiritual and very tough place to live in. It is an imbalance of good and evil, where we have let evil take over. That is right, we did it to ourselves. The Illuminati wouldn't be able to exist if we wouldn't have let them get their way. The New World Order would never have been an issue if we wouldn't have let it happen. We created the 3rd dimension.

We are around 6 billion souls with bodies on this planet, and most of us have no clue what is going on around us, only because we have let ignorance substitute knowledge. It is our own laziness and our own egos that have made this reality stick, and here we are. In a reality where good and evil exist, we would like to find a balance between the two. This is not the case here, and this imbalance IS the 3rd dimension. This is the reality where evil has battled and defeated good.

We create our own reality; it doesn't matter how many people tell me otherwise, it is very self evident. Everybody living on this planet have agreed upon the same reality, more or less. Otherwise we wouldn't experience the same things.

Almost every second of the day we are making choices. The choices we make create our future, this is obvious. You make a decision and something happens. You make another decision and something else happens. Then we make a new decision based upon the previous decision, and life goes on; thus we create our own reality. You could have made different choices, and your future would have been different. How often haven't we thought: "Shoot! I should have made a different decision and I wouldn't have been in this mess!" Most people think they are free to make their own decisions, and that no one else is seriously interfering with their thoughts. This is simply not true. The Illuminati have manipulated us for a very long time, and created a reality for us all to live in; a reality THEY want us to believe in. The key here is that 99.9% of the population (or something similar to that) doesn't even know they are manipulated and are living with the illusion that they are free, and free thinkers. Not true. The brilliance of the Illuminati manipulation and the mass mind control is that we don't know that we are under control. Therefore, we can still make choices in life as much as we want, but all choices are limited to the reality we live in. We can not make choices about something we don't know. Thus we can't develop spiritually until we understand that we are manipulated, and we must learn how the manipulation is set up, and by whom. When we finally realize that this reality (the 3rd dimension) is an illusion and a creation of our manipulators, first then can we make choices that take us outside the prison walls. Doesn't this make sense?

But to do this one also has to be very brave. It is extremely scary to disagree with other people and go your own way. It can be a very lonely path to begin with. Fear is what keeps us from seeing the truth in the first place, and fear keeps us from start walking the path in the opposite or different direction from most other people. So those of us who started breaking out from the line of sheep became scared and ran back into the fold again. However, no one said it is an easy task to break loose, because if it was, many people would have done it already. Nevertheless, it is absolutely necessary. The alternative, unfortunately, is a Living Hell on Earth.

This 3rd dimension reality can not be changed by fighting evil with force; per definition that only makes it worse and it will be even more of a hell to live in. Can you fight evil with good? Peaceful demonstrations? By waking people up and then have those enlightened souls go out and fight the enemy? No, that wouldn't be very successful either. That has already been tried quite a few times throughout history; last time was perhaps in the 60's, with the hippie movement. The intention was good, but the resistance was quite easily infiltrated and defeated by the Illuminati. After the movement of the 60's, humanity sank down into an abyss of apathy and violence for some time. A new awakening is taking place again since the late 80's and up to now, but this time we need to do things differently. To understand this situation better, let us ponder the following:

The Spirit: The spirit is immortal, and the spirit is YOU. You are not your body and you are not your brain or you mind. You are the SPIRIT. Your body is your tool here in the 3rd dimension, and you need it to operate here. However, the illusion of time, the agreed upon reality, deteriorates the body eventually. We call it aging and after a certain perceived amount of time the body cannot function anymore, and it "dies". However, only the body dies, you don't. No matter what the Illuminati or anyone else is doing to you, no one can kill you. They can destroy your body and torture your mind, but they can't kill YOU, the spirit. This is very important to remember, because the Illuminati control us with FEAR and with TERROR. They need to create threats around us, so we feel unsafe and fear for our lives, and the lives of our dear ones. And to have us fear their threats, they need to have us believe that we are our bodies and that they can kill us. This way they keep us in check. So the first thing to do to fight the Illuminati is to realize that you are an immortal spirit, and no matter what they do to you, they can't kill you.

Death: They have also trained us to fear death. They want us to believe one of a few things: 1) This life is all there is. When you die, you are gone and there is nothing more to it (atheism). 2) There is a Heaven and there is a Hell. This is only true if we believe it is true. The Christian belief in Heaven and Hell is another way to control us. By telling us there is an Eternal Fire after death if you don't choose "the right path" is a way to scare us and lead is into another dogma. 3) The Illuminati created all those religions and cults to divide and conquer, to turn man against man in religious wars, and to create a problem, making us ignorant of what is true and what is not. By confusing people with different belief systems, the population is less likely to find their way out of the trap. There is no Hell, except the one we are creating for ourselves, and Heaven is something different from what we're taught. To understand Heaven and Hell we have to understand who or what God is.

God: God is not a man in the sky with a long, white beard. God is not a man at all, and not a woman either. God is sexless, God is the Life Energy. God is EVERYTHING; it is the Universe, it is you, me, the animals, the flowers, the atoms - everything that is. Because everything is energy. You are part of the Life Force or Life Energy, and therefore you can create your own reality. If you are an aware being, maybe your next question will be: "So if I can create my own reality, why am I here in the 3rd dimension, suffering together with the rest of the world?" Most of us are here because we agreed upon this reality. Then why would we agree upon a reality we don't want to live in? Because we are deceived to believe that this reality is all there is. And when you give birth to children, you teach them the same thing, directly or indirectly, by NOT telling them there are more and different realities. You may be religious and teach your children about religion, but they will still be stuck in the agreed upon reality we discussed in the beginning of this article. Another possibility why you are here is that you chose to come here to help humanity out, to help those who want to listen, to learn how to evolve enough to leave the 3rd dimension for good. Now, what happens after death?

Reincarnation: If the above is true, simple math tells us that spirits reincarnate over and over again, until we learn our lessons and rise above the trap of good and evil, body and soul, materialism and ignorance. There is almost no other choice than to reincarnate, because we create our own reality, and if we think that the 3rd dimension is all there is, we will do everything in our power to take another body and incarnate in it. I say "almost no other choice", because it all depends on our beliefs and how stuck we are in our dogmas. When your body "dies" and you, the soul, separate yourself from your shell that is your body, you will experience pure joy at first, feel a relief and happiness you were never able to experience in the material world - this has been proven by studying people who were dead for a short time and then came back. This is your native state, and if you are aware, you can choose other games on other levels, but only if you are enlightened enough. Most people choose to reincarnate after they realize they are dead, but if you believe that you are evil and start thinking that you probably will go to Hell, that may be the reality you will experience. So in that sense the concept of Hell is true. Again, if everything is energy, you, in your native state, can create the reality you want. But to choose wisely, you need to be wise. The way to break the cycle of reincarnation is to be more aware spiritually and thus transform from the 3rd dimension to the next, and eventually experience what we may call Heaven, where no good and evil exists, only pure LOVE. Because LOVE is the only truth, the rest is an illusion. Love is equivalent to the soul. Unfortunately, the fear that has been implanted in us since birth prevent us from moving on "between lives". We are afraid of the "unknown", or rather the realities we have forgotten about, and therefore we decide to return to planet Earth, Dimension 3 by taking a new body here. It is an endless cycle, unless we choose to be brave and break it.

What about Jesus, and what about the Book of Revelations? Jesus most probably existed. There are researchers today that say Jesus is a myth, and that there was never a Jesus walking around on Earth. What they mostly build their evidence on is the similarities between Jesus' life and the life of earlier real or mythological figures in different cults and religions, and occult gods and goddesses. According to those stories, Jesus was not the only "savior" born around Christmas and killed around Easter. He was not the only one that had twelve disciples and died on a cross. Do a search for "Mithra" on the Internet, for example. They also refer to the occult symbolism in the Bible, and determine that Jesus must be a symbolic person, a creation of the Illuminati. Then they throw out the baby with the bath water, instead of perhaps looking a little deeper into it. I am certain (and there is evidence of this, discussed elsewhere on my website) that the Illuminati has tampered with the Bible and changed it into an occult dogma to control us. However, that does not exclude that Jesus as a being was here on Earth, trying to enlighten us. The Illuminati have changed the story, trying to tell us that Jesus was the One Son of God, which separates the rest of us from the God Energy and make us less powerful. I don't believe Jesus ever said he was the ONLY son of God. Yes, he was a son of God just like the rest of us, but otherwise, he was a a spiritually enlightened being who chose to come here to teach us something. We killed him for doing so, because we were not ready for his appearance, and we were afraid of him, but the basics of his teachings still live on despite the Illuminati's attempts to change history.

One of the deceptions in the Bible, as I see it, is the Book of Revelations. The Christians teach that this is the outcome, written in stone. Therefore, no "true Christians" believe we should change anything, because what is written in the Book of Revelations is what is going to happen - it is God's will, and we can do nothing, and should do nothing about it. It is obvious that what is written there IS happening all around us; we can quote from the Book and look around and we will see that the Book appears to be correct. This viewpoint is the exact viewpoint the Illuminati wants us to have. This way they can operate more freely to achieve THEIR goals, and those believing that the Book of Revelations is the future are stuck in this reality, together with them. To me it is obvious that the Book of Revelations is ONE direction the future can take, but it is up to ourselves if we want to experience that reality or if we want to change path, because everything is ENERGY and we are able to control energy if we know how. Therefore, the Book of Revelations is a WARNING to mankind of a possible outcome if we don't change our ways of thinking. However, by telling us through a man-made religion that this is the ONLY outcome, it serves the Illuminati well. To understand this better, let's take a look at the concept of time.

Another deception, as I see it, is that everybody is born in sin and therefore Man is not good, but basically evil. The "true Christians" base this upon the heritage from the Garden of Eden, and I can understand it from that viewpoint, if you believe in the O.T. However, by stressing this and giving power to Man's evil side creates a very unhealthy balance. Man is BOTH good and evil, there is no argument about that, but to stress that a child is born in sin and is basically evil, pulls up the bad sides in the individual rather than the good side, and everybody who believes this live their lives if GUILT, which is very destructive. Ponder this: EVERY time you are doing something good for somebody else and you see the result in form of happiness and satisfaction in the other person, you feel really good yourself. You become happy too. I dare say that THE MOST REWARDING thing you can do to feel good is to do something good for others without expecting ANYTHING back! On the contrary, when you do evil against somebody, you feel bad and try to justify your evil behavior by blaming somebody else - you never need to justify your good deeds, not to yourself or others. People who have fallen so deep that they don't have any conscience anymore are not happy people. They may not feel guilt or remorse, but they are NOT happy people. I don't know how else to explain this; I find it pretty self-evident that Man prefers to do good - basically - before doing evil.

Time: Time is not linear, as we are taught to believe. In the third dimension it appears to be so, but that is another illusion. All time exists simultaneously. There is no past, no present, and no future. Everything is a big NOW. We all have, more or less, an infinity of options in life. We make decisions almost every second of our day. The decisions can be simple or they can be more complex. A simple decision could be: should I eat the banana or not? You choose to eat it, but you could have chosen not to as well. Depending on your decision, you create a reality based on that specific decision, and your future in the 3rd dimension will be affected by it. Therefore it is extremely important to try to not think negative thoughts, because you may end up where the negative thoughts lead you. Then you may state: "What did I say? I told you all this negative stuff would happen to me, and look at this - I was right!" Yes, you were right, because YOU made it happen with your thought patterns (energy). To be aware of that all decisions you make create your future, you can start taking steps to change your direction. Just by deciding you don't want to be part of the New World Order is the first step on this level of awareness. From there we need to start seeking for wisdom.

Wisdom: Now we have the knowledge, where and how do we find wisdom? Do we need a guru? No. Wisdom is within ourselves, because we already know everything, due to that we are all part of the God Energy. We just need to be reminded. Meditation is a good tool towards enlightenment. Another is to read and learn from the spiritually enlightened beings who are here around us right now, and from those of the past. Read, ask questions and learn, but remember: the truth is within yourself - whomever you read or ask questions is only a tool for you to remember what you already know - follow your instinct. Your intuition is senior to your intellect. This is not done in one day; it's a process. Nevertheless, it's the only way to avoid being part of the future of the 3rd dimension. In this reality evil will prevail; it's up to each of us to decide whether we want to be part of this future or not.

Music: This is an interesting topic. Ever since I was 12 or 13 years old I have talked to friends and people about how I perceive the physical universe to have been created with music, and that there are still echoes of those giant symphonies from the creation emitting from the almost endless galaxies, nebulas, stars and planets. If we could place ourselves outside or "above" this perceived physical universe, we might be able to hear those great symphonies for what they really are. I hadn't read or heard any scientists confirming what I told people; I just felt it was right! Not until very recently have I started hearing about how science claims that matter is made up by resonance from musical notes. Different note patterns create different formation of matter. This means that music and sound actually hold matter together(!), but also dissolves matter, depending on how, and what we play and how we perform it. Therefore music can be spiritual or very "down to earth" "matter"ialistic and solid. If music is such a basic thing in the whole creation, is this why music is so important to us humans? Even animals and plants react to music. My dog LOVES when I play the guitar, for example.

Keith Richards, the Rolling Stones guitar player, was once asked where he got all those great songs from, and he answered the reporter that all those songs were already there "in the air". You just have to be sensitive and pick them up. I think there is a lot of truth in that. I believe that when we compose music, we do pick up what is out there in the universe and we "borrow" from what is already there (without knowing that we do this). Even great composers like Mozart and Beethoven were probably not able to pick up more than a fragment of what is possible to pick up from the myriads of galaxies, and create great music from. Still, they created all this wonderful music. Then imagine what is actually POSSIBLE to create!


There is only one solution to the New World Order problem and the suffering in the 3rd dimension, and the solution is spiritual. It is what YOU see, perceive and experience that is true for you. When you enlighten people around you by showing them how the 3rd dimension "reality" is constructed, and by pointing out the way to get out of it, you really do the best you can. Some people will listen and find their own path, similar or dissimilar to yours, others will not and will stay in the reality they are in - at least for now. Don't try to force your reality upon others, let each of us find our own journey. Just tell them what you know and perceive, as an inspiration. I don't mean that we should die and take the "easy way out" from the problem, that is not the way it works. The 3rd dimension will always exist as long as there are souls keeping it in place. The way to change things is to change yourself from within. When you see things change around you to the better, it is actually YOU that is changing. If one day you notice that the New World Order is no longer around it is because YOU changed, not the environment. The New World Order at that point STILL EXISTS, but not on the spiritual level YOU are. When this happens, you have done all you can, and the people you see around you in the "New World" without the Illuminati, are the people who followed a similar path.

Also important: Like I have said elsewhere on this web site, don't believe everything because I say so. It is YOUR path and you need to decide which way you want to go and how to get there.

Good luck on your journey!

The Secret Order of the Illuminati
(A Brief History of the "Moriah" and the Shadow
by Wes Penre, Nov 12, 1998. Extended: Nov 27, 2003