Monday, March 06, 2017

humanity awakening

Saul via John Smallman

5- March - 2017

Here in the spiritual realms we are all on high alert as the moment of humanity’s collective awakening draws closer. As you are well aware there is only the eternal now moment, even though you experience ongoing and sometimes seemingly endless linear time – time with no end in sight – but even for you in your human form there will be an end to time as you enter into full awareness of the Reality of the ever-present now moment.

 You are far more than your physical bodies, but to experience separation as fully as possible you closed off from your human awareness the vastness of your being, of your eternal and unbreakable Oneness with Source. Intellectually you can accept the truth of this but because of the all-pervasive sense of human physicality that your bodies provide your knowingness of this remains inaccessible because to know it would bring into you the full power of Love, and your bodies were only built to accept and work with severely restricted energy flows. Therefore your bodies would burn up, disintegrate, or dissolve instantly if your full energy field attempted to enter them.

 Humanity’s awakening involves addressing and releasing all its core issues – bitterness, resentment, hatred, envy, jealousy – which are all visible aspects of the F E A R that arose immediately and was instantly buried or denied when you entered the illusion. To be separated from Source is absolutely terrifying! Separation, as you have so often been assured, is impossible, but the whole reason for constructing and entering into the illusion was to experience the impossible, and therefore terror had to arise. Like the illusion itself, it is unreal, but your bodies were built to allow the unreal to be experienced and so they appear very real, as do the pain and suffering they undergo, until you release those core issues and move out of fear. And you can do that!

 Without fear there is no suffering. Yes, there can still be physical pain which is but an indication that you need pay attention to your body’s needs in this now moment – removing your hand from the flame, clothing your body to protect it from cold or heat, allowing it to rest when it is tired. Nothing in the illusion is real or lasts forever, but things – physical stuff you make or manufacture – can have their lives extended if they are treated appropriately and cared for lovingly, and the same is true of your bodies. Your bodies will serve you for as long as you need them or for as long as you choose to experience human life, if you attend to their needs lovingly and without judgment.

 You all chose the bodies you occupy for lessons you chose to learn, the fact that you have forgotten this does not change that choice although it can severely limit your perceptions of its purpose. It is what it is, by your choice before you incarnated, and once you learn to accept that life becomes much easier and more peaceful for you as contentment replaces negative self-judgment.

 As we keep on reminding you all, you are, each and everyone of you, a dearly beloved child of God. There is no entity, being, soul, human, or other life form that is not eternally loved by God. God is Love, and there is nothing apart from God, therefore all life is eternal and eternally loved by God. Judgment is of the illusion, and it certainly seem that within it there is much to judge, but that belief is also, of course, illusory.

 As we also keep telling you, and just told you above, you are far more than your physical bodies because when God created you He gave you All that He is and All that He has. God is infinite Love, and Love is unconditional – love that sets conditions is not Love! To awaken, to return Home, you have to release all that is not in complete alignment with Love and F E A R is completely out of alignment with Love. F E A R judges, condemns, defends, attacks, hides, and denies. Those are the core issues that have to be seen, acknowledged, and released because, while you embrace them, nourish them, and encourage them as your inalienable rights, they are acts of you closing your hearts to Love, rejecting It, and refusing to acknowledge Its eternal Presence.

 Love surrounds you always because it is Everything, you can never be where It is not, but you can and do block It out, either through judgment of others – who are all the beloved children of God – or of yourselves as unworthy, guilty, and shameful. That perception is endemic throughout humanity and is the motivation that leads into and encourages conflict. But that perception is totally invalid.

 It seems valid within the illusion where you are all playing these games of separation, but when you stand back from the games for a moment, and go within to your holy inner sanctuary you can realize the invalidity of that perception and open your hearts to the Love that patiently awaits your acceptance of It. When you do you can and do feel the Love that is your true nature and which is your unbreakable connection to your holy and divine Source. The Source that Loves you in every moment, regardless of whatever games you may have chosen to play while hiding yourselves within the illusion, and that does not see and remains unaware of these games because they are unreal. There is NO judgment, there is only Love.

 And because there is only Love all you need do is accept It instead of imagining unreal faults, inadequacies, or sins within your pure and beautiful selves that are so very dear to God, your eternal and ever-loving Father. There is nothing you can ever do to in any way change or diminish God’s Love for you. His Love for you is infinite, permanent, and forever unchanging.

 In accepting that warm divine embrace you allow Love to fill you and flow through you, enlarging your energy fields which interact continuously with those of all of humanity, nudging them also towards opening to the divine field of Love that is also their true nature. There is no separation, All are One, all affect everyone else, and Love is the power that enlivens and maintains all of creation. Relax into the divine energy field and draw others into it with you because that is your purpose as you follow your seemingly individual paths that all lead Home to Reality, your true and eternal Home from which you have never been separated.

 With so very much love, Saul.

Source :

Friday, January 13, 2017

Earth being protected. free will.

Mike Quinsey

13 - January - 2017

You only have to look around you to see that so much is taking place with your world that it has become an absolute hive of activity. Slowly but surely those who deal in all aspects of war are finding it difficult to continue their actions with any certainty, as their support is not as strong as it was. Also the Forces of Light are more active and achieving much more success than previously expected. Their confidence is growing and many are now aware that they are being supported by the Light. So they are building on their success that will be even greater once they can introduce modern or even more advanced methods.

 Much of your focus is upon the coming Re-Valuation of your currencies, that has now commenced. Its impact will be enormous resulting in a World Market Place, that gives all countries an equal opportunity to trade with one another. When you can finally claim that all exist in a trouble-free World where peace has been established, the skies the limit where your ambitions are concerned. By then the dark Ones will no longer be on the Earth and glorious peace and happiness shall reign. So keep on with your good work and never doubt that the outcome will be anything but to your liking.

 In spite of outer appearances all is proceeding well, and all activities upon your Earth are being constantly monitored by us. As we have pointed out previously, freewill is applied to all souls but obviously with it comes the responsibility for your actions. It is why at life’s end you all have a review of it to find how well you did according to your life plan, and where if you failed the reasons. Know that any incident can be replayed exactly as it actually happened, and more to the point allowing your truthful intentions and actions to be known. We re-iterate that no one is making a judgement except you. The result is that you will have decided how to “play” that experience again, in whatever way that will give you the opportunity to be successful without leaving you with more karma. You are also given every help to enable you to overcome any problems that you may encounter.

 Be assured that karma does not concern just negative issues, as “good deeds” can be weighed against negative issues. No one is out to trick you or get you into trouble, far from it as your Guides are always with you and ready to offer good advice and help for your consideration. They will never rebuke you or show anything but complete love and kindness. No soul needs to ever feel that they are beyond redemption, as at any time a soul decides to return to the Light, their Guides will be pleased to assist them in getting fully back into it. ”Service to Others” are the key words as you move up through the higher dimensions.

 Whilst on Earth you tend to be given the tasks that when successfully completed will lift you up. However, when you no longer need the experiences of the lower dimensions to evolve, you will have more say as far as which direction you go in. It must however be pointed out that you may have come to Earth specifically to help those souls who are struggling, in which case when you have completed your contract, you can automatically return to your home planet. Those of you who have come to Earth for that purpose will normally be aware of your status and know that you are here on a teaching mission. Quite a few people are on Earth for that reason and may take positions of authority where their knowledge and experience can be very useful.

 Part of your leap into the New World will bring you in touch with all type of inventions that will propel you into the New Age. Some already exist and have been kept from you by those who prefer to keep you in the dark. However, some inventions are being made for distribution, but until they can be safely introduced they will obviously be held back. Driver less cars will eventually take over and the time is nearing when petrol will no longer be required for the combustion engine. You are on the verge of many big changes that in the meantime can only appear in stops and starts.

 Be assured that as soon as it is practical many inventions that will improve your quality of life will be introduced. For example changes in the means of transportation will be a wonderful revelation, when distance will no longer present a problem because speed of travel will be so fast it will be beyond your imagination. So many inventions are ready to be introduced that have been stopped by the dark Ones and in fact used by them to your disadvantage. Some have nevertheless got through, but only where it has also been beneficial to them.

 You are just lifting up out of the dark Ages and it will not take long before you will forget the difficulties of living in this present time cycle. Slowly but surely new innovations will appear that offer solutions to your problems, giving you more leisure time for “self”. The days of working practically all of your life for a living are numbered, and in time even your money system will become unnecessary. All is heading for a total change to the way you now live, and nothing will be allowed to take that opportunity away from you.

 The younger generations amongst you were already “New Age” when they came to Earth, so you can see that given the opportunities they will quickly take you into the “promised land”. The Higher Beings that oversee the Earths development are well aware of your needs, and have already mapped out your path to a wonderful future through Ascension. Absolutely nothing can prevent you from enjoying all that comes with it that is yours to claim. Life will take on a completely different look and in short time bear little resemblance to what you are presently experiencing now.

 Your collective thoughts are helping set the pattern of the future, so it is important to think and act positively at all times. In fact in time speech will become unnecessary as it will be quicker and more efficient to use the power of thought. However, that time is far away at present but it gives you an idea as to how things will develop. So you have everything to look forward to even if you are in the latter stages of your life. This year alone will be full of action that will lead you ever onward to the end of wars and achieve permanent world peace.

 Enjoy the promises of the future knowing that all will manifest for you, and conditions will change to your liking and pleasure. Each of you has contributed to the formation of gifts that are waiting for you, and many friends from many lifetimes will also come to greet you with open arms and blessings. What a joyful and happy time is coming when celebrations will commence as you return home.

 I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

 In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.
