Saturday, March 28, 2015
" a healing thought "
Dear All,
this is a small link to a small, but healing event....
28 - March - 2915
" cherish the excitement "
Wes Annac
The Culture of Awareness
Cherish the Excitement
27 - March - 2015
The following is an intuitively channeled message from what I call ‘The Voice Within’, which is also known as the ‘higher self’. You’re free to believe whatever you want and take whatever path you want as you continue to refine your understanding of the spiritual nature of your existence, but know that if you take a certain path (or if you choose to merge various paths), you’re still tasked with respecting and accepting those who’ve taken other paths that resonate with them, even if the differences between your philosophy and theirs is particularly unsettling.
Everyone’s free to find the path that works for them and wholeheartedly pursue it, and as long as you have faith in your heart and the genuine intent to connect with a higher aspect of your consciousness, the route you take to get there will matter little.
All that matters is that you have love, faith and dedication, and when you can maintain these qualities, you’ll find that your spiritual, creative and expressive cup is constantly refilled with divine energy and inspiration and you never have trouble using your creativity (or anything else) to expand your consciousness and awaken/uplift others.
Your Purpose on Earth
Your main purpose on the earth is to discover your spiritual essence and the fact that beyond your body, you’re infinite beings of pure consciousness who can tap into this essence and use the inspiration that results to uplift everyone who’s been too lost in their self-instated unawareness to realize that spirit is a constant aspect of your reality.
You don’t have to strive so hard to do or complete certain tasks each day to prove your worthiness in the eyes of Source, and you’ve always been worthy of the love and praise a lot of people seek in external, material things that help them feel whole and complete for a moment before they require something else to fill the gap that’s caused by the failure to realize how connected they are with Source.
You’re constantly connected, even when you feel further away from your creative and spiritual essence than ever, and staying creatively active is one of the best ways to maintain this connection – but it isn’t required.
Again, you aren’t required to do anything in your time on earth, and as long as you can keep in mind that you’re infinitely worthy of Source’s love, praise and awareness, anything you do will be to appease this everlasting awareness and not to prove your worthiness or gain some sort of acceptance that you already have.
Cherish the excitement you feel to explore your consciousness with meditation, creativity and whatever else helps you feel aligned, because this excitement can lead you to do truly great things. You aren’t required to do ‘great’ things to gain Source’s love or praise, but if this path resonates with you, you have every reason to embrace it.
No matter what path resonates with you or how you want to express your spirituality, you’re encouraged to embrace it and use it to uplift as many fellow seekers as you can.
Everyone on your evolving planet is looking for a way out of the limited experience they’ve been immersed in for so long.
Those of you who’ve become aware of your essence and the things you can do to bring your planet into the light have, in many cases, incarnated on your planet for the specific purpose of helping awaken everyone who’s been too lost in their own unawareness to realize that something exists beyond their conscious perception.
Something definitely exists beyond the mundane realities of life on earth, and those of you who’ve awakened are answering the call to share your awareness with the rest of your planet, who’ll awaken in their own time.
A Refined Understanding
Everyone will awaken when they’re ready, and in the meantime, those of you who’ve begun to awaken can do as much as you feel called to do to help everyone reach a greater, more refined understanding of themselves and the spiritual nature of their existence.
The passion so many of you feel burning deep within can lead you to fully and enthusiastically embrace your creativity if you let it, and as you’re learning, your creativity is one of your most potent avenues back into a higher state of consciousness.
Creativity is useful in a number of ways, one being that it helps you connect with your essence and another being that it allows you to use that connection to help others become aware of their spirituality and the fact that they too can embrace their creativity and flow like never before.
As long as you don’t put too much creative pressure on yourselves or worry endlessly about what your family or the rest of society will think about the spiritually inspired works of art you produce, you can use multiple creative routes to raise the awareness that so desperately needs raised and ignite the flame in the hearts of billions of people who are subconsciously ready to understand their spiritual nature and, as a result, embrace their creativity or anything that helps them feel aligned with their Christ consciousness.
You can use creativity to nourish your soul and the souls of everyone who’s either unaware or is just starting to realize that life is nothing like they’ve been led to believe, and in all things, your enthusiasm is essential. In everything you do, the aforementioned flame that burns deep within is essential, and without it, you might have trouble creatively flowing your using your awareness progressively.
Within you exists an infinite wellspring of creative and spiritual inspiration, and tapping into it is one of the best things you can do for yourselves and the rest of your planet, who, if this hasn’t been made clear, will benefit tremendously from your inspired, impassioned creative and spiritual work.
Enthusiasm and Patience
It’s essential that those of you who want to uplift your planet and everyone on it tap into this wellspring, and this is one of the reasons enthusiasm is so helpful. Patience is another important aspect of using your inner creative wellspring to uplift your planet, because there will be times when it seems all but dry and empty.
When this happens, the best thing you can do is relax and maybe take some time for yourselves before returning to your work with more vibrancy and passion than ever.
You and everyone who benefits from your inspired work will be glad you took that time for yourselves, and until you can realize that resting every now and then is as important as continuously working hard, you might have occasional trouble calling on your creativity and expressing it in the massive ways some of you have become used to.
As long as you can embrace your creativity and the practices that help you stay aligned, like meditation, you should have little difficulty raising awareness and helping everyone understand the true purpose of your existence, which, again, is to rediscover your innate spiritual essence and the fact that you are Source in an incarnate form.
Everyone will discover this in time, and the aware among you will likely continue to work hard to share this truth, thereby inspiring themselves and everyone else to act on it in increasingly pure and potent ways.
Embrace your skills and talents, and remember to embrace your inner silence as well because it has much more to offer you than the social and cultural distractions that vie for your attention each day.
Your connection with your creator is more important than anything you’ll ever find in your society, so keep this in mind when you face temptation to give in to things that are widely accepted by society but keep you from shining your light in the incredibly pure ways you can now shine it.
It’s time to free yourselves from the self-imposed and culturally enforced illusion that’s trapped your minds and hearts and kept you from understanding that despite what society tells you, you’ve always been worthy of love, praise and universal assistance.
As you continue to transcend your society’s limitations and distractions, you’ll realize that you were never meant to be imprisoned in the first place.
Now that you’re exiting the prison you’d created for yourselves, which your society tends to reinforce, you can start to tap into the truth of your being, which will introduce you to further truths and revelations that’ll open and expand your chakras and make your heads spin.
Share freely.
I’m a twenty-one year old writer, blogger, musician and channel for the creative expression of the Universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.
I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
" beyond non-relative consciousness "
Wes Annac
The Culture Of Awareness
Beyond Non-Relative Consciousness
25 - March - 2015
I’d like to pick up from our discussion yesterday and examine more material from Franklin Merrell-Wolff about relative and non-relative consciousness.
As we learned yesterday, relative consciousness is our surface awareness and non-relative consciousness is our deeper spiritual awareness, which we can find in a number of ways.
No matter how we transcend the physical senses and explore our non-relative awareness, we’ll want to stay consistent with our practice if we want to make any progress. Some spiritual teachers discourage ambition or consistency, but I think both qualities are helpful on the spiritual path.
They’re discouraged when it comes to our external reality, because they tend to reinforce the already cloudy barrier between us and a higher state of consciousness. If we use them for our spiritual exploration, however, I think they could help us permanently raise our vibration.
We have to be committed to our spiritual exploration if we want to do or perceive anything significant, and here, we’ll learn more from Wolff about non-relative consciousness and, interestingly enough, the state that exists even beyond it.
First, we’re told that the physical universe is a projection of the greater spiritual reality we have yet to fully unveil.
“Relative consciousness deals with phenomena alone and can never reach beyond phenomena.
But the phenomenal world rests upon the Real or Noumenal World. Thus it is that the
Consciousness of the SELF or ‘pure apperceptive consciousness’ sustains the whole universe or
cosmos. But the latter is an outward projection.” (1)
Relative (surface) consciousness, we’re told, exists within the measureable cosmos, which is sustained by non-relative consciousness.
“Behind the cosmos is the formless or Transcendental World. Within the cosmos is the domain
of relative consciousness.
“From the latter standpoint the SELF appears as formless. Hence the approach – for from the
relative point of view it seems like an approach – to the SELF from consciousness posited
within the cosmos takes on the form of progressive negation of all identity with form until
finally Identity in the Formless breaks forth as Recognition.” (2)
There’s a state that exists beyond Formlessness, but for now, our relative consciousness identifies with our non-relative consciousness as Formless. There’s a greater reality even beyond Formlessness, but Formlessness might be all we can strive to attain until we understand that there are deeper layers and dimensions beyond our current goal.
“At this stage Recognition may well take the form of ‘I am Formlessness.’ But this is really an
incomplete Recognition, as Shankara has shown by his acute logic. The final Recognition is ‘I
am not form and I am not formless.’
“This standpoint is neutral with respect to the cosmos and the truly Transcendental or Formless.
What this really means is that beyond Nirvana there is a Paranirvana which is a state of
metaphysical indifference with respect to the states of manifestation or non-manifestation.” (3)
I’d imagine a lot of ‘time’ (energy) is spent in the advanced state of Formlessness before we realize that true transcendence comes when we don’t perceive ourselves as formed or Formless. While it can get confusing, it makes sense if you slowly examine the philosophy without trying too hard to comprehend it.
Formlessness is the next stage in our spiritual evolution (it might be the fifth dimension; I don’t know), but there’s a state of existence beyond even it, which we’ll grow into once we realize it exists and pursue it.
We might only want to aim for Formlessness or material transcendence from our current limited perspective, and once we reach it, we’ll realize that there are even more dimensions to strive for.
There’s probably even a level beyond the level that’s beyond Formlessness (does your head hurt?), and if there is, we’ll find out when the time comes.
I’m sure we’ll be excited to explore every non-dual state of consciousness that waits for us, but for now, maybe we can focus on Formlessness before we focus on what comes next.
The idea that there’s a state beyond Formlessness, Wolff tells us, presents somewhat of a problem in the study of mysticism and enlightenment.
“This study constitutes a real clarification of the problem of the relationship between ordinary
consciousness and the kind of consciousness commonly called mystical.” (4)
Some spiritual teachers might disagree, but I think the physical (form) and spiritual (Formless) are merging. I don’t know when Franklin Merrell-Wolff was in his prime, but I do know that the veil is thinning at an incredible rate and we can touch upon the outer layers of Formlessness with relative ease.
We’ll have to be dedicated if we want to get the most out of the thinning veil, but I think the dimensions are compressing in on each other (the third, fourth and fifth, at least) and we can use things like meditation and creativity to drastically elevate our consciousness.
During some of Wolff’s higher-vibrational experiences, he tells us that his ego-driven self was present as an observer in a vast ocean of all-encompassing spirituality.
“Throughout this whole experience [which he called the ‘High Satisfaction’] and the following
more profound state [the ‘High Indifference’], the egoistic or subject-object consciousness was
actively present. It was present, however, as a witness on the sidelines, while all about and
through and through there was an immeasurably vaster Consciousness.” (5)
So it seems that our relative consciousness is still capable of existing in the blissful higher-dimensionality we’re headed for, but its influence will be severely diminished and we’ll be too busy enjoying the expansive higher-vibrational landscape to pay much attention to it.
We’ll apparently know it’s there, however (Wolff did, at least), and I wonder what kind of role it’d play in our attainment of non-relative consciousness. The relative will still exist along with the much greater non-relative, but it won’t have anywhere near the influence it currently does.
I notice that when I write, meditate or play music, what I know as the ‘ego’ isn’t as present as usual.
Like Wolff realized during his exploration of a much higher state of consciousness than I’ve reached, the ego self is still there but it’s quiet, like a child who was throwing a tantrum but has since calmed down and fell asleep.
It’s still there and it might offer little things that help, but for the most part, it’s a pacified aspect of our being that doesn’t really make itself known. I’m surprised to learn that the ego self exists at all in non-relative consciousness, and it gives credence to the term ‘you learn something new every day’.
I was especially interested to learn that there’s another level beyond Formlessness, which I already knew but never really thought about, and it goes to show that there’s more to strive for beyond ascension.
We’ll travel deeper and deeper within from here on out, and as we do, we’ll discover purer states of consciousness that transcend the previous. It’ll be a wild evolutionary ride, and while it might be difficult at times, I’d imagine we’ll be enthusiastic enough to embrace it nonetheless.
1. Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973, 13.
2. Loc. cit.
3. Loc. cit.
4. Ibid., 12.
5. Ibid., 117.
Share freely.
I’m a twenty-one year old writer, blogger, musician and channel for the creative expression of the Universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.
I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
" liberate yourself "
Wes Annac
The Culture of Awareness
Liberate Yourself
18 - March - 22105
It’s time to free ourselves from society’s rigid expectations. We need to become free again by enjoying life and pursuing things that help us feel happy, whole and awakened, and it takes the courage to break out of the crafted social shell that the mind tends to reinforce.
The elite don’t want us to be free. They want us to be content, complacent worker bees who stock shelves, follow orders and pay our bills. They don’t want us to realize that we contain (and comprise) an infinite spiritual universe, and they’d rather force us into conformity and complacent acceptance.
The best thing we can do for ourselves and our planet is to be free. Freedom is our inherent birthright, and we aren’t meant to slave away at dead end jobs we don’t care about. We aren’t meant to ‘pay bills until we die’ as the saying goes, and we surely aren’t meant to accept all of the crazy standards society pushes onto us.
In order to enjoy life, we’ll have to cultivate the freedom the world seems to have lost. We’ll have to be willing to try new things, gain new experiences, expand our consciousness and have fun along the way, but our sense of joy and spirituality will be zapped if we participate in the elite’s world.
We can’t give the planetary controllers what they want by surrendering our freedom and the basic rights we’re all supposed to have, and the best way to be free is to stop confining ourselves in any area of life.
If there’s something we want to do, there’s no reason we shouldn’t do it.
If there’s some creative task we want to excel at, we might as well try and try again until we complete it. I think we should embrace the challenges that come with reclaiming our freedom and trying new things, and the more we challenge ourselves, the better we’ll feel when we complete the challenges.
The more we expand our capabilities, the more we’ll impress ourselves and the people who witness our feats. All we have to do is find the willingness to break out of our shells, open up to our inner universe and refuse to confine ourselves or let others confine us.
Reclaiming our freedom can be simple, and we don’t necessarily need to protest or embrace other forms of activism to do it. We can reclaim our freedom by expanding our horizons and excelling at new challenges, and the best way to be free is to feel free.
If we feel free and we’re passionate about life, we won’t have any trouble enjoying ourselves, creatively flowing or doing anything else that requires an enriched, enthusiastic perspective. With freedom comes limitlessness, and when we stop living rigidly in the mind, we realize that we can do whatever we want.
We realize that we really are infinite, and all that spiritual material that encourages us to realize our infinity isn’t just ‘new age fluff’.
The advice we’ve been given to realize that we’re infinite spiritual beings who exist in an equally infinite (and equally spiritual) universe is legitimate, and all we need to do to realize it is open up and change our thinking.
Everything becomes clearer when we open the mind and step into our true, authentic freedom.
The mental fogginess some of us experience is replaced with unprecedented clarity and the willingness to use that clarity for progressive, constructive purposes, and we no longer have to deal with lethargy or anything else that slows us down and depletes our passion.
Instead, our passion is restored tenfold and we realize how important both qualities – passion and freedom – are to each other. We need passion to sustain our freedom, and we need freedom to give us something to feel passionate about. Together, they’re a mighty force.
It can be hard in our modern society to find any degree of freedom or wholeness, and sometimes, stopping for a moment and taking a look around this reality can help us see how free we truly are.
Some of us might not feel free when we have to get up and work a job every day that depletes our time and energy, but there are things we can do to make it better. There are things we can do to increase our freedom even when we have to work every day, and our perspective is always important.
How we see life will determine how we feel each day, and even if we have a job we don’t care for, we can shift our perspective and ask ourselves what we can do to make our day lively, eventful and, most importantly, fun.
I’d recommend changing jobs if you’re doing something you don’t enjoy, but those of you who enjoy your jobs yet tend to have bad days might benefit from transforming your perspective and claiming your freedom, even if it doesn’t seem to be there.
The idea that our freedom is missing is an illusion, and everything comes down to our mindset and how we choose to see the world.
If we’re willing to open up and believe we’re infinite and capable of anything we put our minds to, which includes enjoying the daily tasks we don’t really care for, we’ll amaze ourselves with the things we can do and the zest we can find for life.
All it takes is heart-centeredness and the willingness to embody joy and freedom itself when we don’t feel our best, and it gets easier with practice. Everything gets easier when we stay dedicated, and consistently reclaiming our freedom is one of the best things we can do for ourselves – especially right now.
It’s clear that the elite don’t want us to free ourselves from ‘mental slavery’ as Bob Marley and a few others called it, and they’ve done everything they could to zap our energy and keep us from being the free spiritual beings we’re meant to be.
We can transcend their tricks and tactics by answering the call from a higher power to liberate ourselves from everything that confines us and keeps us from being who we truly are, and liberating ourselves gets easier when we can be consistently open to spirit and the wonders a higher perception offers.
Lightening our vibration is arguably the most potent way to find those little bits of enlightenment that help us throughout the day, and liberation comes when we recognize that we don’t have to accept our current ‘status’ as humans walking around in these heavy meat suits.
We can transcend all of that and welcome spirit into our life, and all it takes is a little discipline and the willingness to disappear into our sacred center every now and then.
We only cease to be free when we stop ourselves from doing things we enjoy or things that fill us with passion and wholeness, and true freedom comes when we realize that despite what the elite’s done to keep us mentally, physically and spiritually oppressed, we were never oppressed to begin with.
We’ve let society and the influences around us oppress us since childhood, but now, we’re transcending that illusory oppression and using our creativity and spirituality to uplift the world.
We can be free if we let ourselves, and the first step is to refuse to confine ourselves any longer. We confine ourselves by closing the mind and letting it constantly race, and when we can stop this, we’ll take the first steps on the path to true freedom.
We are and have always been free, and it’s time to reclaim our innate freedom and show the world what we can do when we no longer let social expectations or limitations stop us.
Wes Annac
Share freely.
I’m a twenty-one year old writer, blogger, musician and channel for the creative expression of the Universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.
I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.
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