Friday, June 27, 2014

" angelic form of us. personal creation. cleansing of Earth structures. "

Archangel Michael via Linda Dillon

An Hour with an Angel

26 - June - 2014

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.

 Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.

 Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.

 Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham. And today we’ll be continuing a discussion that Archangel Michael and I were having on May 30th. Hour with an Angel is usually a current affairs program, but this particular show is going to be aired while Linda is away, and so we can’t really gear it towards current events. So we’re going to continue our conversation about the Angelic Kingdom. And with that I welcome Archangel Michael.

 Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love…. Historian? No. [laughs] But let me join you in this conversation, and as we begin, my beloved brother, my beloved friends, let us begin this day not only by illuminating the flame, my blue flame of truth, within you. 

Let me also step forward and remind each of you of your angelic heritage, of that seed of the angelic that rests within, around, each of you.

 For you have many faces. You have many aspects. You have had many realms and experiences of existence. And for most of you ― no, not all, but for most of you ― you have had existence as angelic of one kind or another. And you carry within thee this essence to this day.

 Now, why do I bring this forward as we begin yet again this conversation on the principalities, thrones, dominions and so on? Because it is important that you also realize that we do not merely speak about the bureaucracy of heaven, or the Company of Heaven. We speak about you, about who you are, and about this energy, this essence, this spark of light that took this form of angelic being once upon a time. And I would urge each of you to acknowledge, to embrace, and to dig and to bring forth your angelic self.

 Now, when we last have spoken, I also emphasized the beauty and the nature of the gift of the guardian angel, the guide, and how it is to your benefit to become intimately aware of it, and in a partnership, a co-creation, a sacred union with your guardian angels. Well, my beloved friends, I also say to you this night that it is equally important to become aware and in sacred union with your angelic self. So that is where I wish us to begin this conversation.

 No, it is not difficult. Simply go into your heart and ask to see your angelic self and to come to know this part of who you are. It is equally important, if not even more so, than knowing your past lives, your galactic self, your inter-galactic self, various parts of you that are fairy or mineral or ocean. Know yourself.

 Now, having said that, dear Steve, where do you wish to begin this day?

 SB: Well, of course you have anticipated one of the questions on my paper, Lord, So why don’t we continue with that? When you say that we all have an angelic background, what are you saying? Are you saying that we have devolved into humans, that we have come down Jacob’s ladder of consciousness to the human domain, and then we go back up? Is that part of the plan? What are you actually saying when you say most of us were once angels?

 AAM: Now, you are using the term devolved.

 SB: Yes.

 AAM: You cannot pin that on me! [laughs]

 SB: No, no! And I know you’ve said, on another program, that we didn’t devolve. But I’m trying to suss it out for the readers ― pardon me ― the listeners who may be thinking that, say.

 AAM: And the readers as well.

 SB: Yes.

 AAM: So let us explain. The idea of being an angelic…. Now we are not talking… if we can just depart from this particular incarnation, which all of you very consciously accepted and chose to have as a process and a life of ascension in form… so if we can separate this particular life out…. 

SB: Okay.

 AAM: When you have emerged as a spark of light, as an essence, sheer energy  ― because that is how you have begun ― and the expression of that energy, in concert with the Mother, and in concert with, yes, many of the realms of heaven, the Company of Heaven, some of the expressions you chose, and some of the earliest expressions in terms of what you would think of as form ― and we have spoken of this in previous conversation of the Kadmon form…

 SB: Yes.

 AAM: … that is so popular ― one of the first expressions in form of that spark of light that most chose was angelic. And there are more legions of angels than you can fathom ― yes, throughout the omniverse, as we have also spoken of. But most of you, some of you have gone directly into various forms; some of you have truly preferred to simply be what we refer to as sheer energy. But most of you tried on the angelic form. And I do not say this in a way that you would consider incorrect. Most of you loved that form, absolutely loved that form.

 And when you are angelic, there is this ability ― yes, you have a form, energetic and otherwise. And this is what is so confusing to human beings. Yes, and we will get to that density question which is really behind the term devolution, because it is a form of devolution.

 SB: Uh-hunh.

 AAM: It is a becoming more dense. Because when you are in angelic form, you can not only bi-locate, but morph into various forms ― if you wish to experience something or to assist or fulfill your mission. And you, my friend, have seen me in physical reality several times.

And there are many of you who listen this night who have seen the Mother or Gabriel or Yeshua or Baba or Yogananda in a physical form. It does not mean that we are imprisoned, as you have become, in that form. It simply means that for the moment we choose to put on that suit of clothes, as it were. 

Now, let us be specific to the experience of Gaia and the density of Gaia and what you have thought of as and what we have termed the “old Third Dimension.” And this was a long process, but it had a very rapid start. Gaia, when she assumed this form, was a planetary being. The Mother wished for her angels to be able to come to to play here and have a different experience of physicality and expression of love. This was intended to be one of the planets (because there have been several) of physicality ― of play, of joy and of love in form. So there were many angels who were very eager to try it on.

 Now, the plan, the mechanics, if you wish, of how this was organized was that you could come and assume form, be it human or other reality. So there are some of you who have had the experience, while you were angelic, of being a mountain range, or part of a mountain range, or part of an ocean, or an animal, or a bird, or a mineral, or human.

 Now, in the hierarchy that human beings have developed, that your egos and your illusions have developed over time, you have come to believe that you are superior to many of these situations, these various forms of physicality, so that you assume that you are better than, or more than, an animal or a mineral or an ocean, etc.

 Now, it is that very experience of ego, or the belief system that you were such a mighty creator in angelic form, that basically you got you stuck. And you got stuck because you forgot. While in form, the ego began to assume ascendancy. This is what many of you think of as a fall from grace, which is a misnomer, really.

 But many of you came to think that you were as powerful a creator and forgot the piece that you were of creation. Because the angelics are of creation. There is no veil or illusion of that separation. 

And that is what you are all now going through remembering. That is truly what a very significant part of the renewal and the Ascension process is about. It is remembering and re-embracing the fact that you are nothing more than love, and that you have always been connected to the Mother/Father/One, however you conceive of it, whatever your culture or your background or your religious patterning has been.

 And what I suggest to you is in your various lifetimes what you have done is most of you have tried on all these various cultures or patternings.

 When you are completely out of form is what you think of as when you die ― which is an entirely different conversation ― you soar with the angels. Sometimes you try on that form again. There are various levels and ways in which you experiment and learn and grow and expand and return home in the in-between time, shall we say.

 Now, did you get caught in what you would think of as a downward spiral into having [karma]― and I use that word because of your belief system, not because of truth. And this is a far more serious conversation than you have anticipated, but it is important that people do understand their history. 

SB: Okay.

 AAM: There was a downward spiral into that cycle of incarnation and reincarnation and reincarnation, and what many have thought of or termed as karmic. But let us go back to the in-between time, in-between lifetimes. One of the reasons that you have returned, again and again and again, or intermittently ― you are never forced to return, never; it is always a discussion and a choice ― is that you have heard us, and you have heard the Mother, be so emphatic about not interfering with free will and choice.

 Now, on our side, it is not that we do not have free will, but it is that we have evolved to a point where our will is always in alignment with the One, with love. So it is as if we are beyond free choice. But it is not that we have been stripped of free choice.

 When you are here, when you are out of your various forms, the reason that you choose to return and very often fall into similar circumstance or similar patterns, is you go back, you say, “I think I want to go back and do it right.” Or, “I want to go back with my beloved and support” … him or her or them. Or, “I want to go back. I did not experience love in form.” This is the most driving force of all humanity.

 If you were to think of one causal factor about why you keep returning, it is because you want to experience that original intent of love in this form, not because of sin or debt, debt that is owed to you, debt that you owe, or to do reparation. It is because you finally want to know that, and from that place of having the experience of the purity, the clarity of love, that you can jump in and out yet again.

 And that is what Ascension is about. It is about not being stuck in your body, but having the integration of all parts of your being, and having it anchored in your body in such outrageous, miraculous joy that you want to be in body; that it isn’t a struggle or an obligation, or even a responsibility, it is simply joy.

 And that when you choose to depart, whether it is after two minutes or two thousand years, you are free to do so. And that in that body that you can relate and anchor your angelic self in, just as you can anchor your human ― if you want to call it that ― self in your angelic self, you can travel inter-dimensionally, and do as you please, and visit with us, or not.

 This is a different perspective than what you have thought of as the human experience. The Mother never banished you and said, “Work your way back. Earn your way back.” That is not of love. It has been the belief system that the collective fell into that, then solidified and hardened in a very cruel way so that enslavement, tethering, was believed to be permanent. And it is not.

 SB: Can I interject at this point, Lord…

 AAM: Yes.

 SB: … for a moment?

 AAM: Yes. Yes. Of course.

 SB: One of the interesting things I find about what you’re saying is that the description of human beings having come from the Creator down into density and then working their way back to the Creator, so to speak, comes from not some of the dark forces that were here millennia ago, but in fact comes from enlightened beings.

 Much of our knowledge of angels comes from Pseudo-Dionysius, for instance. And Al Ghazali and Ibn ‘Arabi have described this descent into matter. And they’ve also given us the view that this whole plan was set up so that God could have the experience of himself/herself/itself, whatever word you want to use.

 So when I’m listening to you I’m not listening with the ear of having heard it from, say, the churches or some other authority like that, but actually from enlightened beings. And it sounds like you’re saying that their view is not correct.

 AAM: It is correct, but it is incomplete.

 SB: Okay.

 AAM: And no, we are not referring to any of the religious mythologies that have grown up, because they have also been [incomplete]. Of course it is one of your dichotomies, your polarity, your dualities that [religion] has the best and the worst. The religion, various religions will include both the spirituality and the acknowledgment.

 So yes, the descension into form you are thinking of is a separation, and then to work your way back home. That is correct. But it is also correct that you migrate through various forms if you choose.

 SB: Hmm. You’re overturning a lot of our spirituality, [laughs] a lot of our favorite views of things. 

AAM: No. I am complementing them.

 SB: Okay.

 AAM: You have limited the understanding of what you can be in form.

 SB: Um-hmm.

 AAM: So, for example, we have suggested to you in other conversations that there are many angels on Earth, in conscious form, at this moment. There are some archangels. There are some thrones. There are various beings, masters, who are assuming human form.

 Now, do you really think that they are working their way back home? No. They have chosen this form to be of assistance during this phase of the Mother’s plan. But they have chosen ― and you have mentioned some of them just now – to be in form as guides at every phase of history, even when the human history looked most dismal and most dense. There have always been these beings who have kept the light alive.

 SB: Right.

 AAM: Now, those, for example, who are archangels, whether they are in or out of form ― well, our
form ― do you not think that that is still an expression of Source, experiencing that?

 Yes, there is uniqueness and definition, but it is still the connection. And it is the same for humans. And it is just that they have forgotten that and that is the reawakening. It is the acknowledgment of that spark, of that source of who they are ― yes, working their way back home, but also, at the same time, God having an experience of you.

 SB: Right. I know an archangel incarnated, for instance, who has had 2,000-plus lives here on Earth. Now, is that all just to prepare the Earth for this Ascension? Is that all work aimed at this Ascension – so many lifetimes?

 AAM: Yes.

 SB: Wow! That’s a tremendous sacrifice, is it not?

 AAM: Yes, it is. Do not forget that there have been critical points. You tend to think of times, and we understand this, in terms of months or years or even decades, or lifetimes, but there have been points, for example your dear friend who has come in, we know, about 2000 times, because there have been juncture points at which if the pendulum went a different way, that the delay, or the detour, would have been even more significant.

 So has there been service and sacrifice? Of course there has been. And one of the difficulties which is now being lifted ― and that is why I have begun this day by encouraging you to remember that angelic part of yourself, or archangelic part of yourself ― is that when you have been in human form, or when you are right now in human form, what often happens is that you forget who you really are and what you are capable of. It is the awakened human that realizes.

 And again, do not think in terms of hierarchy. It is the awakened human that acknowledges that they are inter-galactic or galactic; that they are part angelic or archangelic; that they are sheer energy and a spark of life; that they have been the most grievous sinner and the most beatific saint. It is that integration into the aware human being, and from that place of being able to create Nova Earth, because what we can only refer to as the old human, the human had very dim memory and was not the human that decided to take this leap of faith into Ascension.

 SB: Hmm. Wow.

 AAM: So you, in your consciousness, right now, are realizing that Source, that Mother/Father God/One, however you are thinking about it, is having the experience of you in all those forms integrated into your body and more specifically your expanded field, because that is truly who you are. And at the same time you are having an experience of God ― no, not full reunion, but you are experiencing the love and the connection, the joy, the sweetness, the elevation. So you are returning to the original design.

 SB: Boy, I’m going to drift off into space, following what you’re saying here. I’d better bring myself down to Earth.

 We only talk or we only know about angels in regard to their service to us. I mean, whenever the conversation about angels comes up, it’s usually about some aspect of their serving humanity or the other kingdoms. But surely angels have a life of their own. And what does the round of life look like for an angel?

 AAM: It is infinite. So, for example, and I will speak to you [about it] ― yes, I am archangelic [not angelic], but it is very similar. Do we have a life? Is this not a very human question? [laughs]

 SB: I suppose it is. [laughs]

 AAM: And yes, yes, it is, and that is all right, my friend! But I am teasing you. But yes, we have a life. In fact, as we have spoken of in our last conversation of this realm, as you know, we can have many simultaneous lives all at once.

 SB: Many simultaneous lives! [laughing

] AAM: But let us say ― and we do not mean to fuel the fire, but ― we have, in the angelic kingdom, a very rich life completely outside or above or separate from merely serving humanity, or in this case other planetary sectors. Because there are things ― activities, experiences ― that the angelic realm has that do not always, or necessarily, involve humans.

 Now, do they sometimes share those experiences with humans? Yes. Do humans sometimes key in to what the angelics are up to? Yes. A good example is when a human will all of a sudden hear the angelic chorus.

 Well, is the chorus dependent upon the human’s hearing it? Is it done for the benefit of the human race? No. It is done for the sheer joy of the sound of praise, of adoration, of coming together in a unified grid of heart and being. It is to send and to communicate in a different way to the Mother/Father One, and it is what you can think of as fun. It is great fun.

 Do they paint the sky, like I do?  Sometimes. Do they … your expression would be “hang out”? That is the favorite thing. You tend to think of your life as work or play or family time or social time or downtime. And we always are encouraging you to balance these various realms to aspects of your life and to make sure that there is time just for you.

 In the angelic realm, there is no separation of these, because everything is joy; everything is love. There is no experience of what you would term fear or despair or any of the lower vibrations. It ― I know this is difficult for you to understand, but ― it does not exist.

 Now, when we see a human being in despair or danger or in a very dark place, do we acknowledge it. Do we spot it? Particularly the guardian angels, but all of us, actually, even the principalities, but in a different way. Do we see it and do we act upon it? Do we infuse grace or love, or even, at times, intervention? Yes. But is it our existence? Does it influence how we experience our beingness? No. 

Now, so often we have heard the cry and the critique that the Company of Heaven is not acting, or that we are not acting in a rapid enough manner, or that we do not know or feel your distraught or despair or disappointment or concern, struggle. That is not true. But do we take it on? No. We cannot do that. Can we send you the energy to remedy the situation? Yes. And we do. And particularly at this time of very significant, magnificent change, you are being given energy as you have not been given since the very beginning.

 But part of that is also because you collectively are saying, yes, I will accept this intervention, I am begging for this intervention, I want this intervention. So you are also in our partnership giving us the green light, and at the same time you are stepping forward more as your integrated self to participate with us. So it is not simply us doing unto you, ministering. This is a favorite word of the human race, that we will minister to you.

SB: Right.

 AAM: No. We will participate. We will minister to you if you are lying on the ground, close to spiritual death or exhaustion. Of course we will. But more and more, we are participating with you, because you are acknowledging all the pieces and integrating the pieces of who you are.

So when the Mother addresses you, and calls you angels in form, what is she doing? She is reminding you of what originally took place ― not for all of you, because many of you have wandered off to Arcturus or CCC, but for many of you.

 SB: Uh-hunh. Can I ask you, you have talked about the seraphim, the cherubim, the angels, archangels, but we haven’t really mentioned the dominions, thrones ― you just mentioned the principalities ― virtues, and the powers. Could you just discuss those very briefly for us so that we can at least have those topics introduced? And maybe we can follow up on another show with a more in-depth coverage.

 AAM: I would be very happy to do this.

 SB: Thank you.

 AAM: Now, if I was to speak of dominions, you can think of my sister Gabrielle, for she is madly in love with the dominions, for they are administrators! [laughter] And they are what you can think of, if you were to think in human terms of our angelic realm ― yes, I guess it is not all play – the dominions are what you can think of as organizers.

 They help, they assist, they tend to. Think of them in many ways as angelic managers. They carry out the Divine Plan in many ways. They attend to the detail of the unfoldment of the plan. They are very involved in balance and maintaining, again, in a very universal sense, not in a particularly individual sense (they do not particularly involve themselves with individual humans; it is not their nature), but they balance cause and effect throughout the multiverse.

 So they are adjustors. They are administrators. They are dealing with and making sure that the balance and the divine wisdom within the Plan is the central point of the unfoldment of the detail of the Plan.

 So, for example, yes, Gabrielle does have a great deal of interface with the dominions, as does someone like Sanat Kumara, because there is the very big picture in terms of the Plan, and then of course there is the specific unfoldment.

 But all of that is very harmoniously coordinated. And this is what the dominions specialize in ― can we say that? And let us go back to our conversation. It is what they have chosen, in terms of their service and reflection to the Mother, of what they want to do.

 SB: Um-hmm.

 AAM: Whereas the principalities are what you can think of as closer to the human realm. And they are very involved with collectives. And you can think of the principalities as part of the angelic realm that is dealing with collective issues, the collective issues even of the human race. And they tend to work, yes, as guardians.

 So there is a more hands-on, if you can think of it that way, connection to the human realm. But again it is not as direct as the archangelic realm or the angelic realm. There is a tendency to work more with nations or large groups, say, of religions or belief systems, or cultures.

 One of the areas that they do work with increasingly ― and they certainly have their work cut out for them ― is with what you would think of as mega- or multinational organizations. They are purifying.

And this is something that perhaps you have not been aware of. But this is one of the areas in which the Company of Heaven is quite busy, because they are purifying many of the, what you would think of as the, structures, which is nothing but collections of individuals, but the structures of nations, of religions, of organizations, of multinationals, of sectors.

 They assist in infusing divine will and wisdom into very large groups. They do not tend, except in exceptional circumstances, to concern themselves with particular leaders, although there are exceptions to that rule when the person or the group that is in the leadership position is in one of those pivotal turning points that can affect the whole direction of humanity.

 So, for example, in this situation the principalities have been very involved with the leadership of several, what you can think of as, major nations and the leadership in what you could think of as global financial institutions. They do not tend to make themselves known. But they are balancers in a different way, but still helping the Divine Plan to be anchored more into physicality.

 Does that make sense to you?

 SB: Yes, it does. I’m not quite sure how, but I imagine the leaders would not be aware of their influence.

 AAM: What they would be aware of and they would say is that they are divinely inspired or that they are divinely guided, or that they have a higher power and they do not know exactly just what that higher power is. They tend to attribute this directly to Source.

 And we never take that as an affront. We are always rather pleased when our work is attributed to Source. But yes, they are not consciously aware. For example, there have been occasions throughout all of history when I have appeared, when Gabrielle has appeared, when Jophiel has appeared, and so on.

 The principalities, much like the thrones, do not tend to make physical appearances. Neither do the dominions. If you were in a higher dimension, you would recognize that energy. So as you are moving up this ladder that we keep talking about, you will come to be able to differentiate.

 Now, does it really matter? No. But we want you to know more about who we are, what we are doing, and how we are working with you. We are not always off singing and dancing and praising. 

SB: Or creating the Aurora Borealis.

 AAM: That is one of my favorite pastimes. And I cannot wait, my dear friends, to return to my music. And you will be there with me, and I will play for you. Now, the thrones, you have asked about.

 SB: Please.

 AAM: This is a very different group. Again, by assignment and choice, by the Mother, the thrones have been represented in many different ways. Many of you often see or have had experience not only of seeing the eye of God but of seeing the eyes, plural, many eyes, of the thrones. There is a reference to all seeing, and that is often what the thrones are doing. They have their, what you would think of as, eyes and what we would call awareness on everything.

 Now, you, think of it yourself. You have your various [eyes], your third, your fourth, even your fifth eye, which is coming into place and play these days. So you know what we are speaking of when we are speaking of the eyes? So it is not merely what you think of as physical eyes.

 The thrones have a tendency… their purview: they tend to work with planets, with planetary systems, either with a galaxy or with an individual planet. So, for example, right now, there are many ― oh, my goodness! ― there are legions of thrones assisting Gaia in this planetary transition. Because, as you know, it is not merely the humans and the kingdoms, but Gaia herself.

 Now, this legion is not just assisting Gaia, because you know, and we have spoken in other situations, of the domino effect, the ripple effect, throughout your galaxy and really throughout the universe and far beyond. So they are also assisting in the preparation work, if you can put it that way, for many of the other planetary systems that will go through this process following your completion. 

Now, I use the word completion, but I do not wish to give the impression that in fact once you have ascended, once you have flown completely and anchored completely through this portal, that your process, your continuity, has stopped. Because it has not. And it will not. You continue on.

 But for the purposes of this conversation, and in a way to demonstrate what the thrones are doing, is they are assisting Gaia, deeply, and the sister planets, as you get ready. Now, they also in many ways complement the principalities. We do not think of this as a hierarchy, merely spheres ― of expertise or choice. But they work with the dominions, particularly on correcting injustice.

 SB: I’m going to have to interrupt you here, Archangel Michael. Apparently we have run out of time. So we still have the virtues and powers to discuss, and a lot more, I’m sure. Why don’t we continue this conversation?

 AAM: Yes, we will.

 SB: Very good.

 AAM: I would love that. Go with my love.

 SB: Thank you very much.
 AAM: Farewell.

 SB: Farewell. [end]

 Source :

" china planning to create own world bank "

By Reuters

26 - June - 2014

China is moving forward with a plan to create its own version of the World Bank, which will rival institutions that are under the sway of the US and the West. The bank will start with $100 billion in capital.

 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will extend China’s financial reach and compete not only with the World Bank, but also with the Asian Development Bank, which is heavily dominated by Japan. The $100 billion in capital is double that originally proposed, the Financial Times (FT) reported.

 A member of the World Bank, China has less voting power than countries like the US, Japan, and the UK. It is in the ‘Category II’ voting bloc, giving it less of a voice. In the Asian Development Bank, China only holds a 5.5 percent share, compared to America’s 15.7 percent share and Japan’s 15.6 share.

 At the International Monetary Fund, China pays a 4 percent quota, whereas the US pays nearly 18 percent, and therefore has more influence within the organization and where loans go.

 “China feels it can’t get anything done in the World Bank or the IMF so it wants to set up its own World Bank that it can control itself,” the FT quoted a source close to discussions as saying.

 To date, 22 countries have expressed interest in the project, including oil-rich Middle Eastern nations, the US, India, Europe, and even Japan, the FT reported.

 “There is a lot of interest from across Asia but China is going to go ahead with this even if nobody else joins it,” the FT source said.

 Funding for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will mostly be sourced from the People’s Republic of China and be used to pay for infrastructure projects.

 The bank’s first project will be a reincarnation of the ancient Silk Road, the vast network of trade routes between China and its regional neighbors. Another proposed project is a railway from Beijing to Baghdad.

 The idea for the bank was first floated in October 2013, when China unveiled plans to create the bank. Then it was initially to be funded with $50 billion in capital.

 Separately, the BRICS nations plan to have a $100 billion development bank ready by 2015. Funds will be reserved for emerging market members who are often bypassed by institutions like the IMF and World Bank.

 Bank preparations will likely be finalized at the 6th annual BRICS summit on July 14-16, when the five world leaders convene in Brazil.

 Source :

" One race. Death as painless. "

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey

27 -  June  - 2014.

The changes continue to proceed as planned, and will bring about the anticipated changes that will bring you freedom from the activities of the dark Ones. Their power and control carries less weight and those who work for the Light are gaining more confidence as each day passes.

 So much good work is taking place and, as it continues to spread, the dark Ones find that they are having less and less influence. It is you the people that carry the responsibility for spreading the Light, but we can assist where you have already made decisions to begin the process of change.

 Do not worry if at first progress appears to be slow as momentous changes cannot be achieved overnight, and are more likely to be successful when care and attention are given. We oversee your work and at all times will do our best to guide you and ensure your success.

 More and more souls are awakening to their real selves and seeking more power to achieve their vision of permanent peace upon Earth. It will come and is already affecting decisions being made to prevent any future wars from taking place.

 The role of the Lightworker is to be inspired and bring more people to the realisation that the future is taking shape, and the voices that have influence are no longer prepared to go along with those who advocate war to solve problems. At long last it is being realised that war is futile and that there are no winners in the sense that all who are involved suffer loss of one kind or another.

 When you look back you will realise that using war to achieve your aims is often short lived, and at last there is an understanding that peaceful negotiation is the only way to solve differences. As you will find out in due course, wars are often contrived to set one against another and neither benefit as a result.

 As time has passed more and more people have tired of being used to settle differences, and now see that there are other ways which are far more acceptable. You are currently seeing the result of religious prejudice fuel the differences between some nations, and we wish we could get the message to them that you are all One.

 There is only One God of Absolute Love for all souls regardless of their colour or beliefs. However, there will come a time when it will be accepted that you are One Race, with the same destiny and eternally loved by the One God of All.

 The elusive peace that you seek will first come to individuals who have accepted the Oneness of all Souls, and through them others will also follow. All knowledge is carried within, and those of you who feel particularly intuitive are able to measure the value and truthfulness of any message.

 There will however still be those who totally rely on others to walk the path with them. For them it is part of their necessary experience and as they become more understanding of the truth of their real selves, they will gain the confidence to travel their own path. Often the changes are the result of many lives whereby they have tested their own beliefs and have moved on where they have been found wanting.

 As you stand at this time you represent the totality of your experience, and cannot help but be strongly influenced by it. There are however times when you will incarnate with a stronger attachment to certain beliefs that will give you a specific experience that you need. You are in fact much greater than you presently know, and whilst on Earth you play out each role you have undertaken which can greatly vary from one incarnation to another.

 You may have wondered what our beliefs are based upon, and whether we have what you know as organized religion. The simple answer is that we are sufficiently understanding of the Truth and the One God, that we live by example and realize that every other soul is either our brother or sister. Therefore our love is extended to all souls, and even those of the darkness are seen as being exactly the same as all others.

 It must be so as you have all come from the Source of All That Is, and undertaken your experiences so as to bring the truth to others. Where you are now in the lower levels of vibration you cannot become fully ascended and remain in them, so of necessity you only incarnate with a vibration that allows you to experience as chosen.

 We will also point out that this is why you must respect what other souls have chosen to experience, as it is all of value and will help others to evolve. Some souls have elected to serve on Earth to help others, whilst the majority are travelling their paths as they work their way back to the higher dimensions. There is not as you say a “quick fix” and the only positive way to evolve is through personal experience, although you can also learn from others who have gone before you.

 Mother Earth is also taking part in the changes, and these are of a grand scale to prepare for those that will change the very surface of the Earth. Of necessity there will be unavoidable upheaval in some places, but you may rest assured that every precaution will be taken to avoid loss of life. Some are inevitable but there are also souls that have expressed a desire to leave the Earth.

 It may sound strange or unlikely that souls would choose to leave in such a way, but release from the physical body is instantaneous. Any trauma associated with such an experience is soon overcome and forgotten. Death as such is painless but is often thought differently and this is usually due to an accompanying illness.

 Understanding the truth of such an experience as death prevents what is otherwise looked upon by many as a traumatic time in your life. Be assured that as soon as you pass over your Loved Ones will be there to greet you and make you welcome. Perhaps the most welcome surprise is that you are “whole” again and through the power of thought can also become a young person again, full of health and without any of the problems you may have had whilst on Earth.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have today touched upon life in the higher dimensions, which is far removed from what you have experienced upon Earth. Can you imagine an existence where within certain limitations you can “think” things into existence, therefore money is not needed. That is perhaps the most significant change, although as mentioned above, the prospect of permanent good health must be music to the ears of those who have had a life of ill health.

 You have so much to look forward to so do your best while still on Earth. I leave you with my love and blessings.

 Thank you SaLuSa
 Mike Quinsey

 Source :

Saturday, June 21, 2014

" photon belt. quick evolving. "

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey

 20 - June - 2014

 I greet you again and note that so many more of you are awakening to the increase in vibrations. They are gradually introducing you to the new levels that are being established as you enter deeper into the Photon Belt. The result is that you are experiencing heightened senses of what is going on around you, and beginning to understand the Oneness in which you exist. Gone are the times when you felt alone and isolated, and now you can appreciate and feel the higher energies that are very uplifting. Furthermore, your levels of consciousness are expanding, and with it comes a greater understanding of higher levels of existence. You are lifting up and being carried along by the higher vibrations, and those souls who have progressed at a slower rate are finding it hard to keep up. However, as we have intimated previously, there will be a dividing of the ways and that will place souls at a level that suits them to enable the continuing progress of their evolution.

 The fact is Dear Ones, that where your evolution is concerned you cannot stand still. There is also a driving force within you that subconsciously seeks expression, and you will always seek higher and higher levels of consciousness. As you progress back to the Light the journey becomes much easier and your goals more clearly defined. With you are other souls that also follow the same path and you become a unit of consciousness where you all become the One, yet you retain your own level and individuality. You will always be drawn to souls who have a similar vibration to your own, making evolution a most satisfying achievement. However, at your present stage you are still so to say, finding your feet and seeking out the path that fulfils your needs. Your destiny and success are assured, but you still have a long way to go on your spiritual journey back to the Godhead.

 As we see it the present time is most exciting for you as at long last you are lifting up out of the lower vibrations, having surmounted the many challenges that have faced you. It has been a journey that has at times sorely tested you, but you have a driving force with you that keeps you pushing forwards at all times. You have now reached a stage when by comparison it will become a lot easier to progress, and you will not be challenged at every turn by the lower vibrations. You will in fact notice how much easier life moves along in harmony with your desires and is more fulfilling. So you can release any attachment to the vibrations that no longer serve your purpose. From hereon you will rise up more rapidly and life will become a pleasure, providing you do not maintain your past links with situations that have proved to be of a negative nature. You are progressing to a point when you will break your associations with anything less than the Light, as they no longer serve your true purpose.

 To some of you the tasks ahead may sound frightening, but bear in mind that there is always help not far away if you need assistance. Indeed, there are unlimited sources of help and there is no situation that cannot be overcome. Your progress is followed at all times by those souls that dwell in the higher dimensions, and particularly at this time because your success is also important to their evolution. Every soul has numerous helpers that cover each stage of your evolution as if you were to fail, the delay would put back their evolution, but have no fear as your future success is assured. Also do not be concerned about other souls that you may know, as all of you will find your exact level quite automatically and there cannot be any mistakes in this respect.

 Every living thing whether animate or inanimate is progressing and evolving however slowly, and you are what you might say, the centre piece that is evolving very quickly. It is probably a good time to remind you that you came to Earth by dropping down through the various levels. So as you rise up again you are in fact returning to levels that you were once present in before this particular time. Life is all about experiences, and once you rise up out of the lower dimensions you will have more say in where your future incarnations take you.

 Life abounds everywhere in the Universe, and whilst on Earth you have been “isolated” for your protection to prevent interference with your evolution. It is true that certain ET species have been allowed to contact you over many centuries, but their presence has been monitored and carefully followed. They have been allowed to alter your future by their actions, but only to give you experiences that have assisted your evolution. As you will learn in the not too distant future, you have in fact been held back from truly evolving by the dark Ones You have been prevented from advancing further into the true Space Age, by not being allowed to benefit from progress denied you by those who have kept it for themselves. However, once they are out of the way we can openly meet you and your evolution will take a giant step forwards.

 We hope you understand the full implications of the period you are in, and if you can stand aside and let events progress as needed, you will be much better for it. Naturally some of you are unavoidably drawn into the issues of the day, and if so simply make allowances for what needs to take place to bring you fully into the New Age. Your responsibilities in the end times may be already be known to you, but if not by finding a quiet period and going “inside” yourself as you do for meditation, you should be able to come to the realisation of what it is. If not simply keep an open mind and be prepared for something new to come your way. Certainly most Lightworkers will be called upon to do their bit to bring the changes into being. Every little helps to form the larger picture which will become apparent in a relatively short time.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy these times when we can use our influence to prepare you for the New Age that you have recently entered. You will benefit from having experienced the changes and in fact are privileged to be present on Earth at such a time. The best is still to come whilst the present period is somewhat volatile because of the changes.

 Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

 Source :

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

" DNA imprint. tsunami of love. shift. "

Archangel Michael via Linda Dillon

An Hour with an Angel

13 - June - 2014

Graham Dewyea: Hello and welcome to An Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanities Heart Consciousness. Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of The Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards A World That Works For Everyone. Our guest today is Archangel Michael so with that I’ll pass it over to you Steve.

 Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham and Linda we had the Tsunami of Love livestream on Sunday. What was your experience of it? What have you heard and what can we expect now as the tsunami increases and increases?

 Linda Dillon: Well, thanks for asking, Steve and it’s great to be here. It has been an amazing experience, I think not only for me, basically having Mother Mary move in for the…well, I thought she was moving in for a week but she’s still here, but the experience that people have been sharing in terms of the Tsunami of Love has been incredible. In fact, you know one of the things we always look for, as humans, as our human self, are those sign posts and I know that last week, in fact I wrote an article about it this morning, that Mother Mary had asked for 1000 wave riders to show up and that was going to be in the space of a couple of days, 3 days, and although my human side had questions and doubts, I went ahead and put out the call and of course you assisted on the Golden Age of Gaia and Louisa and all her translators have helped enormously. But on the day of we didn’t even have half that many people registered in order to participate, but when the numbers came in in terms of how many people had actually clicked onto the event, as it were, we had 1139.

 So, we got our 1000 wave riders and then the following day, once it hit in Australia, which was a huge registration, we had…oh I don’t know…by early in the morning we had over 600. So, the response has been phenomenal; I’m not sure how these people are getting the link and frankly I don’t really care, I’m just thrilled.

 What people are writing in and saying that not only did they have a great spiritual experience, but that they are feeling changed in their physical body, in their physical reality, in how they feel about being alive right down to the very core. Now, there’s some people, and I would suspect that those are the people who’s soul contract are to help clear for the collective, who have been going through phenomenal clearing, you know, clearing and cleansing that’s bigger than simply an individual clearing especially after all the work we’ve done. But by and large, people are feeling lighter; they’re seeing the tangible, physical signs in their everyday life about what Mother Mary has shown them in the experience while they were in the Tsunami Meditation or in what they were seeing during her channeling. A lot of people have seen, as they watch the video again, an overlay of Mother Mary or the whole room turning blue…which really isn’t the case because I went and glanced at the video afterwards to make sure, because I was way out there…but people are having these wonderful experiences and it’s only going to increase.

 The thing that Mother Mary woke me up with this morning, well actually two nights ago and then again this morning, was “We’ve just started. This isn’t the ending, this is the beginning.” And sure enough it’s growing and it’s building and this is our push, you know, this is our cleansing, penetration, upliftment, elevation, so that we can just, from the tips of those waves, just jump through that Ascension Portal.

 SB: Umm, well I can tell you I certainly feel more…the words really don’t convey it…I’d like to say substantial or sort of more grounded, more here, more…it’s as if a lot of the things I was clearing, I went through some really huge clearings in the last month…they’re done and I’m out of that and permanently out of that so to speak. So, I’m feeling great.

 LD: And I think that’s one of the things you’re touching on is that people feel more happily grounded, more satisfied about being in their body.

 SB: Yes, right, yeah! Life is becoming fun…

 LD: Finally!

 SB: (Laughter) Yeah, finally, after decades. I’m going to be asking Archangel Michael to give his view as well, so we’ll get that side of the story too. But thank you very much for that event, Linda, it was marvelous and you did a good job.

 LD: Oh, thank you. You know, this came on really fast and the response, for me, has been the confirmation of how we’ve changed. How people have responded has really shown me, up close and personal, that we really are a community, that we all came together around this and did it and I’m still shaking my head. So, thank you!

 SB: And a growing community…I’ll give you some time to make the transition but yes, a growing community, not only the Tsunami of Love team that helped but all the lightworkers who are coming and listening…it’s totally wonderful. So, we welcome Archangel Michael…

 Archangel Michael: And I welcome you for yes, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, brother of your heart, brother of your soul. There are many forms of family, of sacred union, of partnership and that is why I address you as brother and sister and beloved ones this day. This has always been the case, trust me, I didn’t forget, but sometimes you did. I do not say that in a way that is meant to make you feel less-than. I say it in a way of joyous celebration that you my dear hearts are remembering our connection, our familial connection, our partnership, our sacred union that we go forth together in this creation of Nova Earth, of heaven on Earth or is it Gaia in heaven? or is it both? 

So, we are connected and working as we never have before. There are many of you who disclaim this term ‘working.’ It has never been a dirty word to us, it has never been a drudgery because work and service and laughter and play, these are synonymous. And what you are beginning to recall my beloved friends is that it is synonymous for you as well, that it does not need to mean servitude in the sense that you are enslaved but rather where you choose to place your energies, to trade in your joy and to join in communion.

 So, I welcome you. I welcome you as brother and sister, as ally, as friend, as cohort, as colleague, however you wish to slot yourself, I welcome you.

 SB: Thank you, Lord.

 AAM: Where do you wish to begin?

 SB: Well, why don’t we begin with the tsunami livestream? Lord, and have you tell us what the results of it were and to answer the question “have all people shared in those results, not only those who listened to the livestream?”

 AAM: This tsunami has gained momentum and strength and yes, you cannot have a tsunami wave that is not felt, particularly when it is of the Mother, yes, the Divine Mother whom we all bow to. You cannot have this magnitude of an event whether it is spiritual leaking or waving into the physical and not have it effect the entire population of the planet. That is the entire idea; that is the very plan of the Mother. Those who have participated, not merely in the livestream but previously and since that time whether they have done it consciously or whether they have simply subconsciously or unconsciously volunteered are creating and anchoring of this energy and that energy is rippling out to the entire population. But at the same time the tsunami, think of it, the term has been used very specifically by our Mother; this wave is engulfing, covering, drenching the entire planet. That is her intent.

 Now, the more that the human beings consciously choose to step forward and engage in the energy, the more firmly and consciously it is anchored. But it would be an error to think or to believe that it is not effecting and influencing and penetrating and cleansing and lifting up the entire population. It has begun my dear hearts, it is underway.

 So what do you feel? Now, as this channel has conveyed from the Mother, there are various aspects to this energy penetration from the Mother and they are not necessarily sequential…stop…start…stop…because they ebb and flow like the tides and there is the aspect, the element, of cleansing. Now, not only the individual cleansing for all lifetimes, all aspects, what you think of as timelines and dimensionality, there is also upliftment and penetration into your very core, in what you are referring to as your physical body and we would call your entire field of this energy of love.

 Now, what does this really mean? What it means sweet angels is that the cellular memory, the DNA imprint, your soul design is being reactivated to that memory of love, to the truth of who you are. Now you know I love to speak about truth…and so this is a joyous part, this penetration, and you are like a sponge. And when a sponge, no not a sponge in the depths of the ocean, think of a sponge that has been placed in the driest part of the desert, in the most arid climate and it is hard and it is brittle and when there is a drop of rain or a drop of tsunami it is absorbed, but still there is a quality of brittleness, but eventually you become completely moisturized but you continue to absorb and absorb. And that is what you are doing, that is what humanity is doing in this very moment that we speak.

 In many ways this is my favorite part of the tsunami, for many of us, because it is what you can think of as very deep restoration. If you recall, Yeshua has said that this is a year for recovery and then rediscovery; this is recovery at the deepest levels of your body, your mind, your spirit, your being. Then, of course, there is the elevation, the upliftment, the buoyancy. The Mother is the wave and when she lifts you there is nothing like it.

 Now this wave that she has termed the Tsunami of Love is the strongest and yet the gentlest; there may be moments where you are feeling as if you are swept away, but it is swept away in ecstasy and bliss and to come into this place of rediscovery.

 But let me share something that has not been talked about: When the Mother has fully activated this tsunami, do you truly think that you, of humanity, of Gaia, which it is intended for you, we do not claim ownership but we are most certainly sharing in the joy. We are riding these waves with you, no we do not need to go to the clearing or to the absorption, but we are most certainly riding these waves, as are your star brothers and sisters and those from many galaxies, the kingdoms. It is quite interesting to watch some of the mountains and trees riding these waves and might I say, laughing and playing with us and that is where we are inviting you.

 Yes, we know there is a process and that the collective has need to go through this but truly we are quite excited…Come and join us. And if you are fearful in any moment know that you can call on any of us because we are very close at hand.

 Many months ago when you and I, yes your brother, have discussed the event, we have suggested to thee that this was a series of events and there have been many different elements and aspects and stand-alone events, significant in your terms and in ours. And this is one of those events; it is part of the collective events that culminate in the Ascension. We know your hearts and perhaps we know the purity of your heart. Each of you, each of you who listen this night and each of you who listen thereafter, we know the purity of your heart perhaps even more than you do. We know your longing for love, your longing for change, for the Shift, for the Ascension, for a world that works, dear Steve. What we see with this tsunami, with humanity, is that they also begin to see the purity of their hearts and that purity is love, it is joy, it is grace.

 Do the lightworkers lead the way, the pillars, the gatekeepers, the wayshowers? Of course you do, that is why you have come. But there is not a single being upon the planet who has not originally intended to come to Gaia at this time to have this experience of transformation and Ascension. And therefore, our gracious Mother gives this equally to all. Now, do all accept and embrace it equally at the same time? No. But it doesn’t matter. You cannot stop the penetration of the Mother; it is not possible. Her essence that is within you beckons to her essence that is outside of you and the two, my beloved friends, are colliding! And it is time.

 So, what do you think? Is the collective ready? 

AAM: And so do we!

 SB: Is it possible to talk about where we are in our Ascension process at the present time, Lord? 

AAM: It is very possible 

SB: I don’t know what standard and measure you might use? Is there one?

 AAM: Yes, because we have also said this is a process and to use the human terminology, an event, a snap and a process…no the process has not been a snap! I think you would all agree to that…not above or below…but yes. Now since we have spoken very recently about the many lightworkers who have been flying in and out of the Ascension portal, not only doing U-turns but the most popular movement at the moment is a very graceful figure 8, an infinity sign (∞), they are just doing it continually. It is quite interesting to watch. And so since we have made that observation, that initial observation, more and more of the lightworkers have said, “Well if that is possible I am going.” And that includes all of you who are listening. So yes, you have been going, receiving the energies, coming back to, shall we say, your collection route and flowing back through. The tsunami is the preparation and the helping the general humanity. Yes, again the lightworkers are the anchors, the lightworkers are becoming the tsunami, the lightworkers are the breakwater, the lightworkers are key, the lightworkers are our partners.

 So, I do not say ‘soon’, I say that you are at a very high percentile in terms of readiness. So may I use an analogy? Think of it in a couple of ways; if you are going out to a very fancy ball, party, restaurant, you have pretty much finished dressing…oh! you have hemmed and hawed and tried on many different outfits wondering what you should wear to travel inter-dimensionally, to be with Gaia in this Ascension, what you should look like as you should meet the masters, your beloved ones, your guides, but you are dressed and ready. Have you left for the event yet? No, but you are preparing to and I mean this collectively. I’m not speaking to you individually and I’m not speaking aabout those of you who have been flying in and out, but collectively you are ready. Think of it if you have prepared the dinner at home for us and you have cooked our favorite meals…ambrosia, angel food cake…(Laughter)

 SB: I like devil’s food cake myself…

 AAM: Devil’s food cake is delicious. So you know that all is prepared, the table is set, the meal is cooked, and you are ready to serve and sit down…

 SB: How about…

 AAM: Yes, go ahead…

 SB: No, I would like you to finish, Lord, please.

 AAM: Now is that without committing to specific dates and times an adequate analogy?

 SB: Yes, it is. There’s a lot of observers here from all over the multiverse and you’ve been listening to their comments and their observations watching the process, what are they saying as they watch Earth do the first Ascension in the multiverse?

 AAM: They are excited. Now you think that anxiety and I do not mean this in a depressive or a clinical sense, but you think anxiety is simply the purview of humans. It is not. In many situations the observers are in a state of excitement, of relief, and some anxiety.

 SB: Well, why is that?

 AAM: Because there have been so many false starts. So, there is an excitement that everyone is saying, “It’s a go, everything is clearing, the clouds have separated, the sun is shining, everything is ready.” But there is always this tinge of anxiousness, let me put it that way. And I tell you why; because so much depends on it.

 Now, as archangel and servant of the Mother, I also tell you that this is the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan and there has been great flexibility and you think in terms of years but we think in terms of millennia. So there has been great flexibility in the timing of this plan but it is the plan of the Mother. So, in fact, as I often say to our intergalactic observers, “There is no reason for anxiety, there is great reason for excitement. You have Earth, Gaia, humanity as a tremendous cheering squad, but it is the unfoldment of the Mother. So, I say to you, it is a certainty.” This is not a ‘perhaps’ or an ‘if’. No, we are not overriding human free will but when human free will is infused with the Mother’s love the choice is only one and that is to proceed in love. So, from our perspective it is a done deal. 

SB: Well lord, a question for you…

 AAM: Yes.

 SB: …the…one of the big new developments in this Ascension is going with the human body. What have you found, and when I say you I mean the team that is staging Ascension, what are the considerations that are facing you with regard to the human body’s frailty, with regard of not going too fast, burning out the circuits, what are you finding in that area?

 AAM: This is a very good question and it is a question that many of you have posed to me in prayer or even in pain. I will be very frank; the human body has required a lot of work, it is not in great shape. I don’t say that critically but you have asked a very important question. It is so…well it is unique, it is the first, that we are taking this form, you, each of you are taking this form and not merely abandoning it, but bringing it forth inter-dimensionally, to a higher vibration, to what you can think of as a reconstitution. This is also part of the recovery that I have referred to earlier, it is not simply the infusion of the love, it is also the recovery, the strengthening of the body and many are reporting that…the channel forgot to mention that part, but I will help her out.

 So, for decades you know that your body has been shifting and for some of you that began as far back as the Harmonic Convergence, through all these shifts, the 11:11’s, the 12:12’s, the Grand Crosses, the solar flares, but this has been magnified and intensified in the past couple of years, well actually about three and a half to four years. You’re shifting from what you think of as the carbon-based form to a crystalline form which is simply meaning that the structure of your being is more able to not only to hold the higher frequency and vibration but also act as a transmitter. And there are many side benefits in terms of healing and in terms of telepathic communications and simply clarity of downloads. So that has been one thing. 

The thing that we have been most focused on, and this is…I truly do speak for my brother Archangel Raphael, oh yes, and St. Germaine, he is giving me the nod as well, has been the strengthening of the body as we eliminate what you think of as dis-ease, maladies, weaknesses in the human body. Our priority, yes, you have asked about the Ascension team, now I’m telling you, the priority is the elimination of pain because it is very difficult to be in the upliftment, in the elevation, in the bliss when you were in pain. You have moments of bliss and then your body calls you back. That is one of the reason why also for the last while that so many healing ships have been positioned so close to Gaia and have been working completely non-stop; that is an aside that I make.

 You do not have the existence of dis-ease, pain, limitation, in the higher dimension. So, why are we concerned about addressing this while in the, shall we say, the cleaned-up 3rd? Because when you are more dis¬-ease, stronger, more vital, more in your root chakra, then you are fully capable of taking that quantum leap. Additionally, it is a mission of mercy, of compassion, to heal humanity because in that demonstration of the clearing or the lessening of pain, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, they are all in the same bandwidth, in that demonstration what you are receiving is the message, “I am worthy, I am loved” and that is also part of the cleansing and the raising of your vibration, your frequency, your trust factor, your faith factor. So it is complex.

 Now, your next question would be, “Then why am I hearing from so many lightworkers that they are feeling more pain than ever, of one sort or another?” And it is because the pain, the injuries, mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, old ailments, even past life ailments, are coming to the surface to be washed away, to be removed, from the tsunami, from the Mother, from Raphael, from St. Germaine, from your star brothers and sisters, everybody is working on this.

 The idea, the plan, is that your vessels are as vibrant as possible. Now let me be clear about this because I can feel several of you who are out there and saying, “But I am still feeling crippled, I’m still feeling overwhelmed and depressed, I still have heart palpitations, I still have arthritis, my back still hurts.” I speak to you as your brother, as truth, “Your Ascension is not dependent upon your body being fully recovered. It is a benchmark that we are working on achieving.”

 Will there be healing as you pass through the portal? There most certainly will be. Is there magnificent healing in the tsunami? Yes, but do not think, especially those of you who have suffered and cleansed for so many, do not think for one moment that I am going to leave you behind. Our legions will lift you up and carry you through. It is your heart, and the love, and the purity, and the grace that is your passport, your ticket. We simply want your body to be as full and as vibrant as is possible, as you decide, as you have originally designed because do not forget my sweet friends, that this is a return to your true design. And your true design, your soul design, your original architecture did not include dis-ease. And that is also true for Gaia. The ailments, shall we say, that she has endured or suffered as a result of the illusions, and the false grids and paradigms, vasanas of humans, the pollution, the debris, the garbage, the despoiling, this will be healed as well.

 SB: Question, Lord, on some listeners who have aged parents, some of them on their last legs, and they’re all saying, “Will they be brought along, will they be able to ascend, is it possible that someone could pass over at this late date and miss out on Ascension? And of course then there’s the question of whether they would ascend from the other side, but can you address their fears that their aging parents would not be able to ascend please?

 AAM: Their aged parents will ascend if that is what they have chosen to do prior to contract. Now there are many who have been on this cusp and some have said, and this is a soul conversation that they are consciously or unconsciously having with us and with their guardians, some have said, “I just want to stay long enough to see it.” Some have said, “I want to stay long enough to go through and be revitalized.” And some have said…and these are about equal pockets by the way…some have said, “I will go and I will pull them through from the other side.”

 SB: Amazing.

 AAM: So, they will support, until the very last moment, pop over and then pull them through. In all instances, the elderly, the wise ones, even those with dementia, Alzheimer’s, severe conditions, they know what they’re doing. And we also do not simply address those who have aged parents, we also address those who are “terminally ill”. It is about the same break-out.

 SB: I know a fellow who has multiple conditions, from myeloma to kidney failure, he’s on a kidney machine, on his last legs, and it really does appear that he’s holding on for Ascension and so somebody that plagued with conditions can still make it, you are saying?

 AAM: Yes. It is the purity of the heart. Now, do we want as many recovered bodies as possible? Yes, because that is the jettisoning. Is there room for a few who will be restored? Of course there is.

 SB: Well, sorry, why don’t you give me your last comments and then I think there are many listeners who want me to ask you about reval so, I allow you to just finish up on the Ascension.

 AAM: The only thing I wish to say as we conclude in this topic is, “Do not forget the Mother’s mercy and compassion is infinite. So, turn to her, she is right there for you as she is right there for all of us and she never turns us away.” So I am glad that we have spoken of this this day.

 SB: Yes, and thank you for that. If we could turn to the reval for the remaining part of the program, which is about 10 minutes, first of all I think the question that is on everybody’s mind is, “What circumstances are actually holding up the reval at this time?”

 AAM: There truly aren’t very many circumstances, there are minor adjustments that are being made in terms of the, what you think of as the flow of what we would call prosperity and abundance for many, for the transition. There was the necessity, yes, the necessity of the clearing of greed. Lust and control have taken distant back seats because that has really been basically dealt with. But this issue of greed, of covetedness, cannot be part of what we see and so do you, as the sharing of wealth, sharing of what you think of as currency, to reconfigure Nova Earth.

 Now, does heaven, the Company of Heaven, the Mother, deal in cold hard cash and currency? No. Do we deal in spiritual currency? We most definitely do. And let us suggest to you that spiritual currency can be converted in any number of ways and it is certainly the currency of all the Divine Qualities, which you all have been anchoring in accordance with Divine Law, with Universal Law. But there is no room for greed. Now there was a mad rush of greed, oh in the past several months, and that had need to be cleared out. And there was a mad rush of greed even amongst lightworkers and a level of, might we say, of desperation. Desperation has no place either. Yes, we understand your needs; of course we do, we are with you constantly.

 But never mind underestimating us or feeling that we don’t deliver; desperation hinders your own creative process. So, that had need to be dealt with and we are dealing with it still. But the critical factor, greed, yes, desperation number two, number three, the balance of your willingness and practice of give and receive. And this is true, yes particularly for those of you I speak to this night, and thereafter; you have been very good at giving and you have been very good at issuing prayer, of help, help, help, desperation, help, but you have not always been fully open, individually and collectively, but within your heart because of clouds of lack of self worth, lack of acknowledgement of the love of who you are, at truly receiving.

 Now, we have seen a quantum leap in this in the last month. And we do not simply mean on this show or in the Golden Age of Gaia, we mean in the human populous. And a deep recognition that you don’t have one side without the other; it is the balance scales, it is the teeter-totter, it is the see-saw, and it is the stillpoint. And it is not hour for hour, dime for dime, dollar for dollar, deed for deed. That is not the way the universe works. Blessings flow in all kinds of ways and that is why, so often, we speak to you of various forms of currency, of spiritual currency, of your desire to play with currency, to spread it around, to share it, and you have been doing that, intergalactic currency which again is a different form. You will learn about that shortly and some of you already are.

 So, that is what has been, what you can think of as the delay. Are you pretty much there? Yes. Has it begun? Yes.

 SB: Well, that’s very good to know. Now, I have been handed a note from one of our listeners. I know that you’ve said…you’ve addressed this in part already, but perhaps you could just underline what he wishes to hear and that’s that so many are feeling in struggle/survival mode and feeling so challenged, what words of encouragement and hope can he provide in addition to what you’ve said already?

 AAM: Turn to us. Oh, I hear you my friend when you say, “I have turned to you.” May I ask you for a deeper layer of surrender? You say, “Dear Lord, I am desperate.” Give me, give me your desperation and I will give you hope and peace and it is tangible. Do not do this tomorrow, do not do this next week, do this right now and then jump in the waves of the tsunami and open your heart and receive. You are not forgotten. Give me your struggle, please.

 SB: Thank you very much, Lord, for those wise words.

 AAM: Go with my love and go in peace. I love you.

 SB: I love you, Lord.

 AAM: Farewell.

 SB: Farewell.

 Channeled by Linda Dillon 06-12-14 © 2014 Council of Love

Source :

Monday, June 16, 2014

" angelic realm. Kadmon form. human collective. russia, china, eec "

An Hour with an Angel

 On the Angelic Kingdom

7 - June - 2014

 Graham Dewyea: Hello and welcome to a special edition of An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon to discuss the Angelic Kingdoms, Steve Beckow is interviewing. So with that, here’s Archangel Michael.

 Archangel Michael: Greetings I am Michael, welcome, I will try and get everything right.

 Steve Beckow: Yes, indeed. You’ve got your monitors there.

 AAM: And then some. You know very often what you would think of as the organization, of the angelic and archangelic kingdoms, of the various roles, responsibilities, what you would think of as powers is not truly of great concern to the human race. This often is the case simply because they have forgotten from whence they came. And they have also forgotten, in their busy-ness to deal with the human reality, the scope of what lies above and below, not only in terms of the angelics and the archangelic kingdoms but also in terms of the greater universe, multiverse. Now we do not say this in a critical way, for you do have a lot on your plate. And it is more important, first of all that you understand the realm in which you live but it is also important to understand the broader picture.

 So first you have gone to grade school, then middle school, then high school and now you understand you are in graduate school. That is what Ascension is about. It is ascending from any school into the truth and fullness of who you are.

 SB: It’s sort of like not even knowing the kids down the block though.

 AAM: Yes. It is disconcerting and it is disconcerting to you now because it has reached a point where you have progressed or advanced enough that you have raised your frequency that you want to know who your neighbors are.

 SB: Right. Yes.

 AAM: Now before you were simply concerned about who was in your house and who was in your classroom. But the broadening of your being, the expansion of your being, the rising of your frequency creates a situation of curiosity.

 SB: Yes, I’ll turn this over to you and please tell us about the angelic and archangelic kingdoms. We know so little about them. We don’t know how they’re organized, we don’t know what form you appear in, what form is native to you. We don’t know if you live on a dimension or not or how it is that you are able to communicate with us at such a low dimensional level. And there is just so much we don’t know.

 AAM: There is so much you don’t know. (Laughter between Steve & Michael) Where to begin? First of all there have been esoteric studies and channelings of the various levels. Let us group, first of all, angels and archangelics together. Now, let us go back. We know that we have covered this territory before but if we are going to have this conversation let us cover the waterfront, shall we?

 SB: Please.

 AAM: Birthed from the heart of one, birthed from the heart and form, the light, of the Mother as what you can think of as sparks, pinpricks, filaments of light.

 SB: Is this the Atman?

 AAM: Yes, some of us would think of this as the fire element as well. Now, at each step, just like how you have taken many steps to become human, at each step there has been, can we say, differentiation. And so – this is one thing we want to make very clear as we begin – this is not a hierarchy. Human beings have a tendency to think in terms of hierarchical structures, institutions, layers of power. While we have differentiations of power it is not that one is considered higher or lower, stronger or weaker than another. Because in each form there has been a choice of what to transmute or become.

 So the angelics and the archangelics want to be very particular, the seraphim were the first form of the angelics. Now does that mean that every being started as a seraphim? No. What it means is that some of those sparks of light in the expression of what they wish to become, which were beings, formed basically of pure light, of love, stayed as close as possible to home, as it were. That was their choice. Now you still have billions upon billions of sparks of light and this is something that we have never really talked about before, in the Mother’s infinite creation there are still billions of those sparks of light being birthed to this day.

 SB: And these were the seraphims or all of the angels?

 AAM: No, all the angelics, if you take it as a very large group.

 SB: Okay.

 AAM: Then as you know, the second form was the cherubim and these were beings who have a great deal more connection to human beings and to the guarding of the light, of the love, of the Mother/Father/One than is assumed. Cherubim don’t tend to act in an interpersonal way very often, but they do with the human beings, because we are going to make our reference point with the human beings. But they are known to guard the light within you, and that, sweet angels, is very important. They also guard places that are requiring, shall we say, special protection. Now protection simply means an extra shield of light and love. They are guardians often of the temples, of the churches, of the sacred places. The cherubim have been very involved in the protection, the anchoring, and the bringing to Earth of the Cities of Light. And that has never been discussed before.

 They have a tendency to be on call for the Mother, and when she needs, be very clear with this word divine intercession, the cherubim flock to her side to do this work. So there are many of you, my beloved friends, who often pray for divine intercession, not intervention. It is slightly different. And when there is interceding taking place, the cherubim’s energy and light is literally being propelled into either you, your field, the situation, in front of a temple, a sacred vortex, a holy place, and there are many on your planet, so they act as a prevention team. So they intercede before, shall we say, intervention is needed. You tend to think of them as these sweet little Valentine angels that look like chubby children and that is not the case at all. (Laughter)

 SB: And what do they look like?

 AAM: They are massive, often confused with the archangelic realm. So if you were to, in a human way, see a cherubim, you would think of them as 20-25-30 feet high, wings that would expand outward. Now, can they shrink into those cute little babies? Yes. We have – and you know this, my beloved friend, because you have seen me on the street – you know we have the ability to assume any form we want. But as you have put it, what is our native form? Well, the native form of the cherubim is exceptionally big. Think of it. They do not simply watch over Gaia, the sacred places, they are also charged with the omniverse, the galaxies, the intergalactic realm. So they bring energy when it is needed. And inside that energy, of course, is wisdom. Loving wisdom. That is why the cherubim have been so romanticized because what they instill into any situation, place, person, galaxy, is knowledge and wisdom and inside of that is the most massive infusion of gentle love. It is beautiful. And so they are often thought of as very soft and cuddly, and from our perspective they are. They’re very social, both in terms of their desire for unity, they tend to travel together and that is also why you never have a vision of a cherubim, just one. They do their work as a unified force.

 SB: They’re typically, and all angels for that matter, are typically represented in Adam Kadmon form.  Are they really in Adam Kadmon form?

 AAM: More or less.

 SB: Really? So is that is the form that is preferred throughout the universe?

 AAM: Yes. Now take this understanding. The expression of form is the Kadmon. Do we have other expressions? You see, your definition, what is your native form? We appear to you in this form. Do we appear to everyone in this form? Do we appear to one another in this form? Might I say, usually. But I can as easily, as can any of us, appear as an orb, as streamer of color, a flash of light, a sound, a scent, as anything that can be perceived. Your eyes are not the only sense you have. So very often, what you have thought of as the Adam Kadmon form is used as a template on many planets but it is not exclusive or necessarily preferred. When we go to a planet, for example, that does not use that form, we do not appear in that way. So we adjust for whatever universe or dimension we exhibit in. When we are simply, can I say home, which is beyond dimension, our true form is simply light. 

SB: Now you say beyond dimension. So all angels are beyond dimension, is that correct?

 AAM: Yes, now do we inhabit and exhibit and experience dimensionally in order to be with you and with many throughout the universe? Yes, we do.

 SB: So, often we’ve been told “You’re from the 7th dimension,” “You’re from the 9th” or “from the 11th.” We’re talking about angels but that is where they prefer to hang out at the moment.

 AAM: That is where they are alighting.

 SB: Right. So, where are they from? (Laughter) I don’t even know how to talk about it.

 AAM: Okay, think of it in this way. Think of your planet or even think of your galaxy. Then outside of your galaxy you have what you believe to be deep space. Now we also know that deep space contains many other galaxies so keep going and keep going and keep going. Now, when you have gone through all of that think of it as being contained in a bubble, go outside the bubble, that’s where we are.

 SB: Aah. So, transcendental space.

 AAM: Yes. But, also at times the space – now we are going to really confuse you – the space in-between the spaces. We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. 

SB: Right. Wow!

 AAM: Yes, it is bigger than you think.

 SB: Yes. Wow. So you are transcendental?

 AAM: Yes.

 SB: All angels?

 AAM: Yes. Now, do not forget all of us are fueled. We fuel each other. We are fueled by Source. We are fueled by the universe that feeds us. We fuel you and you also fuel us. When you say and express that you love me and when I express and tell you, my sacred brother, that I love you, we are sharing our being and our hearts but we are also fueling each other. This love exchange acts as nuclear rocket fuel. (Laughter) And it propels each of us forward. So, you can have an angelic who is working, say within the earthly atmosphere, for example, guardian angels and we will go back to the glossary in a moment, but, think of guardian angel who basically stays by you throughout the duration of your lifetime, well forever, but during the physical incarnation. They most certainly accompany you and guide, guard, help, love, act as memory joggers. So that love that you share and that they share and that they are sharing simultaneously with other guardian angels who are in the earth’s atmosphere, as it were, they are fueling each other. But they are also able to directly draw on that Source fuel and on the archangelic fuel, on the seraphim fuel. The love is so abundant that they can be fully competent at full power, as it were, even being within the earth’s atmosphere for a hundred years. It is nothing.

 SB: Is it not boring to walk around the company of human beings as they think all their mundane thoughts, etc. day after day?

 AAM: Yes! (Much laughter) But think about it. You know, and we will speak of this a little, guardian angels are truly the troops of heaven. They are amongst the most loving, most committed, most angelic because they are pure love and their power of the number of variables that they are working with to help you with your plan in any given moment would boggle a quantum physicist’s mind. So in fact they are not simply sitting there observing your most mundane actions and thoughts. They are in constant action. Not only nudging you, not only protecting you, not only keeping you out of harm’s way but very gently, like the gentlest spring air pushing, guiding, nudging you towards where you need to be. You have had this very lengthy and detailed plan before you have arrived, in keeping with your bigger divine plan of yourself. So they are exceptionally busy. So do not under-estimate, my beloved friends, the role of the guardian angel. They are the ones, out of all of us, who have the deepest love and soul commitment to your divinity, to your divine spark, that they will stick with you to bring that knowing and love forward, no matter what.

 SB: So in my case it would be Windthrow.

 AAM: Yes, it would be Windthrow. It would be Phoenix and White Cloud as well.

 SB: Are they angels too?

 AAM: Yes they are. Do not let their names deceive you.

 SB: Uh hum, humm, wow. Now, you can be in many, many, many places at once right?

 AAM: Well, I’m a very busy archangel, we all are.

 SB: How many places at once can you be in?

 AAM: How many places can you imagine?

 SB: Wow! Does it get confusing? How do you keep it all straight?

 AAM: That is not an issue. Now I do not, let me put it in human terms, because we truly want you to understand, do I put myself in a million places at once? Well, I’ve been known to. But, do I spread myself thin in human terms? No. Because do not forget we are being fueled by the infinite Source, the eternal Source. And so are you. This is part of the reason we are having this conversation. In explaining how we are and how we work and how we operate, I am also explaining to you how you work, how you are fueled, how you operate. Now, I do not generally position myself in a million places at once. That is extraordinary circumstance. But can I be in many places, hundreds of places? Yes. Consistently.

 SB: No diminution of concentration or forgetting who you’re talking to… (Laugher) I can’t chew gum and think at the same time.

 AAM: There are many times when I bring, for example, when we are talking to the collective, where we bring the fullness of my energy through. And that is what we are doing in this conversation. So yes, you do do many things at once. I do not mean to correct you dear brother, but you can be walking on the street downtown and writing an article in your head.

 SB: Well, yes that’s true.

 AAM: You can be watching a movie and completely be enthralled with Kathleen.

 SB: That’s true too! (Both laughing) That’s usual.

 AAM: You can be visiting your brother and be fully absorbed in the reval or the landings. So think of it, you position yourself in many places. You just don’t tend to think that your full energy can be, but part of your Ascension and part of your interdimensionality, which is delightful, is understanding more and more how you are and how you can be in many places at once with no distraction. So it is not that you are distracted, “Oh, I am talking to somebody but I’m really thinking about my phone bill is overdue”. That is not what we are talking about. We are talking about being fully present in many places at once.

 SB: Well, that experience awaits us.

 AAM: You have had a taste of it.

 SB: When was that, lord?

 AAM: Every single day! When you are walking and you are thinking of the coffee you are going to have; or you are thinking about whether this stranger on the street is me or not; or whether you are going to get the article posted in time; whether you are going to make your meeting or not. These are not just random thoughts. So pay attention. Have fun with it. About where you are sending your energy. For example, I can be speaking fully and completely to you. I do not give you the fullness of my energy because it would blow all of your channels but I step it down enough so that you know it is me, you feel the energy and you are feeling it increasingly higher, higher, bigger, bigger. But if the Mother beckons to me, I am there. But it does not mean that I leave you.

 SB: Hard to imagine.

 AAM: We are stretching your imagination of what is possible these days. You have asked about the power. Wait! I wish to say something about the seraphim. Because often we have also spoken about the angels of pink and how they are the defenders of the throne of God. So understand the defenders of the throne of God, the pinks and the seraphim are one and the same.

 SB: Those who stand in the face of God?

 AAM: Yes. Well they always face the throne, dear heart.

 SB: But that’s how they’re known to earthlings, those who stand in the face of God?

 AAM: They are known in different ways in different realities, but yes on earth you are correct. So, let us go back. How much can we do? Well, we have told you about the work of your guardian angels and we are continually shocked, puzzled, dumbfounded (now I use human terms), about why human beings do not fully embrace, work with, their guardian angels. It is a gift specific to each of you. It is not enslavement on the part of the guardian angel. It is their choice because they are part of you. No, they are not your higher self. They are not your universal self. They are not your stranger but they are definitely part of your matrix. And when you leave your form, who do you think accompanies you? Who do you hang out with and explore the universe and reacquaint yourself with, old friends and new? Your guardian angels, they have committed to the Mother to watch over you and to help you with the fulfillment of your mission and purpose. And so often they are overlooked. People have this hierarchical point of view that they have the connection to the ascended masters, to us, to the archangels, to the seraphim, to the throne. No, that is like saying that you prefer your connection to us. Do we work directly with you? Yes, we do, as archangels, and we work on, can we say, tissues of a very large magnitude. We, in many ways, work with the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan with, well for your terms, with the humans. But as you well know we also work with the star beings, with the galactics, with the intergalactics, with different life-kinds of forms, with the kingdoms, with the elementals. Why, there is no one that we won’t interact and talk to.

 Why? Because we are committed. Where we assumed form was in the archangelic form to be the emissaries of the Mother. So each of us, although you tend to think, and you are correctly thinking by the way, that each of us has particular areas of responsibility. We are the emissaries of the Mother.

 SB: You also, I think you seem to suggest in one discussion I had with you, that you have jurisdictions in the sense that one archangel might be know on Halion, Andromeda and CeeCeeCee and then another one might be known on Earth and the Halion archangel might not be known on Earth.

 AAM: That is correct.

 SB: So, can you talk a little bit about, I don’t know if I can call this jurisdiction, but can you talk a little bit about that?

 AAM: Now, you can talk about jurisdiction in so far as a mission. So, for example, I am not restricted to my work with Gaia and humans. My mission is related to the anchoring of peace and of truth because these are interchangeable, so closely connected you cannot have one without the other. For a very long time my primary focus, which you will be glad to hear, is humans; now that does not mean that I have not been seen on Arcturus or Venus or Halion, that I am not a regular visitor to Sirius. But the primary focus of what we are working on right now is the human Ascension. And you say, “But that is so recent” and what I say to you, my beloved friend is that we have been working, and this give you an idea of our patience, we have been working on human Ascension and recovery for millions of years.

 SB: Wow! And you’re using humans to refer only to Earth, right? I thought Sirians were humans? 

AAM: I am talking right now about the human collective on Gaia.

 SB: Okay.

 AAM: Oh, we have been working with humans for billions of years.

 SB: Yes.

 AAM: And there are many humanoids, well you will see as you encounter your star brothers and sisters, your family, that the humanoid form is the largest percentage of forms throughout the multiverse.

 SB: Again, Adam Cadmon template?

 AAM: Yes.

 SB: Why is that preferred, lord?

 AAM: It was a design that could incorporate a magnitude of light that would resemble and allow beings, who were in that form, to shift back to their angelic form very easily.

 SB: And who designed it?

 AAM: The Mother. She is the ultimate architect, you know.

 SB: Yes, and just for our listeners the Mother and the Father are not different. 

AAM: They are one.

 SB: Yes, they are one.

AAM: You differentiate for purposes of clarity and understanding. But you do not differentiate in terms of when you think of as Source, and that is why I have used this term today, to say that we are fueled by Source. Now, in our jurisdiction – and does this mean that I cannot help Raphael with healing or that Gabrielle cannot help me with communication? She is very fussy on communication you know. It is part of her organization skills. So, do we help each other? Yes. What power do we have in your terms to override, manipulate, manifest, change what is taking place? Because this has really been a question of all lightworkers, “Why don’t you do something?”

 SB: Yes! Why don’t you teach the dark a lesson and get the reval here? (Steve laughs)

 AAM: Because we know in working with you that you can do it with us. Now, are there things that you will never know of that we do override, places where we do intercede and intervene? Every single moment, of every single hour, of every single day, as you measure it and as we measure it. But because you are not cognizant of the overrides, nor do you need to be, because you don’t see them as yet, you will soon, you think that we are doing nothing. We have prevented nuclear devastation. We have prevented global disintegration. We have prevented wars and mayhem. We have prevented tidal waves. We have prevented or softened earthquakes. We have prevented or shifted human interest and beliefs, not overriding free choice but exposing billions, all at once, to accept a new idea. And you are seeing that. You are seeing it in the acceptance of humanity of your star brothers and sisters, of the angelic realm, of star technology that is in the homes of every person pretty much. And so, you think that we are not doing things, you think that your star brothers and sisters are not doing things, but in fact we are.

 Gabrielle has been the chief administrator in the governments of every super power for the last couple of years.

 SB: Do they know that? Are they aware of her presence?

 AAM: Oh, no. But she is shifting. Why do you think, let us use, for example, not only the United States government, not only the rift between the Senate and the Congress, the split in Congress, but the increasing split, shall we say between the areas of government, the Administration, the Judiciary, what we would call the Military, the actual functioning of government. Why has it ground to a stop and why in fact has government, the business of government, been so rocky? Well, I will tell you why…because Gabrielle and I are very involved. She is involved in the reorganization and restructuring of how that spread of money works. That is why so many light workers are turning their attention to government, one way or another.

 The old, which does not serve, cannot proceed. So it is limping along while this greater, shall we say undercover, but manifesting in different ways, reorganization is taking place. It is true in China. It is true in the Middle East. It is true in Russia. It is true in the EEC. So there is much taking place. It looks like stalemate because it is. Now everyone is saying it’s because this party or that party will not give in. And that is true. Because what you are seeing is none of the old ways of what people think of as politics and the operation of government, the expression of politics, works. So it has literally ground to a halt. So that it can emerge like the phoenix, dear heart. Why do you think that you have named your guardian angel “Phoenix”? It is to remind you that you also emerge, as does your mission, like the phoenix from the ashes of what feels like destruction.

 So there are things that we are doing that you are not fully aware of. And then there are things that you are aware of, that we are allowing you to see, such as the magnificent gifts of the Mother, such as containment, such as inviting you, begging you, to be in this partnership with us. And we are yearning to be in this partnership.

 SB: Right. It’s easy to see how I can be in this partnership, Lord, given that I and the others on InLight Radio do a radio show but it may not be as easy for other people who don’t do radio shows and things like that to know how they can be in partnership.

 AAM: I will make it very simple. Choose your favorite archangel. I hope you choose me. (Both laughing) It is a good thing that we are allowed to tease and play with each other. I would not be chastised for such a statement because we see it as a joke and that is one of the things we want you to do with us and more as well. Play with us. Joke with us. Treat us as your allies, as your best friends. Every day, simply say to me, Michael, from your heart, always from your heart, “Michael, what would you wish me to do today?”

 SB: Oh, I love that direction!

 AAM: It is that simple.

 SB: OK.

 AAM: And it will be one word or a vision or a picture or an inclination, “I have never been to the zoo and I have to go to the zoo today; the people need me.” “The animals need me.” ” I need to be in nature today.” ” I need to go swimming today.” “I need to pray today.” “I need to be quiet today. That is what Michael is asking me.” And do it!

 SB: I think Kathleen gets that a lot [hears instructions].

 AAM: Yes, she does. Kathleen: Thank you…thank you for talking to us.

 AAM: And when you do it, it is reinforced so that the messages become clearer and clearer and clearer. It is the same with your guardian angels. “What do you want me to do today? What should I do next? Yes, or no?” And proceed bravely. We will not let you misstep! That is a guarantee. 

SB: Wow! Well I want to be considerate to Linda in so far as we’ve gone over our hour but again I leave that up to you.

 AAM: Well, I will release you but we will continue this conversation because many want to know. And many on this side want you to know.

 SB: Oh yes. I have no doubt about that, Lord.

 AAM: Go with my love.

SB &  Kathleen: Thank you!

 AAM: Now what do I want you to do today? (Laughter of Steve & Kathleen). It is a fifty-fifty, write and play.

 SB: Ok, but I’m the writer. Kathleen is not necessarily the writer….

 AAM: Oh, she is. (Laughter of Steve and Kathleen)

 Kathleen: I have some writing to do.

 AAM: And the writing is play. Go with my love, dear hearts.

 SB: Thank you very much.

 AAM: Farewell. SB & Kathleen: Farewell.

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